Student Assessment Booklet CHCDIV001 Work With Diverse People

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Student Assessment Booklet

CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

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This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of CHCDIV001 Work with diverse


This unit requires that you complete 5 assessment tasks. You are required to complete all tasks to
demonstrate competency in this unit.

Assessment Task About this task

Assessment Task 1: Written questions You must correctly answer all questions to show that you
understand the knowledge required in this unit.

Assessment Task 2: Case studies There are three case studies in this task. You are to read and
complete the questions related to each.

Assessment Task 3: Culture research You are to undertake a research project on a number of
different cultural groups living in Australia.

Assessment Task 4: Cultural reflections You are to reflect on your own experience of culture and
diversity in the workplace.

Assessment Task 5: Workplace You are to be observed by your assessor communicating

observations with people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds in
your workplace, in at least three different situations.

How to submit your assessments

When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.
Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for
each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the back of
the Task Cover Sheet.
Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the
documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to
your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Assessment plan
The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this unit. You are required to complete all
tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.
Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.

Assessment Requirements Due date

1. Written questions

2. Case studies

3. Culture research

4. Cultural reflections

5. Workplace observations


Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure
you sign this before you start any of your assessments.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?  Yes  No

Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?  Yes  No

Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?  Yes  No
If yes, what are they?

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?  Yes  No

Student name: Lorna Peralta

Student signature: ________________________Date: ________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Name: Lorna Peralta

Date of birth: July 10, 1980 Student ID: UCA100780

 CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people.

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Written questions


I Lorna Peralta declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature:

Student name: Lorna Peralta

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

 This is an open book test – you can use the Internet, textbooks and other documents
to help you with your answers if required.
 You must answer all questions correctly.
 Write your answers in the space provided.
 If you need more space, you can use extra paper. All extra pieces of paper must
include your name and the question number/s you are answering.
 You may like to use a computer to type your answers. Your assessor will tell you if
you can email them the file or if you need to print a hard copy and submit it.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
 Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your responses).
 Access to a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


 You will do this task in your own time.
 Write in the date of submission as advised by your assessor: ______________________


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

Instructions to students:
Provide answers to each of the questions.

Answer the following questions.

a) In your own words explain the concepts and definition of ‘diversity’.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Individuals and groups create diversity by combining ethnic and philosophical distinctions. It entails
understanding that each person is unique and appreciating our uniqueness.

b) In your own words, explain the concepts of ‘cultural awareness’. Consider the work roles in your preferred
industry and write down how an understanding of cultural awareness can be of benefit to relationships
with others in the workplace.

Cultural sensitivity is the ability to recognize and respect one's own and other cultures. Understanding the
variations across cultures boosts morale and improves workplace relationships. It also improves
interaction, which is the backbone of any successful team.

c) In your own words, describe the concepts of ‘cultural competence’ and its impact on those employed in
community services.
Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Cultural sensitivity is the ability to communicate with people from other cultures. This capability is
determined by one's understanding of one's cultural worldview, knowledge of different cultural traditions,
and world perspectives.

Cultural competence encourages the recognition and acceptance of variations in appearance, behavior, and

d) List two ways in which an organisation and its staff can demonstrate cultural competence.

1. Make a commitment to help the organization have a better grasp of history, cultural competence, and the
various dimensions of culture.

2. Engage in learning about the various cultural groups that the organization represents throughout

e) In your own words, describe the concepts of ‘cultural safety’ and its impact on community service
Cultural protection entails creating a safe environment for everyone, ensuring that their culture and
experiences are not attacked, questioned, or dismissed. It all comes down to mutual respect, shared
purpose, and shared comprehension.

It demonstrates attitudes, policies, and procedures that promote all employees to operate well across
cultures. Employees may believe that they can contribute to all appropriate topics, operate more safely,
and be more efficient.

f) What ways could an organisation and its staff develop cultural competence? Provide at least three

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
1. Culture and cultural competence principles should be incorporated into strategy planning, policy
creation, program design, and service delivery. Increase organizational and individual awareness of how
various aspects of culture affect the families served by the agency and the employees who work with them.

2. Include advocacy and criteria in RFPs and other contracts that emphasize the applicant's, contractor's, or
consultant's ability to demonstrate the capacity and ability to achieve positive results that are culturally
competent and linguistically appropriate, as well as applicable to the needs of the clients and families

3. Create a healthy, secure, and supportive atmosphere in which employees can learn about different
cultures. Form formal alliances with community organizations, and encourage employees to actively
include communities and families in policy, program design, and service delivery model development.

a) Describe the legislative and ethical rights and responsibilities of employees, employers and clients to
ensure a culturally safe and diverse work environment and care experience. List in your answer the types
of requirements that must be adhered to.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Employees, employers, and clients have legal and ethical rights and responsibilities to promote a
culturally safe and diverse work environment and care experience. The following legal responsibilities
should be understood and followed:

 Employees, employers, and clients all have a responsibility to provide a safe working environment. Any
issue that may affect the workers' health should be discussed with the workers and the client.

 The Sex Discrimination Act of 1984 prohibits discrimination based on sex, marital status, or pregnancy.
Everyone has the ethical right to be treated equally.
 The Racial Discrimination Act of 1975 forbids discrimination based on race, color, nationality, or
 According to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, everyone has the right to be
treated with respect and dignity, to receive aid in becoming self-sufficient, and to get suitable education
and training.
 Client accountability includes notifying the service provider if they are unable to attend an appointment
and accepting responsibility for decisions made.
 Employers and employees must identify customer needs and desires while also comprehending client

b) What actions can a client take if they feel an organisation is being discriminatory and not taking due care
to meet their cultural needs?

The first step is to talk to the other person or people about the problem. Discuss the situation with their
boss. If the issue is not remedied, the client might file a complaint with a higher authority.


Terese is an elderly lady whose family has decided to put her into care with some reluctance – the
matriarch is generally cared for by the family, but unfortunately Terese’s sons and daughters cannot
manage with the high level of care she now requires.
Terese speaks only a limited amount of English but can mostly understand what is being said to her. Her
family has always communicated to others for her, and have previously taken her to all doctor
appointments, specialist appointments and even banking and other daily needs.

a) Explain the role of a language interpreter and how it differs from a cultural interpreter. Explain which
interpreter is required in this scenario and how it will help Terese.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
 A cultural interpreter is essential for maintaining effective interaction with individuals and families who
do not speak English. A language interpreter is someone who converts one language into another.
 In this scenario, I feel a cultural interpreter is required since it will assist Terese and her family in
establishing meaningful communication in their language.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
b) Terese’s family has given permission that the services of an interpreter can be used. Use the Internet to
locate an interpreting/translation services provider in your own local area. (You can choose Terese’s
cultural background to locate specific translation/interpretation services.) Write down their name, address
and telephone number.

