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Learning Area English

Learning Delivery of Modality On Line Learning

LESSON School Mambugan National High School Grade Level Grade 7

EXEMPLAR Teacher Vergel B. Berdan Learning Area Philippine Literature
Teaching Date September 3-4 & 7-8 Quarter First Quarter
Teaching Time 1:00 -2:00 P.M. No of Days 4 Days

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:
a. Familiarize themselves with the rules involving the subject-verb agreement (Day 1
and 2)
b. Observe rules on subject-verb agreement(Day 3)
c. Practice the skill through series of exercises (Day 4)
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a
means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word
meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct
subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations
using appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly
and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and
observing correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Most Essential Learning
D. Enabling Competencies: EN7G-I-a-11: Observe correct subject-verb agreement
II. Content: Subject and Verb Agreement
III. Learning Resources:
A. References:
a. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Curriculum G (May, 2016), p. 148
Pages: Budget of Work p.18
(First Quarter), pp. 17-18
b. Learner’s Learning Package (First Quarter), pp. 9
Material Pages:
B. List of Learning Worksheets (for the modular approach) Power point presentation for the online class
Resources For Development and Video clip about the discussion of subject and verb agreement
Engagement Activities: Edmodo for the online activities
IV. Procedures:

A. Introduction: When a sentence has more than one subject per verb, those subjects form a compound
subject. Compound subjects can be singular, plural, or a mix of both.
Task 1: Watch Out!
Directions: Study the given sentences. Write C if the sentence observes correct
subject-verb agreement. If it does not, write I.

_____1. Ritual and magic are common elements in myths.

_____2. Each man and woman is controlled by a powerful being in many myths.
_____3. Every deity has magical powers.
_____4. Every myth and legend have unique features.
_____5. Somebody is shown as more powerful in creation stories.
_____6.The gods nor the goddess play favorite among the humans.
_____7. Many of the themes in myths were used already in movies.
_____8. All myths is regarded as stories from oral tradition.
_____9. Neither a myth nor a legend explains the full nature of creation.
_____10. Either the historians or the mythologist are coming to the lecture.

How did you arrive with the correct answers?

What rules did you follow in answering the activity?
When can you say that the subject agrees with the verb?
B. Developmental Further discussion of Subject and Verb Agreement through the Help of the video clip

What did you learn from the video clip?

Why subject and verb agreement is important?

Task 2: Practice Makes Perfect!

Directions: Below is an exercise based on the contents of the article The Maranao
Tribe from Lake Lanao. Specify the verb, which will agree with its subject in each
sentence. The teacher will elicit some of your observations, with particular focus on
the subjects and verbs of the sentences.

The Maranao, together with the Illanun and Maguindanao ____ 1. (is, are)an
indigenous Muslim group in Mindanao in southwestern Philippines. Their culture and
identity ____________ 2. (reflects, reflect)general features of Southeast Asian tribes.
Each of these, however, ____ 3. (has, have)developed unique traditions.
Every historian or anthropologist who ____________ 4. (studies, study)Mindanao
tribes ____ 5. (has, have)given common observations about the Maranao. Almost all
Maranaos ____ 6. (is, are)Muslims, but some who live in the hills around Lake Lanao
____________ 7. (follows, follow)a version of Islam reflecting pre-Islamic beliefs and
practices. Many scholars ____________8. (emphasizes, emphasize)that the
Maranao, who ____ 9. (is, are)the first inhabitants of the shores of Lake Lanao, still
____________ 10. (inhabits, inhabit) this region.
The name Maranao ____ 11. (means, mean)"People of the Lake" or "Lake Dwellers".
Both ____________ 12. (refers, refer)to the natives who settled around Lake Lanao.
Neither photographers or a writer ____ 13. (was, were) able to capture in images or
words the beauty of this lake. Lake Lanao, with the Maranaos living around it
____________ 14. (continues, continue)to be an attraction and source of inspiration.
More importantly, the spirit of the Maranaos ____________ 15. (thrives, thrive)
because of its existence.

Task 3: Sum it up!

Directions: Make generalizations concerning the following rules concerning subject-
verb agreement:

1. compound subjects joined by and

2. every or each preceding a compound subject
3. indefinite pronouns as subjects
4. subjects joined by or or nor

C. Engagement: Task 4: Let us Apply it

Directions: Perform the following Task below: (Differentiated Activity)

 Writer’s Group- Write a short paragraph discussing your experience with

regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Observe the proper subject and Verb

 Poet’s Group – Create a 2 stanza poem honoring our Frontliners. (Observe

the proper subject and Verb Agreement)

 Singer’s Group- Compose/Perform an Inspirational Song that will encourage

the public to face the pandemic with hope and aspiration. (Observe the proper
subject and Verb Agreement)

 Illustrator’s Group- Make a Poster discussing the topic (How Can We Combat
COVID-2019) (Please observe proper subject and verb agreement in the
explanation of your poster.)

Rubrics Checking The Work Of The Students

Writer’s Group

Poet’s Group

Singer’s Group
4 3 2 1

Illustrator’s Group

In what real life scenario we can observe / use subject and verb agreement?

Task 4: Extra, Extra!

Directions: Below is a student draft of an introduction for an article about diversity in
the Philippines. If a sentence observes proper subject-verb agreement, write C. If it
does not, rewrite the sentence.
D. Assimilation:
(1) Each tourist or guest who come to the Philippines is always amazed by our
cultural diversity. (2) Every island and region highlights a unique adventure. (3) A
variety of traditions, dishes, celebrations, and many others are offered to both local
and foreign travelers. (4) Our rich past and our promising future are discovered by
every guest almost every day and everywhere in the country. (5) For this reason,
tourism experts, along with the Department of Tourism believes that “It’s more fun in
the Philippines!”
(6) Northern Philippines boast of its old Spanish flavor, from architecture to culinary
traditions. (7) There are much pleasure to discover in the coasts and shorelines of
Central Philippines. (8) In Southern Philippines, one discovers the rich Islamic
backgrounds of our country. (9) Nobody has ever experienced boredom in hopping
from one island to another. (10) Either pleasure or warm insights is taken home by
every visitor in our shores.

V: Reflection: Directions: Complete the statement below:

After finishing the lesson, I learned that

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