Topic 2 DQ2

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As per Merriam-Webster, ethics is "the discipline concerned with what is good and evil, as well as moral

responsibility and obligation" (Merriam-Webster, 2022). This is the everyday process of discerning what
is good and wrong in our behaviors. Nurse practitioners' ethics might be influenced by their peers,
patient decisions, and even hospital rules, raising worries about their own moral norms and conscience.
Most people enter the nursing profession because they want to serve others. Although not all nurses
hold the same moral values, many are motivated by a desire to improve the health of our community as
well as stringent ethical principles (DeNisco, et al. 2016).

A clinical nurse leader will be responsible for managing others while mentoring and guiding them via
best practices and collaboration with various teams of caregivers. One of the numerous ethical
difficulties that nurse leaders encounter is the diversity of values in the population they manage.
Nobody is the same, and cultural variations can cause misunderstandings and conflict (Porter-OGrady &
Malloch, 2016). Another area where ethical difficulties may develop in a nurse leadership position is It
will be tough to hide information from employees and, at times, colleagues. Our moral code dictates
that we always be honest and transparent when dealing with facts that might compromise someone's
career. That, however, may be in direct contradiction with the instruction given.

Communication is also a problem in the NP jobs. Some believe that withholding essential information,
such as how much a surgery may hurt, is in the best interests of the patient, which is directly contrary to
the nursing code of ethics. We have a moral and ethical obligation to provide our patients with complete
disclosure of their medical requirements. Nursing professionals should be more involved in hospital care
and practice because they have certain authoritative roles that other nursing staff may not have and can
perform tasks that can help reduce the burden on staff, manage patient flow during triage, and prepare
patient-centered care.

Definition of Ethics. (2022). Merriam-Webster.

DeNisco, S.M. & Barker, A.M. (2016). Advanced practice nursing. Essential knowledge for the profession
(3rd ed.). Burlington, VT: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Porter-OGrady, T., & Malloch, K. (2016). Leadership in nursing practice: changing the landscape of

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