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WELLNESS – Nutritionist Verified

Honey & Beetroot Cured Salmon, Avocado and Pickled Beetroot

Home-cured salmon, lime and coriander avocado, pickled beetroot, riceberry
A source of heart-healthy, unsaturated fats

60 gm Cubed Cured Salmon skin less
(from recipe below)
ti skin on
1000gm salmon
dr eseeds
10 gm coriander
200 gm sea salt
ng (curing)
100 gm grated I beetroot
50 gm Honey (curing)
20 gm Dill chopped

30 gm Avocado (guacamole)
(from recipe below)
200 gm avocado mashed
20 ml lime juice
1ml extra virgin olive oil
1 gm salt
0.3 gm white pepper ground

10 gm Citrus Espuma
(from recipe below)
100 gm Water
3 gm Gelatin, 160 bloom
20 gm sour cream
10 gm Lime juice
1gm salt
0,2 white pepper

Picled Baby beetroot (2 recipes)

20 gm Red Baby Beetroot (Sliced)
20 gm Yellow Baby Beetroot (Sliced)
from recipe below:
100 gm water / 100gm water
100 gm vinegar (white wine / red wine)
30gr sugar / 30 gm sugar
5 gm black pepper corn for each
2 juniper berries for each

30 gm Cooked Riceberry
5 gm Salmon Roe
2 gm Baby Spinach
4 gm Green Mango
0.1 gm Dill Powder Page 1 of 5
0.1 gm Beetroot Powder
1 gm Sea Salt
WELLNESS – Nutritionist Verified

METHOD: Salmon (Sockeye preferred)


1. Clean the salmon fillet (1kg) removing all white sinew & bones from the fillet, leaving the
skin on.
2. Toast the coriander seeds (10g) and peppercorn (15g) until fragrant and grind them to a
powder using a pestle and mortar or spice grinder. Combine together coriander/pepper mix
and salt (200g)
3. Marinate the salmon fillet with the dry pepper, coriander and salt all around the fillet,
use all of the mixture. Place the salmon onto a sheet of cling film, skin side facing down
4. Place the grated beetroot (100g) on top of the flesh side of the salmon, and drizzle the
honey (50g) over the beetroot.Wrap the fillet in the cling film. Store in fridge overnight with
date label. (Approximately for 14 hours.)
5. Wash the gravlax mixture of the salmon fillet with cold water and pat dry.
6. Spread salmon with Dijon (50g) mustard onto the flesh of the salmon, spread the chopped
dill (20g) over the salmon. Wrap in cling film, label and keep chilled.

METHOD: Crushed Avocado with Lime and Coriander

1.200 gm Crush the Avocado with a fork.

Add 20 ml lime juice, 1gm extra olive oil, 1 gm sea salt, 03gm white pepper corn ground
2. Fold through the rest of the ingredients and mix until combined.
3. Place crushed avocado (30g) into a disposable piping bag, squeeze excess air out of the bag
before sealing, in order to keep mixture green and reduce oxidation of the avocado.
Label and keep chilled.

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WELLNESS – Nutritionist Verified

METHOD: Riceberry

1. Rinse the riceberry in a pot of cold water to clean. Drain the water off.
2. Place the riceberry into a rice cooker, cover with water and add the sea salt.
Cook in rice cooker as per rice cooker instructions, it will take around 45 minutes.

METHOD: Citrus Espuma

1. Bloom gelatin (3gm) in iced water. Bring the drinking water (100g) up to 70ºC and
melt the gelatin in it. Add lime juice (10g), chill mix over an ice bath to room
temperature and whisk in sour cream, salt (1g) and pepper (0.2g).
2. Chill mixture in fridge until it sets like a jelly. Whisk jelly to break it, and place it
into an espuma bottle, charge with 2 cream chargers and shake mixture well.
3. Keep espuma foam chilled for later use.

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WELLNESS – Nutritionist Verified

METHOD: Baby Beetroots

1. Place red & yellow beetroots into separate pots with each: 100gm water, 100 gm vinegar
W/R) 30 gm sugar, 5 black pepper corn, 2 juniper berry
2. Bring them to the boil and simmer until soft (around 45 minutes). Check with a skewer.
3. Once cooked, remove from water and peel skin off. Label and keep chilled.
4. Make a thinly sliced beetroot 6-8 slices per piece.

METHOD: Dehydrated Beetroot Powder

1. Peel the beetroot & slice the beetroot with a slicer as thin as possible and place onto a
tray lined with baking paper.
2. Place in either a dehydrator, or hot box overnight and allow the beetroots to completely
dry out.
3. Once the beetroots are dry and crisp, blend to a fine powder in a coffee grinder or high
powered blender.

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Healthy Cuisine – RECIPE
WELLNESS – Nutritionist Verified

Method: Dehydrated Dill Powder

1. Place the picked dill leaves onto a plate lined with baking paper that can fit into a
microwave. Dill leaves should be loosely placed onto the plate. Microwave on high for
3 minutes. Remove from microwave and cool. Dill should be dehydrated, dry and crisp.
2. Blend the dry leaves in coffee grinder or in high powered blender to a fine powder.

METHOD: Dish Assemble

1. Place a sliced beetroot red & yellow switch color on the plate (6 pieces of each color)
2. Quenelle a crushed avocado (2 scoops) and cooked riceberry (2 scoops)
3. Place the cubed salmon between crushed avocado and cooked riceberry.
4. Place the garnish (green mango, spinach, dill and salmon roe) harmoniously on top and
around the cured salmon.
5. Place 1 dot of citrus espuma, in the middle of the salad, sprinkle rim the plate with
beetroot powder (right) and the other side with dill powder (above).
It’s now ready to serve.

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