Health Care Interpreter Service - Western Sydney Local Health District

Phone: +61 2 9912 3800
Coverage: Western Sydney LHD, Northern Sydney LHD, Nepean Blue Mountains LHD, the Children’s Hospital
Westmead and St Joseph’s Hospita


A group of aged care workers are planning a social night out. Their manager is organising dinner at a local
pub, and advises staff they are welcome to bring a friend or partner and to respond via email of their
acceptance and if they will bring someone.
A new employee, Tom, is keen to attend – it’s a great opportunity to social and get to know his new
colleagues in a more relaxed environment. He decides he will bring his partner of 5 years, Dave.
Tom responds to the email invite his manager has sent out, saying in the body of the email that Dave will
attend too.
The next day, the date of the dinner changes due to ‘a number of staff being unable to attend’ . Tom
accepts the new date. Two days later it changes again. He is unable to attend this time, Dave has his own
work function and Tom always attends them.
A couple of days later, Tom is in the lunch room telling a colleague about Dave’s work function and how
much of a good time they had. Two staff get up and leave the kitchen during this chat.
The colleague tells Tom it’s fantastic that Dave’s work is so accepting, and rolls their eyes in the direction of
those who departed the room.
Tom discovers that some people in the department were uncomfortable with the idea of Dave going to the
dinner, and that the manager kept changing the dates with the hope that Tom would be busy, and that the
rest of the staff could still come.

a) Identify the type of legislation and types of workplace procedures that have been breached and how.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Indirect Discrimination–occurs when an arbitrary requirement, condition, or practice is enforced that
disadvantages a member of a group due to a personal attribute. It is discrimination based on sexual
orientation in this circumstance.

b) Explain how this situation can impact the cultural safety of the workplace.
The problem with removing LGBT terminology from policies and practices, as well as excluding LGBT
personnel from diversity programs, is that the message of exclusion trumps all other measures of inclusion
pushed for other diverse groups inside the organization.

There is a constant pressure of concealment for those who feel they must hide their sexual orientation or
gender identity at work. It also makes it difficult for them to receive help when personal matters interfere
with their employment.

LGBT employees who are "out" at work are more likely to face harassment, bullying, and discrimination.


c) Explain how this situation can impact Tom socially and professionally. Consider in your response the
impact on his relationships with others in the workplace and his relationship with Dave.

Lesbians, gay males, and bisexuals who are out and feel comfortable discussing their sexuality at work may
be stereotyped in ways that harm their jobs, such as being inappropriate for working with children. In terms
of family life, many LGBT people may face the expectation that they can work non-traditional hours
because to the widespread misconception that they do not have families. Furthermore, when LGBT
persons are mentioned in the workplace, it is frequently in the context of a stereotype, which is generally
negative and does not reflect the larger LGBT population.

d) Explain actions that Tom could take in this situation. Imagine that his workplace does not handle the
situation and Tom continues to be excluded. What could he do next?
Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Organizations that want to promote the value and significance of diversity must provide leadership and an
environment where everyone feels safe and free to perform their best.

Tom has been unfairly treated and excluded, and if he needs further information, he can contact the Anti
Discrimination NSW Service and file a complaint. Additionally, the Fair Work Act 2009 now forbids
discrimination on the basis of an employee's sexual orientation in all aspects of employment.

From hiring through advancement and training possibilities, as well as termination.

Victimization occurs when someone is treated unfairly as a result of filing a discrimination complaint or
providing evidence or information regarding a complaint.

a) Describe the purpose of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a text that acts as a global guide for liberty and
equality, ensuring that everyone's rights are respected everywhere.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a declaration that serves as a global road map for
freedom and equality, defending the rights of all people everywhere. It was the first time that countries
agreed on the freedoms and rights that all people should have in order to live their lives freely, equally, and
in dignity.

b) Do human rights necessarily cover all human needs? Explain your answer in one paragraph and provide
an example.
A need differs from a right in that it outlines the conditions necessary for a person to thrive. A right
recognizes a person's entitlement to have that need met just because they are a human.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
For example, actions to preserve individual children's rights, such as family life, access to health care, and
education, as well as public policies that may have an impact on children's health and development, such as
housing, transportation, and poverty. The diagram depicts how children's rights are recognized and

c) Apply the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to Tom’s situation at Question 4 above. What
fundamental rights has Tom been refused?

Everyone is born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are gifted with reason and conscience and
should act in a brotherly manner toward one another.
Everyone has the right to all of the rights and freedoms outlined in this Declaration, regardless of race, color,
sex, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be established based on the political, jurisdictional, or international status
of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether independent, trust, non-self-governing, or
subject to any other form of sovereignty limitation.
Every person has the right to life, liberty, and personal security.

a) List at least three effective strategies that could encourage effective communication in a situation where
there is a language barrier.

1. Focus on the issue, not the person

2. Being flexible towards others

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
3. Working on our own perception

b) List two strategies you could use if you were involved in a cross-cultural conflict with a work colleague
and needed to sensitively resolve it.

1. Being open to new ideas being tried

2. Learning their culture

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
c) Describe the effectiveness of visual imagery when communicating information to diverse audiences.
A visual signal is easier to process rapidly than reading a phrase or a paragraph of text. ... Images are
processed 60,000 times faster by the brain than texts, according to research. When using pictures to
communicate with people, you will save time if you have this background information.

- Provide more direct information.

- More adaptable than traditional verbal communication.

- More interesting and attention-getting.

- Creates an impression on the audience

- Give your message more credibility.

d) Provide at least three examples of universal imagery or colours used within the workplace (you may draw
examples where required).

1. Regulatory A circle indicates that an order is in force

2. Warning A triangle indicates caution or danger

3. Information A square indicates information

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
a) Explain how diversity has impacted Australia’s ever-changing economic, employment, social, cultural and
political landscape. Write at least one paragraph for each area.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
In Australia, the social effect of diversity has brought net economic advantages by helping to balance
population ageing, raise GDP, and increase labor productivity.

Preventing racial discrimination and encouraging cultural diversity in the workplace will boost innovation,
creativity, efficiency, and cost savings. It also promotes worker fitness and safety.

Our population is extremely diversified. We have folks who speak 200 languages and come from 160
different countries. In less than 250 years, Australia went from being predominantly Aboriginal (now only
2% of the population) to Britain, and then to Europe in the post-WWII decades.

Cultural and social institutions, such as race, faith, language, education, ethnicity, and economic status,
have a substantial impact on people's health and well-being. In addition to the indigenous people,
immigration has boosted Australia's cultural variety.

Australia's culturally diversified population has more than 300 forebears, as evidenced by daily living. This is
why Australia's political leaders and commentators consistently hail it as one of the world's most wealthy
and harmonious multicultural nations.

While there is a lot of validity to such statement given Australia's achievements in many populations,

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
b) Using at least three paragraphs, now write about how Australia’s diverse community has been impacted
(consider both positives and negatives) by the changing economic, employment, social, cultural and
political landscape.

Migrants and refugees, in general, demonstrate high resilience and adaptability to new difficulties and
environments. When they initially arrive, they are willing to accept basic jobs. In addition, many migrants
and refugees demonstrate a willingness to put in long hours and make sacrifices in order to establish
themselves in a new country.
Small enterprises, which are the backbone of the Australian economy, have benefited from the
contributions of migrants. They have contributed to the advancement of technology by bringing cutting-
edge technologies from Asia and Eastern Europe to the country. Their experience, connections, and
awareness of foreign business marketplaces have aided Australia's worldwide market development.
Migrants receive government benefits and products and services, but they also have to pay taxes.
According to research, migrants and refugees pay more in taxes than they consume in government
benefits and goods and services.

