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1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1

2.0 GEOLOGY OF THE AREA ....................................................................................................... 1
3.0 SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................... 1
4.0 SITE EXPLORATION: .............................................................................................................. 3
5.0 LABORATORY TESTING ....................................................................................................... 4
6.0 CLOSURE ................................................................................................................................ 9

SECTION-1 (Ch.- 159+409 Km & Ch.- 159+431 Km)

Vehicular Underpass
7.0 FINDINGS OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION................................................................ 11
8.0 PROPOSED DEPTH & TYPE OF FOUNDATIONS ................................................................ 12
9.0 CONCLUSION WITH RECOMMENDATIONS: ....................................................................... 13

SECTION-2 (Ch.- 157+083 Km, & Ch.- 157+183 Km)

10.0 FINDINGS OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION................................................................ 17
11.0 PROPOSED DEPTH & TYPE OF FOUNDATIONS ................................................................ 18
12.0 CONCLUSION WITH RECOMMENDATIONS: ....................................................................... 20

SECTION-3 (Ch.- 161+534 Km, & Ch.- 162+016 Km)

13.0 FINDINGS OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION................................................................ 23
14.0 PROPOSED DEPTH & TYPE OF FOUNDATIONS ................................................................ 24
15.0 CONCLUSION WITH RECOMMENDATIONS: ....................................................................... 25

SECTION-4 (Ch.- 162+122 Km & Ch.- 162+144 Km)

Minor Bridge
16.0 FINDINGS OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION................................................................ 29
17.0 PROPOSED DEPTH & TYPE OF FOUNDATIONS ................................................................ 30
18.0 CONCLUSION WITH RECOMMENDATIONS: ....................................................................... 32
Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC


M/s Marc Surveying System is being awarded the Construction of 6 lane flyovers at
Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches
from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state
of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis..

A detailed geotechnical exploration at different locations along the proposed alignment

was planned for comprehensive study and to confirm the subsoil conditions and to
establish the various soil parameters and its behavior, to assess the general stability of
site proposed for bridge to enable an adequate and economic design, to determine the
changes that may arise in ground and environmental conditions and to plan the best
method of construction etc.


The diversified geological conditions, topographical characteristics, climatic situations and

vegetation types have favour the formation of different types of soil in the state. The soils
of Assam can broadly be divided into four main groups, viz. alluvial soils, piedmont soils,
hill soils and lateritic soils.

The alluvial soils are extensively distributed over the Brahmaputra and Barak plain and
are very fertile. The alluvial soils can further be divided into two main sub types-young
alluvial and old alluvial soils. The young alluvial soils is characterized by modern alluvium
deposits. The colour of these soils is generally gray to molted gray. On the other hand, the
old alluvial soils occurs in some patches of Kokrajgar, Barpeta, Nalbari, Kamrup, darrang,
Sonitpur, Lakhimpuir and Dhemaji district. Generally, the old alluvial soils are very deep
with fine loams to coarce loams in texture. The piedmont soils are confined to the northern
narrow zone along the piedmont zone of the Himalayan foothills. The soils are very deep
and fine to coarse loamy in texture. The hill soils are generally found in the southern hill
regions of the state. These soils are deep, dark grayish brown in colour and fine to coarse
loamy in texture. The lateritic soils are extensively occurring in N.C. Hills district and in
some parts of the southern Karbi Plateau. These soils are dark and finely textured with
heavy loams.


The scope of soil exploration for this project includes the following:

4.1 Mobilization of men and equipment to the proposed site, setting up of the
equipment and conducting the field investigations on land and demobilization after
fieldwork is completed satisfactorily.

The field work to be done at site comprised of:

4.2 The borings were progressed using a shell and auger to the specified depth or
refusal, whichever is encountered earlier. Where caving of the borehole occurred,

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

casing was used to keep the borehole stable. The work was in general
accordance with IS: 1892-1979.

3.2.1 Making 150 mm diameter bore holes at specified locations using power
operated winch driven shell & auger equipment up to the depth specified
depth in soil strata (40.0 m in the present case). Sinker bars were to be
used depending on the requirement. Chiseling was to be done to penetrate
hard strata, to puncture the local obstruction like boulder or to confirm the
commencement of rock strata.

3.2.2 Conducting standard penetration tests in bore holes in all types of soils,
disintegrated/weathered rocks during boring activity at 1.5 m interval or at
every change of strata whichever occurs earlier.

The blow counts for SPT Test shall be terminated when combined blow
count exceeds 100 (called as refusal) for the last 300 penetration of the

3.2.3 Collecting undisturbed & disturbed soil samples in soil strata at regular

3.2.4 Recording the depth of ground water table on its full stabilization in all the
bore holes in case of its occurrence.

4.3 Testing the representative soil/rock/water samples/as per approved schedule of

tests in the laboratory.

A) On soil Samples
(a) Natural moisture content
(b) Dry density
(c) Particle size analysis
(d) Atterberg’s limits
(e) Specific Gravity
(f) Direct shear test
B) Chemical Test on Water/Soil sample
(a) pH value
(b) Sulphate content
(c) Chloride content
4.4 Describing sub-soil strata and preparation of bore logs.

4.5 Preparing & submitting the geotechnical report in triplicate after summarizing the
field and laboratory tests for comments of client/engineering consultant.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

The geotechnical investigation report included as follows:

(a) Geological History and geographical background of the area
(b) Total scope of work.
(c) Brief description of procedure adopted for field and laboratory tests.
(d) Detailed Borelog (Sub soil profile) in approved format indicating all field observations
and results including GWT after proper modifications in light of laboratory test along
with commencement and completion date. Observations of peculiar conditions such
as artesian conditions, sand blow, water loss, sudden penetration of drill rod etc if

(e) Laboratory identification and results in approved tabular and graphical form with a
summary of all test results for individual borehole/field test

(f) True cross sections/profile of all boreholes &/or trial pits with reduced levels, position
of borehole/trial pit, thickness and classification of each stratum, GWT, N value,
other in-situ tests, sampling, at different depths for obtaining realistic idea about the
stratigraphy and consistency.

(g) All geotechnical parameters like natural moisture content & bulk density, specific
gravity, consistency limits and particle size distributions, consolidation test (Cc, Cr,
v, Mv, Pc, eo, k etc), shear strength test (c, E etc.), earth pressure co-efficient (Ko,
Ka, Kp), co-efficient of permeability (Kv, Kh) etc. whichever is applicable along with
all relevant graphs, charts, diagrams like stress-strain curves, Mohr’s Circle, e-log p,
time-settlement curve, grain size curve.

(h) Recommendations for the foundation system. For shallow foundation, Net Safe
Bearing Capacity along with settlement for various foundation sizes for different
depths. For foundations on soil IS: 6403, IS: 8009 (Part I & Part II), IS: 2911, IRC:
78 etc. as applicable
(i) Recommendations for ground improvement in case of weak subsoil, expansive clay,
liquefaction, an artesian condition etc if any.


4.1 The required equipment and team were mobilized to the site for carrying out the
required field work. The locations for bore holes and depths adopted were given by
the engineer-in-charge. All the boreholes and tests on samples collected were
carried out in the presence of the representative of site-in-charge. Borehole
location plan are enclosed.
4.2 All the boreholes of 150 mm diameter in soil strata were bored using shell and
auger method. Casing was used as per requirement to retain the boreholes.

The details of the various bores/ tests conducted at site are given as below-

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

4.3 The standard penetration tests were conducted at 1.5 m intervals up to the depth
of exploration.

For conducting SPT, IS Code: 2131-1981 was followed. After reaching the required
depth of test, the bottom of the bore hole was cleaned properly and spoon is
properly and centrally seated in position in the borehole. Standard split spoon
sampler attached to lower end of “A” drill rods was driven in the bore holes by
means of standard hammer of 63.5 kg falling freely from a height of 75 cm. The
sampler was driven 45 cm. and the number of blows required for each 15 cm.
penetration were recorded. The number of blows for the first 15 cm. penetration
was considered as seating drive. The number of blows for last 30 cm penetration
was designated as SPT ‘N’ value. SPT soil samples obtained from standard split
spoon sampler for all the above standard penetration tests were collected in
polythene bags, sealed, labeled and sent to the laboratory for testing.

4.4 The undisturbed soil samples were collected in good quality thin walled seamless
tubes, dia. of 100 mm and length of 450 mm with area ratio less than 15%. The
UDS tubes are gently pushed in soil using hydraulic push rig/gently hammering
action. After retrieval of UDS tube from the borehole, ends of the tube with sample
were sealed with freshly molten wax of minimum 20mm thick, properly labeled,
marked an arrow showing upward direction and dispatched to laboratory for
testing. At site sample tubes were covered with wet gunny bags.

4.5 On encountering the water table, its depth was recorded everyday in each
borehole prior to resumption of day’s work. The observation of depth of water table
was continued for next seven days in the completed boreholes. When it was fully
stabilized, the depth was recorded as depth of water table.

4.6 Ground water samples were collected from bore holes in an airtight clean bottle,
properly labeled, sealed and sent to the laboratory of its chemical analysis test.
Before collecting ground water sample, it was ensured that no external water was
added before collection of sample.

4.7 Soil sample ware collected from bore holes as per approved schedule and
chemical test were conducted on it in the laboratory.


5.1 Grain Size Analysis

For this purpose an oven dry pulverized soil sample is sieved through the set of
sieves 20mm, 10mm, 4.75mm, 2.0m, 1.0m, 600micron, 300micron, 150micron and
75micron. The amounts of soil retained on each sieve are noted down. The %
retained, cumulative % retained and % passing are computed by these retained

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

If the % passing 75 micron sieve is appreciable, Hydrometer method is used to find

the % fraction of particle sizes from 75micron to 2micron.

5.2 Liquid Limit

For liquid limit Casagrande apparatus is used. For this test air dry soil sample
passing 425micron is taken and mixed with distilled water to give a stiff and
homogeneous paste and is left for sufficient time for maturing in an air light

A portion of the above paste is kept in the cup of Casagrande apparatus, a groove
is cut with groove cutting tool and blows are imported by turning the handle at the
rate of 2 revolutions per second. The numbers of blows are counted till the
continuous contact of the bottom of the groove occurs.

Few quantity of soil from the close portion of the groove after the contact occurs,
are taken and its water content is determined by over drying method.
The liquid limit (WL) is computed by the equation.

Where Wn=water content (% corresponding to n blows)

e = 0.092 for soils with WL<50
= 0.12 for soils with WL>50

5.3 Plastic Limit

For this test sample is prepared in the same way as for liquid limit test. A ball is
formed of sub sample weighting about 5 gm. This ball is rolled between the fingers
of one hand and the glass plate with pressure sufficient to reduce the mass into a
thread of about 3 mm in 5 to 10 complete forward and back movements. When a
diameter of 3 mm is reached, soil is again remolded into a ball.
The process of rolling and remolding is repeated until the thread starts just
crumbing at a diameter of 3 mm.

The crumbled thread is immediately transferred to an airtight container for

determination of its moisture content by oven drying method.

This water content is termed as plastic limit. (WP)

5.4 Plasticity Index

The plasticity index Ip is given by


M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

5.5 Water Content

For this test the soil sample of known quantity (Wm) is taken in a container. The
container with this soil sample is placed in an oven for drying at 105-110ºc for 16-
24 hours. After drying the dry sample is again weighed to determine the dry weight
of sample (Wd)
The moisture content is computed by the following equation:

5.6 Dry Density & Bulk Density

For determination of bulk density, a sample of known volume ‘V’ is extracted from
the undisturbed sample. Its bulk weight ‘W’ and moisture content ‘Wn’ is
determined by oven drying method.

The bulk density is determined by following equation

and dry density by

5.7 Specific Gravity

The specific gravity of soil sample is determined by density bottle method. For this
test 5-10g (w2) sample of oven dry, cool soil is taken in 50ml capacity density bottle
and its weight is noted down. The soil is covered with distilled water and left for
sufficient period for suitable soaking. The entrapped air is removed by vacuum.
The soil in bottle is filled full with water and it is noted down as w3. The mass of
empty bottle (w1) and bottle with full distilled water also noted (w4).

The specific gravity is found by the following equation.


5.8 Direct Shear Test

For this test shear box test apparatus is used. The prepared specimen from
remolded/undisturbed sample is placed carefully in the box. The plain grid is kept
on top of the specimen with its serrations at right angles to the direction of shear.
The upper porous stone is placed on the grid and loading pad on the stone. The
box with specimen is gently placed in the container (water jacket). The specimen is
submerged with water. The container is mounted with the shear box and the
specimen inside, on the shearing machine. The upper part of the box is so
adjusted that it touches the proving ring. The jack is brought forward to bear up
against the box container. The proving ring dial gauge is set to read zero.

The steel ball is placed in the recess of the loading pad. The loading yoke is set in
contact with the steel ball on the loading pad. Vertical displacement dial gauge to

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

read zero in contact with the top of the yoke. The normal load is applied and any
change in thickness of specimen is recorded. Shear displacement dial gauge is
also set to read zero. The locking screw is now removed and two parts of the shear
box are separated by advancing the spacing screws.

The specimen is sheared at constant rate of strain. The readings of the proving
ring dial gauge are noted down every 15 seconds for the first one-minute and then
every 30 seconds thereafter. The reading of change in the thickness dial gauge
and shear displacement dial gauge are also recorded at the same time interval.
The test is continued until the specimen fails. The specimen is assumed to fail
when the proving ring dial gauge starts receding or at shear displacement of
approximately 15% of the length takes place.

The soil is removed from the box and test is repeated on the identical specimen
under increased normal load.

For consolidated undrained test the specimen is prepared and set in the apparatus
as above and after submergence, the specimen is allowed to consolidate fully
under normal loads. The specimen is then sheared as in undrained test. At the end
of the test, the specimen is removed and its final water content is determined. The
test is repeated on other identical specimen in similar way under increasing normal

For drained test, after completion of consolidation under a particular normal load,
specimen is sheared at a slow rate to allow the pore water inside the specimen
drain out. Final water content of failed specimen is determined. The test is
repeated on other identical specimen after consolidation under increasing normal

5.9 Triaxial Shear Test

For this test Triaxial Shear Test apparatus with pore pressure measurement
apparatus is used. The porous disc or plain disc, depending on the test conditions
is placed on the pedestal of the triaxial cell. The specimen is placed centrally on
the disc. A correct size membrane is fitted inside the stretcher with ends of
membrane folded over those of the stretcher. Vacuum is applied to stretch the
membrane to the inside surface of the stretcher is carefully slipped around the
specimen kept on the pedestal. The vacuum on the membrane is released. Its
bottom part is rolled down into the pedestal. Depending on the type of test porous
or plain disc is placed on the top of the specimen and then pressure pad is placed.
The top part of membrane is rolled on to the pressure pad. Now the stretcher is
removed and ends are sealed with ‘O’ rings.

With the properly sealed specimen placed centrally on the pedestal, the cell is
assembled, keeping the loading piston initially clear of the pressure pad of the
specimen. The assembly is placed in the loading frame.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

For unconsolidated undrained test, the bottom drainage value (BDV) and top
drainage value (TDV) of cell, is closed and air release valve (ARV) is opened. The
cell is filled with water through the cell water value CWV. ARV is closed when
water begins to escape through it. The cell pressure is raised to the desired value
and kept constant till the end of the test.

If initially unsaturated specimen is to be saturated before the test, the specimen is

mounted in the cell with porous disc. The specimen is saturated by back pressure
saturation method.

When the cell pressure is applied, the load piston rises upward, the loading
machine is operated at the anticipated rate to bring the load piston slightly above
the pressured pad of the specimen and the load measuring dial gauge on proving
ring is set to zero.

The piston is brought just in contact with pressure pad by hand operation of the
machine. The axial compression dial gauge is mounted and set to read zero.
The axial loading is started at constant rate of strain. Simultaneous readings on the
load and compression dial gauges are noted down. The test is continued until a
recession of the axial load is observed.
After failure, the specimen is unloaded by reversing the loading machine, cell
pressure is reduced and cell water is drained out after opening the ARV. The cell is
dismantled and the specimen is taken out rubber membrane is removed and
weight of the failed sample and its water content is determined.

The test is repeated on two more identical specimens with increasing cell pressure.

For consolidated undrained test, first the specimen is saturated by back pressure
saturation. The saturated specimen is then consolidated fully under a cell pressure.
After consolidation is complete, the axial load is applied and the test is conducted
as for undrained test. The pore pressure developed during the undrained test
portion is measured by the pore pressure measuring system. After the completion
of test, pore pressure apparatus and mercury control system is disconnected, cell
is dismantled and sample is taken outside to determine its weight and final water
content. The test is repeated on three identical specimens using increasing cell
pressure for consolidation.

For consolidated drained test, the specimen is first allowed to consolidate under a
confining pressure as in consolidated undrained test. Then sample is failed under
drained condition. After consolidation is complete, the axial load is applied and the
test is conducted as for undrained test. The pore pressure developed during the
undrained test portion is measured by the pore pressure apparatus. After
completion of test the pore pressure apparatus. After completion of test the pore
pressure apparatus and mercury control system is disconnected, cell is dismantled
and sample is taken outside to determine its weight and final water content. The
test is repeated on three identical specimens using increasing cell pressure for

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

5.10 Chemical Analyses of Subsoil and Ground Water Samples:-

The chemical analysis tests on subsoil sample indicates that the pH value, chloride
content and sulphate content are within permissible limits and Ordinary Portland
Cement or Portland Slag Cement or Portland Pozzolana Cement can be used for
RCC work. The minimum cement content and maximum free water-cement ratio
shall be maintained as per IS: 456, 2000. Refer to the Test results attached in this


We appreciate the opportunity to submit this Soil Investigation Report. The above
recommendations have been made on the basis of in situ tests and laboratory tests conducted
on the samples collected from the boreholes explored at the locations (as per location plan). If
during excavation, any unusual or abnormal features are noticed, these may be brought to the
attention of geotechnical consultant before proceeding with construction work for further

The detailed Geotechnical Investigation Reports, chainage wise are being presented herewith
enclosed as Appendices.

For M/s Marc Surveying System.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

(Ch.- 159+409 Km & Ch.- 159+431 Km)
Vehicular Underpass

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC


The classification of subsoil strata met at this site was done according to IS: 1498-1970. The test results can
be summarized as below-

Borehole wise Summary

The subsoil strata from 0.0 to 1.00 m consists of Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel. Then underlain
by Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand (SP-SM) upto 4.50 m depth and Very stiff brown clayey
silt with gravel, medium plastic (CI) upto 10.50 m depth. Then Very stiff grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) is
met upto finally explored depth of 40.00 m.

The subsoil strata from 0.0 to 1.00 m consists of Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel. Then underlain
by Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand (SP-SM) upto 3.00 m depth and Stiff brown clayey silt
with gravel, medium plastic (CI) upto 6.00 m depth. Then Very stiff grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) upto
30.00 m depth and Hard grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) is met upto finally explored depth of 40.00 m.

Table no. 1
Bore Hole Wise Details Of Subsoil Strata.
Depth,m Soil Range of Soil properties
From To Classification N value
0.00 1.00 Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel - -
Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand
1.00 4.50 3-10 DST c=0.00 kg/cm2, Ø=30 º
Very stiff brown clayey silt with gravel, medium
4.50 10.50 16-26 UUT c=0.70 kg/cm2, Ø=5 º
plastic (CI)
10.50 40.00 Very stiff grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) 31-45 UUT c=1.90 kg/cm2, Ø=6 º
WATER TABLE: 2.90~3.40 m

The layer wise properties of the subsoil strata encountered at this site and used in design are given in
following table no. 2.
Table No. 2
Layerwise Properties of Subsoil Strata
Depth, m Effective unit Shear Parameters Earth Pressure Coefficients
From To Weight, gm/cc C (kg/cm2) Ø (degree) k0 ka kp
0.00 1.00 0.84 - - - - -
1.00 4.50 0.87 0.00 30 0.50 0.33 3.00
4.50 10.50 0.95 0.70 5 0.91 0.84 1.19
10.50 40.00 0.99 1.90 6 0.90 0.81 1.23

The Detail description of subsoil strata encountered along with various laboratory test results are
presented in the respective bore log given in soil profile enclosed in Annexure -1 of this report.

The subsoil profile depicting the distribution of the various subsoil strata along the alignment along with N
values (observed/corrected) and other strength parameters with depth are given in subsoil profile
enclosed with this report.

The SPT Curve & Table (No/Nc), Grain Size Analysis Curve, Mohr Circle Diagrams etc. are enclosed
with this report.


