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LATIHAN SOAL 10. I have breakfast with my family in the . . . .

a. dinningroom c. bathroom
1. What time is it? b. livingroom d. kitchen

1. half – it – past - is - two . The correct

order is . . . .
2. Jam 11.00 = It is . . . .
a. Ten to twelve c. Twelve past ten
b. Ten past nine d. Twelve to ten 3. He ... (datang) to my home
2. I go to school after breakfast. Breakfast
means . . . . 4. It is five past two means pukul . . . .
5. Write the negative and interogative
a. makan siang c. makan malam
b. istirahat d. sarapan sentence! Gavin speaks English well.

3. It is a half past three. Ini pukul . . . .

a. 02.30 c. 04.30
b. 03.30 d. 05.30

4. Irfan . . . (datang) to the library every day.

a. buy c. come
b. buys d. comes

5. Umi Andry . . . (membeli) flower for her

husband every Sunday.

a. buy c. come
b. buys d. comes

6. I take a bath at 05.00 a.m. Take a bath

means . . . .

a. bangun c. mandi
b. sekolah d. sarapan

7. I arrive at school at 06.30. Arrive means . . .

a. .pergi c. tiba
b. datang d. pergi

8. . The cat is . . . the chair

a. in c. under
b. on d. beside

9. The cat is . . . the chair.

a. in c. under
b. on d. beside

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