Socio - Cultural:
"The Australian Government is committed to a just, inclusive, and socially cohesive society in which
everyone may benefit from Australia's potential and where government services are sensitive to the
requirements of Australians from varied cultural and linguistic origins." Australians of all backgrounds will
be given every chance to participate in and contribute to the social, economic, and cultural life of the
country. Australians from all walks of life have the right to equal access to government services. To ensure
that government programs and services are responsive to the requirements of Australia's culturally and
linguistically diverse communities, the government will strengthen its access and equity policies. Australia's
multicultural policy is in line with the government's Social Inclusion Agenda, which aims to make
Australians of all origins feel appreciated and capable of contributing to society."

Political Situation:
Our political and mainstream institutions must reflect the population we have in order for the critical debate
to evolve and be inclusive. Just as the gender conversation has shifted the dial for female leadership
representation and helped shape policies that affect women's lives, a conversation about culturally diverse
leadership can help innovate Australia's policies in areas like multiculturalism and strategic priorities for all

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
c) Key areas of diversity have been listed below. Provide answers to each question. Note: remember to be
sensitive and respectful in your definitions and responses.

Disability Provide three examples of different types of disability you may encounter in your
preferred work role/industry.

 autism spectrum disorder

 physical disability
 vision Impairment

Culture Provide a definition of ‘culture’.

It is the collective knowledge and qualities of a group of people, including language,
religion, food, social habits, music, and other manifestations of human intellectual

Ethnicity Provide a definition of ‘ethnicity’.

It is the fact or state of being a member of a social group with a shared national or
cultural heritage.

Religion Provide a definition and three examples of ‘religion’.

Human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual,
divine, or worthy of especial reverence. It is also commonly regarded as consisting of
the way people deal with ultimate concerns about their lives and their fate after death.
- Buddhism,
- Christianity
- Hinduism
- Islam.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Spirituality Provide a definition of ‘spirituality’.
It is the attribute of caring about the human spirit or soul rather than material or physical

Gender Provide a definition of ‘gender’.

either of the sexes (male or female), especially when social and cultural distinctions are
addressed rather than biological ones. The term is also used to refer to a wide range of
identities that do not fit into preconceived notions of male and female.

Transgender Provide a definition of ‘transgender’.

describing or referring to a person whose sense of personal identification and gender
differs from their biological sex.

Intersex Provide a definition of ‘intersex’.

Individuals born with chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that "do not
meet the typical definitions for male or female bodies," according to the UN Office of
the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Lesbian Provide a definition of ‘lesbian’.
Having to do with or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to or between
women. Female homosexuals

Gay Provide a definition of ‘gay’.

Homosexual man

Bisexual Provide a definition of bisexual.

Sexually attracted to both men and women; not only to people of one gender.

Heterosexual Provide a definition of ‘heterosexual’.

attracted to persons of the opposite sex sexually

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Generational Provide a definition of ‘Generation Y’ (or ‘millennials’). List two common stereotypes of
this generation.
Researchers and the popular media use the early 1980s as the starting birth years and
the mid-1990s to early 2000s as the ending birth years, with 1981 to 1996 as a widely
recognized definition.
 Because of their sense of entitlement, millennials set the bar too high.
 Millennials are a generation of job-hoppers.

Provide a definition of ‘Generation X’. List two common stereotypes of this generation
and two common characteristics
Generation X (or Gen X) is the generation that comes after the baby boomers but before
the Millennials. Birth years ranging from the early to mid 1960s through the early 1980s
are commonly used by researchers and the popular media.
 Independent
 Self-sufficient

Provide a definition of ‘Baby Boomers’. List two common stereotypes of this generation.
The Baby Boom generation (also known as boomers) is the demographic group that
follows the Silent Generation and precedes Generation X, and is most commonly
characterized as those born between 1946 and 1964.
 Excellent work ethic
 Self-assured

d) For each group, identify one way that the group’s characteristics inform how you provide care and
services to them.

Disability Choose two of the three types of disability you identified above and provide
an answer for each.
Physical handicap:

Services that provide assistance to people with disabilities include:

-home maintenance and adaptations, such as repairs, gardening, and

ramp and railing installation
-items and accessories such as a cane or a raised toilet seat
allied health services, such as occupational therapy and dietician
physiotherapy and
-respite care, which allows you to relax while the person you're
caring for is cared for at home, in a community center, or in an
elderly care facility.
-Independent Living Centers with products and services
devices to aid in the daily management of disability

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Vision impairment support services:

Before any treatment begins, we do a thorough examination to determine

your individual needs and to allow you to express any concerns.

-A personalized support plan tailored to your specific requirements

-Visits to your house on a regular basis, at whatever frequency you require

-Personal attention and support to assist you in adjusting to your new vision


-Expert assistance available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

-Assistance with any additional activities — for example,

Participating in sports, going to social events, and so on

-Emotional support and care for people and families

Culture Cultural safety refers to creating an environment that respects a person's

culture and values. Given the abundance of many cultures in our aged care
institutions, the lack of cultural awareness and sensitivity is startling. In 2016,
more than a third of Australians aged 65 and up were born outside of the
country, with one-fifth being born in a country where English was not spoken
(Rawson 2019).
Older Australians have long complained about finding care that satisfies their
unique needs while also being sympathetic to their background and
circumstances. Through the Aged Care Diversity Framework, the government
has demonstrated its commitment to assisting persons from CALD
backgrounds in receiving care that fits their requirements.
This Framework is a set of principles aimed at ensuring that everyone,
regardless of their social, cultural, linguistic, psychological, medical, or care
needs, has access to respectful and inclusive aged care services (Australian
Government Department of Health 2017).

Religion and spirituality When people are in a palliative state, spiritual care may become more
essential to them, and their spiritual requirements may include completing
tasks and'making peace' with others, or they may include religious or
spiritual beliefs.
During palliative care and after death, it is critical to be aware of any religious
or spiritual beliefs or traditions that a person may have.
People's customs or values that are relevant in regard to palliative care may
 The significance of the family
 Having private conversations with non-family members or health
Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
 The level of detail they require about their diagnosis and prognosis
 Whether or not it is appropriate to inform the family about the
diagnosis and prognosis
 Food or refreshments are really important.
 Observations on hospitals
 Perspectives on pain management
 They want certain medical procedures to be kept secret.
 Last rites, visits from friends and relatives, and the patient's
possessions being given away are examples of end-of-life rituals.
 What needs to happen to the body in preparation for burial, for
example, are post-death rites.
 Autopsy or organ donation are examples of post-mortem

Transgender Many difficulties exist for transgender people in accessing culturally and
medically appropriate healthcare. Barriers might be societal, institutional, or
pecuniary in nature. Incorporate sensitive inquiries into your health
evaluation and educate yourself and your colleagues about medical
transition for transgender patients. You may help remove obstacles to care
and establish safe, inclusive, and supportive healthcare environments by
learning more about transgender health.
 Creating a friendly environment entails the following:
 Patient education materials that are transgender inclusive
 without presuming gender identity or sexual orientation
 enquiring about patients' preferred names and pronouns
 use phrases like partner
 exhibiting LGBTQ acceptance signals
 using the same language that patients use to describe themselves,
their partners, and their bodies
 Providing LGBTQ training to all employees

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Lesbian, gay, bisexual Older adults of various sexual orientations and gender identities should be
encouraged to participate.
be able to obtain aged care services that are sensitive to their needs and
take into account their past as well as any prejudice or marginalisation they
may have experienced.
Given their prejudice experiences and lack of acknowledgement,
service providers, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people
Special needs for aged care have been recognized for bisexuals (LGBTI).
While a number of measures have been implemented to better address the
needs of the community,
The policy outlines how the Australian Government supports the aged care
sector in providing care that is sensitive to and inclusive of the needs of
LGBTI elders, their families, and caregivers.