The ground water table was encountered at 2.90~3.40 m in the borehole below existing ground surface
during boring activities at site. However, as the surface water may percolate in heavy rainy season hence for
the design purposes effect of ground water table can be considered at ground surface.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC


Depending upon the visual examination of soil & field strata, field and laboratory test results and the type of
structures proposed at this site, the safe bearing capacity of sub-soil strata for proposed bridge (Raft footing/open
foundation) have been analyzed. Scour is considered negligible for the purpose of analysis. The details of the
proposed foundations are presented in the following paragraph:

The top strata (up to 4.50 m depth) of soil at this site are Fine Sand, which are very much prone to liquefaction
during earthquake. Detailed Liquefaction analysis is attached to this report. So open foundation at this site are not
recommended. However Safe Bearing Capacity for open foundation has been provided if liquefaction is ignored.

Raft footing of widths 6.0 m & open foundation of 3.0 m cast at 2.0, 3.0 & 4.0 m depth below natural ground surface,
if proper ground protection considered to stop scouring near the foundation.

To support the structural loads of superstructure, we recommend the use of pile foundations as the top
strata is liquefiable. We recommend the use of 1000 and 1200 mm diameter piles.


Shear and settlement failure criteria as per IS: 6403- 1981, IS: 8009 (part-1)-1976 and IS: 1904-1986
have been considered to compute the safe / allowable bearing capacity of underlying soil strata for
Proposed Bridge.

The safe/allowable bearing capacity from both criteria is given as follows: -


The net safe bearing capacity of sub-soil strata has been computed by considering average of
general and local shear failure using the following equation for calculating the net ultimate bearing
Qnu = 2/3 C N‘c Sc dc ic+q (Nq’–1) Sqdqiq+1/2 γ BNγ’Sγdγ iγ × W’
The following lowest soil parameters at foundation depth level are selected from bore hole for

C=0.00 T/m2 Ø=30 ˚

Average Shear Parameters are computed by the following equation by iteration:


tan Ø av=(h1 tan Ø1+h2 tan Ø2+----------+hn tan Øn)/h

where, h =0.5×B×tan (45+ Øav/2) below foundation level

and Ci, Øi, hi-cohesion, angle of friction and thickness of ith layer below foundation level and upto
thickness h respectively.

Shape factors have been taken as follows: -

Sc = Sq = 1 + 0.2 B/L, Sγ = 1 – 0.4 B/L (for raft footing)

Effective density: -
0.00 m to 1.00 m : 0.84 t/cu.m
1.00 m to 4.50 m : 0.87 t/cu.m
4.50 m to 10.50 m : 0.95 t/cu.m
10.50 m to 40.00 m : 0.99 t/cu.m

Depth factors:
dc=1+0.2×of/B tan (45º+ Øav/2) =

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

dq=dγ=1 to 0.1×Df/B tan (45º+ Øav/2)

Water correction factor (w)’ = 0.50

Factor of safety F.O. S=2.5

Using the above equation and parameters, the following values of net safe bearing capacity have been
computed in following table no. 3.
Table no. 3
Net Safe Bearing Capacity Based On Shear Failure Criterion
Depth of foundation below Type of Width of footing Net safe bearing
natural ground level (m) foundation (m) (m) capacity (t/m2)
Open 3.0 m 17.3
Raft 6.0 m 23.4
Open 3.0 m 23.8
Raft 6.0 m 29.3
Open 3.0 m 30.9
Raft 6.0 m 35.5


The settlement of sandy layers below the foundation level and up to the zone of Influence are computed by
using the chart of settlement vs SPT ‘N’ given on page 17 of IS 8009, part-I.

For Raft footings, the zone of influence below the foundation depth is considered equal to 2.0B, where B is
the width of foundation. The total permissible settlements have been considered as 25, 50 & 75 mm.

The soil parameters have been adopted from the following table no. 4.
Table no. 4
Settlement Parameters (N Observed)
Depth below Ground level (m) N Observed
0.00-1.00 -
1.00-4.50 3-10
4.50-10.50 16-26
10.50-40.00 31-45

The values of net allowable pressure intensities computed based on the above selected soil parameters
are given in following Table no. 5.
Table No. 5:
Net Allowable Pressure Intensity based on settlement failure criterion.
Depth of foundation Type of Width of Net Allowable Pressure intensity (t/m2)
below NGL (m) foundation (m) Foundation (m) S=25 mm S=50 mm S=75 mm
Open 3.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Raft 6.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Open 3.0 m 7.8 15.6 23.4
Raft 6.0 m 7.7 15.4 23.1
Open 3.0 m 10.0 20.0 30.0
Raft 6.0 m 9.6 19.2 28.8


On the basis of above Geotechnical investigation the following recommendations are suggested:

9.1 The subsoil strata at this site consist of primarily Fine Sand to 4.50 m depth underlain by clayey silt/silty clay to
40.0 m depth. The subsoil strata have been described in detail in clause 7.0.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

9.2 The subsoil strata are loose to 4.50 m depth and below this depth the subsoil strata are stiff clayey silt/ silty clay
is met to final explored depth of 40.0 m.

9.3 Since the soils are liquefiable to 4.50 m depth, open foundations are not recommended. However, if
liquefaction is ignored, open foundations may be provided. On the basis of field and laboratory test results, and
analysis in clause 7.0, the lower values of net safe bearing capacity obtained from shear failure criterion and net
allowable pressure intensity obtained from settlement failure criterion can be adopted for design purposes. The
recommended value of net safe bearing capacities/net allowable pressure intensities for design purposes, are
given in the following table no. 6:-
Table no. 6:
Recommended Values of Net SBC/API
Depth of foundation Type of Width of Net Allowable Pressure intensity (t/m2)
below NGL (m) foundation (m) Foundation (m) S=25 mm S=50 mm S=75 mm
Open 3.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Raft 6.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Open 3.0 m 7.8 15.6 23.4
Raft 6.0 m 7.7 15.4 23.1
Open 3.0 m 10.0 20.0 30.0
Raft 6.0 m 9.6 19.2 28.8
i. The above Table is applicable, if Proper ground protection considered to stop scouring near the foundation, otherwise pile foundation
needs to be applied.
ii. Refer to Sample Calculations for Safe Bearing Capacity attached in Annexure -1 of this report
iii. * Denotes that the allowable pressure specified is governed by shear criteria.

9.4 Since soils to top 4.50 m depth are liquefiable in the event of earthquake, piles may be provided to support the
structural loads. We recommend the use of 1000 mm and 1200 mm diameter bored cast-in-situ piles to support
the structural loads. The cut-off-level of the pile is assumed as 2.0 m below the existing ground level
Table No. 7:
Recommended Pile Capacities.
Pile Pile length, Recommended Pile Capacity, Tonnes
diameter, (m) Compression Uplift Lateral Lateral
mm (Fixed Head) (Free Head)
30.0 173 184
32.0 182 197
1000 34.0 192 210 23.2 8.5
36.0 201 223
38.0 211 237
30.0 206 234
32.0 217 251
1200 34.0 227 268 33.3 12.3
36.0 237 285
38.0 248 302
Note: -
i. The above values include a safety factor of 2.5.
ii. The pile capacities should be confirmed by conducting sufficient number of initial pile load tests.
iii. Since the topsoil is liquefiable to 4.50 m depth, the horizontal capacities are calculated at liquefaction level of 4.50 m and deflection at
cut-off-level may be extrapolated accordingly.

9.5 The ground water table was encountered at 2.90~3.40 m below existing ground level in the boreholes during
boring activities at site. The measured ground water table may fluctuate due to variation in climatic conditions
and in rate of surface evaporation. For design purposes the ground water table can be considered at ground

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

9.6 Layer wise properties of the encountered subsoil strata may be adopted from soil profile given in clause 6.0.

9.7 As the water table exists at 2.90~3.40 m; water table may not be encountered during excavation for shallow
foundations. So dewatering need to be done.

9.8 The chemical analysis tests on ground water sample indicate that chloride content, sulphate content and pH
value are within permissible limits and the ground water is fit for construction purposes, refer to the Test Results
attached in Annexure -1 of this report.

9.9 The chemical analysis tests on subsoil sample indicates that the Ordinary Portland Cement or Portland Slag
Cement or Portland Pozzolana Cement can be used for RCC work. The minimum cement content and
maximum free water-cement ratio shall be maintained as per IS: 456, 2000. refer to the Test Results attached in
Annexure -1 of this report.

9.10 The slope of the excavated pit may be kept upto 1 vertical on 0.50-1.00 horizontal during excavation. However,
if space is constraint, then suitably designed bracing and strutting system should be adopted.

9.11 As per IS 1893:2002, the site falls under earthquake Zone-V. In the topsoil layers are mostly Fine Sand is met
which is very much prone to liquefaction. So, in our opinion liquefaction may likely to take place during
earthquake. Open foundation is not recommended.

9.12 The above recommendations have been made on the basis of in situ tests and laboratory tests conducted on
the samples collected from limited number of bore holes bored at the locations given by the client. If during
construction, any unusual or abnormal features are noticed, these may be brought to the attention of
Geotechnical Consultants for further suggestions.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

(Ch.- 157+083 Km, & Ch.- 157+183 Km)

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC


The classification of subsoil strata met at this site was done according to IS: 1498-1970. The test results can
be summarized as below-

Borehole wise Summary

The subsoil strata from 0.0 to 1.00 m consists of Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel. Then underlain
by Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand (SP-SM) upto 4.50 m depth and Stiff brown clayey silt
with gravel, medium plastic (CI) upto 9.00 m depth. Then Medium dense grey fine to coarse sand (SP) upto
16.50 m and Very stiff grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) upto 25.50 m depth. Then Dense grey fine to coarse
sand (SP) upto 30.00 m depth and Very stiff to hard grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) is met upto finally
explored depth of 45.00 m.

The subsoil strata from 0.0 to 1.00 m consists of Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel. Then underlain
by Stiff brown clayey silt with gravel, medium plastic (CI) upto 12.00 m depth and Dense grey fine to coarse
sand with gravel (SP) upto 16.50 m depth. Then Very stiff to hard grey silty clay, high plastic is met upto
finally explored depth of 45.00 m.

Table no. 1
Bore Hole Wise Details of Subsoil Strata.
Depth,m Soil Range of Soil properties
From To Classification N value
0.00 1.00 Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel - -
Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand
1.00 4.50 7-14 DST c=0.00 kg/cm2, Ø=30 º
Stiff brown clayey silt with gravel, medium plastic
4.50 9.00 14-26 UUT c=0.70 kg/cm2, Ø=6 º
Medium dense to dense grey fine to coarse sand
9.00 16.50 18-43 DST c=0.00 kg/cm2, Ø=31 º
16.50 25.50 Very stiff grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) 25-37 UUT c=1.50 kg/cm2, Ø=9 º
25.50 30.00 Dense to very dense grey fine sand (SP) 27-41 DST c=0.00 kg/cm2, Ø=32 º
30.00 45.00 Very stiff to hard grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) 31-52 UUT c=2.20 kg/cm2, Ø=10 º
WATER TABLE: 2.40~3.70 m

The layer wise properties of the subsoil strata encountered at this site and used in design are given in
following table no. 2.
Table No. 2
Layerwise Properties of Subsoil Strata
Depth, m Effective unit Shear Parameters Earth Pressure Coefficients
From To Weight, gm/cc C (kg/cm2) Ø (degree) k0 ka kp
0.00 1.00 0.81 - - - - -
1.00 4.50 0.85 0.00 30 0.50 0.33 3.00
4.50 9.00 0.90 0.70 6 0.91 0.84 1.19
9.00 16.50 0.94 0.00 31 0.48 0.32 3.12
16.50 25.50 0.96 1.50 9 0.84 0.73 1.37
25.50 30.00 0.98 0.00 32 0.47 0.31 3.25
30.00 45.00 0.99 2.20 10 0.83 0.70 1.42

The Detail description of subsoil strata encountered along with various laboratory test results are
presented in the respective bore log given in soil profile enclosed in Annexure -2 of this report.

The subsoil profile depicting the distribution of the various subsoil strata along the alignment along with N
values (observed/corrected) and other strength parameters with depth are given in subsoil profile
enclosed with this report.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

The SPT Curve & Table (No/Nc), Grain Size Analysis Curve, Mohr Circle Diagrams etc. are enclosed
with this report.


The ground water table was encountered at 2.40~3.70 m in the borehole below existing ground surface
during boring activities at site. However, as the surface water may percolate in heavy rainy season hence for
the design purposes effect of ground water table can be considered at ground surface.


Depending upon the visual examination of soil & field strata, field and laboratory test results and the type of
structures proposed at this site, the safe bearing capacity of sub-soil strata for proposed bridge (Raft footing/open
foundation) have been analyzed. Scour is considered negligible for the purpose of analysis. The details of the
proposed foundations are presented in the following paragraph:

The top strata (up to 4.50 m depth) of soil at this site are Fine Sand, which are very much prone to liquefaction
during earthquake. Detailed Liquefaction analysis is attached to this report. So open foundation at this site are not
recommended. However Safe Bearing Capacity for open foundation has been provided if liquefaction is ignored.

Raft footing of widths 6.0 m & open foundation of 3.0 m cast at 2.0, 3.0 & 4.0 m depth below natural ground surface,
if proper ground protection considered to stop scouring near the foundation.

To support the structural loads of superstructure, we recommend the use of pile foundations as the top
strata is liquefiable. We recommend the use of 1000 and 1200 mm diameter piles


Shear and settlement failure criteria as per IS: 6403- 1981, IS: 8009 (part-1)-1976 and IS: 1904-1986
have been considered to compute the safe / allowable bearing capacity of underlying soil strata for
Proposed Bridge.

The safe/allowable bearing capacity from both criteria is given as follows: -


The net safe bearing capacity of sub-soil strata has been computed by considering average of general
and local shear failure using the following equation for calculating the net ultimate bearing capacity.
Qnu = 2/3 C N‘c Sc dc ic+q (Nq’–1) Sqdqiq+1/2 γ BNγ’Sγdγ iγ × W’
The following lowest soil parameters at foundation depth level are selected from bore hole for

C=0.00 T/m2 Ø=30 ˚

Average Shear Parameters are computed by the following equation by iteration:


tan Ø av=(h1 tan Ø1+h2 tan Ø2+----------+hn tan Øn)/h

where, h =0.5×B×tan (45+ Øav/2) below foundation level

and Ci, Øi, hi-cohesion, angle of friction and thickness of ith layer below foundation level and upto
thickness h respectively.

Shape factors have been taken as follows: -

Sc = Sq = 1 + 0.2 B/L, Sγ = 1 – 0.4 B/L (for raft footing)

Effective density: -

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

0.00 m to 1.00 m : 0.81 t/cu.m

1.00 m to 4.50 m : 0.85 t/cu.m
4.50 m to 9.00 m : 0.90 t/cu.m
9.00 m to 16.50 m : 0.94 t/cu.m
16.50 m to 25.50 m : 0.96 t/cu.m
25.50 m to 30.00 m : 0.98 t/cu.m
30.00 m to 45.00 m : 0.99 t/cu.m
Depth factors:
dc=1+0.2×of/B tan (45º+ Øav/2) =
dq=dγ=1 to 0.1×Df/B tan (45º+ Øav/2)

Water correction factor (w)’ = 0.50

Factor of safety F.O. S=2.5

Using the above equation and parameters, the following values of net safe bearing capacity have been
computed in following table no. 3.
Table no. 3
Net Safe Bearing Capacity Based On Shear Failure Criterion
Depth of foundation below Type of Width of footing Net safe bearing
natural ground level (m) foundation (m) (m) capacity (t/m2)
Open 3.0 m 17.3
Raft 6.0 m 23.4
Open 3.0 m 23.8
Raft 6.0 m 29.3
Open 3.0 m 30.9
Raft 6.0 m 35.5


The settlement of sandy layers below the foundation level and up to the zone of Influence are computed by
using the chart of settlement vs SPT ‘N’ given on page 17 of IS 8009, part-I.

For Raft footings, the zone of influence below the foundation depth is considered equal to 2.0B, where B is
the width of foundation. The total permissible settlements have been considered as 25, 50 & 75 mm.
The soil parameters have been adopted from the following table no. 4.
Table no. 4
Settlement Parameters (N Observed)
Depth below Ground level (m) N Observed
0.00-1.00 -
1.00-4.50 7-14
4.50-9.00 14-26
9.00-16.50 18-43
16.50-25.50 25-37
25.50-30.00 27-41
30.00-45.00 31-52
The values of net allowable pressure intensities computed based on the above selected soil parameters
are given in following Table no. 5.
Table No. 5:
Net Allowable Pressure Intensity based on settlement failure criterion.
Depth of foundation Type of Width of Net Allowable Pressure intensity (t/m2)
below NGL (m) foundation (m) Foundation (m) S=25 mm S=50 mm S=75 mm
Open 3.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Raft 6.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Open 3.0 m 7.8 15.6 23.4
Raft 6.0 m 7.7 15.4 23.1
Open 3.0 m 10.0 20.0 30.0
Raft 6.0 m 9.6 19.2 28.8

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC


On the basis of above Geotechnical investigation the following recommendations are suggested:

12.1 The subsoil strata at this site consist of primarily Fine Sand to 4.50 m depth underlain by clayey silt/silty clay to
45.0 m depth except few patches of fine sand between 9.0 m to 16.50 m and 25.50 m to 30.00 m. The subsoil
strata have been described in detail in clause 10.0.

12.2 The subsoil strata are loose to 4.50 m depth and below this depth the subsoil strata are stiff clayey silt/ silty clay
is met to final explored depth of 45.0 m.

12.3 Since the soils are liquefiable to 4.50 m depth, open foundations are not recommended. However, if
liquefaction is ignored, open foundations may be provided. On the basis of field and laboratory test results, and
analysis in clause 10.0, the lower values of net safe bearing capacity obtained from shear failure criterion and
net allowable pressure intensity obtained from settlement failure criterion can be adopted for design purposes.
The recommended value of net safe bearing capacities/net allowable pressure intensities for design purposes,
are given in the following table no. 6:-
Table no. 6:
Recommended Values of Net SBC/API
Depth of foundation Type of Width of Net Allowable Pressure intensity (t/m2)
below NGL (m) foundation (m) Foundation (m) S=25 mm S=50 mm S=75 mm
Open 3.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Raft 6.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Open 3.0 m 7.8 15.6 23.4
Raft 6.0 m 7.7 15.4 23.1
Open 3.0 m 10.0 20.0 30.0
Raft 6.0 m 9.6 19.2 28.8
i. The above Table is applicable, if Proper ground protection considered to stop scouring near the foundation, otherwise pile foundation
needs to be applied.
ii. Refer to Sample Calculations for Safe Bearing Capacity attached in Annexure -2 of this report
iii. * Denotes that the allowable pressure specified is governed by shear criteria.

12.4 Since soils to top 4.50 m depth are liquefiable in the event of earthquake, piles may be provided to support the
structural loads. We recommend the use of 1000 mm and 1200 mm diameter bored cast-in-situ piles to support
the structural loads. The cut-off-level of the pile is assumed as 2.0 m below the existing ground level
Table No. 7:
Recommended Pile Capacities.
Pile Pile length, Recommended Pile Capacity, Tonnes
diameter, (m) Compression Uplift Lateral Lateral
mm (Fixed Head) (Free Head)
30.0 206 229
32.0 218 248
1000 34.0 229 267 23.2 8.5
36.0 241 287
38.0 253 306
30.0 262 298
32.0 275 322
1200 34.0 288 346 33.3 12.3
36.0 301 371
38.0 314 395
Note: -
i. The above values include a safety factor of 2.5.
ii. The pile capacities should be confirmed by conducting sufficient number of initial pile load tests.
iii. Since the topsoil is liquefiable to 4.50 m depth, the horizontal capacities are calculated at liquefaction level of 4.50 m and deflection at
cut-off-level may be extrapolated accordingly.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

12.5 The ground water table was encountered at 2.40~3.70 m below existing ground level in the boreholes during
boring activities at site. The measured ground water table may fluctuate due to variation in climatic conditions
and in rate of surface evaporation. For design purposes the ground water table can be considered at ground

12.6 Layer wise properties of the encountered subsoil strata may be adopted from soil profile given in clause 6.0.

12.7 As the water table exists at 2.40~3.70 m; water table may not be encountered during excavation for shallow
foundations. So dewatering need to be done.

12.8 The chemical analysis tests on ground water sample indicate that chloride content, sulphate content and pH
value are within permissible limits and the ground water is fit for construction purposes, refer to the Test Results
attached in Annexure -2 of this report.

