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•China’s Policy during Cold War- Supporting insurgencies and communist parties.
•China’s Policy Post-Cold War- “Peaceful rising” by establishing a web of trade agreements with
neighboring states (Lilliputian Strategy).
•The United States lost the ability to contain China’s rise but they are still a powerhouse in the
•Asian States reluctant to pick a side.
•Creation of a Multipolar Asian Region (China and USA)
Place – Place, based from John Agnew (1987), is the combination of three aspects: location,
locale, and sense of place. In the case given to us, place would refer to the said three aspects
of China.
Location – Location is the role a place plays in the world. In the case given to us, China plays
the role of a manufacturing base and central destination in burgeoning intra-Asian and
international trading networks producing goods, notably for export to developed countries.
Furthermore, it is a major consumer of international raw materials and a top trader with key
neighbors. Top-ranked producer of steel and other metals, and materials.
Locale – Locale refers to the institutions that organize activity, politics, and identity in a place. In
the context of the case, China’s locale would mainly consist of the Chinese government and
leaders who are the primary actors for activities, politics, and identity both in the international
and domestic context of China. As an addendum knowledge not included in the case, another
institution that drive political clamor in China is Hong Kong which is under China through the
one country, two systems arrangement. The recent struggle of Hong Kong to reach full
democracy has led to severe violence in the area.
Sense of Place – Sense of Place is the collective identity tied to a particular place. It can also be
thought as the unique character of a place. In the case, China is collectively identified as the
largest economy in Asia. Despite having many competing economic countries in the region,
China has the sole title of being the largest economic giant in the whole continent due to its
country’s entrepreneurial expertise and military power that will soon rival that of the U.S.
As the rise of China in the Asia became one of the most influential news, rising as one of the
most powerful countries in the world, it also become a topic on how they will maintain strong
border control in maintaining the security of their people inside their territory as they establish
relationship with the U.S.
China controls its territory by controlling the people and offering trade partnership to its
neighboring countries. The citizens are likely to be dependent to their government, and the
government help them in sustaining their daily needs. Trading its well produced products to its
neighboring countries and also world wide helps its government in maintaining relationship with
other states.
As the US-China relations become one of the strongest ties, Asian countries surrounding China
became reluctant in joining US efforts because of the fear that issue might occur and losing their
benefits they gain in partnering their country from their relations towards China.
Their relationship with their neighboring countries made their territory boundaries became
resilient as they pursue soft powers to other states by trade agreement and relationship ties with
each other to attain a specific goal and to maintain power
Scale is also like the scope or reach of a place. Like for example China in South China Sea has
international scope, it infringes upon rights of many countries.
For example the South China Sea issue, what is the scale, it is international world. Like
Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia.
Geographic scale


1. Scale in industry
- China has become a manufacturing - Economic growth
base and central destination of trade
(export to developing countries).
- To rank in productive of steel, cars,
ships, good.
- Internally, it has because a major
consumer of international law
- has accumulated 600 dollars reserves
2. Scale in Politics - Economic stability and sufficiency

- Closer political ties with neighbouring

- China influence to the world. The scale - High level diplomacy
of US and China is big compare to - Doing away with traditional diplomacy.
compare to other countries.

3. Scale in diplomacy
- “Win-Win” approach in diplomacy
relationships with neighbouring
countries. - Power play approach
- Benign and soft diplomatic approach
for many Asian states.
- Asia leaders appear hesitant to a
Chinese-led order in Asia.
- Power game
4. Geo-Economic scale

- China is a poor country and also

dependent to foreign aid. Its in the - Big financial to the foreign and giver to
article that China needs big money to Asian neighbors.
sustain big projects and develop their
- Its foreign and to Asians neighbour is
also undercut by its domestic
development priorities.
- Chinese suspicion on US foreign
policy. - Negative implication to foreign policy.

5. Scale in military and defense

- Halting Taiwan’s move towards - Building military defense
performat separation using coercive - Military degrees to reinforce
diplomacy. geopolitical political stronghold.
6. Scale in Business
- China is considered by South Korea as - Negative business scale on the part of
a threat to their business. China.