Generational: Generations X As one generation prepares to retire, another enters the workforce with a
and Y new viewpoint on the value of health-plan benefits. A multifaceted strategy is
required when speaking to multiple generations. Business leaders must
understand how their employees access healthcare and consume
information about healthcare benefits in order to create a benefits marketing
campaign that bridges generational lines.
Each generation is motivated by diverse factors and makes healthcare
decisions in different ways. While most customers are aware with
technology, not everyone uses it as their primary source of information. A
successful health plan marketing strategy uses the medium, tone, and format
that each generation prefers.
Many Generation X customers prefer easy access to healthcare. To fulfill this
need, clever doctors have opened clinics that provide routine services such
as vaccines, minor injury and illness treatment, and wellness screenings after
hours and on weekends, with no need for an appointment. These new walk-
in retail clinics are a welcome sight for busy Generation X parents.
Employers should emphasize as many health-plan perks and features as
possible to Millennials. Millennials value online tools such as benefit portals
and smartphone apps for enrolling in wellness programs, as well as doctors
that offer both video and in-person consultations. The more social media
presence a health plan has, the better. According to a recent Elite Daily poll,
62 percent of Millennials prefer firms that communicate directly with
customers on social media.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Generational: Baby Boomers The ideal primary care provider's office for members of this generation would
and older house many of the services they require in one location, eliminating the need
for patients to travel between different locations for X-rays, lab draws, and
other routine exams. Boomers value their time and money, and many of
them are parents, grandparents, and employees.
Word-of-mouth recommendations are important to Baby Boomers in
determining where and from whom they seek treatment. This generation
may be more brand loyal than previous generations, and may extend brand
loyalty in exchange for superior care and coverage. Members of this group
place a high importance on reputation, particularly when it comes to health
plan or provider names they trust.
The Baby Boomer generation is the most likely to use online physician rating
Providing health, housing, and social services to the elderly. Most states run a
variety of residential aged care facilities and provide services and assistance,
frequently with combined Commonwealth financing, such as:
 temporary care
 help to caregivers
 Supportive dementia programs
 aid with transportation
 assistance at home
 services of information
 Senior Cards provide discounts on a variety of goods and services.
However, in recent years, policymakers have placed a greater focus on early
intervention and "healthy" aging, as well as "aging in place," which means
keeping older people out of health and residential institutions for as long as
possible while still having access to the same level of care.


Martin, 58, is sitting in a conference room being interviewed for a job. It is all going well, but then one
interviewer asks how old he is, as his date of birth wasn’t indicated on his resume.
Martin refuses to give his age – he states that his age is not an indicator of whether he can do the job well,
but his work experience, knowledge and strong references should be what proves his abilities.
Martin does not get the job. A friend who works in the organisation tells him that they employed a 25-year-old
female because they felt a ‘younger person with a soft approach’ would be best for the position.

a) Answer the following questions about Martin’s situation.

 What breach has the workplace committed?

Martin has been discriminated against because of his age, and age discrimination happens when a person
is treated less favorably or not given the same opportunities as others in a comparable scenario because
he is regarded too old for the position offered.

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CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
 What could be the consequences of this scenario?
The Age Discrimination Act of 2004 (ADA) outlaws age discrimination in the workplace.

Martin can file an age discrimination complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission.

Putting in place policies and processes to promote a discrimination-free environment is one example of
taking reasonable steps.

 What do you think would be the impact on Martin in this situation?

The most prevalent result of age discrimination is a negative influence on a person's self-esteem or mental
health, as well as an increase in stress levels. A detrimental impact on family, work, and income follows
quickly behind.

Giovanni has a guide dog. One day he is out with his carer, Cathy, who suggests they stop by one of her
favourite cafés for something different. As Giovanni’s guide dog is working, it is harnessed.
They approach a table and start to sit down. An employee quickly meets them and quietly asks them to
leave. Cathy is taken aback and asks why. The employee states that pets are not permitted inside.
Cathy says that Giovanni’s ‘pet’ is clearly a guide dog and they are allowed in the premises – health
regulations have exemptions for guide dogs.
The employee says their manager has requested they leave and they cannot do anything more for them.

b) Answer the following questions about Giovanni and Cathy’s situation.

 What breach has the café committed?

Discrimination exists in relation to assistance animals and disability aids, so the Café shop violated the
Disability Discrimination Act 1992, which states that disabled people have the right to use service dogs
and to take them with them to any place permitted, and that a harnessed guide dog is allowed entry
into restaurants under the Companion Animals Act 1998. (NSW).
In NSW, harnessed guide dog users are permitted to attend all public locations, including food service
establishments such as:
 dining establishments
 cafes.
 pubs.
 clubs.
 Hotels, motels, hospitals, medical clinics, and dentistry practices are all examples of businesses.
When a guide dog wears a harness, it is supporting a blind or visually impaired person in moving
around securely and independently.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
 What could be the legal consequences of this scenario?

It is illegal to discriminate against another person because of their disability:

by refusing to allow the other person access to, or use of, any premises that the public or a section of
the public is entitled or allowed to enter or use (whether for payment or not); Giovanni has the right to
make a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission, Cathy his carer reporting to the Minister
on matters relating to the development of disability standards, action should be taken by the

 What do you think would be the impact on Giovanni and Cathy in this situation?

When the guide dog is supposed to maximize their independence and mobility, it can drive people to adjust
their daily routine, avoid particular public locations or means of transportation, and retreat from going about
their everyday lives.

Umair has finished his Certificate IV in Ageing Support. He has passed all his assessments and the feedback
from his trainers has been very positive.
Umair is very excited to get a job – he enquires at his placement organisation, but unfortunately, they do not
have any jobs available at the moment. The manager promises to let him know if any jobs are going to be
advertised, as she was very impressed with his work.
Umair finds that a lot of his job applications do not lead to any interviews. With the urging of his friends, he
decides to call the last workplace his applied to and ask why he wasn’t considered for an interview. He is
put through to someone called Bri, who says, ‘Oh Umair, that’s right. I heard about you. Yes, the manager
didn’t want to put your application through further because they thought some of our elderly clients might be
unsettled by a Muslim on the staff.’
Umair hangs up in shock – he can’t believe what he has just heard!

c) Answer the following questions about Umair’s situation.

 What breach has the workplace committed?

By refusing to call him because of his religion, the employer has infringed the legislation of code of
behavior. When someone is denied equal employment opportunity because of their faith, this is known as
religious discrimination in the workplace. This could include being turned down for a job, being fired, or
being denied training possibilities.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
 What could be the consequences of this scenario?

The Australian Human Rights Commission is a non-government organization that examines and resolves
discrimination complaints under the international "Convention against Discrimination in Employment and
Occupation." Umair should file a complaint to protect her legal rights.