12.9 The chemical analysis tests on subsoil sample indicates that the Ordinary Portland Cement or Portland Slag
Cement or Portland Pozzolana Cement can be used for RCC work. The minimum cement content and
maximum free water-cement ratio shall be maintained as per IS: 456, 2000. refer to the Test Results attached in
Annexure -2 of this report.

12.10 The slope of the excavated pit may be kept upto 1 vertical on 0.50-1.00 horizontal during excavation. However,
if space is constraint, then suitably designed bracing and strutting system should be adopted.

12.11 As per IS 1893:2002, the site falls under earthquake Zone-V. In the topsoil layers are mostly Fine Sand is met
which is very much prone to liquefaction. So, in our opinion liquefaction may likely to take place during
earthquake. Open foundation is not recommended.

12.12 The above recommendations have been made on the basis of in situ tests and laboratory tests conducted on
the samples collected from limited number of bore holes bored at the locations given by the client. If during
construction, any unusual or abnormal features are noticed, these may be brought to the attention of
Geotechnical Consultants for further suggestions.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

(Ch.- 161+534 Km, & Ch.- 162+016 Km)

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC


The classification of subsoil strata met at this site was done according to IS: 1498-1970. The test results can
be summarized as below-

Borehole wise Summary

The subsoil strata from 0.0 to 1.00 m consists of Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel. Then underlain
by Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand (SP-SM) upto 3.00 m depth and Stiff grey clayey silt with
gravel, medium plastic (CI) upto 6.00 m depth. Then Medium dense grey fine sand (SP) upto 12.00 m depth
and Very stiff to hard grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) is met upto finally explored depth of 45.00 m.

The subsoil strata from 0.0 to 1.00 m consists of Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel. Then underlain
by Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand (SP-SM) upto 4.50 m depth and Stiff grey clayey silt with
gravel, medium plastic (CI) upto 13.50 m depth. Then Medium dense grey fine sand (SP) upto 35.00 m depth
and Hard grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) is met upto finally explored depth of 45.00 m.
Table no. 1
Bore Hole Wise Details of Subsoil Strata.
Depth,m Soil Range of Soil properties
From To Classification N value
0.00 1.00 Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel - -
Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand
1.00 4.50 5-14 DST c=0.00 kg/cm2, Ø=30 º
Very stiff brown clayey silt with gravel, medium
4.50 6.00 16-28 UUT c=0.70 kg/cm2, Ø=5 º
plastic (CI)
6.00 12.00 Medium dense grey fine sand (SP) 15-30 DST c=0.00 kg/cm2, Ø=31 º
12.00 45.00 Very stiff to hard grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) 26-47 UUT c=2.40 kg/cm2, Ø=10 º
WATER TABLE: 3.70~5.30 m

The layer wise properties of the subsoil strata encountered at this site and used in design are given in
following table no. 2.
Table No. 2
Layerwise Properties of Subsoil Strata
Depth, m Effective unit Shear Parameters Earth Pressure Coefficients
From To Weight, gm/cc C (kg/cm2) Ø (degree) k0 ka kp
0.00 1.00 0.79 - - - - -
1.00 4.50 0.81 0.00 30 0.50 0.33 3.00
4.50 6.00 0.88 0.70 5 0.91 0.84 1.19
6.00 12.00 0.94 0.00 31 0.48 0.32 3.12
12.00 45.00 0.98 2.40 10 0.83 0.70 1.42

The Detail description of subsoil strata encountered along with various laboratory test results are
presented in the respective bore log given in soil profile enclosed in Annexure -3 of this report.

The subsoil profile depicting the distribution of the various subsoil strata along the alignment along with N
values (observed/corrected) and other strength parameters with depth are given in subsoil profile
enclosed with this report.

The SPT Curve & Table (No/Nc), Grain Size Analysis Curve, Mohr Circle Diagrams etc. are enclosed
with this report.


The ground water table was encountered at 3.70~5.30 m in the borehole below existing ground surface
during boring activities at site. However, as the surface water may percolate in heavy rainy season hence for
the design purposes effect of ground water table can be considered at ground surface.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC


Depending upon the visual examination of soil & field strata, field and laboratory test results and the type of
structures proposed at this site, the safe bearing capacity of sub-soil strata for proposed bridge (Raft footing/open
foundation) have been analyzed. Scour is considered negligible for the purpose of analysis. The details of the
proposed foundations are presented in the following paragraph:

The top strata (up to 4.50 m depth) of soil at this site are Fine Sand, which are very much prone to liquefaction
during earthquake. Detailed Liquefaction analysis is attached to this report. So open foundation at this site is not
recommended. However Safe Bearing Capacity for open foundation has been provided if liquefaction is ignored.

Raft footing of widths 6.0 m & open foundation of 3.0 m cast at 2.0, 3.0 & 4.0 m depth below natural ground surface
if proper ground protection considered to stop scouring near the foundation.

To support the structural loads of superstructure, we recommend the use of pile foundations as the top
strata is liquefiable. We recommend the use of 1000 and 1200 mm diameter piles.


Shear and settlement failure criteria as per IS: 6403- 1981, IS: 8009 (part-1)-1976 and IS: 1904-1986
have been considered to compute the safe / allowable bearing capacity of underlying soil strata for
Proposed Bridge.

The safe/allowable bearing capacity from both criteria is given as follows: -


The net safe bearing capacity of sub-soil strata has been computed by considering average of general
and local shear failure using the following equation for calculating the net ultimate bearing capacity.
Qnu = 2/3 C N‘c Sc dc ic+q (Nq’–1) Sqdqiq+1/2 γ BNγ’Sγdγ iγ × W’
The following lowest soil parameters at foundation depth level are selected from bore hole for

C=0.00 T/m2 Ø=30 ˚

Average Shear Parameters are computed by the following equation by iteration:


tan Ø av=(h1 tan Ø1+h2 tan Ø2+----------+hn tan Øn)/h

where, h =0.5×B×tan (45+ Øav/2) below foundation level

and Ci, Øi, hi-cohesion, angle of friction and thickness of ith layer below foundation level and upto
thickness h respectively.

Shape factors have been taken as follows: -

Sc = Sq = 1 + 0.2 B/L, Sγ = 1 – 0.4 B/L (for raft footing)
Effective density: -
0.00 m to 1.00 m : 0.79 t/cu.m
1.00 m to 4.50 m : 0.81 t/cu.m
4.50 m to 6.00 m : 0.88 t/cu.m
6.00 m to 12.00 m : 0.94 t/cu.m
12.00 m to 45.00 m : 0.98 t/cu.m
Depth factors:
dc=1+0.2×of/B tan (45º+ Øav/2) =
dq=dγ=1 to 0.1×Df/B tan (45º+ Øav/2)

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

Water correction factor (w)’ = 0.50

Factor of safety F.O. S=2.5

Using the above equation and parameters, the following values of net safe bearing capacity have been
computed in following table no. 3.
Table no. 3
Net Safe Bearing Capacity Based On Shear Failure Criterion
Depth of foundation below Type of Width of footing Net safe bearing
natural ground level (m) foundation (m) (m) capacity (t/m2)
Open 3.0 m 17.3
Raft 6.0 m 23.4
Open 3.0 m 23.8
Raft 6.0 m 29.3
Open 3.0 m 30.9
Raft 6.0 m 35.5


The settlement of sandy layers below the foundation level and up to the zone of Influence are computed by
using the chart of settlement vs SPT ‘N’ given on page 17 of IS 8009, part-I.

For Raft footings, the zone of influence below the foundation depth is considered equal to 2.0B, where B is
the width of foundation. The total permissible settlements have been considered as 25, 50 & 75 mm.
The soil parameters have been adopted from the following table no. 4.
Table no. 4
Settlement Parameters (N Observed)
Depth below Ground level (m) N Observed
0.00-1.00 -
1.00-4.50 5-14
4.50-6.00 16-28
6.00-12.00 15-30
12.00-45.00 26-47

The values of net allowable pressure intensities computed based on the above selected soil parameters
are given in following Table no. 5.
Table No. 5:
Net Allowable Pressure Intensity based on settlement failure criterion.
Depth of foundation Type of Width of Net Allowable Pressure intensity (t/m2)
below NGL (m) foundation (m) Foundation (m) S=25 mm S=50 mm S=75 mm
Open 3.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Raft 6.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Open 3.0 m 7.8 15.6 23.4
Raft 6.0 m 7.7 15.4 23.1
Open 3.0 m 10.0 20.0 30.0
Raft 6.0 m 9.6 19.2 28.8


On the basis of above Geotechnical investigation the following recommendations are suggested:

15.1 The subsoil strata at this site consist of primarily Fine Sand to 4.50 m depth underlain by clayey silt/silty clay to
40.0 m depth. The subsoil strata have been described in detail in clause 13.0.

15.2 The subsoil strata are loose to 4.50 m depth and below this depth the subsoil strata are stiff clayey silt/ silty clay
is met to final explored depth of 40.0 m.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

15.3 Since the soils are liquefiable to 4.50 m depth, open foundations are not recommended. However, if
liquefaction is ignored, open foundations may be provided. On the basis of field and laboratory test results, and
analysis in clause 13.0, the lower values of net safe bearing capacity obtained from shear failure criterion and
net allowable pressure intensity obtained from settlement failure criterion can be adopted for design purposes.
The recommended value of net safe bearing capacities/net allowable pressure intensities for design purposes,
are given in the following table no. 6:-
Table no. 6:
Recommended Values of Net SBC/API
Depth of foundation Type of Width of Net Allowable Pressure intensity (t/m2)
below NGL (m) foundation (m) Foundation (m) S=25 mm S=50 mm S=75 mm
Open 3.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Raft 6.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Open 3.0 m 7.8 15.6 23.4
Raft 6.0 m 7.7 15.4 23.1
Open 3.0 m 10.0 20.0 30.0
Raft 6.0 m 9.6 19.2 28.8
i. The above Table is applicable, if Proper ground protection considered to stop scouring near the foundation, otherwise pile foundation
needs to be applied.
ii. Refer to Sample Calculations for Safe Bearing Capacity attached in Annexure -3
iii. of this report
iv. * Denotes that the allowable pressure specified is governed by shear criteria.

15.4 Since soils to top 4.50 m depth are liquefiable in the event of earthquake, piles may be provided to support the
structural loads. We recommend the use of 1000 mm and 1200 mm diameter bored cast-in-situ piles to support
the structural loads. The cut-off-level of the pile is assumed as 2.0 m below the existing ground level.
Table No. 7:
Recommended Pile Capacities.
Pile Pile length, Recommended Pile Capacity, Tonnes
diameter, (m) Compression Uplift Lateral Lateral
mm (Fixed Head) (Free Head)
30.0 216 204
32.0 229 219
1000 34.0 242 235 23.2 8.5
36.0 255 251
38.0 268 267
30.0 261 259
32.0 276 278
1200 34.0 290 298 33.3 12.3
36.0 305 318
38.0 319 338
Note: -
i. The above values include a safety factor of 2.5.
ii. The pile capacities should be confirmed by conducting sufficient number of initial pile load tests.
iii. Since the topsoil is liquefiable to 4.50 m depth, the horizontal capacities are calculated at liquefaction level of 4.50 m and deflection at
cut-off-level may be extrapolated accordingly.

15.5 The ground water table was encountered at 3.70~5.30 m below existing ground level in the boreholes during
boring activities at site. The measured ground water table may fluctuate due to variation in climatic conditions
and in rate of surface evaporation. For design purposes the ground water table can be considered at ground
15.6 Layer wise properties of the encountered subsoil strata may be adopted from soil profile given in clause 13.0.

15.7 As the water table exists at 3.70~5.30 m; water table may not be encountered during excavation for shallow
foundations. So dewatering need to be done.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

15.8 The chemical analysis tests on ground water sample indicate that chloride content, sulphate content and pH
value are within permissible limits and the ground water is fit for construction purposes, refer to the Test Results
attached in Annexure -3 of this report.

15.9 The chemical analysis tests on subsoil sample indicates that the Ordinary Portland Cement or Portland Slag
Cement or Portland Pozzolana Cement can be used for RCC work. The minimum cement content and
maximum free water-cement ratio shall be maintained as per IS: 456, 2000. refer to the Test Results attached in
Annexure -3 of this report.

15.10 The slope of the excavated pit may be kept upto 1 vertical on 0.50-1.00 horizontal during excavation. However,
if space is constraint, then suitably designed bracing and strutting system should be adopted.

15.11 As per IS 1893:2002, the site falls under earthquake Zone-V. In the topsoil layers are mostly Fine Sand is met
which is very much prone to liquefaction. So, in our opinion liquefaction may likely to take place during
earthquake. Open foundation is not recommended.

15.12 The above recommendations have been made on the basis of in situ tests and laboratory tests conducted on
the samples collected from limited number of bore holes bored at the locations given by the client. If during
construction, any unusual or abnormal features are noticed, these may be brought to the attention of
Geotechnical Consultants for further suggestions.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

(Ch.- 162+122 Km, & Ch.- 162+144 Km)

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC


The classification of subsoil strata met at this site was done according to IS: 1498-1970. The test results can
be summarized as below-

Borehole wise Summary

The subsoil strata from 0.0 to 1.00 m consists of Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel. Then underlain
by Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand (SP-SM) upto 6.00 m depth and Very stiff brown clayey
silt with gravel, medium plastic (CI) upto 10.50 m depth. Then Very stiff grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) upto
31.50 m depth and Dense grey fine to coarse sand (SP-SM) upto 34.50 m depth. Then Dense to very dense
grey fine sand (SP) is met upto finally explored depth of 40.00 m.

The subsoil strata from 0.0 to 1.00 m consists of Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel. Then underlain
by Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand (SP-SM) upto 4.50 m depth and Very stiff brown clayey
silt with gravel, medium plastic (CI) upto 15.00 m depth. Then Medium dense brown silty fine sand (SM) upto
18.00 m depth and Hard grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) upto 39.00 m depth. Then Dense to very dense
grey fine sand (SP) is met upto finally explored depth of 40.00 m.

Table no. 1
Bore Hole Wise Details of Subsoil Strata.
Depth,m Soil Range of Soil properties
From To Classification N value
0.00 1.00 Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand with gravel - -
Loose to medium dense grey fine to coarse sand
1.00 6.00 7-17 DST c=0.00 kg/cm2, Ø=30 º
Very stiff brown clayey silt with gravel, medium
6.00 15.00 18-21 UUT c=1.00 kg/cm2, Ø=4 º
plastic (CI)
15.00 31.50 Very stiff grey silty clay, high plastic (CH) 19-49 UUT c=1.50 kg/cm2, Ø=6 º
31.50 34.50 Dense grey fine to coarse sand (SP-SM) 35-42 DST c=0.00 kg/cm2, Ø=31 º
34.50 40.00 Dense to very dense grey fine sand (SP) 42-49 DST c=0.00 kg/cm2, Ø=32 º
WATER TABLE: 3.15~4.80 m

The layer wise properties of the subsoil strata encountered at this site and used in design are given in
following table no. 2.
Table No. 2
Layerwise Properties of Subsoil Strata
Depth, m Effective unit Shear Parameters Earth Pressure Coefficients
From To Weight, gm/cc C (kg/cm2) Ø (degree) k0 ka kp
0.00 1.00 0.79 - - - - -
1.00 6.00 0.85 0.00 30 0.50 0.33 3.00
6.00 15.00 0.94 1.00 4 0.93 0.87 1.15
15.00 31.50 0.98 1.50 6 0.90 0.81 1.23
31.50 34.50 0.99 0.00 31 0.48 0.32 3.12
34.50 40.00 1.01 0.00 32 0.47 0.31 3.25

The Detail description of subsoil strata encountered along with various laboratory test results are
presented in the respective bore log given in soil profile enclosed in Annexure -4 of this report.

The subsoil profile depicting the distribution of the various subsoil strata along the alignment along with N
values (observed/corrected) and other strength parameters with depth are given in subsoil profile
enclosed with this report.

The SPT Curve & Table (No/Nc), Grain Size Analysis Curve, Mohr Circle Diagrams etc. are enclosed
with this report.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC


The ground water table was encountered at 3.15~4.80 m in the borehole below existing ground surface
during boring activities at site. However, as the surface water may percolate in heavy rainy season hence for
the design purposes effect of ground water table can be considered at ground surface.


Depending upon the visual examination of soil & field strata, field and laboratory test results and the type of
structures proposed at this site, the safe bearing capacity of sub-soil strata for proposed bridge (Raft footing/open
foundation) have been analyzed. Scour is considered negligible for the purpose of analysis. The details of the
proposed foundations are presented in the following paragraph:

The top strata (up to 6.00 m depth) of soil at this site are Fine Sand, which are very much prone to liquefaction
during earthquake. Detailed Liquefaction analysis is attached to this report. So open foundation at this site are not
recommended. However Safe Bearing Capacity for open foundation has been provided if liquefaction is ignored.

Raft footing of widths 6.0 m & open foundation of 3.0 m cast at 2.0, 3.0 & 4.0 m depth below natural ground surface,
if proper ground protection considered to stop scouring near the foundation.

To support the structural loads of superstructure, we recommend the use of pile foundations as the top
strata is liquefiable. We recommend the use of 1000 and 1200 mm diameter piles.


Shear and settlement failure criteria as per IS: 6403- 1981, IS: 8009 (part-1)-1976 and IS: 1904-1986
have been considered to compute the safe / allowable bearing capacity of underlying soil strata for
Proposed Bridge.

The safe/allowable bearing capacity from both criteria is given as follows: -


The net safe bearing capacity of sub-soil strata has been computed by considering average of general
and local shear failure using the following equation for calculating the net ultimate bearing capacity.
Qnu = 2/3 C N‘c Sc dc ic+q (Nq’–1) Sqdqiq+1/2 γ BNγ’Sγdγ iγ × W’
The following lowest soil parameters at foundation depth level are selected from bore hole for

C=0.00 T/m2 Ø=30 ˚

Average Shear Parameters are computed by the following equation by iteration:


tan Ø av=(h1 tan Ø1+h2 tan Ø2+----------+hn tan Øn)/h

where, h =0.5×B×tan (45+ Øav/2) below foundation level

and Ci, Øi, hi-cohesion, angle of friction and thickness of ith layer below foundation level and upto
thickness h respectively.

Shape factors have been taken as follows: -

Sc = Sq = 1 + 0.2 B/L, Sγ = 1 – 0.4 B/L (for raft footing)

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

Effective density: -
0.00 m to 1.00 m : 0.79 t/cu.m
1.00 m to 6.00 m : 0.85 t/cu.m
6.00 m to 10.50 m : 0.94 t/cu.m
10.50 m to 31.50 m : 0.98 t/cu.m
31.50 m to 34.50 m : 0.99 t/cu.m
34.50 m to 40.00 m : 1.01 t/cu.m
Depth factors:
dc=1+0.2×of/B tan (45º+ Øav/2) =
dq=dγ=1 to 0.1×Df/B tan (45º+ Øav/2)

Water correction factor (w)’ = 0.50

Factor of safety F.O. S=2.5

Using the above equation and parameters, the following values of net safe bearing capacity have been
computed in following table no. 3.
Table no. 3
Net Safe Bearing Capacity Based On Shear Failure Criterion
Depth of foundation below Type of Width of footing Net safe bearing
natural ground level (m) foundation (m) (m) capacity (t/m2)
Open 3.0 m 17.3
Raft 6.0 m 23.4
Open 3.0 m 23.8
Raft 6.0 m 29.3
Open 3.0 m 30.9
Raft 6.0 m 35.5


The settlement of sandy layers below the foundation level and up to the zone of Influence are computed by
using the chart of settlement vs SPT ‘N’ given on page 17 of IS 8009, part-I.

For Raft footings, the zone of influence below the foundation depth is considered equal to 2.0B, where B is
the width of foundation. The total permissible settlements have been considered as 25, 50 & 75 mm.

The soil parameters have been adopted from the following table no. 4.
Table no. 4
Settlement Parameters (N Observed)
Depth below Ground level (m) N Observed
0.00-1.00 -
1.00-6.00 7-17
6.00-10.50 18-21
10.50-31.50 19-49
31.50-34.50 35-42
34.50-40.00 42-49

The values of net allowable pressure intensities computed based on the above selected soil parameters
are given in following Table no. 5.
Table No. 5:
Net Allowable Pressure Intensity based on settlement failure criterion.
Depth of foundation Type of Width of Net Allowable Pressure intensity (t/m2)
below NGL (m) foundation (m) Foundation (m) S=25 mm S=50 mm S=75 mm
Open 3.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Raft 6.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Open 3.0 m 7.8 15.6 23.4
Raft 6.0 m 7.7 15.4 23.1
Open 3.0 m 10.0 20.0 30.0
Raft 6.0 m 9.6 19.2 28.8

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC


On the basis of above Geotechnical investigation the following recommendations are suggested:

18.1 The subsoil strata at this site consist of primarily Fine Sand to 6.0 m depth underlain by clayey silt/silty clay to
34.5 m depth. Below this dense fine to coarse sand is met to final explored depth of 40.0 m. The subsoil strata
have been described in detail in clause 16.0.

