2.trademark & ISO

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GST Suvidha Kendra® Trademark

Call Us: 1-800-108-8888

E-mail: info@gstsuvidhakendra.org
Website: www.gstsuvidhakendra.org
Address: H-183, Sector 63 Rd, H Block,
Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Pin- 201301
is the MEANING of

• A trademark is generally a word, phrase, symbol, or design, or a combination

thereof, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party
from those of others.

• A service mark is the same as a trademark, except that it identifies and

distinguishes the source of a service rather than goods.

• A special symbol, design or name that a company puts on its products and
that cannot be used by any other company

• एक विशेष प्रतीक, विज़ाइन य़ा ऩाम जो एक कंपनी अपने उत्प़ादों पर लग़ाती है और वजसक़ा
उपयोग वकसी अन्य कंपनी द्व़ाऱा नही ं वकय़ा ज़ा सकत़ा है
to CHECK the
• You can easily check the trademark of any company/person/organization, etc...
• Just search ipindiaonline in your web browser. than click on the government link on
ipindiaonline to check the trademark.

• Link: https://ipindiaonline.gov.in/tmrpublicsearch/frmmain.aspx
GST Suvidha Kendra®

• GST Suvidha Kendra® or GST Suvidha Center® License is provided under a banner of
Prologic Web Solutions Private Limited which is a Registered Trademark Business &
Authorized Service Provider aligned with one of the GSP approved by GSTN.

• Open ipindiaonline website in your browser, type GST Suvidha in Wordmark & 45 in class,
than search
GST Suvidha Kendra® Trademark 1-800-108-8888

• Prologic Web Solutions Private Limited through its director Mayank Jain, owns the
trademark for GST Suvidha Kendra® and GST Suvidha Center®.
GST Suvidha Kendra® Trademark 1-800-108-8888

GST Suvidha Kendra®

GST Suvidha Center® Trademark 1-800-108-8888

• Prologic Web Solutions Private Limited through its director Mayank Jain, owns the
trademark for GST Suvidha Kendra® and GST Suvidha Center®.
GST Suvidha Center® Trademark 1-800-108-8888

GST Suvidha Center®


Trademark® on name of Director (Mr. Mayank Jain)
& Class 45

• The party who controls the nature and quality of the goods and services used
in connection with the brand should be the trademark owner. This is an
important decision and naming the proper owner for purposes of
registration is critical to maintaining a valid trademark.

• िह पक्ष जो ब़्ांि के संबंध में उपयोग की ज़ाने ि़ाली िस्तुओ ं और सेि़ाओं की प्रकृवत और
गुणित्त़ा को वनयंवित करत़ा है , उसे ट्र े िम़ाकक Owner होऩा च़ावहए। यह एक महत्वपूणक
वनणकय है और िैध ट्र े िम़ाकक बऩाए रखने के वलए पंजीकरण के प्रयोजनों के वलए उवचत
Owner क़ा ऩामकरण महत्वपूणक है।
• If Anyone selling/ buying the licence other than Prologic Web Solutions
Private Limited is illegal under the Trademarks Act 1999 and will be
prosecuted under the provisions of Trademark Act 1999.

• यवद प्रोलॉवजक िेब सॉल्यूशंस प्ऱाइिेट् वलवमट्े ि के अल़ाि़ा ल़ाइसेंस बेचने/खरीदने ि़ाल़ा
कोई भी व्यक्ति ट्र े िम़ाकक अवधवनयम 1999 के तहत अिैध है और ट्र े िम़ाकक अवधवनयम
1999 के प्ऱािध़ानों के तहत मुकदम़ा चल़ाय़ा ज़ाएग़ा।
ISO Certification (ISO 9001 : 2015)
Prologic web solutions Pvt. Ltd.
is an ISO 9001 : 2015
Certified company

ISO 9001 : 2015 Certificate


Thank you!

Powered by: Prologic web solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Directed by: Mr. Mayank Jain
Address: H-183, Sector 63 Rd, H Block, Sector
62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301

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