 What do you think would be the impact on Umair in this situation?

Exposure to such discrimination raises the likelihood of anxiety and sadness, as well as poorer self-reported
life satisfaction, mental disorder, psychiatric discomfort, and sub-clinical paranoia. People may also seek
sanctuary in drugs or alcohol.

d) Review the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and identify Article/s that are being breached in
Umair’s story.

The following articles are breached in Umair's story:

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Articles 1, 2, 7, and 18

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
a) Explain why some people experience marginalisation.

Their exclusion may be due to the fact that they speak a different language, have distinct customs, or
belong to a different religious group than the majority. They may also feel marginalized because they are
impoverished, have a "low" social position, and are perceived as less human than others.

b) Explain how those in marginalised groups may be impacted by trauma, discrimination, negative attitudes
and exclusion. In your response, refer to the needs of:
 people with disability
 those who are ageing
 those with mental health/emotional issues.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
 People with disabilities are one of the world's most stigmatized groups. People with disabilities have
worse health outcomes, educational success, economic involvement, and poverty rates than people
without disabilities. Disabilities are now recognized as a human rights concern.
 When older people are considered as lacking the mental or physical capacity to survive as self-
sufficient individuals, they are described as marginalized. They are socially excluded, which limits their
opportunities to contribute positively to society, eventually leading to poverty. These people's immense
financial and mental stress leads to problems in their personal, familial, and interpersonal relationships,
as well as social isolation.
 Social marginalisation is defined as "social isolation and/or incapacity to fully engage in society's
standards and way of life" for people with mental health and emotional disorders. It has something to
do with social marginalization. Access to health care for marginalized populations might be hampered
by administrative and financial barriers, and they may be overlooked in the distribution of health
resources. Their voyage is dangerous and emotionally demanding; they may experience insomnia, and
mental health providers may struggle to reach and engage people with mental problems in these

c) List three protective factors that can help those in marginalised groups to cope.

1. Good mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health, Positive self-esteem.

2. Strong social supports, community engagement, Availability of services (social, recreational, cultural, etc)

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
3. Parental supervision, Good peer group/friends, Participation in traditional healing and cultural activities.

In a short paragraph, describe at least three cultural biases or social expectations which may exist when
working with:

a) Someone of an older generation.

1. Older individuals are overly cerebral and unappreciative of the present facts.

2. Older people are excessively analytical and unappreciative of current events.

3. The older generation is more conservative and authoritarian.

b) A person with a disability.

1. Departmental rules and procedures for people with disabilities are poorly implemented.

2. Lack of ability and special needs

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
3. An unpleasant culture, notably in human-resources departments, due to a lack of devoted leadership.

Access the National Disability Standards at
In the following table list, each of the Standards and provide for each an example of a possible impact on a
client if a standard was breached. The first one has been completed as an example.

National Disability Standards

Standard 1 Rights If this standard was breached the person would be denied
of their basic human rights to:
 dignity and respect
 freedom of expression
 self-determination
 choice and control
 confidentiality and privacy
 freedom from discrimination, exploitation, abuse, harm,
neglect and violence
 the role of families, friends, carers and advocates in the
safeguarding of rights
 comprehensive systems to prevent or promptly
respond to any breaches of rights
This may lead to them being denied services, or having
services forced on them.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
National Disability Standards

Standard 2 Participation and Inclusion If this standard was breached the person would be denied
the importance of:
• promoting a valued role for people with disability in public
and private life;
• connection to family, friends and chosen communities;
• economic and community participation and associated
benefits to the individual and the broader community;
• participation based on an individual’s interests, identity,
heritage, preferences, goals and aspirations (which may
change over time); and
• the role of family, friends, carers, advocates and other
organisations in promoting participation and inclusion.

Standard 3 Individual Outcomes The standard emphasises the importance of:

• people with disability leading and directing their supports
with support from family, friends, carers and advocates
(with consent);
• service planning, implementation and review being based
on individual strengths, needs and life goals;
• collaboration and dialogue,
• responsiveness to diversity; and
• minimal restrictive options.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
National Disability Standards

Standard 4 Feedback and Complaints If this standard was breached the person would be denied
the importance of:
• clear and regular communication about how to provide
feedback including how to make a complaint;
• the use of feedback and complaints to continuously drive
service improvements;
• regular, proactive and inclusive feedback systems;
• effective complaints management and resolution;
• transparent dispute management; and
• access to independent information, support, advice and
representation to ensure people are able to provide
feedback or make a complaint

Standard 5 Service Access If this standard was breached the person would be denied
the importance of:
• accessible information to respond to diversity of need;
• transparent and consistently applied service
commencement and leaving a service processes;
• information provision and active referral when a service is
not available;
• the value of partnerships with other agencies and relevant
community members to enable referral; and
• regular reviews to identify and respond to any potential
barriers to access.

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CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
National Disability Standards

Standard 6 Service Management. If this standard was breached the person would be denied
the importance of:
• sound governance and management in all aspects of
service planning, development and provision;
• clear communication to staff, people with disability and
other stakeholders;
• continuous improvement and evidence-based practice;
• a range of methods for active participation of people with
disability and their family, friends, carers and advocates in
planning, delivery and review at the individual, service and
organisational levels; and
• compliance with workplace related legislation and
regulation including Work Health Safety, human resource
management and financial management.

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Your answers to these questions 

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Name: Lorna Peralta

Date of birth: July 10, 1980 Student ID:UCA100780

 CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people.

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Case studies

Case study 1

Case study 2

Case study 3


I Lorna Peralta declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: __________________________________________________

Student name: Lorna Peralta

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

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CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
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CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

Complete the questions that follow each case study.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
 Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your responses).
 Access to a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


 You will do this task your own time.
 Write in the date of submission as advised by your assessor: ______________________


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing and resubmit entire assessment.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.



A team of community services workers is experiencing conflict. There is an Aboriginal worker on the team
(Barry), a Muslim worker (Ahmed) and two white Australian workers (Janice and Julia). It started when
Ahmed accused Barry of being lazy and rude – ‘He never rushes, even when we are rushed off our feet and
he doesn’t even look me in the eye when he talks to me.’
Barry retaliates by accusing Ahmed of taking time off all the time to ‘pray on his stupid prayer mat’.
Janice responds by saying, ‘For God’s sake, why can’t you just be like the rest of us?’
Janice and Julia get caught up in it with, both Ahmed and Barry complaining all the time about each other
and trying to get them to take sides.
Their conflict is impacting on their clients and colleagues.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
1. There are a range of issues that are causing difficulties within this work team. List each one you can
identify. For each issue you identify, indicate the cultural differences that are being misunderstood among
the team members.

The central subject concerns religious and spiritual beliefs. Because Barry does not understand Muslim
culture, he appears to believe that Ahmed saying his Namaz (a type of prayer) is a way for him to take more
breaks and be lazy. The next issue is the Human Rights issue. Finally, there's the matter of social viewpoints
and biases. By labeling Ahmed as lazy for trying to pray, Barry denies him his freedom of choice. Barry has
made Ahmed's situation more unpleasant by using discriminatory and derogatory words while attempting
to enlist the help of others.