18.2 The subsoil strata are loose to 6.00 m depth and below this depth the subsoil strata are stiff to hard to 34.5 m
depth. Below this depth, very dense sand is met to final explored depth of 40.0 m.

18.3 Since the soils are liquefiable to 6.0 m depth, open foundations are not recommended. However, if
liquefaction is ignored, open foundations may be provided. On the basis of field and laboratory test results, and
analysis in clause 16.0, the lower values of net safe bearing capacity obtained from shear failure criterion and
net allowable pressure intensity obtained from settlement failure criterion can be adopted for design purposes.
The recommended value of net safe bearing capacities/net allowable pressure intensities for design purposes,
are given in the following table no. 6:-
Table no. 6:
Recommended Values of Net SBC/API
Depth of foundation Type of Width of Net Allowable Pressure intensity (t/m2)
below NGL (m) foundation (m) Foundation (m) S=25 mm S=50 mm S=75 mm
Open 3.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Raft 6.0 m 5.8 11.6 17.4
Open 3.0 m 7.8 15.6 23.4
Raft 6.0 m 7.7 15.4 23.1
Open 3.0 m 10.0 20.0 30.0
Raft 6.0 m 9.6 19.2 28.8
i. The above Table is applicable, if Proper ground protection considered to stop scouring near the foundation, otherwise pile foundation
needs to be applied.
ii. Refer to Sample Calculations for Safe Bearing Capacity attached in Annexure -4 of this report
iii. * Denotes that the allowable pressure specified is governed by shear criteria.

18.4 Since soils to top 6.0 m depth are liquefiable in the event of earthquake, piles may be provided to support the
structural loads. We recommend the use of 1000 mm and 1200 mm diameter bored cast-in-situ piles to support
the structural loads. The cut-off-level of the pile is assumed as 2.0 m below the existing ground level
Table No. 7:
Recommended Pile Capacities.
Pile Pile length, Recommended Pile Capacity, Tonnes
diameter, (m) Compression Uplift Lateral Lateral
mm (Fixed Head) (Free Head)
30.0 159 162
32.0 168 175
1000 34.0 215 193 23.2 8.5
36.0 264 214
38.0 284 235
30.0 194 209
32.0 203 225
1200 34.0 280 251 33.3 12.3
36.0 378 281
38.0 411 311
Note: -
i. The above values include a safety factor of 2.5.
ii. The pile capacities should be confirmed by conducting sufficient number of initial pile load tests.
iv. Since the topsoil is liquefiable to 6.00 m depth, the horizontal capacities are calculated at liquefaction level of 6.00 m and deflection at
cut-off-level may be extrapolated accordingly.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

Project : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction
along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

18.5 The ground water table was encountered at 3.15~4.80 m below existing ground level in the boreholes during
boring activities at site. The measured ground water table may fluctuate due to variation in climatic conditions
and in rate of surface evaporation. For design purposes the ground water table can be considered at ground

18.6 Layer wise properties of the encountered subsoil strata may be adopted from soil profile given in clause 16.0.

18.7 As the water table exists at 3.15~4.80 m; water table may not be encountered during excavation for shallow
foundations. So dewatering need to be done.

18.8 The chemical analysis tests on ground water sample indicate that chloride content, sulphate content and pH
value are within permissible limits and the ground water is fit for construction purposes, refer to the Test Results
attached in Annexure -4 of this report.

18.9 The chemical analysis tests on subsoil sample indicates that the Ordinary Portland Cement or Portland Slag
Cement or Portland Pozzolana Cement can be used for RCC work. The minimum cement content and
maximum free water-cement ratio shall be maintained as per IS: 456, 2000. refer to the Test Results attached in
Annexure -1 of this report.

18.10 The slope of the excavated pit may be kept upto 1 vertical on 0.50-1.00 horizontal during excavation. However,
if space is constraint, then suitably designed bracing and strutting system should be adopted.

18.11 As per IS 1893:2002, the site falls under earthquake Zone-V. In the topsoil layers are mostly Fine Sand is met
which is very much prone to liquefaction. So, in our opinion liquefaction may likely to take place during
earthquake. Open foundation is not recommended.

18.12 The above recommendations have been made on the basis of in situ tests and laboratory tests conducted on
the samples collected from limited number of bore holes bored at the locations given by the client. If during
construction, any unusual or abnormal features are noticed, these may be brought to the attention of
Geotechnical Consultants for further suggestions.

M/s Marc Surveying System.

M/s Marc Surveying System
Plasticity Liquid Limit

Low Plastic <35
Medium Plastic  35 to 50 
High Plastic  >50 
Very High  70 to 90 
Extra High  Over 90 


Liquid  Plasticity  Shrinkage  Free  Degree of  Degree of 

Limit  Index  Index  Swell,  Expansion  Severity 
20‐35  <12  <15  <50  Low  Non‐critical 
35‐50  12‐23  15‐30  50‐100  Medium  Marginal 
50‐70  23‐32  30‐60  100‐200  High  Critical 
70‐90  >32  >60  >200  Very High  Severe 


Consistency Undrained Shear  SPT (N) 

Strength,  Value 
Very soft <0.1 0 to 2
Soft  0.1 to 0.25  2 to 4 
Firm/Medium  0.25 to 0.5  4 to 8 
Stiff  0.5 to 1.0  8 to 15 
Very Stiff  1.0 to 2.0  15 to 30 
Hard  >2.0  >30 


Density Descriptor SPT (N)  Static Cone Tip 

Value  Resistance 
Very Loose 0 to 4 >20
Loose  4 to 10  20 to 40 
Medium Dense  10 to 30  40 to 120 
Dense  30 to 50  120 to 200 
Very Dense  >50 >200

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 1 of 25

M/s Marc Surveying System

SL  Soil  Soil  Particle‐size range and description 

No.  Component 
1)  Coarse‐ Boulder  Average diameter more than 300 mm.
components  Cobble  Average diameter smaller than 300 mm but retained on 80‐mm IS Sieve. 

Passing 80‐mm IS sieve but retained on 4.75‐mm IS Sieve. 
Coarse: 80‐mm to 20‐mm IS Sieve. 
Fine: 20‐mm to 4.75‐mm IS Sieve. 

Sand(S)  Passing 4.75‐mm IS Sieve but retained on 75‐micron IS Sieve. 
Coarse: 4.75‐mm to 2.0‐mm IS Sieve 
Medium: 2.0‐mm to 425‐micron IS Sieve 
Fine: 425‐micron to 75‐micron IS Sieve 

2)  Silt(M)  Particles smaller than 75‐micron IS Sieve 

Clay(C)  Particles smaller than 75‐micron IS Sieve, it can be a certain range of moisture and exhibits 
considerable strength when air dried. 
Organic  Organic matter in various size and stages of decomposition. 


M/s Marc Surveying System Page 2 of 25

Structure- VUP Chainage-159+409 Km Borehole Number-A1-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 2.90 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 28-01-2022 to 05-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

 -Value
C- Value
Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand
0.00 DS1
with gravel 1.0 m
Loose to medium dense grey fine
4 1.50 SPT1
to coarse sand
2.25 UDS1 24.1 1.87 1.51 0 91 9 0 DST 0.0 30.1
10 3.00 SPT2 2.66
4.5 m
Very stiff brown clayey silt with
16 4.50 SPT3 38.4 22.9 15.5 11.50
gravel, medium plastic
5.25 UDS2 25.3 1.95 1.56 4 7 68 21 UUT 0.8 5.5

18 6.00 SPT4 CI 7.0

22 7.50 SPT5 39.9 23.5 16.4

26 9.00 SPT6 2.68

10.5 m
Very stiff to hard grey silty clay,
31 10.50 SPT7 0 3 65 32 UC 1.5
high plastic
22 12.00 SPT8

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 3 of 25

Structure- VUP Chainage-159+409 Km Borehole Number-A1-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 2.90 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 28-01-2022 to 05-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

 -Value
C- Value
Very stiff to hard grey silty clay,
36 13.50 SPT9
high plastic
27 15 00 SPT10
15.00 58 7
58.7 29 4
29.4 29 3

28 16.50 SPT11 UC 1.9

32 18.00 SPT12 0 2 63 35

35 19.50 SPT13 2.70

33 21.00 SPT14 CH

37 22.50 SPT15 64.3 31.9 32.4

41 24.00 SPT16 UC 2.2

22 25.50 SPT17 0 3 63 34

26 27.00 SPT18

27 28.50 SPT19 62.9 30.4 32.5

31 30.00 SPT20

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 4 of 25

Structure- VUP Chainage-159+409 Km Borehole Number-A1-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 2.90 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 28-01-2022 to 05-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

 -Value
C- Value
Very stiff to hard grey silty clay,
34 31.50 SPT21
high plastic
34 33.00 SPT22 0 2 67 31 UC 2.5

26 34.50 SPT23

31 36.00 SPT24 CH

35 37.50 SPT25 63.8 30.7 33.1

38 39.00 SPT26 0 4 64 32 UC 2.7

45 40.00 SPT27
40.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 5 of 25

Structure- VUP Chainage-159+431 Km Borehole Number-A2-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 3.40 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 28-01-2022 to 02-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

 -Value
C- Value
Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand
0.00 DS1
with gravel 1.0 m
Loose grey fine to coarse sand
3 1.50 SPT1 6 82 12 0
with gravel SP-
2.25 UDS1 25.3 1.88 1.50 2.65 DST 0.0 29.3
3.0 m
Stiff brown clayey silt with
8 3.00 SPT2 5 8 61 26
gravel, medium plastic
12 4.50 SPT3 CI 12.0 38.4 22.9 15.5 11.50

5.25 UDS2 26.8 1.93 1.52 UUT 0.7 4.7

6.0 m
Very stiff grey silty clay, high
22 6.00 SPT4 0 4 64 32
23 7.50 SPT5 2.69

28 9.00 SPT6 CH 61.3 29.9 31.4

25 10.50 SPT7 UC 1.4

30 12.00 SPT8 0 2 68 30

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 6 of 25

Structure- VUP Chainage-159+431 Km Borehole Number-A2-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 3.40 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 28-01-2022 to 02-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

 -Value
C- Value
Very stiff to hard grey silty clay,
34 13.50 SPT9
high plastic
38 15 00 SPT10
15.00 58 5
58.5 28 3
28.3 30 2

30 16.50 SPT11

36 18.00 SPT12 0 3 64 33 UC 1.9

41 19.50 SPT13 2.69

44 21.00 SPT14 CH

47 22.50 SPT15 63.5 32.7 30.8

41 24.00 SPT16

36 25.50 SPT17 0 2 62 36 UC 2.3

21 27.00 SPT18

24 28.50 SPT19 69.5 33.8 35.7

30 30.00 SPT20

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 7 of 25

Structure- VUP Chainage-159+431 Km Borehole Number-A2-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on
Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 3.40 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 28-01-2022 to 02-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

 -Value
C- Value
34 31.50 SPT21 Hard grey silty clay, high plastic

33 33.00 SPT22 0 3 66 31 UC 2.5

38 34.50 SPT23

34 36.00 SPT24 CH 60.4 27.8 32.6

39 37.50 SPT25

43 39.00 SPT26 0 4 63 33 UC 2.8

47 40.00 SPT27 62.7 30.5 32.2

40.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 8 of 25

BH- A-1(LHS) BH- A-2(RHS)

4 3

10 8
16 12

18 22

22 23
26 28

31 25

12 22 30

36 34

27 38
28 30
SPT-N Values

SPT-N Values
32 36

35 41

33 44

37 47

24 41 41

22 36

26 21
27 24

31 30

32 34 34

34 33

26 38

36 31 34

35 39

38 43
40 45 47
40.0 m 40.0 m

Ch.- 159+409 Km Ch.- 159+431 Km

Fill Silty clay (CH)
Fine sand (SP-SM) Silty sand (SM)
Clayey silt (CI) Water Level

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the
state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 9 of 25

Field SPT Value (N)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ch-159+409 Km(BH-A1-LHS)

Ch.-159+431 Km (BH-A2-RHS)


Depth, m




Field SPT Values vs. Depth

Standard Penetration Test

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of
approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under
Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 10 of 25

0 10 20 Corrected
30 SPT Value (N") 40 50 60

Ch-159+409 Km(BH-A1-LHS)

Ch.-159+431 Km (BH-A2-RHS)


Depth, m




Corrected SPT Values vs. Depth

Standard Penetration Test

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of
approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under
Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 11 of 25

Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)



Chainage: 159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 2.25 m
Chainage: 159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 5.25 m
Chainage: 159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 10.5 m
Chainage: 159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 18 m
Chainage: 159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 25.5 m



0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) 2.25 Fine sand 0 91 9 0

CH-159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) 5.25 Clayey silt with gravel 4 7 68 21

CH-159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) 10.50 Silty clay 0 3 65 32

CH-159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) 18.00 Silty clay 0 2 63 35

CH-159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) 25.50 Silty clay 0 3 63 34

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 12 of 25
Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)



Chainage: 159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 33 m

Chainage: 159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 39 m

Chainage: 159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 1.5 m



0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) 33.00 Silty clay 0 2 67 31

CH-159+409 (BH: A1(LHS)) 39.00 Silty clay 0 4 64 32

CH-159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) 1.50 Fine sand with gravel 6 82 12 0

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 13 of 25
Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)


Chainage: 159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 1.5 m

Chainage: 159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 3 m

40 Chainage: 159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 6 m

Chainage: 159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 12 m

Chainage: 159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 18 m




0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) 1.50 Fine sand with gravel 6 82 12 0

CH-159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) 3.00 Clayey silt with gravel 5 8 61 26

CH-159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) 6.00 Silty clay 0 4 64 32

CH-159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) 12.00 Silty clay 0 2 68 30

CH-159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) 18.00 Silty clay 0 3 64 33

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 14 of 25
Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)

Chainage: 159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 25.5 m

Chainage: 159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 33 m






0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) 25.50 Silty clay 0 2 62 36

CH-159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) 33.00 Silty clay 0 3 66 31

CH-159+431 (BH: A2(RHS)) 39.00 Silty clay 0 4 63 33

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 15 of 25
Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 159+409 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A1(LHS) Depth: 2.25 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.51

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle,  (Degrees): 30.1



Shear Stress, kg/cm2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm 2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with
six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in
the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 16 of 25

Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test (UUT)

Chainage: 159+409 Soil: Clayey silt

BH No.: A1(LHS) Depth: 5.25 m

Moisture Content, Bulk Density, Dry Density,

% g/c3 g/c3
Sample Details
25.3 1.95 1.56

Confining Pressures, Kg/cm 2 1.0 2.0 3.0

C-Value, c (Kg/cm2): 0.80

Friction Angle, (Degrees): 5.5


Shear Stress , kg/cm



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Normal Stress, kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state
of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 17 of 25

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 159+431 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A2(RHS) Depth: 2.25 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.50

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle,  (Degrees): 29.3



Shear Stress, kg/cm2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm 2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with
six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in
the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 18 of 25

Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test (UUT)

Chainage: 159+431 Soil: Clayey silt

BH No.: A1(RHS) Depth: 5.25 m

Moisture Content, Bulk Density, Dry Density,

% g/c3 g/c3
Sample Details
26.8 1.93 1.52

Confining Pressures, Kg/cm 2 1.0 2.0 3.0

C-Value, c (Kg/cm2): 0.70

Friction Angle, (Degrees): 4.7


Shear Stress , kg/cm



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Normal Stress, kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state
of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 19 of 25


Test on Soil-Water Extract

Borehole No. Depth (m) Sulphate Content ,% Chloride Content ,% pH Value

4.5 0.13 0.02 7.44
(Ch.-159+409 Km)
7.5 0.15 0.05 7.32
(Ch-159+431 Km)

Test on Groundwater Sample

Chainage, Km Borehole No. Sulphate Content ,% Chloride Content ,% pH Value

159+409 A1-LHS 288 36 7.25

159+431 A2-RHS 294 47 7.37


Concentration of Sulphates, expressed as SO3

Class In Groundwater (mg/l)
In-Soil-Water Extract (Total) Percent
1 Traces (<0.2) Less than 300
2 0.2 to 0.5 300-1200
3 0.5 to 1.0 1200-2500
4 1.0 to 2.0 2500-5000
5 > 2.0 > 5000

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 20 of 25

Chainage‐ 159+409 (BH‐A1‐LHS) 

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 21 of 25

Chainage‐ 159+431 (BH‐A2‐RHS) 

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 22 of 25

Project: Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System (CH.159+409 & 159+431) VUP

Sample Calculation

Shear Criteria:
Qnet safe = (1/FS)(cNcScdc+q(Nq-1)Sqdq+1/2BγNγSγdγRw)

Nc, Nq, Nγ = bearing capacity factors, which are a function of φ

Qnet safe = safe net bearing capacity C= 0 Φ=30
c = cohesion intercept γ = Bulk density of soil below founding level
Rw =Water Table Correction Factor g =1.85 g/cc
dc, dq, dγ = Depth factors


dc=1.00, dq=1.00, dy=1.00 at 2 m depth dc=1.00, dq=1.00, dy=1.00 at 2 m depth
Since soils are loose to 3 m depth, depth factor is ignored to 3 m.
ation Qnet safe ,
FOUN- Shape Factors
Dimen Depth, T/m2
DATION Rw Safe Net Bearing Capacity in Shear T/m2
B, m L, m Sc Sq Sg GSF LSF

3 3 Square 2 0.50 1.3 1.20 0.8 26.4 8.3 17.3

6 6 Square 2 0.50 1.3 1.20 0.8 35.9 11.0 23.4
Settlement Criteria:
N=12 at 2 m depth
Depth Factor=1.00
Settlement @
Foundation Length,m

N-value for analysis

Net Allowable Bearing

Foundation Depth,m
Foundation Width,m

10T/m 2 (as read Water Settlement

Settlement at this
Pressure, T/m2

off from Table after

pressure , mm

graph,Fig.9 Correct applying


ion water table
Factor, correction,
Rw mm

3.0 3.0 2.0 Square 12.0 26.5 0.50 53.0 11.6 49.2 (<50 mm OK)
6.0 6.0 2.0 Square 12.0 29.1 0.50 58.2 11.6 49.2 (<50 mm OK)

Recommended Net SBC value for isolated footing design is 11.6 T/m2 for 50mm Settlement for foundation width of 3 m

Recommended Net SBC value for raft design is 11.6 T/m2 for 50mm Settlement

Page 23 of 25
Project Name : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha
Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System (CH.159+409 & 159+431) VUP


The load carrying capacities of bored piles have been calculated using following
expression: -
Qu= Ap (½ γ D Nγ + PD Nq ) + ∑ (Asi Ki Pdi tanδ)

Where, Ap = Cross sectional area of pile toe.

D = Stem diameter.
Nq, Nγ = Bearing Capacity factors.
γ = Effective unit weight of soil at pile toe.
PD = Effective overburden pressure at pile toe
Asi = Surface area of pile stem for ith layer.
Ki = Coefficient of earth pressure.
Pdi = Effective overburden pressure at center of the ith layer
δ= Angle of wall friction between soil & pile.
Soil Parameter adopted:
From (m) To (m) Density γ’ C Ø k α
3 2
(t/m ) (Kg/cm ) degree
0.00 1.00 1.84
1.00 4.50 1.87
4.50 10.50 1.95 0.70 0 1.00 0.65
10.50 40.00 1.99 1.90 0 1.00 0.28

For pile dia= 120 cm, cut off level below EGL = 1.5 m and length of pile=30.0 m
PD =1.728 kg/cm2, Nc=9.0, Nq = 0.00, Nγ= 0.00, F.O.S. = 2.5 in comp.

Applying above parameters in above equation, we get

Qu = Qp + Qf = 193.40+ 534.12 T and Qa, comp. = 727.52/2.5 = 291.01 T
Qa, comp. = 206.18 T (excluding pile weight)

For Uplift

As the soil is weak in tension, so as per IRC: 78, 70 percent of the above parameters
(as taken in compression loads) may be used for calculating the pile capacities.

