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A With the cultural globalization phenomena, cross cultural marriage has become a current
issue. And either it comes from a whirlwind romance or an internet-based relationship, a
cultural clash comes to add stress on the already stressing lives of most families nowadays.

B Personally, it seems to me that marrying a foreigner could be an exciting adventure, and

despite the variety of special, new and strange issues it might arise, it could be though,
interesting and challenging. However, it is good to bear in mind that these apparently refreshing
traits of challenging relationships may often become a source of frustration, conflict,
misunderstanding and hurt.

C When it comes to raising children, I entirely agree that the influence of another cultural
pattern of behavior can be extremely positive, as it might broaden their minds. Actually, only if
both parents try to speak their own native language at home, the children are raised bilingual,
which is a great thing nowadays. Although, I strongly believe it involves certain awareness in
order to guarantee the success of these long term commitments.

D It is often claimed that beside this greatness with regard to cross cultural couples, there are
certain drawbacks which are difficult to overcome. Firstly and foremost, the cultural gap usually
implies not being able to share each other’s humor, which I agree is one of the main
foundations of a healthy relationship. Not to mention the way we value time, work ethics,
learning styles, eye contact and even ideas about public affection.

E On the other hand, many people argue that interracial married couples usually have to face
the possibility of being prejudiced against or even suffer racial discrimination, which could make
life even more difficult. This argument thus may discourage many mixed couples from getting
married. I consider there are a number of flaws in this argument as I believe it encourages
racism instead of dissuading it.

F In spite of the disadvantages above, I believe that true love, trust, support and respect for
each other are the main ingredients for a cross cultural marriage to success.

G In conclusion, what is important to me though, is real love and respect. Marrying a foreigner
is a big decision and it is important to stand by each other during difficult times. However,
keeping both languages and cultures in the host country, although it might sometimes be hard,
it is convenient and worth it.
1) Read the text above and answer the following questions:

a) What positive outlook does the writer have on crosscultural marriage at the beginning of the

b) Why is the impact of another culture helpful in bringing up children?

c) Name the main issues that may arise in a cross cultural marriage.

d) What is one of the key elements, that may be lacking in a cross-cultural marriage, but is
needed for a healthy relationship? Do you agree? Wy/Why not?

e) Who may be a target for racism?

f) How is "marrying a foreigner" considered to be a difficult decision in your opinion? Explain.

2) Find words in the text with the following meanings:

g) something that happens very quickly and unexpectedly, so that the people involved have little
control of what happens and how they feel.
h) a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person.

i) any systematic difference between two cultures which hinders mutual understanding or

j) acts of physical intimacy in the view of others.

k) existing between or involving different races.

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