2. What could you suggest to help this team resolve their differences in a culturally sensitive manner? List at
least one strategy.
Because diversity is all about bringing forth new abilities and new innovations, the team must accept and
learn how to deal with it. This aids in improving or increasing the production of any company or
conglomerate. To effectively deal with difficulties of cultural diversity, all of these organizations should have
strong management. Workers' turnover costs can be decreased when they are inclusive, and legal and
compliance difficulties can be avoided. As previously stated, some of the tactics that can be used to
overcome such cultural disparities, particularly at work, include:

-Better communication

-Using proper etiquette

-Respecting the cultures and traditions of others

-Being aware of and paying attention to cultural differences

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
As a result, this group must comprehend the significance of adopting courteous language. If the team, as
previously stated, could recognize and pay attention to cultural differences, they would join in and
celebrate major events and occasions of fellow employees, thereby reducing cultural divides. This increases
their sensitivity to cultural variations. When people are made aware of the legal consequences of their
actions, their sensitivity increases.

3. Imagine Barry complains to management about the time Ahmed takes to pray. Ahmed puts forth a
suggestion that his prayer time is taken as break times, and he still works a full day – just a longer one
than his colleagues. Management refuses the suggestion as if he gets special treatment, everyone will
want special treatment.
What further issue has now occurred in this workplace?

Any company, organization, or conglomerate's management must educate its ethnically varied workforce
on the concerns of cultural diversity. If done incorrectly, problems like poor communication and low
productivity are almost certain to develop. Based on the aforesaid scenario, employees with comparable
backgrounds or cultural misunderstandings of Barry are likely to feel discriminated against because they
believe the company or organization does not treat them equally. In fact, they may believe that the other
person is given preferential treatment. This could lead to conflicts, which could lead to legal troubles for the
organization. As a result, the company receives poor press.

4. Now let’s imagine Ahmed’s suggestion is successful. However, Barry continues to complain and
encourages others to make fun of Ahmed during his time of prayer. Julia is very uncomfortable about
what is happening.
As an employee, what is Julia’s responsibility in this situation?

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
In this example, the debates and discrepancies appear to lean more toward workplace racism and
religious discrimination. This may be observed even more clearly when Barry invites his coworkers to join in
on the debate, which can lead to more conflict and have a detrimental influence on productivity. As a result,
Julia must report such incidents to the responsible person on duty, allowing the HR department to
complete their work. It will be to speak with the perpetrator in this case, who will then face disciplinary
punishment. Disciplinary actions are significant because they can influence other employees to become
more aware of issues of racism and prejudice.

5. Review the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. What Article/s are being breached in this scenario?
Articles 1, 2 and 18 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights are among those being

Article 1 asserts that all people are born free and with equal rights and dignity.

Article 2 states that all humans have the same freedoms and rights, regardless of their gender, color,
religion, or political beliefs.

Article 18 - protects people's right to freedom of expression, belief, and religion.


Fadi has just come into full-time residential care. Fadi tells his son that the food is mainly western style, is
very dull and often tough. As he is a Muslim, Fadi does not eat pork.
The staff always provide another alternative when pork is on the menu but yesterday, when pork sausages
were on the menu, the only alternative was fish – which Fadi has a strong aversion to and cannot eat
without being ill.
When he said he couldn’t eat the sausages or the fish, he was told by staff that he would have to have a
Vegemite sandwich.
Fadi’s son is shocked – this is hardly enough for the main meal of the day!
Fadi’s son encourages his father to complain, but Fadi says he doesn’t want to cause trouble, he is new and
is still trying to settle in.
Fadi’s son decides to put in a formal complaint about the food that is served to his father.
The manager explains that there are many different nationalities and it is impossible for every cultural food
requirement to be catered for all the time. However, the kitchen is keen to help out as much as they can so

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
long as it is within their tight budget, therefore this is why Fadi was given a sandwich.

1. As a client, what rights does Fadi have that are being breached?
1. The freedom to follow your religion and beliefs without fear of discrimination.

According to the strict administration, there are several nationalities and beliefs, making it impossible to
accommodate to everyone. Only the compassionate staff members and kitchen employees took the
initiative to accommodate an option for different religions by supplying the vegemite sandwich as Fadi, a
Muslim, cannot eat pig and cannot eat fish due to dietary constraints. The management could improve by
devising better solutions. They could, for example, have done a systematic categorization of all the
customers based on their faith, tastes, and prohibited items. With modern technological improvements,
this should be even easier, especially with millions of apps accessible for a variety of challenges or
organizational problem resolution.

2. The entitlement to proper medical treatment

Fadi's health was violated by the administration, who gave the kitchen staff a tight budget, limiting the
crew's ability to make food for the majority. As a result, minorities like Fadi suffer. This has an impact on
Fadi because he is an elderly man who requires appropriate diet. His health is presently being harmed as a
result of the lack of options in the Home care menu.

2. What process should be undertaken to investigate this complaint in a culturally sensitive manner?

Fadi filed a reasonable complaint because he and his son only hired Home Care in the hopes that it would
be able to meet Fadi's needs as an elderly person.Here are some things Home Care might do to examine
this in a culturally sensitive manner:
1. Listen carefully to the client's complaint - this is especially crucial because Fadi's issue may be
shared by other customers. They deserve to be heard and understood by management as paying
and trustworthy customers.
2. Express empathy - Management should express empathy to their clients to make them feel valued.
"We are really sorry for this situation that you have had," they might remark, or "We understand how
you feel, and we apologize for the inconvenience that you have encountered."
3. Give clients confidence that their concerns are being handled properly - This kind of assurance
provides clients hope, and they will feel at ease because Home Care's services are of high value.
This will help them feel less burdened, stressed, and anxious, increasing their trust in Home Care as
a healthcare provider.
4. Cite the reasons for the complaint in the first place - The management should cite the reasons or
factors after having a well- meaning chat with the client through the following

 Observing the kitchen on how they do their work - The management should give clear
instructions on who makes the menu decision and what kind of alternatives they may
provide just in case it is not up to the elders' preference. By paying close attention to the
entire process, management should be well informed about everything that goes on in the
kitchen. Learn how the kitchen staff budgets finances and conducts audits. The budget is
allocated to the kitchen staff by management, however all expenditures are made by the

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
kitchen staff. An audit will be advantageous because it will demonstrate whether the
budget is truly too tight. If this is discovered, the management should take all necessary
steps to boost the budget.

 Keep an eye on Fadi for a few more days to see if he avoids pork and fish because of his
religion or dietary constraints, or if he is simply a picky eater. If he is discovered to be a
fussy eater, the management should take the required steps to notify his family. If his
remarks are discovered to be true, management should accept responsibility and make
the required changes.

3. Suggest three strategies that might solve Fadi’s problem.

As previously stated, Fadi's concern may be shared by other clients. The method should be applied broadly
in order to solve Fadi's problems.
To resolve Fadi and other similar issues in healthcare systems, do the following:
1.Distinguish the clients - Sort the clients by gender, age, religion, preferences, and medical needs
2.Create an appropriate meal plan - The kitchen personnel can list the food that needs to be purchased and
prepared while staying within their budget. They can do this more effectively if they divide their list into
categories like fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. These categories should then be broken down
further into subcategories. For example, under protein, there are poultry, beef, fish, shellfish, eggs, and soy
3.Combine all of the information from steps 1 and 2 - Finally, match the meal plans to the appropriate client.
This strategy can lessen the threat to Home Care's budget.