For pile dia= 120 cm, cut off level below EGL = 1.5 m and length of pile=30.0 m
PD = 1.728 kg/cm2, Qf=373.88 T, F.O.S. = 2.5 in uplift.
Qa, uplift=373.88 /2.5=149.55 T
Qa, uplift= 234.38 T (including pile weight)

Page 24 of 25
Project Name : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha
Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System (CH.159+409 & 159+431) VUP

For Lateral

The following equation may be used to calculate the lateral capacity of pile:
12 y E I
( L1 + Lf ) 3

Q = lateral load.
E = Young’s modulus of pile material.
I = moment of inertia of pile cross section.
Lf = depth of fixity
L1 = length of pile section below cut-off-level that may not contribute
Significantly to lateral resistance (in loose/weak soils)
y = horizontal deflection

T= (EI/K1)1/5 for Granular Soils R= (EI/K2)1/4 for Cohesive Soils

Piles are 1.5 m depth below COL, L1=1.5 m=120 cm, Fixed Head Condition

For M=35,
Moment of Inertia, I: 1.018E+07 cm4
Constant K2 = 48.8 R = 498.39 cm
L1/T= 0.00 Lf/R=2.19 Lf= 1091.5 cm
L1 + Lf = 1091.5 cm
Permissible deflection, y=12 mm

Computed Lateral Capacity of Pile, Q = 33.30 Tones

Page 25 of 25
Lequefaction Analysis
(CH.159+409 & 159+431)
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37)
Project Name: in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: 159+409
Borehole Number: BH-A1-LHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any No
Surcharge Value, (T/m2) 0

Earthquake Detail Level Details

Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level -
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 2.9
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0

Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without
Hammer Type: Rope & Pully
Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm 150 Exact Value
Energy ratio: 0.75
Height of fall,mm: 762
Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5
Soil Description

Layer Thickness

Measured SPT

% Fines (less
Unit Weight

N Value, N
Layer No.

than 75

1 Fine Sand 1.0 1.69 3 9

2 Fine Sand 3.5 1.85 7 10
3 Clayey Silt 6.0 1.94 26 67
4 Silty Clay 39.5 1.98 40 65
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172
Project Name: to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: 159+409
Borehole Number: BH-A1-LHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any With Surcharge
Surcharge Value 0 T/m2
Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without
Earthquake Detail Level Details Hammer Type: Rope & Pully
Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level - Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm 150 Exact Value
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 2.9 Energy ratio: 0.75
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0 Height of fall,mm: 762
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0 Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5

Effective overburden pressure at

Effective overburden pressure at

Depth at the middle of layer (m)

Overall correction factor for SPT

middle of layer (T/m2) based on

middle of layer (T/m2) based on

(With Surcharge) at the middle

Overburden Correction factor,

of layer based on GWT (T/m2)
Effective overburden pressure

Correction for SPT Rod length,

% Fines (less than 75 Micron)
the middle of layer based on

the middle of layer based on

Coorection for SPT Borehole

Overburden pressure due to

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Magnification scaling factor

Overburdon pressure at the

Cyclic Resistance Ratio, CRR

Overburden Pressure at the

Pore water pressure, at the

Pore water pressure, at the

Total Overburden Pressure

Correction for SPT sampler

Computed Factor of safety

Cyclic stress Ratio, CSR7.5
Measured SPT N Value, N
Depth of Top of layer (m)

bottom of layer (T/m2)

Cyclic Stress Ratio, CSR

middle of layer (T/m2)

against Liquefaction
Layer Thickness (m)

Design GWT (T/m2)

Unit Weight (T/m2)

weight of fall, CHW

height of fall, CHT
surcarge (T/m2)
Soil Description

Diameter, CBD

Alternate MSF
Modified CSS
GWT (T/m2)
Design GWT

Setup, C60

N160 final
setup, CSS

Final MSF
Layer No.

Final CSS

N160 CS





1 Fine Sand 0 1 0.5 1.69 1.69 0.8 0.0 0.8 0.00 0.49 0.85 0.85 0.35 3 9 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.75 1.05 0.71 2.13 1.70 3.61 3.61 0.56 1.02 4 0.07 0.12 1.00 0.56 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.30 0.22
2 Fine Sand 1 3.5 2.75 1.85 8.165 4.9 0.0 4.9 0.00 2.70 4.93 4.93 2.23 7 10 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.75 1.05 0.71 4.96 1.42 7.07 7.07 0.87 1.02 8 0.10 0.18 0.98 0.51 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.28 0.35
3 Clayey Silt 4.5 6 7.5 1.94 19.805 14.0 0.0 14.0 4.51 7.36 9.47 9.47 6.63 26 67 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.85 1.05 0.80 20.88 1.03 21.46 21.46 5.00 1.20 31 0.53 0.97 0.94 0.47 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.26 2.08
4 Silty Clay 10.5 39.5 30.25 1.98 98.015 58.9 0.0 58.9 26.83 29.68 32.08 32.08 29.23 40 65 0.75 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.05 0.95 37.80 0.56 21.10 21.10 5.00 1.20 30 0.49 0.90 0.37 0.17 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.09 5.19
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches
from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala
Project Name: Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: 159+409
Borehole Number: BH-A1-LHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any No
Surcharge Value 0

Earthquake Detail Level Details

Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level -
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 2.9
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0

Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without Energy ratio: 0.75
Hammer Type: Rope & Pully Height of fall,mm: 762
Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5

% Fines (less than 75 Micron)

Coorection for SPT Borehole

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Overall correction factor for

Overburdon pressure at the

Cyclic Resistance Ratio, CRR

Magnification scaling factor

layer based on Design GWT
Total Overburden Pressure

Correction for SPT sampler

Computed Factor of safety

Cyclic stress Ratio, CSR7.5
Measured SPT N Value, N
Depth of Top of layer (m)

pressure at the middle of

Overburden Correction

Cyclic Stress Ratio, CSR

Correction for SPT Rod
middle of layer (T/m2)

Effective overburden

against Liquefaction
weight of fall, CHW
Layer Thickness (m)

Unit Weight (T/m2)

height of fall, CHT

Soil Description

SPT Setup, C60

Diameter, CBD
length, CRL
setup, CSS

factor, CN
Layer No.


N160 CS




1 Fine Sand 0 1 1.69 0.8 0.8 0.35 3 9 0.75 1 1.1 0.75 1.05 0.71 2 1.70 4 0.6 1.0 4 0.07 0.12 1.00 0.56 1.82 0.30 0.22
2 Fine Sand 1 3.5 1.85 4.9 4.9 2.23 7 10 0.75 1 1.1 0.75 1.05 0.71 5 1.42 7 0.9 1.0 8 0.10 0.18 0.98 0.51 1.82 0.28 0.35
3 Clayey Silt 4.5 6 1.94 14.0 14.0 6.63 26 67 0.75 1 1.1 0.85 1.05 0.80 21 1.03 21 5.0 1.2 31 0.53 0.97 0.94 0.47 1.82 0.26 2.08
4 Silty Clay 10.5 39.5 1.98 58.9 58.9 29.23 40 65 0.75 1 1.2 1.00 1.05 0.95 38 0.56 21 5.0 1.2 30 0.49 0.90 0.37 0.17 1.82 0.09 5.19
BH-6 (LHS)
M/s Marc Surveying System 
Plasticity Liquid Limit
Low Plastic <35
  Medium Plastic  35 to 50 
High Plastic  >50 
  Very High  70 to 90 
Extra High  Over 90 


Liquid  Plasticity  Shrinkage  Free  Degree of  Degree of 
  Limit  Index  Index  Swell,  Expansion  Severity 
  20‐35  <12  <15  <50  Low  Non‐critical 
35‐50  12‐23  15‐30  50‐100  Medium  Marginal 
  50‐70  23‐32  30‐60  100‐200  High  Critical 
70‐90  >32  >60  >200  Very High  Severe 



Consistency Undrained Shear  SPT (N) 
Strength,  Value 
Very soft <0.1 0 to 2
Soft  0.1 to 0.25  2 to 4 
  Firm/Medium  0.25 to 0.5  4 to 8 
Stiff  0.5 to 1.0  8 to 15 
  Very Stiff  1.0 to 2.0  15 to 30 
Hard  >2.0  >30 


Density Descriptor SPT (N)  Static Cone Tip 
Value  Resistance 
Very Loose 0 to 4 >20
  Loose  4 to 10  20 to 40 
Medium Dense  10 to 30  40 to 120 
  Dense  30 to 50  120 to 200 
Very Dense  >50  >200 



M/s Marc Surveying System Page 1 of 26

M/s Marc Surveying System 

SL  Soil  Soil  Particle‐size range and description   
No.  Component 
1)  Coarse‐ Boulder  Average diameter more than 300 mm.  
  components  Cobble  Average diameter smaller than 300 mm but retained on 80‐mm IS Sieve.   
  Passing 80‐mm IS sieve but retained on 4.75‐mm IS Sieve. 
  Coarse: 80‐mm to 20‐mm IS Sieve. 
  Fine: 20‐mm to 4.75‐mm IS Sieve.   
    Sand(S)  Passing 4.75‐mm IS Sieve but retained on 75‐micron IS Sieve.   
      Coarse: 4.75‐mm to 2.0‐mm IS Sieve 
      Medium: 2.0‐mm to 425‐micron IS Sieve 
    Fine: 425‐micron to 75‐micron IS Sieve   
2)  Fine‐grained  Silt(M)  Particles smaller than 75‐micron IS Sieve   
Clay(C)  Particles smaller than 75‐micron IS Sieve, it can be a certain range of moisture and exhibits   
considerable strength when air dried. 
Organic  Organic matter in various size and stages of decomposition.   



M/s Marc Surveying System Page 2 of 26

Structure- Flyover Chainage-157+083 Km Borehole Number-A1-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Lokhara, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 2.70 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 04-02-2022 to 08-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand
0.00 DS1
with gravel 1.0 m
Loose to medium dense brown
7 1.50 SPT1 0 89 11 0
fine to coarse sand
2.25 UDS1 24.5 1.85 1.49 2.66 DST 0.0 30.2
11 3.00 SPT2
4.5 m
Stiff brown clayey silt with
12 4.50 SPT3 42.5 25.2 17.3 11.5
gravel, medium plastic
5.25 UDS2 26.7 1.90 1.50 UUT 0.8 4.4

14 6.00 SPT4 CI 5 5 65 25 20.0 2.67

10 7.50 SPT5

8.25 UDS3 27.3 1.94 1.52 41.8 24.3 17.5 12.0 UUT 1.0 5.2
9.0 m
Medium dense grey fine to
18 9.00 SPT6 0 96 4 0
coarse sand
22 10.50 SPT7

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 3 of 26

Structure- Flyover Chainage-157+083 Km Borehole Number-A1-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Lokhara, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 2.70 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 04-02-2022 to 08-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Medium dense grey fine to
26 12.00 SPT8 2.64
coarse sand
30 13.50 SPT9 - brown 15.0 to 16.5 m SP 0 95 5 0 DST 0.0 32.4

34 15.00 SPT10
16.5 m
Very stiff to hard grey silty clay,
25 16.50 SPT11 59.8 29.5 30.3
high plastic
29 18.00 SPT12

33 19.50 SPT13 CH 0 2 64 34

37 21.00 SPT14 2.69 UC 2.2

25 22.50 SPT15 62.4 31.2 31.2

29 24.00 SPT16
25.5 m
36 25.50 SPT17 Dense grey fine to coarse sand 0 96 4 0

37 27.00 SPT18 SP DST 0.0 33.1

41 28.50 SPT19
30.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 4 of 26

Structure- Flyover Chainage-157+083 Km Borehole Number-A1-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Lokhara, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 2.70 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 04-02-2022 to 08-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Very stiff to hard grey silty clay,
27 30.00 SPT20 64.7 32.5 32.2
high plastic
31 31.50 SPT21

35 33.00 SPT22

38 34.50 SPT23 0 2 61 37 UC 2.7

39 36.00 SPT24 CH

43 37.50 SPT25

46 39.00 SPT26 61.3 28.5 32.8

42 40.50 SPT27

47 42.00 SPT28 UC 2.9

49 43.50 SPT29 0 3 63 34

50 45.00 SPT30
45.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 5 of 26

Structure- Flyover Chainage-157+183 Km Borehole Number-A2-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Lokhara, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 2.40 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 05-02-2022 to 10-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand
0.00 DS1
with gravel 1.0 m
Stiff to very stiff brown clayey
7 1.50 SPT1 17.0 45.7 24.7 21.0 10.8
silt, medium plastic
2.25 UDS1 27.5 1.90 1.49 UUT 0.7 5.6

12 3.00 SPT2 0 8 66 26

14 4.50 SPT3 2.68

5.25 UDS2 CI 28.0 1.93 1.51 UUT 0.9 4.8

18 6.00 SPT4 44.8 23.2 21.6 10.5

22 7.50 SPT5

26 9.00 SPT6 0 7 69 24

28 10.50 SPT7
12.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 6 of 26

Structure- Flyover Chainage-157+183 Km Borehole Number-A2-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Lokhara, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 2.40 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 05-02-2022 to 10-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Dense grey fine to coarse sand
33 12.00 SPT8 0 98 2 0
with gravel
37 13.50 SPT9 SP 2.64 DST 0.0 32.5

37 15.00 SPT10
16.5 m
Very stiff to hard grey silty clay,
43 16.50 SPT11 58.5 28.4 30.1
high plastic
30 18.00 SPT12

22 19.50 SPT13 0 4 62 34

25 21.00 SPT14 UC 1.5

29 22.50 SPT15 CH

33 24.00 SPT16 62.3 28.9 33.4 2.70

37 25.50 SPT17

35 27.00 SPT18 0 2 67 31

37 28.50 SPT19

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 7 of 26

Structure- Flyover Chainage-157+183 Km Borehole Number-A2-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Lokhara, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 2.40 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 05-02-2022 to 10-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
41 30.00 SPT20 Hard grey silty clay, high plastic

42 31.50 SPT21 65.8 30.5 35.3 UC 2.7

35 33.00 SPT22

39 34.50 SPT23 0 3 62 35

44 36.00 SPT24

36 37.50 SPT25 CH

40 39.00 SPT26 63.9 31.4 32.5

44 40.50 SPT27

46 42.00 SPT28 UC 3.0

46 43.50 SPT29 0 2 64 34

52 45.00 SPT30
45.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 8 of 26

BH- A-1(LHS) BH- A-2(RHS)
7 7

11 12
12 14
14 18

10 22
0 18 26

22 28

12 26 33

30 37

34 37
16 25 43

29 SPT-N Values

SPT-N Values
33 22
37 25

25 29

24 29 33

36 37
37 35
41 37

27 41

31 42
35 35

38 39

36 39 44

43 36

46 40
40 42 44

47 46

49 46
50 52
45.0 m 45.0 m
Ch.- 157+083 Km Ch.- 157+183 Km

44 Fill Silty clay (CH)

Fine sand (SP-SM) Silty sand (SM)
Clayey silt (CI) Water Level

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the
state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 9 of 26

Field SPT Value (N)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ch-157+083 Km(BH-A1-LHS)

Ch.-157+183 Km (BH-A2-RHS)


Depth, m




Field SPT Values vs. Depth

Standard Penetration Test

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of
approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under
Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 10 of 26

Corrected SPT Value (N")
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ch-157+083 Km(BH-A1-LHS)

Ch.-157+183 Km (BH-A2-RHS)


Depth, m




Corrected SPT Values vs. Depth

Standard Penetration Test

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of
approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under
Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 11 of 26

Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)

60 Chainage: 157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 1.5 m

Chainage: 157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 6 m
Chainage: 157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 9 m
50 Chainage: 157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 13.5 m
Chainage: 157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 19.5 m





0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) 1.50 Fine sand 0 89 11 0

CH-157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) 6.00 Clayey silt 5 5 65 25

CH-157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) 9.00 Fine sand 0 96 4 0

CH-157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) 13.50 Fine sand 0 95 5 0

CH-157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) 19.50 Silty clay 0 2 64 34

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 12 of 26
Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)


Chainage: 157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 25.5 m

Chainage: 157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 34.5 m

Chainage: 157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 43.5 m




0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) 25.50 Fine sand 0 96 4 0

CH-157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) 34.50 Silty clay 0 2 61 37

CH-157+083 (BH: A1(LHS)) 43.50 Silty clay 0 3 63 34

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 13 of 26
Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)


Chainage: 157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 3 m

Chainage: 157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 9 m

40 Chainage: 157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 12 m

Chainage: 157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 19.5 m

Chainage: 157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 27 m




0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) 3.00 Clayey silt 0 8 66 26

CH-157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) 9.00 Clayey silt 0 7 69 24

CH-157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) 12.00 Fine sand 0 98 2 0

CH-157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) 19.50 Silty clay 0 4 62 34

CH-157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) 27.00 Silty clay 0 2 67 31

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 14 of 26
Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis



80 Chainage: 157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 34.5 m

Chainage: 157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 43.5 m

Material Passing (%)







0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) 34.50 Silty clay 0 3 62 35

CH-157+183 (BH: A2(RHS)) 43.50 Silty clay 0 2 64 34

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 15 of 26
Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 157+083 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A1(LHS) Depth: 2.25 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.49

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle,  (Degrees): 30.2



Shear Stress, kg/cm2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm 2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with
six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in
the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 16 of 26

Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test (UUT)

Chainage: 157+083 Soil: Clayey silt

BH No.: A1(LHS) Depth: 5.25 m

Moisture Content, Bulk Density, Dry Density,

% g/c3 g/c3
Sample Details
26.7 1.90 1.50

Confining Pressures, Kg/cm 2 1.0 2.0 3.0

C-Value, c (Kg/cm2): 0.80

Friction Angle, (Degrees): 4.4


Shear Stress , kg/cm



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Normal Stress, kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state
of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 17 of 26

Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test (UUT)

Chainage: 157+083 Soil: Clayey silt

BH No.: A1(LHS) Depth: 8.25 m

Moisture Content, Bulk Density, Dry Density,

% g/c3 g/c3
Sample Details
27.3 1.94 1.52

Confining Pressures, Kg/cm 2 1.0 2.0 3.0

C-Value, c (Kg/cm2): 1.00

Friction Angle, (Degrees): 5.2


Shear Stress , kg/cm



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Normal Stress, kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state
of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 18 of 26

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 157+083 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A1(LHS) Depth: 13.5 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.60

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle,  (Degrees): 32.4



Shear Stress, kg/cm2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm 2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with
six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in
the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 19 of 26

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 157+083 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A1(LHS) Depth: 27 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.65

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle,  (Degrees): 33.1



Shear Stress, kg/cm2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm 2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with
six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in
the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 20 of 26

Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test (UUT)

Chainage: 157+183 Soil: Clayey silt

BH No.: A2(LHS) Depth: 2.25 m

Moisture Content, Bulk Density, Dry Density,

% g/c3 g/c3
Sample Details
27.5 1.90 1.49

Confining Pressures, Kg/cm 2 1.0 2.0 3.0

C-Value, c (Kg/cm2): 0.70

Friction Angle, (Degrees): 5.6


Shear Stress , kg/cm



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Normal Stress, kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state
of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 21 of 26

Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test (UUT)

Chainage: 157+183 Soil: Clayey silt

BH No.: A2(LHS) Depth: 5.25 m

Moisture Content, Bulk Density, Dry Density,

% g/c3 g/c3
Sample Details
28.0 1.93 1.51

Confining Pressures, Kg/cm 2 1.0 2.0 3.0

C-Value, c (Kg/cm2): 0.90

Friction Angle, (Degrees): 4.8


Shear Stress , kg/cm



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Normal Stress, kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state
of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 22 of 26

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 157+183 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A2(LHS) Depth: 13.5 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.61

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle,  (Degrees): 32.5



Shear Stress, kg/cm2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm 2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with
six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in
the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 23 of 26


Test on Soil-Water Extract

Borehole No. Depth (m) Sulphate Content ,% Chloride Content ,% pH Value

3.0 0.14 0.03 7.51
(Ch.-157+083 Km)
6.0 0.12 0.05 7.33
(Ch-157+183 Km)

Test on Groundwater Sample

Chainage, Km Borehole No. Sulphate Content ,% Chloride Content ,% pH Value

157+083 A1-LHS 285 39 7.32

157+183 A2-RHS 289 52 7.22


Concentration of Sulphates, expressed as SO3

Class In Groundwater (mg/l)
In-Soil-Water Extract (Total) Percent
1 Traces (<0.2) Less than 300
2 0.2 to 0.5 300-1200
3 0.5 to 1.0 1200-2500
4 1.0 to 2.0 2500-5000
5 > 2.0 > 5000

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 24 of 26


Chainage‐ 157+083 (BH‐A1‐LHS) 

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 25 of 26


Chainage‐ 157+183 (BH‐A2‐RHS) 

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 26 of 26

Project: Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System CH. 157+083 Km & 157+183 Km (Flyover)

Sample Calculation

Shear Criteria:
Qnet safe = (1/FS)(cNcScdc+q(Nq-1)Sqdq+1/2BγNγSγdγRw)

Nc, Nq, Nγ = bearing capacity factors, which are a function of φ

Qnet safe = safe net bearing capacity C= 0 Φ=30
c = cohesion intercept γ = Bulk density of soil below founding level
Rw =Water Table Correction Factor g =1.85 g/cc
dc, dq, dγ = Depth factors


dc=1.00, dq=1.00, dy=1.00 at 2 m depth dc=1.00, dq=1.00, dy=1.00 at 2 m depth
Since soils are loose to 3 m depth, depth factor is ignored to 3 m.
ation Qnet safe ,
FOUN- Shape Factors
Dimen Depth, T/m2
DATION Rw Safe Net Bearing Capacity in Shear T/m2
B, m L, m Sc Sq Sg GSF LSF

3 3 Square 2 0.50 1.3 1.20 0.8 26.4 8.3 17.3

6 6 Square 2 0.50 1.3 1.20 0.8 35.9 11.0 23.4
Settlement Criteria:
N=12 at 2 m depth
Depth Factor=1.00
Settlement @
Foundation Length,m

N-value for analysis

Net Allowable Bearing

Foundation Depth,m
Foundation Width,m

10T/m 2 (as read Water Settlement

Settlement at this
Pressure, T/m2

off from Table after

pressure , mm

graph,Fig.9 Correct applying


ion water table
Factor, correction,
Rw mm

3.0 3.0 2.0 Square 12.0 26.5 0.50 53.0 11.6 49.2 (<50 mm OK)
6.0 6.0 2.0 Square 12.0 29.1 0.50 58.2 11.6 49.2 (<50 mm OK)

Recommended Net SBC value for isolated footing design is 11.6 T/m2 for 50mm Settlement for foundation width of 3 m

Recommended Net SBC value for raft design is 11.6 T/m2 for 50mm Settlement

Page 26 of 28
Project Name : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha
Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System CH. 157+083 Km & 157+183 Km (Flyover)


The load carrying capacities of bored piles have been calculated using following
expression: -
Qu= Ap (½ γ D Nγ + PD Nq ) + ∑ (Asi Ki Pdi tanδ)

Where, Ap = Cross sectional area of pile toe.

