Mod 3 Assign 2

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Change Agent

The Transformation Into a Change Agent Tisha Lane MGT413: Managing Change Argosy University Online Dr. Rain Newbold-Coco July 19, 2010

Change Agent The Transformation Into a Change Agent In Ruthanne Huisings dissertation it is described that members of an organizational change team, personal transformation caused by intense involvement in the change (Huising, 2006, pg. 4 6). This statement is believed to be true as with any deep involvement within any process that one partakes can feel an emotional change within oneself that can be gratifying to their expectations and needs, especially when there is success in their accomplishments. This leaves a savoring for one to explore more avenues of organizational change and the inspiration to keep one moving forward onto the next great accomplishment. This causes one to become innovative in their own right. Innovation in and of itself can cause a transformational change. The allowance of a change agent to encounter a transformational change within the process of encouraging change within an organization can have a profound reflection on and of the change agent. Ms. Huising refers to change agents as being immersed and pushing change as a result of a trait in their personality, for which she ultimately states this as their transformational change. It is also referred as a championing cycle for the change agent, one that leaves the change agent as n image of a hero (Huising, 2006, pg. 5 9). Huising in so many words states that this championing causes one to look like a hero and is a addictive behavior personality for the change agent. Huising insinuates that in order for a change agent to accomplish a transformational change they must be part of the change process. It has been stated, You cannot separate yourself from your client's organization, as if you are some kind

Change Agent of detached observer (McNamara, n.d., 10). One will not have the ability to accomplish the transformational change if they detach themselves from the cause. This correlates with Huisings reference to change agents may also be appropriately situated in the organization to rally for change (Huising, 2006, pg. 5 9). Therefore, in order for a change agent to incorporate their personality and skills they must follow through a transformational change to become effective in their position as a change agent. Change agents must utilize areas that they learn will work in various scenarios and plan accordingly. Being a champion of change allows the change agent to engage in their library of tools and prepares them to have the ability to function as a change agent within the organization they so choose to be a part of.

Change Agent References Huising, R. , 2006-08-10 "Becoming (and being) a change agent: personal transformation and organizational change" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal Convention Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Online <APPLICATION/PDF>. 2009-0525 from McNamara, C. (n.d.). Organizational change and development. Retrieved July 19, 2010, from

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