Joan is a new, Aboriginal carer at Elise’s service. Lately Joan has had a couple of days off work, and has
also had a few days where she has started work later than others in her team.
Hani, another carer who is also one of Elise’s good friends, begins to gossip about Joan at lunchtime. She
says that Joan excludes herself because she is always so quiet and avoids eye contact with people. Hani
doesn’t like the fact that Joan is new but gets special treatment – no one else comes in late and takes time
off, especially in their first two months at a new job!
Elise is not impressed by Hani’s behaviour and decides to remove herself from the lunch group. She
instead begins to spend some of her lunchtimes with Joan and some different carers. She learns that Joan
takes time off to help with the care of one of her Aunties, who is very ill.
One afternoon Joan approaches Elise and tells her that she will be taking time off work due to Sorry
Business. Elise is not sure what this means, but does not want to appear ignorant and gives Joan her best
wishes – she assumes it must not be good news due to the word ‘sorry’. Joan says that their supervisor is
very compassionate and she is lucky to work for a company that respects her cultural traditions, but says
that some of the staff make her feel shame.
The next day, Hani is talking negatively about Joan again. Elise has had enough, she decides to research
Aboriginal culture so she educate Hani before she gets herself into trouble.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
1. Using your knowledge of Aboriginal culture, explain:
 Why Hani’s opinion of Joan’s approach to communication is incorrect and inappropriate.

Aboriginal people have distinct cultural beliefs and practices. When people are anxious or going through a
difficult time in their lives, they frequently block them out. Joan is new to the center and is dealing with a
difficult situation at home due to her aunt's illness. As a result, she is quiet and tries to avoid others in order
to keep her sentiments to herself. Due to a lack of knowledge, Hani misinterpreted her circumstance and
underestimated her.

 Why Joan was caring for her Auntie.

Joan is an aboriginal culturally trained caregiver. Family bonds are quite strong in many societies, and
family members aid one other during sickness and difficult times. Second, only a female can care for
another female. Traditional beliefs frequently clash with the western healthcare system. As a result, Joan
was caring for her aunt.

 Sorry Business and how Joan, her family and community would mourn.

The funeral isn't called that by Aboriginals. They refer to funeral rites as a sorry business. Mourning and
funerals are family customs in which all members of the family congregate to grieve the deceased for days,
if not weeks. Every member of the family takes part in the many ceremonies related with grieving. Students
and elders do not attend school or go to work.

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CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
 Why Joan’s community has a tradition to not say the name of the deceased for some time.

The objective of the funeral is to offer a safe path for the deceased's spirit. Taking the deceased's name,
some aboriginal communities believe, will disturb their spirits and cause them to return. As a result, some
native cultures refuse to call the deceased by their name.

2. What impact is Hani’s behaviour having on Joan? What did Joan mean about feelings of shame?

Joan has heard Hani's disparaging remarks about her at work. This makes Joan uneasy because she is shy
about expressing her feelings, despite being aware of the cultural differences between her and the rest of
the staff. This makes it more difficult for her to tell the others about her condition. Joan is embarrassed and
alienated as a result of being the subject of office gossip and rumors.

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CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
3. How do you think that Elise is contributing to a culturally safe and culturally competent workplace?

Elise has a very good attitude about Joan since she respects her cultural ideas. This is why Elise frequently
offers Joan days off. Because of Hani's perspective, Elise spent more time with Joan to get to know her
better and investigated Joan's culture in order to educate Hani and the rest of the office about the cultural
differences in the workplace with respect to Joan and the other cultures / office members.

4. How should the workplace support Joan in terms of her absences?

Joan's coworkers should sympathize with her position and request or gather volunteers to share her chores
while she is away, as Joan will undoubtedly be missing for a few more days. When she returns, there will be
a backlog of unfinished work. Joan's burden would be relieved.

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Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Name: Lorna Peralta

Date of birth: July 10, 1980 Student ID:UCA100780

 CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people.

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Culture research


I Lorna Peralta declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: ______________________________________________

Student name: Lorna Peralta

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

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CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

















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Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

You are to undertake a research project on a number of different cultural groups living in


 Access to textbooks, learning materials and the Internet for research.


 You will do this task in your own time.
 Write in the date of submission as advised by your assessor: ______________________


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing and resubmit entire assessment.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

Answer each the questions below.

1. Research each of the three cultures below and the one of your choice.
What things are of specific importance in these cultures that would need to be considered when providing
health and community services? List at least four items of importance for each culture listed. Consider in
your response spirituality and/or religion and cultural customs.
 Italian culture.
 Vietnamese culture.
 Sudanese culture.
 A culture of your choice that is different to your own.
1. Italian cultureis steeped in the arts, family, architecture, music and food. Home of the Roman Empire and a
major center of the Renaissance, culture on the Italian peninsula has flourished for centuries

2. Vietnamese culture is one of the oldest in Southeast Asia and is heavily influenced by the Chinese culture.
Despite the changes over the years, some elements of the Vietnamese culture like the veneration of the
ancestors, respect for family values, devotion to study, etc., remained intact.

3. Sudanese culture -The people of North Sudan are generally considered to be very modest, humble and
stoic. They also share certain cultural values, such as a sense of duty to support their community and be

4. Indian Culture- An Indian cultural practice that may influence health care is the designation of left and right
hands for specific tasks. The right hand is typically used for sanitary tasks such as eating while the left hand is
reserved for unsanitary tasks. This may affect a patient's comfort with the use of one arm or the other for
drawing blood or for the insertion of an IV

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Things that are particularly significant in Aboriginal culture. Indigenous culture is made up of five interwoven
elements: land, family, law, ceremony, and language. For example, the kinship system connects families to the
land, and this relationship comes with specific tasks and responsibilities that are codified in law and
performed in ceremony. Blood relatives, extended family members, kinship links, and hierarchies are all
included. Understanding your patient's values and views is beneficial to you as a doctor. Take the time to
learn about Indigenous culture and the relationships that exist within it. The primary health workforce
includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers (ATSIHWs). They provide clinical and primary
health care to individuals, families, and communities, with specialties in drug and alcohol treatment, mental
health, diabetes, and eye and ear care.

Family and spending time with them are key values and parts of the Italian lifestyle, as are religion and
sustaining Catholic traditions, as well as the joy of eating wonderful meals prepared with love and care. In the
Italian language, gestures and body language are used to highlight specific notions. Art, music, and food are all
associated with Italian culture. It is the birthplace of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church, and the
epicenter of the Renaissance, which lasted centuries across Europe. The Carnival of Venice, which takes place
between the first and last weeks of February, is one of the most well-known and requested traditions. The
Battle of Oranges, which should correspond to Napoleone's actions, is well-known in Ivrea. It is traditionally
observed in the third week of February. Pain is dreaded because it is thought to be bad, unnatural, and
depriving. It is also talked publicly. Breathing difficulties are regarded as a symptom of impending death, and
weariness is regarded as an indication of sadness. Patients may feel guilty while they are sick because they
believe they are being unproductive.

Many Italians use alternative therapies--homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, and massage.