D = Stem diameter.
Nq, Nγ = Bearing Capacity factors.
γ = Effective unit weight of soil at pile toe.
PD = Effective overburden pressure at pile toe
Asi = Surface area of pile stem for ith layer.
Ki = Coefficient of earth pressure.
Pdi = Effective overburden pressure at center of the ith layer
δ= Angle of wall friction between soil & pile.
Soil Parameter adopted:
From (m) To (m) Density γ’ C Ø k α
3 2
(t/m ) (Kg/cm ) degree
0.00 1.00 1.81
1.00 4.50 1.85
4.50 9.00 1.90 0.70 0 1.00 0.65
9.00 16.50 1.94 0.00 31 1.05
16.50 25.50 1.96 1.50 0 1.00 0.30
25.50 30.00 1.98 0.00 32 1.10
30.00 45.00 1.99 2.20 0 1.00 0.28

For pile dia= 120 cm, cut off level below EGL = 1.5 m and length of pile=30.0 m
PD =1.659 kg/cm2, Nc=0.00, Nq = 28.88, Nγ= 30.21, F.O.S. = 2.5 in comp.

Applying above parameters in above equation, we get

Qu = Qp + Qf = 223.93+ 642.74 T and Qa, comp. = 866.67/2.5 = 346.67 T
Qa, comp. = 261.85 T (excluding pile weight)

For Uplift

As the soil is weak in tension, so as per IRC: 78, 70 percent of the above parameters
(as taken in compression loads) may be used for calculating the pile capacities.

For pile dia= 120 cm, cut off level below EGL = 1.5 m and length of pile=30.0 m
PD = 1.659 kg/cm2, Qf=424.42 T, F.O.S. = 2.5 in uplift.
Qa, uplift=424.42/2.5=169.77 T
Page 24 of 25
Project Name : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha
Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System CH. 157+083 Km & 157+183 Km (Flyover)

Qa, uplift= 228.67 T (including pile weight)

For Lateral

The following equation may be used to calculate the lateral capacity of pile:
12 y E I
( L1 + Lf ) 3

Q = lateral load.
E = Young’s modulus of pile material.
I = moment of inertia of pile cross section.
Lf = depth of fixity
L1 = length of pile section below cut-off-level that may not contribute
Significantly to lateral resistance (in loose/weak soils)
y = horizontal deflection

T= (EI/K1)1/5 for Granular Soils R= (EI/K2)1/4 for Cohesive Soils

Piles are 1.5 m depth below COL, L1=1.5 m=120 cm, Fixed Head Condition

For M=35,
Moment of Inertia, I: 1.018E+07 cm4
Constant K2 = 48.8 R = 498.39 cm
L1/T= 0.00 Lf/R=2.19 Lf= 1091.5 cm
L1 + Lf = 1091.5 cm
Permissible deflection, y=12 mm

Computed Lateral Capacity of Pile, Q = 33.30 Tones

Page 25 of 25
Lequefaction Analysis
CH. 157+083 Km & 157+183 Km
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37)
Project Name: in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: CH. 157+083 Km & 157+183 Km
Borehole Number: BH-A1-LHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any No
Surcharge Value, (T/m2) 0

Earthquake Detail Level Details

Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level -
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 2.4
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0

Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without
Hammer Type: Rope & Pully
Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm 150 Exact Value
Energy ratio: 0.75
Height of fall,mm: 762
Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5
Soil Description

Layer Thickness

Measured SPT

% Fines (less
Unit Weight

N Value, N
Layer No.

than 75

1 Fine Sand 1.0 1.81 7 10

2 Fine Sand 3.5 1.85 12 11
3 Clayey Silt 4.5 1.90 18 66
4 Fine Sand 7.5 1.94 28 6
5 Clayey Silt 9.0 1.96 32 64
6 Fine Sand 4.5 1.98 40 4
7 Clayey Silt 15.0 1.99 48 63
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172
Project Name: to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: CH. 157+083 Km & 157+183 Km
Borehole Number: BH-A1-LHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any With Surcharge
Surcharge Value 0 T/m2
Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without
Earthquake Detail Level Details Hammer Type: Rope & Pully
Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level - Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm 150 Exact Value
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 2.4 Energy ratio: 0.75
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0 Height of fall,mm: 762
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0 Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5

Effective overburden pressure at

Effective overburden pressure at

Depth at the middle of layer (m)

Overall correction factor for SPT

middle of layer (T/m2) based on

middle of layer (T/m2) based on

(With Surcharge) at the middle

Overburden Correction factor,

of layer based on GWT (T/m2)
Effective overburden pressure

Correction for SPT Rod length,

% Fines (less than 75 Micron)
the middle of layer based on

the middle of layer based on

Coorection for SPT Borehole

Overburden pressure due to

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Magnification scaling factor

Overburdon pressure at the

Cyclic Resistance Ratio, CRR

Overburden Pressure at the

Pore water pressure, at the

Pore water pressure, at the

Total Overburden Pressure

Correction for SPT sampler

Computed Factor of safety

Cyclic stress Ratio, CSR7.5
Measured SPT N Value, N
Depth of Top of layer (m)

bottom of layer (T/m2)

Cyclic Stress Ratio, CSR

middle of layer (T/m2)

against Liquefaction
Layer Thickness (m)

Design GWT (T/m2)

Unit Weight (T/m2)

weight of fall, CHW

height of fall, CHT
surcarge (T/m2)
Soil Description

Diameter, CBD

Alternate MSF
Modified CSS
GWT (T/m2)
Design GWT

Setup, C60

N160 final
setup, CSS

Final MSF
Layer No.

Final CSS

N160 CS





1 Fine Sand 0 1 0.5 1.81 1.81 0.9 0.0 0.9 0.00 0.49 0.91 0.91 0.41 7 10 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.75 1.05 0.71 4.96 1.70 8.43 8.43 0.87 1.02 9 0.11 0.20 1.00 0.51 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.28 0.39
2 Fine Sand 1 3.5 2.75 1.85 8.285 5.0 0.0 5.0 0.34 2.70 4.70 4.70 2.35 12 11 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.75 1.05 0.71 8.51 1.46 12.40 12.40 1.21 1.03 14 0.15 0.27 0.98 0.49 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.27 0.55
3 Clayey Silt 4.5 4.5 6.75 1.9 16.835 12.6 0.0 12.6 4.27 6.62 8.29 8.29 5.94 18 66 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.85 1.05 0.80 14.46 1.10 15.88 15.88 5.00 1.20 24 0.27 0.50 0.95 0.47 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.26 1.06
4 Fine Sand 9 7.5 12.75 1.94 31.385 24.1 0.0 24.1 10.15 12.51 13.96 13.96 11.60 28 6 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.95 1.05 0.90 25.14 0.85 21.28 21.28 0.03 1.00 21 0.23 0.43 0.83 0.41 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.22 1.05
5 Clayey Silt 16.5 9 21 1.96 49.025 40.2 0.0 40.2 18.25 20.60 21.96 21.96 19.60 32 64 0.75 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.05 0.95 30.24 0.67 20.41 20.41 5.00 1.20 29 0.44 0.79 0.61 0.29 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.16 2.70
6 Fine Sand 25.5 4.5 27.75 1.98 57.935 53.5 0.0 53.5 24.87 27.22 28.61 28.61 26.26 40 4 0.75 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.05 0.95 37.80 0.59 22.35 22.35 0.00 1.00 22 0.25 0.45 0.43 0.21 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.11 2.18
7 Clayey Silt 30 15 37.5 1.99 87.785 72.9 0.0 72.9 34.43 36.79 38.43 38.43 36.07 48 63 0.75 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.05 0.95 45.36 0.51 23.14 23.14 5.00 1.20 33 1.05 1.91 0.17 0.08 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.04 23.42
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches
from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala
Project Name: Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: CH. 157+083 Km & 157+183 Km
Borehole Number: BH-A1-LHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any No
Surcharge Value 0

Earthquake Detail Level Details

Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level -
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 2.4
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0

Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without Energy ratio: 0.75
Hammer Type: Rope & Pully Height of fall,mm: 762
Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5

% Fines (less than 75 Micron)

Coorection for SPT Borehole

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Overall correction factor for

Overburdon pressure at the

Cyclic Resistance Ratio, CRR

Magnification scaling factor

layer based on Design GWT
Total Overburden Pressure

Correction for SPT sampler

Computed Factor of safety

Cyclic stress Ratio, CSR7.5
Measured SPT N Value, N
Depth of Top of layer (m)

pressure at the middle of

Overburden Correction

Cyclic Stress Ratio, CSR

Correction for SPT Rod
middle of layer (T/m2)

Effective overburden

against Liquefaction
weight of fall, CHW
Layer Thickness (m)

Unit Weight (T/m2)

height of fall, CHT

Soil Description

SPT Setup, C60

Diameter, CBD
length, CRL
setup, CSS

factor, CN
Layer No.


N160 CS




1 Fine Sand 0 1 1.81 0.9 0.9 0.41 7 10 0.75 1 1.1 0.75 1.05 0.71 5 1.70 8 0.9 1.0 9 0.11 0.20 1.00 0.51 1.82 0.28 0.39
2 Fine Sand 1 3.5 1.85 5.0 5.0 2.35 12 11 0.75 1 1.1 0.75 1.05 0.71 9 1.46 12 1.2 1.0 14 0.15 0.27 0.98 0.49 1.82 0.27 0.55
3 Clayey Silt 4.5 4.5 1.9 12.6 12.6 5.94 18 66 0.75 1 1.1 0.85 1.05 0.80 14 1.10 16 5.0 1.2 24 0.27 0.50 0.95 0.47 1.82 0.26 1.06
4 Fine Sand 9 7.5 1.94 24.1 24.1 11.60 28 6 0.75 1 1.1 0.95 1.05 0.90 25 0.85 21 0.0 1.0 21 0.23 0.43 0.83 0.41 1.82 0.22 1.05
5 Clayey Silt 16.5 9 1.96 40.2 40.2 19.60 32 64 0.75 1 1.2 1.00 1.05 0.95 30 0.67 20 5.0 1.2 29 0.44 0.79 0.61 0.29 1.82 0.16 2.70
6 Fine Sand 25.5 4.5 1.98 53.5 53.5 26.26 40 4 0.75 1 1.2 1.00 1.05 0.95 38 0.59 22 0.0 1.0 22 0.25 0.45 0.43 0.21 1.82 0.11 2.18
7 Clayey Silt 30 15 1.99 72.9 72.9 36.07 48 63 0.75 1 1.2 1.00 1.05 0.95 45 0.51 23 5.0 1.2 33 1.05 1.91 0.17 0.08 1.82 0.04 23.42
BH-6 (LHS)
M/s Marc Surveying System
Plasticity Liquid Limit

Low Plastic <35
Medium Plastic  35 to 50 
High Plastic  >50 
Very High  70 to 90 
Extra High  Over 90 


Liquid  Plasticity  Shrinkage  Free  Degree of  Degree of 

Limit  Index  Index  Swell,  Expansion  Severity 
20‐35  <12  <15  <50  Low  Non‐critical 
35‐50  12‐23  15‐30  50‐100  Medium  Marginal 
50‐70  23‐32  30‐60  100‐200  High  Critical 
70‐90  >32  >60  >200  Very High  Severe 


Consistency Undrained Shear  SPT (N) 

Strength,  Value 
Very soft <0.1 0 to 2
Soft  0.1 to 0.25  2 to 4 
Firm/Medium  0.25 to 0.5  4 to 8 
Stiff  0.5 to 1.0  8 to 15 
Very Stiff  1.0 to 2.0  15 to 30 
Hard  >2.0  >30 


Density Descriptor SPT (N)  Static Cone Tip 

Value  Resistance 
Very Loose 0 to 4 >20
Loose  4 to 10  20 to 40 
Medium Dense  10 to 30  40 to 120 
Dense  30 to 50  120 to 200 
Very Dense  >50  >200 

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 1 of 25

M/s Marc Surveying System


SL  Soil  Soil  Particle‐size range and description 

No.  Component 
1)  Coarse‐ Boulder  Average diameter more than 300 mm.
components  Cobble  Average diameter smaller than 300 mm but retained on 80‐mm IS Sieve. 

Passing 80‐mm IS sieve but retained on 4.75‐mm IS Sieve. 
Coarse: 80‐mm to 20‐mm IS Sieve. 
Fine: 20‐mm to 4.75‐mm IS Sieve. 

Sand(S)  Passing 4.75‐mm IS Sieve but retained on 75‐micron IS Sieve. 
Coarse: 4.75‐mm to 2.0‐mm IS Sieve 
Medium: 2.0‐mm to 425‐micron IS Sieve 
Fine: 425‐micron to 75‐micron IS Sieve 

2)  Silt(M)  Particles smaller than 75‐micron IS Sieve 

Clay(C)  Particles smaller than 75‐micron IS Sieve, it can be a certain range of moisture and exhibits 
considerable strength when air dried. 
Organic  Organic matter in various size and stages of decomposition. 


M/s Marc Surveying System Page 2 of 25

Structure- Flyover Chainage-161+534 Km Borehole Number-A1-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Basistha, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 5.30 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 28-01-2022 to 02-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand
0.00 DS1
with gravel 1.0
Loose brown fine to coarse sand
5 1.50 SPT1 7 83 10 0
with gravel SP-
2.25 UDS1 22.4 1.81 1.48 2.65 DST 0.0 29.6
3.0 m
Stiff grey clayey silt with gravel,
9 3.00 SPT2 37.8 22.3 15.5 12.2
medium plastic
14 4.50 SPT3 CI 3 8 65 24 12.0

5.25 UDS2 23.8 1.88 1.52 2.68 UUT 0.7 4.8

6.0 m
18 6.00 SPT4 Medium dense grey fine sand 0 98 2 0

22 7.50 SPT5
26 9.00 SPT6 2.64 DST 0.0 30.7

28 10.50 SPT7 0 95 5 0
12.0 m
30 12.00 SPT8 Hard grey silty clay, high plastic CH 58.0 27.9 30.1

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 3 of 25

Structure- Flyover Chainage-161+534 Km Borehole Number-A1-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Basistha, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 5.30 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 28-01-2022 to 02-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Very stiff to hard grey silty clay,
35 13.50 SPT9
high plastic
32 15.00 SPT10

36 16.50 SPT11 0 3 62 35 2.70 UC 2.4

40 18.00 SPT12

31 19.50 SPT13

25 21.00 SPT14 CH 62.9 30.8 32.1

28 22.50 SPT15

32 24.00 SPT16 0 2 66 32

36 25.50 SPT17 UC 2.6

34 27.00 SPT18 61.9 30.1 31.8

38 28.50 SPT19

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 4 of 25

Structure- Flyover Chainage-161+534 Km Borehole Number-A1-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Basistha, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 5.30 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 28-01-2022 to 02-02-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Very stiff to hard grey silty clay,
39 30.00 SPT20
high plastic
28 31.50 SPT21 0 3 63 34

23 33.00 SPT22 UC 2.8

28 34.50 SPT23

32 36.00 SPT24 63.8 29.9 33.9

32 37.50 SPT25 CH

30 39.00 SPT26

35 40.50 SPT27 0 2 67 31

40 42.00 SPT28 UC 2.9

44 43.50 SPT29 62.7 29.5 33.2

48 45.00 SPT30
45.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 5 of 25

Structure- Flyover Chainage-162+016 Km Borehole Number-A2-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Basistha, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 3.70 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 21-01-2022 to 27-01-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand
0.00 DS1
with gravel 1.0 m
Medium dense brown fine to
14 1.50 SPT1
coarse sand
2.25 UDS1 23.2 1.86 1.51 0 86 14 0 2.64 DST 0.0 30.4
16 3.00 SPT2
4.5 m
Very stiff grey clayey silt,
16 4.50 SPT3 42.7 24.8 17.9 10.2
medium plastic
5.25 UDS2 25.1 1.93 1.54 UUT 0.8 5.8

18 6.00 SPT4 20.0

21 7.50 SPT5 CI 0 8 70 22 2.67

15 9.00 SPT6

17 10.50 SPT7 39.8 22.9 16.9 11.1 UC 1.0

21 12.00 SPT8
13.5 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 6 of 25

Structure- Flyover Chainage-162+016 Km Borehole Number-A2-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Basistha, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 3.70 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 21-01-2022 to 27-01-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Medium dense to dense grey fine
26 13.50 SPT9 0 96 4 0
29 15.00 SPT10

33 16.50 SPT11 DST 0.0 31.8

37 18.00 SPT12

40 19.50 SPT13

31 21.00 SPT14 SP 0 98 2 0

35 22.50 SPT15

38 24.00 SPT16

41 25.50 SPT17 DST 0.0 32.7

44 27.00 SPT18 0 97 3 0

47 28.50 SPT19

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 7 of 25

Structure- Flyover Chainage-162+016 Km Borehole Number-A2-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: Basistha, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 45.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 43.5 m Ground Water Depth : 3.70 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 21-01-2022 to 27-01-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Dense to very dense grey fine
49 30.00 SPT20
sand with gravel
52 31.50 SPT21
46 33.00 SPT22 4 94 2 0

52 34.50 SPT23
35.0 m
35 36.00 SPT24 Hard grey silty clay, high plastic 55.8 27.2 28.6 UC 2.6

39 37.50 SPT25

44 39.00 SPT26

48 40.50 SPT27 CH 0 4 64 32

52 42.00 SPT28 UC 3.0

56 43.50 SPT29 59.9 28.7 31.2

57 45.00 SPT30
45.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 8 of 25

BH- A-1(LHS) BH- A-2(RHS)
5 14

9 16
14 16
18 18

22 21
26 15

28 17

12 30 21

35 26

32 29
16 36 33

40 37
SPT-N Values

SPT-N Values
31 40
25 31

28 35

24 32 38

36 41
34 44
38 47

39 49

28 52
23 46

28 52

36 32 35

32 39

30 44
40 35 48

40 52

44 56
48 57
45.0 m 45.0 m
Ch.- 161+534 Km Ch.- 162+016 Km

44 Fill Silty clay (CH)

Fine sand (SP-SM) Silty sand (SM)
Clayey silt (CI) Water Level

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the
state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 9 of 25

Field SPT Value (N)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ch-161+534 Km(BH-A1-LHS)

Ch.-162+016 Km (BH-A2-RHS)


Depth, m




Field SPT Values vs. Depth

Standard Penetration Test

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of
approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under
Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 10 of 25

Corrected SPT Value (N")
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Ch-161+534 Km(BH-A1-LHS)

Ch.-162+016 Km (BH-A2-RHS)


