Bullying, Industrial Psychopaths, and Corporate Psycopath at Work in Indonesia (Example of Auditor Life and Angelina Sondakh Coruption Case)

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Forensic Accounting

Maureen Maudia


Bullying, Industrial Psychopaths, and Corporate Psycopath at

Work in Indonesia (example of Auditor life and Angelina
Sondakh coruption case)
Firstly, we discuss about Bullying by “ boss’’ first, it has indirect impact that could harm the
company, and then talk about Corporate Psycopath itself in Indonesia.
They said that have a bad job with a good boss is better than having a great job with a bad boss,
Clive Boddy also experiencing work with boss that manipulative, ruthless, very cunning and almost
downright evil, it also happened in DPR coruption case. Other than that, Clive Boddy talk about bullying
at workplace as described it is regular, repeated, criticising, ignoring, humiliating, bettling, over
supervising, over managing, intimidating and ridiculing of a person at work.
Here, take a look several real case of bullying at work in Indonesia before we jump in to
Corporate Industrial Psycopath Case
The manager is over
working the associate, we
may said that he has no

The higher up really do not

give a free time, over
supervising, and do not have
a sympathy
The senior is humiliating the junior

How can he even ask like that

How come he dare to talk like that manager that over work the employee

it’s unfair
Then it end up.....
Indirectly harm the company because the employee feels don’t want to work anymore, wanting to resign
and the company will loose potential employee, because of over working, humiliating, over supervising,
bossy, harm the work aviliation regulation about more work after work hour, and etc.

From the way the boss or higher up or even a friend treat the employee or we can say bully the
employee, it can make an employee have tendencious to harm the company, and something like that
because they feel they want to take a revenge, but they can’t do that directly to the person that bully them
because they are too afraid, they will take a revenge to company since the company can’t angry and bully
Now, the Industrial Corporate Psychopath in Indonesia. Angelina Sondakh is a famous Artist and
Potician in Indonesia, also a mom of Aaliyah Sondakh. Angelina Sondakh become a winner of Indonesia
beauty pagean in 2001 and in 2004-2009, 2009-2014 become a DPR from Demokrat. In 2011 peoples
from Demokrat is guilty because they do a corruption such as wafid muharam, Mindo Rosalina, M el Idris
also Muhammad Nazarudin. In 2012 KPK said that Angelina Sondakh is do a corruption in project ‘’
Wisma Athlete ‘’ at Palembang. Because of that, Angelina Sondakh must prisoned for 12 years, pay
amount of penalty as 500.000k IDR, and 40 billion rupiahs. Angelina Sondakh is such a respected person
before she conduct a corruption, since she was a winner of beauty pagean and DPR she must be well
educated, seems like normal person, kind, elegant, and nice. But it turned out that she is a industrial
corporate psycopath because she unexpectedly dare to do things that she know it can’t be done. Seeing
the red flag in Angelina Sondakh, Asset from only 600 million become more than 6 billion, unusual
improvement of amount if we predict and try to calculate her salary, it can’t be that huge of amount.
Talking from Fraud Thehory side, it consider as white collar crime because the fraud is conducted by
well educated, respected, powerful, and have access, relation, capability, and competences to do fraud.
The staff or people who work together with Angelina Sondakh may not think that she is kind of that
person, since she look like a nice person.
Rotten Apple if we look back, that Angelina Sondakh is part of Demokrat, several people from
Demokrat is do a corruption such as wafid muharam, Mindo Rosalina, M el Idris, and also Muhammad
Nazarudin. Just like rotten apple theory said, if one apple is rotten, another apple is will be rotten too.
Potato Chip seeing her asset is only about 600 million, she do a corruption not only once. After
once do a corruption, she did it again, again and again repetitively, not enough by only once or twice until
her asset become more than 6 billion.
Fraud Triangle there must be a reason behind her corruption, it must be opportunity, pressure
and rationalization. Opportunity because she know all her friends in Demokrat who did a corruption so it
easy to her to join, she is a DPR she have a capability and power to do something, pre ssure because she
have a hedonism lifestyle such as designer bag and something like that, and rationalization she think it
was oke to do that so she dare to commit it.

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