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DATE: 06-11-2021 TIME: 180mins

Single Correct Questions

1 A and B together can do a piece of work in 5 days and A alone can do it in 8 days. B alone can do the same piece of work in

(A) days (B) days

(C) days (D) days

2 A, B and C can finish a work in 8 days, 10 days and 12 days respectively. They worked together and got Rs.1110. How much
each of them will get?

(A) Rs.360, 350, 450 (B) Rs.450, 350, 360

(C) Rs.450, 360, 300 (D) Rs.450, 350, 350

3 If A and B together can complete a work in 12 days, B and C together in 15 days and C and A together in 20 days, then B
alone can complete the work in

(A) 30 days (B) 25 days

(C) 24 days (D) 20 days

4 If A and B together can complete a piece of work in 15 days and B alone in 20 days, in how many days can A alone complete
the work ?

(A) 60 days (B) 45 days

(C) 40 days (D) 30 days

5 A and B together can complete a piece of work in 72 days, B and C together can complete it in 120 days, and A and C
together in 90 days. In what time can A alone complete the work ?

(A) 80 days (B) 100 days

(C) 120 days (D) 150 days

6 A can do a piece or work in 30 days and B an do it in 40 days. A and B working together can do it in.

(A) 70 days (B) days

(C) days (D) days

7 A can complete a piece of work in 18 days, B completes in 20 days and C in 30 days, B and C together started the work and
forced to leave after 2 days. The time taken by A alone to complete the remaining work is

(A) 10 days (B) 12 days

(C) 15 days (D) 16 days

8 A and B together can complete a piece of work in 3 days. They start together. But, after 2 days, B left the work, If the work
is completed after 2 next days. B alone could do the work in

(A) 10 days (B) 4 days

(C) 6 days (D) 8 days

9 A can complete a work in 12 days. B in 10 days and C in 15 days, B and C together start the work and left the job after 2
days. Find the time taken by A to complete the work

(A) 6 days (B) 8 days

(C) 9 days (D) 7 days

10 A can do a piece of work in 32 days. When e had worked for 4 days, B joined him. If complete work was finished in 24 days in
how many days B alone can finish that work?

(A) 80 days (B) 40 days

(C) 60 days (D) 48 days

11 A and B together can do a piece of work in 10 days. A alone can do it in 30 days. The time in which B alone can do it is

(A) 10 days (B) 12 days

(C) 15 days (D) 20 days

12 A's 2 days work is equal to B's 3 days work. If A can complete the work in 8 days, then to complete the work B will take:

(A) 15 days (B) 12 days

(C) 16 days (D) 14 days

13 40 men can complete a piece of work in 40 days. They started the work together. But at the end of each

10th day, 5 men left the job. The work would have been completed in

(A) days (B) days

(C) 52 days (D) 50 days
14 12 men can complete a work in 90 days. 30 days after they started work, 2 men left and 8 men joined.

How many days will it take to complete the remaining work?

(A) 90 days (B) 60 days

(C) 40 days (D) 50 days

15 A, B and C can do ajob in 6 days. 12 days and 15 days respectively. After of the work is completed, C leaves the job. Rest of
the work is done by A and B together, Time taken to finish the remaining work is

(A) days (B) days

(C) days (D) days

16 A cistern can be filled with water by a pipe in 5 hours and it can be emptied by a second pipe in 4 hours. If both the pipes are
opened when the cistern is full, the time in which it will be emptied is :

(A) 9 hours (B) 18 hours

(C) 20 hours (D) hours

17 A cistern is provided with two pipes and . A can fill it in 20 minutes and can empty it in 30 minutes. If and be kept
open alternately for one minute each, how soon will the cistern be filled?

(A) 121 minutes (B) 110 minutes

(C) 115 minutes (D) 120 minutes

18 Three taps can fill an overhead tank in and 12 hours respectively. How long would the three taps take to fill the
tank if all of them are opened together?

(A) 2 hrs. (B) 4 hrs.

(C) 3 hrs (D) 5 hrs.

19 Two pipes and can fill a cistern in 3 hours and 5 hours respectively. Pipe can empty in 2 hours. If all the three pipes
are open, in how many hours the cistern will be full?

(A) can't be filled (B) 10 hours

(C) 15 hours (D) 30 hours

20 12 pumps working 6 hours a day can empty a completely filled reservoir in 15 days. How many such pumps working 9 hours
a day will empty the same reservoir in 12 days?

(A) 15 (B)
(C) 10 (D) 12

21 4, 8, 24, 60, ?, 224

(A) 178 (B) 96

(C) 109 (D) 124

22 Find out the missing number of the series.

2, 6, 12, 20, ? , 42, 56

(A) 30 (B) 12
(C) 35 (D) 36

23 656, 432, 320, 264, 236, ?

(A) 222 (B) 229

(C) 232 (D) 223

24 24, 536, 487, 703, 678, ?

(A) 768 (B) 748

(C) 764 (D) 742

25 In each of the following questions, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given
ones that will complete the series.
22, 24, 28, ?, 52, 84

(A) 46 (B) 36
(C) 38 (D) 42

26 What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series? 80 82.1 86.3 92.6 ? 111.5

(A) 102.3 (B) 101

(C) 99 (D) 98.2

27 Find out the missing number.

3, 5, 18, ? , 320

(A) 64 (B) 72
(C) 84 (D) 76

28 What should come in place of ?

39, 52, 78, 117, 169, ?

(A) 246 (B) 182

(C) 234 (D) 256
29 In each of the following questions, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given
ones that will complete the series.
3, 15, ?, 63, 99, 143

(A) 27 (B) 45
(C) 35 (D) 56

30 12, 15, 21, 30, 42, 57, ?

(A) 59 (B) 63
(C) 65 (D) 75

31 Two positions of a dice are shown below. When number 'one' is on the top, what number will be at the bottom?

(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

32 Study the two different positions of a dice. When the face containing one dot is at the bottom then how many dots would be
there on the top face?

(A) 6 (B) 5
(C) 4 (D) 3

33 Two positions of a dice are shown below :

When '2' is at the bottom, what number will be at the top?

(A) 3 (B) 5
(C) 1 (D) 6

34 Three positions of a dice are given below. Identify the number on the face opposite to 6.

(A) 1 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6

35 Study the following figures and find out the number opposite to 3.

(A) 6 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 2

36 Study the following figures and find out the number opposite to 2.

(A) 1 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6

37 Two positions of a dice are shown below. When 4 is at the top what number will be at the bottom?

(A) 5 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 6

38 Four positions of a dice are given in the question figures. Identify the number at the bottom when top's is 6.

(A) 5 (B) 1
(C) 3 (D) 4
39 Find the odd one out

(A) BD (B) GI
(C) PN (D) WY
(E) None of these

40 Find the odd one out

(A) Consumer (B) Purchaser

(C) Retailer (D) Buyer
(E) None of these

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