Depth, m




Corrected SPT Values vs. Depth

Standard Penetration Test

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of
approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under
Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 11 of 25

Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)

60 Chainage: 161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 1.5 m

Chainage: 161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 4.5 m
Chainage: 161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 6 m
50 Chainage: 161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 10.5 m
Chainage: 161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 16.5 m





0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) 1.50 Fine sand with gravel 7 83 10 0

CH-161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) 4.50 Clayey silt with gravel 3 8 65 24

CH-161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) 6.00 Fine sand 0 98 2 0

CH-161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) 10.50 Fine sand 0 95 5 0

CH-161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) 16.50 Silty clay 0 3 62 35

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 12 of 25
Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis



Chainage: 161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 24 m

70 Chainage: 161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 31.5 m

Chainage: 161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) , Depth: 40.5 m

Material Passing (%)







0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) 24.00 Silty clay 0 2 66 32

CH-161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) 31.50 Silty clay 0 3 63 34

CH-161+534 (BH: A1(LHS)) 40.50 Silty clay 0 2 67 31

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 13 of 25
Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Chainage: 162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 2.25 m

Chainage: 162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 7.5 m

Material Passing (%)

60 Chainage: 162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 13.5 m

Chainage: 162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 21 m

Chainage: 162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) , Depth: 27 m






0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) 2.25 Fine sand 0 86 14 0

CH-162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) 7.50 Clayey silt 0 8 70 22

CH-162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) 13.50 Fine sand 0 96 4 0

CH-162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) 21.00 Fine sand 0 98 2 0

CH-162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) 27.00 Fine sand 0 97 3 0

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 14 of 25
Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis



80 Chainage: 162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) ,

Depth: 33 m

Chainage: 162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) ,

70 Depth: 40.5 m
Material Passing (%)







0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) 33.00 Fine sand with gravel 4 94 2 0

CH-162+016 (BH: A2(RHS)) 40.50 Silty clay 0 4 64 32

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 15 of 25
Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 161+534 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A1(LHS) Depth: 2.25 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.48

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 29.6



Shear Stress, kg/cm 2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 16 of 25

Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test (UUT)

Chainage: 161+534 Soil: Clayey silt

BH No.: A1(LHS) Depth: 5.25 m

Moisture Content, Bulk Density, Dry Density,

% g/c3 g/c3
Sample Details
23.8 1.88 1.52

Confining Pressures, Kg/cm2 1.0 2.0 3.0

C-Value, c (Kg/cm2): 0.70

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 4.8


Shear Stress , kg/cm



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Normal Stress, kg/cm

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with
six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in
the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 17 of 25

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 161+534 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A1(LHS) Depth: 9m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.59

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 30.7



Shear Stress, kg/cm 2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 18 of 25

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 162+016 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A2(RHS) Depth: 2.25 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.51

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 30.4



Shear Stress, kg/cm 2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 19 of 25

Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test (UUT)

Chainage: 162+016 Soil: Clayey silt

BH No.: A2(RHS) Depth: 5.25 m

Moisture Content, Bulk Density, Dry Density,

% g/c3 g/c3
Sample Details
25.1 1.93 1.54

Confining Pressures, Kg/cm2 1.0 2.0 3.0

C-Value, c (Kg/cm2): 0.80

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 5.8


Shear Stress , kg/cm



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Normal Stress, kg/cm

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with
six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in
the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 20 of 25

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 162+016 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A2(RHS) Depth: 16.5 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.62

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 31.8



Shear Stress, kg/cm 2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 21 of 25

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 162+016 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A2(RHS) Depth: 25.5 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.65

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 32.7



Shear Stress, kg/cm 2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 22 of 25


Test on Soil-Water Extract

Borehole No. Depth (m) Sulphate Content ,% Chloride Content ,% pH Value

4.5 0.12 0.02 7.28
(Ch.-161+534 Km)
3.0 0.16 0.04 7.35
(Ch-162+016 Km)

Test on Groundwater Sample

Chainage, Km Borehole No. Sulphate Content ,% Chloride Content ,% pH Value

161+534 A1-LHS 298 41 7.21

162+016 A2-RHS 277 51 7.27


Concentration of Sulphates, expressed as SO3

Class In Groundwater (mg/l)
In-Soil-Water Extract (Total) Percent
1 Traces (<0.2) Less than 300
2 0.2 to 0.5 300-1200
3 0.5 to 1.0 1200-2500
4 1.0 to 2.0 2500-5000
5 > 2.0 > 5000

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 23 of 25


Chainage‐ 161+534 (BH‐A1‐LHS) 

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 24 of 25


Chainage‐ 162+016 (BH‐A2‐RHS) 

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 25 of 25

Project: Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System CH.161+534 Km & 162+016 Km (Flyover)

Sample Calculation

Shear Criteria:
Qnet safe = (1/FS)(cNcScdc+q(Nq-1)Sqdq+1/2BγNγSγdγRw)

Nc, Nq, Nγ = bearing capacity factors, which are a function of φ

Qnet safe = safe net bearing capacity C= 0 Φ=30
c = cohesion intercept γ = Bulk density of soil below founding level
Rw =Water Table Correction Factor g =1.85 g/cc
dc, dq, dγ = Depth factors


dc=1.00, dq=1.00, dy=1.00 at 2 m depth dc=1.00, dq=1.00, dy=1.00 at 2 m depth
Since soils are loose to 3 m depth, depth factor is ignored to 3 m.
ation Qnet safe ,
FOUN- Shape Factors
Dimen Depth, T/m2
DATION Rw Safe Net Bearing Capacity in Shear T/m2
B, m L, m Sc Sq Sg GSF LSF

3 3 Square 2 0.50 1.3 1.20 0.8 26.4 8.3 17.3

6 6 Square 2 0.50 1.3 1.20 0.8 35.9 11.0 23.4
Settlement Criteria:
N=12 at 2 m depth
Depth Factor=1.00
Settlement @
Foundation Length,m

N-value for analysis

Net Allowable Bearing

Foundation Depth,m
Foundation Width,m

10T/m 2 (as read Water Settlement

Settlement at this
Pressure, T/m2

off from Table after

pressure , mm

graph,Fig.9 Correct applying


ion water table
Factor, correction,
Rw mm

3.0 3.0 2.0 Square 12.0 26.5 0.50 53.0 11.6 49.2 (<50 mm OK)
6.0 6.0 2.0 Square 12.0 29.1 0.50 58.2 11.6 49.2 (<50 mm OK)

Recommended Net SBC value for isolated footing design is 11.6 T/m2 for 50mm Settlement for foundation width of 3 m

Recommended Net SBC value for raft design is 11.6 T/m2 for 50mm Settlement

Page 26 of 28
Project Name : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha
Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System CH.161+534 Km & 162+016 Km (Flyover)


The load carrying capacities of bored piles have been calculated using following
expression: -
Qu= Ap (½ γ D Nγ + PD Nq ) + ∑ (Asi Ki Pdi tanδ)

Where, Ap = Cross sectional area of pile toe.

D = Stem diameter.
Nq, Nγ = Bearing Capacity factors.
γ = Effective unit weight of soil at pile toe.
PD = Effective overburden pressure at pile toe
Asi = Surface area of pile stem for ith layer.
Ki = Coefficient of earth pressure.
Pdi = Effective overburden pressure at center of the ith layer
δ= Angle of wall friction between soil & pile.
Soil Parameter adopted:
From (m) To (m) Density γ’ C Ø k α
3 2
(t/m ) (Kg/cm ) degree
0.00 1.00 1.79 - -
1.00 4.50 1.81 - -
4.50 6.00 1.88 0.70 0 1.00 0.65
6.00 12.00 1.94 0.00 31 1.05
12.00 45.00 1.98 2.40 0 1.00 0.28

For pile dia= 120 cm, cut off level below EGL = 1.5 m and length of pile=30.0 m
PD =1.683 kg/cm2, Nc=0.0, Nq = 0.00, Nγ= 0.00, F.O.S. = 2.5 in comp.

Applying above parameters in above equation, we get

Qu = Qp + Qf = 244.29+ 620.38 T and Qa, comp. = 864.67/2.5 = 345.87 T
Qa, comp. = 261.05 T (excluding pile weight)

For Uplift

As the soil is weak in tension, so as per IRC: 78, 70 percent of the above parameters
(as taken in compression loads) may be used for calculating the pile capacities.

For pile dia= 120 cm, cut off level below EGL = 1.5 m and length of pile=30.0 m
PD = 1.683 kg/cm2, Qf=434.27 T, F.O.S. = 2.5 in uplift.
Qa, uplift=434.27 /2.5=173.71T
Qa, uplift= 258.53 T (including pile weight)

Page 24 of 24
Project Name : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha
Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System CH.161+534 Km & 162+016 Km (Flyover)

For Lateral

The following equation may be used to calculate the lateral capacity of pile:
12 y E I
( L1 + Lf ) 3

Q = lateral load.
E = Young’s modulus of pile material.
I = moment of inertia of pile cross section.
Lf = depth of fixity
L1 = length of pile section below cut-off-level that may not contribute
Significantly to lateral resistance (in loose/weak soils)
y = horizontal deflection

T= (EI/K1)1/5 for Granular Soils R= (EI/K2)1/4 for Cohesive Soils

Piles are 1.5 m depth below COL, L1=1.5 m=120 cm, Fixed Head Condition

For M=35,
Moment of Inertia, I: 1.018E+07 cm4
Constant K2 = 48.8 R = 498.39 cm
L1/T= 0.00 Lf/R=2.19 Lf= 1091.5 cm
L1 + Lf = 1091.5 cm
Permissible deflection, y=12 mm

Computed Lateral Capacity of Pile, Q = 33.30 Tones

Page 24 of 24
Lequefaction Analysis
CH.161+534 Km & 162+016 Km
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37)
Project Name: in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: 162+016 Km
Borehole Number: BH-A2 RHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any No
Surcharge Value, (T/m2) 0

Earthquake Detail Level Details

Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level -
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 3.7
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0

Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without
Hammer Type: Rope & Pully
Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm 150 Exact Value
Energy ratio: 0.75
Height of fall,mm: 762
Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5
Soil Description

Layer Thickness

Measured SPT

% Fines (less
Unit Weight

N Value, N
Layer No.

than 75

1 Fine Sand 1.0 1.69 10 10

2 Fine Sand 3.5 1.85 17 14
3 Clayey Silt 8.0 1.94 27 70
4 Fine Sand 26.0 1.98 34 4
5 Clayey Silt 10.0 1.99 40 67
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172
Project Name: to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: 162+016 Km
Borehole Number: BH-A2 RHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any With Surcharge
Surcharge Value 0 T/m2
Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without
Earthquake Detail Level Details Hammer Type: Rope & Pully
Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level - Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm 150 Exact Value
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 3.7 Energy ratio: 0.75
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0 Height of fall,mm: 762
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0 Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5

Effective overburden pressure at

Effective overburden pressure at

Depth at the middle of layer (m)

Overall correction factor for SPT

middle of layer (T/m2) based on

middle of layer (T/m2) based on

(With Surcharge) at the middle

Overburden Correction factor,

of layer based on GWT (T/m2)
Effective overburden pressure

Correction for SPT Rod length,

% Fines (less than 75 Micron)
the middle of layer based on

the middle of layer based on

Coorection for SPT Borehole

Overburden pressure due to

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Magnification scaling factor

Overburdon pressure at the

Cyclic Resistance Ratio, CRR

Overburden Pressure at the

Pore water pressure, at the

Pore water pressure, at the

Total Overburden Pressure

Correction for SPT sampler

Computed Factor of safety

Cyclic stress Ratio, CSR7.5
Measured SPT N Value, N
Depth of Top of layer (m)

bottom of layer (T/m2)

Cyclic Stress Ratio, CSR

middle of layer (T/m2)

against Liquefaction
Layer Thickness (m)

Design GWT (T/m2)

Unit Weight (T/m2)

weight of fall, CHW

height of fall, CHT
surcarge (T/m2)
Soil Description

Diameter, CBD

Alternate MSF
Modified CSS
GWT (T/m2)
Design GWT

Setup, C60

N160 final
setup, CSS

Final MSF
Layer No.

Final CSS

N160 CS





1 Fine Sand 0 1 0.5 1.69 1.69 0.8 0.0 0.8 0.00 0.49 0.85 0.85 0.35 10 10 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.75 1.05 0.71 7.09 1.70 12.05 12.05 0.87 1.02 13 0.14 0.26 1.00 0.56 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.30 0.47
2 Fine Sand 1 3.5 2.75 1.85 8.165 4.9 0.0 4.9 0.00 2.70 4.93 4.93 2.23 17 14 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.75 1.05 0.71 12.05 1.42 17.16 17.16 2.20 1.04 20 0.22 0.39 0.98 0.51 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.28 0.78
3 Clayey Silt 4.5 8 8.5 1.94 23.685 15.9 0.0 15.9 4.71 8.34 11.22 11.22 7.59 27 70 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.85 1.05 0.80 21.69 0.94 20.48 20.48 5.00 1.20 30 0.44 0.80 0.93 0.46 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.25 1.75
4 Fine Sand 12.5 26 25.5 1.98 75.165 49.4 0.0 49.4 21.39 25.02 28.04 28.04 24.41 34 4 0.75 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.05 0.95 32.13 0.60 19.19 19.19 0.00 1.00 19 0.21 0.37 0.49 0.23 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.13 1.60
5 Clayey Silt 38.5 10 43.5 1.99 95.065 85.1 0.0 85.1 39.04 42.67 46.07 46.07 42.44 40 67 0.75 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.05 0.95 37.80 0.47 17.61 17.61 5.00 1.20 26 0.32 0.58 0.01 0.01 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.00 97.83
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches
from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala
Project Name: Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: 162+016 Km
Borehole Number: BH-A2 RHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any No
Surcharge Value 0

Earthquake Detail Level Details

Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level -
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 3.7
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0

Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without Energy ratio: 0.75
Hammer Type: Rope & Pully Height of fall,mm: 762
Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5

% Fines (less than 75 Micron)

Coorection for SPT Borehole

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Overall correction factor for

Overburdon pressure at the

Cyclic Resistance Ratio, CRR

Magnification scaling factor

layer based on Design GWT
Total Overburden Pressure

Correction for SPT sampler

Computed Factor of safety

Cyclic stress Ratio, CSR7.5
Measured SPT N Value, N
Depth of Top of layer (m)

pressure at the middle of

Overburden Correction

Cyclic Stress Ratio, CSR

Correction for SPT Rod
middle of layer (T/m2)

Effective overburden

against Liquefaction
weight of fall, CHW
Layer Thickness (m)

Unit Weight (T/m2)

height of fall, CHT

Soil Description

SPT Setup, C60

Diameter, CBD
length, CRL
setup, CSS

factor, CN
Layer No.


N160 CS




1 Fine Sand 0 1 1.69 0.8 0.8 0.35 10 10 0.75 1 1.1 0.75 1.05 0.71 7 1.70 12 0.9 1.0 13 0.14 0.26 1.00 0.56 1.82 0.30 0.47
2 Fine Sand 1 3.5 1.85 4.9 4.9 2.23 17 14 0.75 1 1.1 0.75 1.05 0.71 12 1.42 17 2.2 1.0 20 0.22 0.39 0.98 0.51 1.82 0.28 0.78
3 Clayey Silt 4.5 8 1.94 15.9 15.9 7.59 27 70 0.75 1 1.1 0.85 1.05 0.80 22 0.94 20 5.0 1.2 30 0.44 0.80 0.93 0.46 1.82 0.25 1.75
4 Fine Sand 12.5 26 1.98 49.4 49.4 24.41 34 4 0.75 1 1.2 1.00 1.05 0.95 32 0.60 19 0.0 1.0 19 0.21 0.37 0.49 0.23 1.82 0.13 1.60
5 Clayey Silt 38.5 10 1.99 85.1 85.1 42.44 40 67 0.75 1 1.2 1.00 1.05 0.95 38 0.47 18 5.0 1.2 26 0.32 0.58 0.01 0.01 1.82 0.00 97.83
BH-6 (LHS)
M/s Marc Surveying System
Plasticity Liquid Limit

Low Plastic <35
Medium Plastic  35 to 50 
High Plastic  >50 
Very High  70 to 90 
Extra High  Over 90 


Liquid  Plasticity  Shrinkage  Free  Degree of  Degree of 

Limit  Index  Index  Swell,  Expansion  Severity 
20‐35  <12  <15  <50  Low  Non‐critical 
35‐50  12‐23  15‐30  50‐100  Medium  Marginal 
50‐70  23‐32  30‐60  100‐200  High  Critical 
70‐90  >32  >60  >200  Very High  Severe 


Consistency Undrained Shear  SPT (N) 

Strength,  Value 
Very soft <0.1 0 to 2
Soft  0.1 to 0.25  2 to 4 
Firm/Medium  0.25 to 0.5  4 to 8 
Stiff  0.5 to 1.0  8 to 15 
Very Stiff  1.0 to 2.0  15 to 30 
Hard  >2.0  >30 


Density Descriptor SPT (N)  Static Cone Tip 

Value  Resistance 
Very Loose 0 to 4 >20
Loose  4 to 10  20 to 40 
Medium Dense  10 to 30  40 to 120 
Dense  30 to 50  120 to 200 
Very Dense  >50 >200


M/s Marc Surveying System Page 1 of 25

M/s Marc Surveying System

SL  Soil  Soil  Particle‐size range and description 

No.  Component 
1)  Coarse‐ Boulder  Average diameter more than 300 mm.
components  Cobble  Average diameter smaller than 300 mm but retained on 80‐mm IS Sieve. 

Passing 80‐mm IS sieve but retained on 4.75‐mm IS Sieve. 
Coarse: 80‐mm to 20‐mm IS Sieve. 
Fine: 20‐mm to 4.75‐mm IS Sieve. 

Sand(S)  Passing 4.75‐mm IS Sieve but retained on 75‐micron IS Sieve. 
Coarse: 4.75‐mm to 2.0‐mm IS Sieve 
Medium: 2.0‐mm to 425‐micron IS Sieve 
Fine: 425‐micron to 75‐micron IS Sieve 

2)  Silt(M)  Particles smaller than 75‐micron IS Sieve 

Clay(C)  Particles smaller than 75‐micron IS Sieve, it can be a certain range of moisture and exhibits 
considerable strength when air dried. 
Organic  Organic matter in various size and stages of decomposition. 


