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Onit- F Testrwa of HYPOTHESIS PART a4 (D What ave the expected frequen cies of Qa con Hn gency teple a (eos ots aus, acy | APRIMAY - 2 Ria) } : Polutont- iver bi Cine enpected frequencies ave giver by b+d)Cctd (arc) Cath) ecey= ? ue E (a)= —_— N bts) CCtHd) ave Ger) dae yee | ers Etc)+ ai N | eg b+ N 0-5 @ @ Write doun tue -forrula of test Statste t fo find tthe iqnificanee of dif ferente between dus mean (large samples) ns - | APPlaay- 201s, Nip-20lb Solution:_ t TP" tieve ie any Bigqni fica di ftevene between 9) and Hr WE have fo ule the Cratistic formula peek Ose MLE -%2 a4 Le mt 6) 22 Yo)-0, a 2 beg ree @ What te verdem Sampling? |v! Goluhon, - included uw Go The Sampling un which Path anit Gf Population has an SGnal Chante SL eine called Random Campline ot® @ UWrvite abpoug F- Test? [reeloee- als Solution: — To post whetuer thene dg any slgnificourte differente peteween two e§timates ot population variance. (or) To 4st G the que Sane Lo Ganples have been cme from t popala fion @ Wheat are Ty pe- -T and TY Ppe- Ty errers 7 Solution: - [alee om [wae nr Be t6 | He when tr w tre. (+) (ype- £ ever Reject Accept tle uuhen Ue is fe were @ Type ~T ever: Olive tu mah use of 7 4546) State any two opplications of Chi-square test) “oorl pec-sol 2 ihe [aioe eee Solution, — — Lo Ox 4% betwtin QS Shi fi cant - pred to febt whether different ébsevwed 4 enpected frequencies are o-7- (i) x. fest ts used to find out wheter que €1) more attributes are assouafed ev) not: @ What is meant by Jevelot Significance and Critical yegion ? [wertoee otolY Solution” - oe Crictical region’. A veegion correspon deny be & Stahsdic Be da tee canple Spete S whith leas te yey echon ot He je Called Criteal reyion @) Rejection Region. Those YEFIOn wh th Jens fo the accepten & ct He gqile us a verion & Colled ACCeptave PEFion Level of 26 Twi fcance’. Tre pre babi lity a thap & vandon vale of tm gtaksy tb’ belongs te the critical Reyion ‘iy Kaoum at level FH Signi tiCance ot © ©@©.Pe fine He following terme: Stabstic | Parameter Ctandard ervor and soe Pet Uireg | APR Im Ay act | Solution ’— i Bas C) The Statisrcal Cons tants of the popal ation Sach’ as mean (4, Standard doviakon Co) ave called parameters: Parameters are denoted by Crveck letters. @) “The mean At Standard SDatecton ¢ of a Saw ple ave nobyn as Stab Sfics, QtahcHcs are denoted by Roman letters Gi) $Fhe Standard deviation Ff tic Sam pling aistitution Of & Stansted of @ parti aglas impor tawe ve tests of hy po Thesis and Us called due Standavd error of fle Otatittie. (wv) A Random Sam pling One ub whith each number of Pepalation hac tn qual chance Sf being urcluded ub . There are NCa differents Sanplr sf Size n That Can be picked Up from a Population Sire N, | or © @ State die Pre Ce dave. folloued pF Lesting of hy petuesie? [wloe-acir, jseg| Solution: — () Set up the nal hype tuesis. (i) Choose the appropriate level of siquiticcha Guitar 5 2 Gr,1.% fev) This & + be decided before eample is dvawn- * $- ECL) (iu) Compate tuo fest Grakste Z= “Tee, under the null hypo tuesis the om puted vale of 2 (iv) We ompare tn Step Gir) wide Signi fi cart value at pve pened of Sign’ ficance 5 J level | ay level. te pete ir : Actept Rejerr Aceept Rej CU 14. asF (2 73: 5& pp eho (a 7196 __+__ = (®) Write ary two Charectevi Sfics of es. Solution’. [Alm aq | G@) The mean and variance sf tue x” Asti bution are n and Qy reg pe Chively Gu AS ne the X*- distibution Ap proaches @ nevmal distribution (1) The gum of wa dependent K variates & 2 alo a & yaria te @ Enplate duc terms Sanple Sire and Seompliny erver Solution [revtpecsatq| A finite Subset ot thdividuals a a th wandom Sampling | von we called % Sanple and tue nurber Popu ation fe 6 ch divi duols ur a Sanple is Called te Canple gize. The Ctandard deviation Of tue Sanspling. Aipbi bution of a Statistic of Par tiatlay impart an le un tests of hypotuesis and w calley jue Gdandard exvor Of The CHatictre. ol .G @ A Standard sample oF oo tas Gf couny oil gave On WWeyaye weight of Leas kas with a Standard deviation of o al kG Do we accept thet The mots weld be ag kgs tina 5 loved of SiG ni Hane) Qolution fare [499-020 eof Criven Cample Sine Ca)> Boo Clarje Lanpley n= 495 9, T= OD Ke, Hes eg He: “Tee w& no Seni fi cet db? ffererce | mh Aes (lett esl test ) Test StatiShe Z> a-KH ——__ ++? Mn oT (Zl- 23D ~ 4:95- § Te Re ad ibe Col. 2 > teow ; The all hey po ti wo Veecpey Then us te Sign filane du fforence between R ¢ fe Piette sites 1! | : 4 | 7 3 When wo we use Large Sample pests and [nie Rode £ Ala 21e1a} Small Sarple tesise Solan !- Tf the size of Sample nN 730, tute tient Calltd lavye Sample > When the Size Sanple wb less thar 30 (nz 30), then ot Saaple (rn) & bet Sample & calles a Small Sanple 9) what w te formula fer tSting tue yatio SE Variantt ? [Ae be Aln-2t- (RD Solution - An £- Statistic & te Yato sf ter Variances ant it was named ter Cir Ronald Fisher. Sn dws Cote we Set up hall hype fas ¢ i 2 2 . Heo = 5 - & Pepalation Varianw an Sane The test Stalishe uw. f= Siz = Oe Ate NAT tae ps Smalley Varin Ge

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