In general, geopolitical, economic and military scales for China which is in the rising moderate
taking into consideration the active presence of US and its allies in the region. For the past
years, China has been following a soft and benign approach in its diplomatic role with Asian
countries and will continue to entice these countries so that China will reinforce its presence in
the region and attain political power and dominance. However, with continued and strong US
presence in Asian, China remains moderate in its approach. As businesses flourish it scope, so
is Politics.
Chinese network in Asia has risen to the point where Asian countries have shifted their pivot
interest towards Sino relationship from Western ties.
In terms of attributes, Chinese networks work mostly through economic rather than military
support which the U.S. is keener at. Many Asian countries tend to polarize around China
because of the economic benefits and support they receive from China.
In terms of centrality, Chinese networks works as the hub (in terms of the hub and spokes
approach) where it is the primary source of networks which travel far and wide across the Asian
continent through its Gulliver strategy of webs of multilateral agreements and understandings in
Asian related organizations.
The diverse Asian culture existing presently in Asia is a result of historical civilization. Early
civilization in the continent provides a basis for various similarities of Asian culture across Asia.
Thus, aspects of culture such as; religion, physical appearance, institution, language, and family
ties across Asian communities show some commonness across Asian countries.
Among the major similarities tying Asian countries together is the Religion. Asian culture
embraces many spiritual practices anchored on religion for the sole purpose of attaining spiritual
awakening. Asians have strong emphasis on family value and community. They share a lot of
very similar vocabulary, for instance, the word new is nouveau, nuovo, nuevo, and novo, in
French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese respectively. These languages also often share similar
grammar structures. This is because they all come from the same the same common ancestor:
Latin. By institution, China, USA and Asian States form part in the APEC.
China’s rising importance in Asian affairs represents a major change in regional power
dynamics in the early 21st century and a major challenge for analysts of Asian affairs. China’s
Rise China has become a manufacturing base and central destination in burgeoning intra-Asian
and international trading networks (steel and other metals, cement, ships, cars, electronic
goods, and textiles).
China built closer political ties with neighboring countries through effective and often high-level
diplomacy. Putting aside or narrowing differences in the interest of broadening common ground,
Chinese diplomacy has been welcomed by most neighbors as a contrast to the sometimes
maladroit and disruptive Chinese policies of the past. Most notably with, South Korea, India,
central Asian countries and Russia. However, it has not been uniformly successful, China had
problems with Japan, Taiwan and Russia.
For many years, Chinese leaders sandwiched their new positive diplomacy in Asia with a strong
and overt opposition to the United States. However, Asian states were reluctant to choose
between China and the United States.
China exerts influence in positive ways through mutually beneficial economic and political
arrangements. The overall benign Chinese approach eases regional concerns about possible
Chinese dominance and wins support among elite and public opinion in many Asian states.
However, China is still a poor country, China’s strategic reach and influence in Asia are
overshadowed by those of the United States. These obstacles can be overcome with time and
given continued prosperity and stability in China, but that will not happen fast. Governments
remain the key actors in Asian affairs and in the foreign relations of the region. One conclusion
that comes from this is that few Asian leaders appear ready to adhere to a Chinese-led order in
Asia. Chinese leaders will need to maintain good relations with the United States for the sake of
China’s economic development and political stability. Chinese suspicion of US intentions shows
as the Chinese military continues to devote extraordinary efforts to purchase and develop
weapons systems. China continues to soft balancing against the US superpower with through
agreements with Asian countries.
The advantages of China’s moderate approach toward the United States as part of China’s
strategy of “peaceful” development and rising power and influence in Asia seem substantial for
US interests. China’s improved relations with neighbors is that Asian governments are reluctant
to join possible US efforts to pressure China for fear of losing the positive benefits they gain
from recent relations with China. They support it with a “Gulliver strategy” of webs of multilateral
agreements and understandings in Asian related organizations.
Asian governments are loathe to do so for fear of jeopardizing positive benefits they receive
from China. Since Asian countries have long been reluctant to choose between the United
States and China, it would be foolish for US policy to react to China’s rise by trying to compete
directly with China for influence in the region. The strengths of the United States in Asia remain
formidable and will grow particularly as the US economy grows and as American military power
remains robust and continues to be seen as serving broad Asian interests in regional stability.
This represents a sharp reversal from China’s post-cold war efforts to wear down the US
superpower and seek to create a “multipolar” world. It reflects a clear-eyed adjustment to
realities and asymmetries of power and influence between the United States and China
prevailing in Asian and world affairs. China’s Rise in Asia—Promises, Prospects and
Implications for the United States.
China’s foreign policy to rise as an Asian superpower took a sharp turn from its Cold War policy
of supporting insurgencies and communist parties towards a post-Cold War policy of “peaceful
rising” by establishing a web of trade agreements with neighboring states as a Lilliputian
strategy against the dominance of American influence. Although, the United States lost the
ability to contain China’s rise, they still have formidable influence and are strong economic and
military powerhouse that serves the regional stability in Asia. This situation creates a multipolar
world especially in the Asian region as states are reluctant to lose both superpowers’ benefits.

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