M/s Marc Surveying System Page 2 of 25

Structure- Minor Bridge Chainage-162+122 Km Borehole Number-A1-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 3.15 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 21-01-2022 to 27-01-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand
0.00 DS1
with gravel 1.0
Loose to medium dense grey fine
17 1.50 SPT1 2 88 10 0
to coarse sand
2.25 UDS1 24.0 1.85 1.49 DST 0.0 30.2
7 3.00 SPT2 2.64
8 4.50 SPT3 0 87 13 0

5.25 UDS2 25.9 1.90 1.51 DST 0.0 30.7

6.0 m
Very stiff brown clayey silt with
18 6.00 SPT4 45.2 23.5 21.7 11.2
gravel, medium plastic
20 7.50 SPT5 CI 20.0 2.68

8.25 UDS3 28.0 1.94 1.52 7 7 65 21 UUT 1.0 4.2

21 9.00 SPT6
10.5 m
Very stiff grey silty clay, high
16 10.50 SPT7 CH 42.0 66.8 31.2 35.6 9.4

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 3 of 25

Structure- Minor Bridge Chainage-162+122 Km Borehole Number-A1-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 3.15 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 21-01-2022 to 27-01-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Very stiff to hard grey silty clay,
19 12.00 SPT8
high plastic
23 13.50 SPT9 0 2 67 31

21 15.00 SPT10 2.70

26 16.50 SPT11

29 18.00 SPT12 71.1 32.5 38.6 9.2

30 19.50 SPT13 CH

31 21.00 SPT14

35 22.50 SPT15 0 1 64 35

39 24.00 SPT16

43 25.50 SPT17 68.9 30.7 38.2

45 27.00 SPT18

44 28.50 SPT19 0 2 62 36

49 30.00 SPT20
31.5 m
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 4 of 25
Structure- Minor Bridge Chainage-162+122 Km Borehole Number-A1-RHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 3.15 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 21-01-2022 to 27-01-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
35 31.50 SPT21 Dense grey fine to coarse sand 0 91 9 0
32 33.00 SPT22
38 34.50 SPT23

42 36.00 SPT24 0 98 2 0

46 37.50 SPT25
47 39.00 SPT26

49 40.00 SPT27
40.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 5 of 25

Structure- Minor Bridge Chainage-162+144 Km Borehole Number-A2-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 4.80 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 21-01-2022 to 25-01-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Filled up: Dark grey coarse sand
0.00 DS1
with gravel 1.0
Medium dense grey fine to
21 1.50 SPT1 18 73 9 0
coarse sand with gravel
2.25 UDS1 22.0 1.86 1.52 2.65 DST 0.0 31.1
27 3.00 SPT2 5 83 12 0
4.5 m
Firm to very stiff brown clayey
5 4.50 SPT3 22.0 43.8 22.2 21.6 10.4
10 6.00 SPT4

17 7.50 SPT5 0 8 70 22 2.67

15 9.00 SPT6 CI 25.0

18 10.50 SPT7 46.2 23.5 22.7 9.9

23 12.00 SPT8 0 5 68 27

27 13.50 SPT9
15.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 6 of 25

Structure- Minor Bridge Chainage-162+144 Km Borehole Number-A2-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 4.80 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 21-01-2022 to 25-01-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
Medium dense brown silty fine
21 15.00 SPT10 0 78 20 2 2.66
24 16.50 SPT11
18.0 m
27 18.00 SPT12 Hard grey silty clay, high plastic 69.3 32.5 36.8 9.5

31 19.50 SPT13

35 21.00 SPT14 0 2 66 32

39 22.50 SPT15 2.69

43 24.00 SPT16 68.5 32.9 35.6

34 25.50 SPT17 CH

33 27.00 SPT18

37 28.50 SPT19 7 3 57 33

42 30.00 SPT20

35 31.50 SPT21 68.9 32.2 36.7

33 33.00 SPT22
M/s Marc Surveying System Page 7 of 25
Structure- Minor Bridge Chainage-162+144 Km Borehole Number-A2-LHS
Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC
Location: NH-37, Guwahati Bypass, Assam Method of Boring: Shell and Auger Depth of Borehole: 40.0 m

Northing : - Depth of Casing : 38.5 m Ground Water Depth : 4.80 m

Easting : - Date of Work : 21-01-2022 to 25-01-2022 Elevation: -

In-Situ Density, g/cc

Shrinkage Limit, (%)

Plasticity Index (%)
Free Swell Index, %
Shear Parameter

Dry Density, g/cc

Plastic Limit (%)

Water Content,%
IS Classification

Liquid Limit (%)

Specific Gravity
Sample Type

Gravel (%)

Sand (%)
N -Value

Clay (%)

Silt (%)


Test Method

f -Value
C- Value
(kg/cm )
38 34.50 SPT23 Hard grey silty clay, high plastic 0 4 67 29

43 36.00 SPT24 CH

47 37.50 SPT25 62.4 29.9 32.5

39.0 m
48 39.00 SPT26 0 97 3 0
55 40.00 SPT27
40.0 m

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 8 of 25

BH- A-1(RHS) BH- A-2(LHS)
17 21

7 27
4 5

18 10

20 17
21 15

16 18

12 19 23

23 27

21 21
26 24
SPT-N Values

SPT-N Values
29 27

30 31

31 35

35 39

24 39 43

43 34

45 33
44 37

49 42

35 35
32 33

38 38

36 42 43

46 47

47 48

40 49 55
40.0 m 40.0 m

Ch.- 162+122 Km Ch.- 162+144 Km

44 Fill Silty clay (CH)

Fine sand (SP-SM) Silty sand (SM)
Clayey silt (CI) Water Level

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the
state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 9 of 25

Field SPT Value (N)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

BH-A-1 (RHS)

Depth, m




Field SPT Values vs. Depth

Standard Penetration Test

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of
approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under
Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 10 of 25

Corrected SPT Value (N")
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

10 BH-A-1 (RHS)

Depth, m




Corrected SPT Values vs. Depth

Standard Penetration Test

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of
approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under
Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 11 of 25

Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis



Chainage: 162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) , Depth: 1.5 m
Chainage: 162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) , Depth: 4.5 m

70 Chainage: 162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) , Depth: 8.25 m

Chainage: 162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) , Depth: 13.5 m
Material Passing (%)

Chainage: 162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) , Depth: 22.5 m







0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

Fine sand with traces of

CH-162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) 1.50 2 88 10 0

CH-162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) 4.50 Fine sand 0 87 13 0

CH-162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) 8.25 Clayey silt 7 7 65 21

CH-162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) 13.50 Silty clay 0 2 67 31

CH-162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) 22.50 Silty clay 0 1 64 35

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches
from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on
EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 12 of 25

Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)



Chainage: 162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) , Depth: 28.5 m

Chainage: 162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) , Depth: 31.5 m

Chainage: 162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) , Depth: 36 m



0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) 28.50 Silty clay 0 2 62 36

CH-162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) 31.50 Fine sand 0 91 9 0

CH-162+122 (BH: A1(RHS)) 36.00 Fine sand 0 98 2 0

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches
from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on
EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 13 of 25

Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)


Chainage: 162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) , Depth: 1.5 m

Chainage: 162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) , Depth: 3 m

40 Chainage: 162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) , Depth: 7.5 m

Chainage: 162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) , Depth: 12 m

30 Chainage: 162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) , Depth: 15 m



0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) 1.50 Fine sand with gravel 18 73 9 0

CH-162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) 3.00 Fine sand with gravel 5 83 12 0

CH-162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) 7.50 Clayey silt 0 8 70 22

CH-162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) 12.00 Clayey silt 0 5 68 27

CH-162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) 15.00 Silty fine sand 0 78 20 2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches
from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on
EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 14 of 25

Gradation Analysis

Hydrometer Analysis Sieve Analysis




Material Passing (%)

60 Chainage: 162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) , Depth: 21 m

Chainage: 162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) , Depth: 28.5 m

50 Chainage: 162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) , Depth: 34.5 m

Chainage: 162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) , Depth: 39 m





0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000

Particle Diameter (mm)

Sample Details Test Results

Borehole No. Depth,m Description Gravel (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%)

CH-162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) 21.00 Silty clay 0 2 66 32

CH-162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) 28.50 Silty clay 7 3 57 33

CH-162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) 34.50 Silty clay 0 4 67 29

CH-162+144 (BH: A2(LHS)) 39.00 Fine sand 0 97 3 0

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches
from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on
EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 15 of 25

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 162+122 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A1(RHS) Depth: 2.25 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.49

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 30.2



y = 0.5811x
R2 = 0.9953

Shear Stress, kg/cm 2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 16 of 25

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 162+122 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A1(RHS) Depth: 5.25 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.51

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 30.7



y = 0.594x
R2 = 0.9936

Shear Stress, kg/cm 2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 17 of 25

Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Shear Test (UUT)

Chainage: 162+122 Soil: Clayey silt

BH No.: A1(RHS) Depth: 8.25 m

Moisture Content, Bulk Density, Dry Density,

% g/c3 g/c3
Sample Details
28.0 1.94 1.52

Confining Pressures, Kg/cm2 1.0 2.0 3.0

C-Value, c (Kg/cm2): 1.00

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 4.2


Shear Stress , kg/cm



0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
Normal Stress, kg/cm

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with
six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in
the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 18 of 25

Direct Shear Test (Drained)

Chainage: 162+144 Soil: Fine to coarse sand

BH No.: A2(LHS) Depth: 2.25 m

Dry Density (g/cm3): 1.52

Water Content (%): Saturated

C-Value (Kg/cm2): 0.00

Friction Angle, f (Degrees): 31.1



y = 0.6042x
R2 = 0.9941

Shear Stress, kg/cm 2



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Normal Stress , kg/cm2

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 19 of 25


Test on Soil-Water Extract

Borehole No. Depth (m) Sulphate Content ,% Chloride Content ,% pH Value

1.5 0.11 0.02 7.35
(Ch.-162+122 Km)
4.5 0.14 0.04 7.42
(Ch-162+144 Km)

Test on Groundwater Sample

Chainage, Km Borehole No. Sulphate Content ,% Chloride Content ,% pH Value

162+122 A1-RHS 298 45 7.25

162+144 A2-LHS 295 57 7.31


Concentration of Sulphates, expressed as SO3

Class In Groundwater (mg/l)
In-Soil-Water Extract (Total) Percent
1 Traces (<0.2) Less than 300
2 0.2 to 0.5 300-1200
3 0.5 to 1.0 1200-2500
4 1.0 to 2.0 2500-5000
5 > 2.0 > 5000

Project- Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from
section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 20 of 25

Chainage‐ 162+122 (BH‐A1‐RHS) 

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 21 of 25

Chainage‐ 162+144 (BH‐A2‐LHS) 

M/s Marc Surveying System Page 22 of 25

Project: Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along
with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass
(NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System (CH. 162+122 Km & 162+144 Km) Minor Bridge

Sample Calculation

Shear Criteria:
Qnet safe = (1/FS)(cNcScdc+q(Nq-1)Sqdq+1/2BγNγSγdγRw)

Nc, Nq, Nγ = bearing capacity factors, which are a function of φ

Qnet safe = safe net bearing capacity C= 0 Φ=30
c = cohesion intercept γ = Bulk density of soil below founding level
Rw =Water Table Correction Factor g =1.85 g/cc
dc, dq, dγ = Depth factors


dc=1.00, dq=1.00, dy=1.00 at 2 m depth dc=1.00, dq=1.00, dy=1.00 at 2 m depth
Since soils are loose to 3 m depth, depth factor is ignored to 3 m.
ation Qnet safe ,
FOUN- Shape Factors
Dimen Depth, T/m2
DATION Rw Safe Net Bearing Capacity in Shear T/m2
B, m L, m Sc Sq Sg GSF LSF

3 3 Square 2 0.50 1.3 1.20 0.8 26.4 8.3 17.3

6 6 Square 2 0.50 1.3 1.20 0.8 35.9 11.0 23.4
Settlement Criteria:
N=12 at 2 m depth
Depth Factor=1.00
Settlement @
Foundation Length,m

N-value for analysis

Net Allowable Bearing

Foundation Depth,m
Foundation Width,m

10T/m 2 (as read Water Settlement

Settlement at this
Pressure, T/m2

off from Table after

pressure , mm

graph,Fig.9 Correct applying


ion water table
Factor, correction,
Rw mm

3.0 3.0 2.0 Square 12.0 26.5 0.50 53.0 11.6 49.2 (<50 mm OK)
6.0 6.0 2.0 Square 12.0 29.1 0.50 58.2 11.6 49.2 (<50 mm OK)

Recommended Net SBC value for isolated footing design is 11.6 T/m2 for 50mm Settlement for foundation width of 3 m

Recommended Net SBC value for raft design is 11.6 T/m2 for 50mm Settlement

Page 23 of 24
Project Name : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha
Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System (CH. 162+122 Km & 162+144 Km) Minor Bridge


The load carrying capacities of bored piles have been calculated using following
expression: -
Qu= Ap (½ γ D Nγ + PD Nq ) + ∑ (Asi Ki Pdi tanδ)

Where, Ap = Cross sectional area of pile toe.

D = Stem diameter.
Nq, Nγ = Bearing Capacity factors.
γ = Effective unit weight of soil at pile toe.
PD = Effective overburden pressure at pile toe
Asi = Surface area of pile stem for ith layer.
Ki = Coefficient of earth pressure.
Pdi = Effective overburden pressure at center of the ith layer
δ= Angle of wall friction between soil & pile.
Soil Parameter adopted:
From (m) To (m) Density γ’ C Ø k α
3 2
(t/m ) (Kg/cm ) degree
0.00 1.00 1.79
1.00 6.00 1.85
6.00 15.00 1.94 1.00 0 1.00 0.45
15.00 31.50 1.98 1.50 0 1.00 0.30
31.50 34.50 1.99 2.50 0 1.00 0.20
34.50 40.00 2.01 0.00 32 1.10

For pile dia= 120 cm, cut off level below EGL = 1.5 m and length of pile=30.0 m
PD =1.676 kg/cm2, Nc=9.0, Nq = 0.00, Nγ= 0.00, F.O.S. = 2.5 in comp.

Applying above parameters in above equation, we get

Qu = Qp + Qf = 254.47+ 442.02 T and Qa, comp. = 696.49/2.5 = 278.60 T
Qa, comp. = 193.77 T (excluding pile weight)

For Uplift

As the soil is weak in tension, so as per IRC: 78, 70 percent of the above parameters
(as taken in compression loads) may be used for calculating the pile capacities.

For pile dia= 120 cm, cut off level below EGL = 1.5 m and length of pile=30.0 m
PD = 1.676 kg/cm2, Qf=309.42 T, F.O.S. = 2.5 in uplift.
Qa, uplift=309.42/2.5=123.77 T
Qa, uplift= 208.59 T (including pile weight)
Page 24 of 25
Project Name : Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha
Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620
on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis.
M/s Marc Surveying System (CH. 162+122 Km & 162+144 Km) Minor Bridge

For Lateral

The following equation may be used to calculate the lateral capacity of pile:
12 y E I
( L1 + Lf ) 3

Q = lateral load.
E = Young’s modulus of pile material.
I = moment of inertia of pile cross section.
Lf = depth of fixity
L1 = length of pile section below cut-off-level that may not contribute
Significantly to lateral resistance (in loose/weak soils)
y = horizontal deflection

T= (EI/K1)1/5 for Granular Soils R= (EI/K2)1/4 for Cohesive Soils

Piles are 1.5 m depth below COL, L1=1.5 m=120 cm, Fixed Head Condition

For M=35,
Moment of Inertia, I: 1.018E+07 cm4
Constant K2 = 48.8 R = 498.39 cm
L1/T= 0.00 Lf/R=2.19 Lf= 1091.5 cm
L1 + Lf = 1091.5 cm
Permissible deflection, y=12 mm

Computed Lateral Capacity of Pile, Q = 33.30 Tones

Page 25 of 25
Lequefaction Analysis
(CH. 162+122 Km & 162+144 Km)
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six
laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37)
Project Name: in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: 162+122
Borehole Number: BH-A1-RHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any No
Surcharge Value, (T/m2) 0

Earthquake Detail Level Details

Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level -
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 3.15
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0

Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without
Hammer Type: Rope & Pully
Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm 150 Exact Value
Energy ratio: 0.75
Height of fall,mm: 762
Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5
Soil Description

Layer Thickness

Measured SPT

% Fines (less
Unit Weight

N Value, N
Layer No.

than 75

1 Fine Sand 1.5 1.69 10 10

2 Fine Sand 6.0 1.85 17 13
3 Clayey Silt 6.0 1.94 22 65
4 Silty Clay 21.5 1.98 34 67
5 Fine Sand 8.5 1.99 40 9
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches from section Ch. Km 146+172
Project Name: to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: 162+122
Borehole Number: BH-A1-RHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any With Surcharge
Surcharge Value 0 T/m2
Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without
Earthquake Detail Level Details Hammer Type: Rope & Pully
Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level - Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm 150 Exact Value
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 3.15 Energy ratio: 0.75
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0 Height of fall,mm: 762
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0 Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5

Effective overburden pressure at

Effective overburden pressure at

Depth at the middle of layer (m)

Overall correction factor for SPT

middle of layer (T/m2) based on

middle of layer (T/m2) based on

(With Surcharge) at the middle

Overburden Correction factor,

of layer based on GWT (T/m2)
Effective overburden pressure

Correction for SPT Rod length,

% Fines (less than 75 Micron)
the middle of layer based on

the middle of layer based on

Coorection for SPT Borehole

Overburden pressure due to

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Magnification scaling factor

Overburdon pressure at the

Cyclic Resistance Ratio, CRR

Overburden Pressure at the

Pore water pressure, at the

Pore water pressure, at the

Total Overburden Pressure

Correction for SPT sampler

Computed Factor of safety

Cyclic stress Ratio, CSR7.5
Measured SPT N Value, N
Depth of Top of layer (m)

bottom of layer (T/m2)

Cyclic Stress Ratio, CSR

middle of layer (T/m2)

against Liquefaction
Layer Thickness (m)

Design GWT (T/m2)

Unit Weight (T/m2)

weight of fall, CHW

height of fall, CHT
surcarge (T/m2)
Soil Description

Diameter, CBD

Alternate MSF
Modified CSS
GWT (T/m2)
Design GWT

Setup, C60

N160 final
setup, CSS

Final MSF
Layer No.

Final CSS

N160 CS





1 Fine Sand 0 1.5 0.75 1.69 2.535 1.3 0.0 1.3 0.00 0.74 1.27 1.27 0.53 10 10 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.75 1.05 0.71 7.09 1.70 12.05 12.05 0.87 1.02 13 0.14 0.26 0.99 0.55 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.30 0.47
2 Fine Sand 1.5 6 4.5 1.85 13.635 8.1 0.0 8.1 1.32 4.41 6.76 6.76 3.67 17 13 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.75 1.05 0.71 12.05 1.22 14.65 14.65 1.89 1.04 17 0.18 0.33 0.97 0.50 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.27 0.67
3 Clayey Silt 7.5 6 10.5 1.94 25.275 19.5 0.0 19.5 7.21 10.30 12.24 12.24 9.15 22 65 0.75 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 0.95 1.05 0.90 19.75 0.90 17.85 17.85 5.00 1.20 26 0.32 0.59 0.89 0.44 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.24 1.32
4 Silty Clay 13.5 21.5 24.25 1.98 67.845 46.6 0.0 46.6 20.70 23.79 25.86 25.86 22.77 34 67 0.75 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.05 0.95 32.13 0.62 19.98 19.98 5.00 1.20 29 0.41 0.75 0.53 0.25 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.14 2.96
5 Fine Sand 35 8.5 39.25 1.99 84.76 76.3 0.0 76.3 35.41 38.50 40.89 40.89 37.80 40 9 0.75 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1.05 0.95 37.80 0.49 18.69 18.69 0.56 1.02 20 0.21 0.38 0.13 0.06 1.00 1.82 1.822 0.03 6.43
Construction of 6 lane flyovers at Boragaon, Gorchuk, Lokhra & Basistha Junction along with six laning of approaches
from section Ch. Km 146+172 to Km 162+620 on Guwahati Bypass (NH-37) in the state of Assam under Bharatmala
Project Name: Pariyojna on EPC Basis
Location: 162+122
Borehole Number: BH-A1-RHS
Existing Ground level -
Surcharge Details, if any No
Surcharge Value 0

Earthquake Detail Level Details

Seismic Zone V Existing Ground level -
Earthquake Magnitude 7.5 Actual GW Depth 3.15
PGA 0.36 Design GW Depth 0
Critical Factor of Safety 1 Design GW Level 0

Boring Details
Sampler With Liner / Without Liner Without Energy ratio: 0.75
Hammer Type: Rope & Pully Height of fall,mm: 762
Borehole Diameter: 115-150mm Hammer Weight,kg: 63.5

% Fines (less than 75 Micron)

Coorection for SPT Borehole

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Correction for SPT Hammer,

Overall correction factor for

Overburdon pressure at the

Cyclic Resistance Ratio, CRR

Magnification scaling factor

layer based on Design GWT
Total Overburden Pressure

Correction for SPT sampler

Computed Factor of safety

Cyclic stress Ratio, CSR7.5
Measured SPT N Value, N
Depth of Top of layer (m)

pressure at the middle of

Overburden Correction

Cyclic Stress Ratio, CSR

Correction for SPT Rod
middle of layer (T/m2)

Effective overburden

against Liquefaction
weight of fall, CHW
Layer Thickness (m)

Unit Weight (T/m2)

height of fall, CHT

Soil Description

SPT Setup, C60

Diameter, CBD
length, CRL
setup, CSS

factor, CN
Layer No.


N160 CS




1 Fine Sand 0 1.5 1.69 1.3 1.3 0.53 10 10 0.75 1 1.1 0.75 1.05 0.71 7 1.70 12 0.9 1.0 13 0.14 0.26 0.99 0.55 1.82 0.30 0.47
2 Fine Sand 1.5 6 1.85 8.1 8.1 3.67 17 13 0.75 1 1.1 0.75 1.05 0.71 12 1.22 15 1.9 1.0 17 0.18 0.33 0.97 0.50 1.82 0.27 0.67
3 Clayey Silt 7.5 6 1.94 19.5 19.5 9.15 22 65 0.75 1 1.1 0.95 1.05 0.90 20 0.90 18 5.0 1.2 26 0.32 0.59 0.89 0.44 1.82 0.24 1.32
4 Silty Clay 13.5 21.5 1.98 46.6 46.6 22.77 34 67 0.75 1 1.2 1.00 1.05 0.95 32 0.62 20 5.0 1.2 29 0.41 0.75 0.53 0.25 1.82 0.14 2.96
5 Fine Sand 35 8.5 1.99 76.3 76.3 37.80 40 9 0.75 1 1.2 1.00 1.05 0.95 38 0.49 19 0.6 1.0 20 0.21 0.38 0.13 0.06 1.82 0.03 6.43
BH-6 (LHS)

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