Traditional cures are often used for instance lemon for colds and flu, garlic for high blood
pressure, and canarino, an herbal teaches by boiling a few bays leaves together with some
lemon rind, to treat a stomach ache. Some Italians believe that the stomach poorly absorbs
medicine or may believe that the stomach is sacred for food, and prefer medication through
injection. It is important to carefully educate patients on medication and procedures.

2. Now research Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander culture and answer the following questions.

 Which culture did you research? (Tick the appropriate box.)

 Aboriginal culture  Torres Strait Islander culture

 Research the social, political and economic issues that are affecting Aboriginal or Torres Strait
Islander people and write at least two paragraphs about each issue you identify and its impact.

Social Issues: Many Indigenous peoples are the holders of unique languages, knowledge systems
and beliefs, and possess invaluable traditional knowledge for the sustainable management of natural
resources and have a special relation to and use of their traditional land, waters or territories.
Ancestral lands, waters and territories are of fundamental importance for their physical and cultural
survival as peoples. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people suffer greater health burdens
compared to the non Aboriginal population. Durie (1999) explained that the poor health status of
Aboriginal people is due to economic disadvantage, resource alienation and political oppression.

Political issues: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience extreme levels of racism in
Australia. This is typified historically by their exclusion from elite and mainstream power structures, as
highlighted by indigenous people not being recognised as Australia citizens until 1967. Nugent (2003)
noted that Aboriginal Australians grow up learning two kinds of histories: memories preserved by

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
family, and a humiliating textbook history taught in schools that does not recognise the depth of
indigenous culture. Behrendt (2003) noted that reconciliation can only occur when sovereignty is
acknowledged through the recognition of past injustices, property rights and cultural practices.

Economic Issues: Income and education impact on an individual’s ability to ‘engage’ and ‘influence’
society. Indigenous Australians are known to have the lowest economic status of all Australians. Poor
socio-economic, education and employment levels have links to financial hardship, poverty, debt,
homelessness, family breakdown, social isolation and crime. Indigenous Australians suffer
disproportionately high levels of domestic violence and over-representation in the justice system.
 Research at least three important cultural customs for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, and
write at least one paragraph about each. For example, you may like to research Men’s and Women’s
Business, Dreaming, smoking ceremonies, the importance of kinship and so on.
 Aboriginal kinship relationships reveal a complex and powerful system that is not reflected in
contemporary non-Indigenous family representations. While developing proof can assist in some of the
strengths of traditional
 Aboriginal culture in family functioning and child rearing, standard educational information can be
incompatible with traditional Aboriginal education techniques. The forces of Aboriginal cultural traditions,
as they pertain to family life and child-rearing, turn around four interrelated issues, including A common
community focus on child-rearing benefits children The values of relationship, group attachment, and
community support are key traits of
 Aboriginal family and community life, where child-rearing is supposed to be a dealt obligation of all
community members. Torres Strait civilization, on the other hand, is organized around totemic clans.
Totems are living creatures, rocks, winds, or stars that serve as the foundation of their civilization. A clan
grants rights and responsibilities and is formed through kinship ties and a connection to land and sea.
Regular or common adoption disciplines exist among Torres Strait Islanders. The underlying notion is that
giving birth to a kid does not always imply that the woman is also responsible for nurturing that child. The
adopted child's bloodline was traditionally the same as the adoptive parents'. retain family bloodlines,
enhance relationships between two families, split boys and girls equally between households with just
one sex of children, and replace a kid who has been adopted out to another family.

 Consider how Western society and culture has affected Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people.
Provide five examples.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
The aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people who live on the land have been strongly influenced by western
society and culture. They have been residing there for quite some time. Their lifestyles used to be quite
simple; they managed to subsist by hunting, gathering, and harvesting fruits and other foods from the land
that they had. They look after their land because it was once their home and a source of income. However,
when Western society infiltrated their life today, it caused great and terrible devastation to the Islander

Here are five examples of how western society has impacted Indigenous Australians.

1. During that period, new diseases such as smallpox, fever, and measles spread over Australia. Many
indigenous people have been infected with this deadly sickness, which has killed half of their population.

2. The lands they live on are taken away from them, leaving them with no choice but to fight for their land,
placing them in even more danger.

3. The conflict between the Australian Aborigines and the colonists was bloody, with many Australian
Aborigines slaughtered and only a small fraction of their group remaining alive.

4. The Australian Aborigines lost of land caused their children experience poverty and lack of education.

5. The culture and the tradition of this Australian Aborigines were denied and about to be forgotten.The
western society has greatly affected the lives of the future generation of Australian Aborigines.

 Identify two issues that impact Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people and describe what programs
and projects have been developed by the Australian government or other stakeholder groups to address
the issues. You may like to use the table format below to present your responses.

Issues Programs and projects developed to address issues

Issue 1 Forcible removal of children from their Individuals, families, and communities affected by the
homes forcible removal of children from their homes can seek
help from the Social and Emotional Wellbeing Program
(formerly the Bringing Them Home Program).
According to a program evaluation, the program
provided counseling services to a large number of
Indigenous people, many of whom would not have
received such services otherwise. Bringing Them
Home counsellors made 142,000 client encounters
between July 2001 and June 2005.

Issue 2 Lack of healing programs The Adelaide-based Indigenous Australians

established the Family Wellbeing Program, which has
now been replicated in various states including the
Northern Territory. It is a cultural healing program that
attempts to improve participants' ability to cope with
everyday stressors and to aid others. A group format is
used. The key learning resource is the facilitators' and
participants' survival experiences. The program
consists of four stages, each lasting ten weeks, and
participants attend one 3-hour session every week
(They et al. 2009). It is nationally approved and offers
participants with formal counseling qualifications (They

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
& Every 2000)

 What are four issues that Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people face when engaging with health
and community services?
Aboriginal people can face many challenges when accessing mainstream
services. These include:
 unwelcoming hospital settings
 lack of transport
 mistrust of mainstream health care
 a sense of alienation, and
 inflexible treatment options

3. Did your perspective or opinion of each of these cultural groups change due to the information you
learned during this research task? If yes, explain what you learned and how your perspective has
changed. If no, explain why you feel your perspective has remained the same.
 I had no idea how different these cultures are from mine. I feel I have a greater regard and
appreciation for their cultural ideas and experiences. It has brought me closer to them and increased my
respect for their culture. Although I believe I have always respected people of all cultures, this research
has taught me new ways and chances to assist people of different cultures.
Explain how your learnings will help you appreciate and value diversity in your day-to-day work activities
(if you are not currently employed, consider how you will demonstrate this once you are working).

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to these questions 

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Name: Lorna Peralta

Date of birth: July 10, 1980 Student ID: UCA100780

 CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people.

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Cultural reflections


I Lorna Peralta declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _______________________________________________

Student name: Lorna Peralta

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

You are to write a reflective report on your own experience of culture and diversity in your
workplace environment.


 Access to textbooks, learning materials and the Internet for research.
 Workplace policies and procedures on working with diversity


 You will do this task in your own time.
 Write in the date of submission as advised by your assessor: ______________________


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing and resubmit entire assessment.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

For this task, you are required to reflect on your own attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of cultural diversity in
the workplace (if you are a classroom-based student, think about your experiences so far while undertaking
your work placement, or your experiences when working in a previous role).
You are to write a reflective report that covers each item below. You can use the headings provided below to
separate your discussions. You must cover each bullet point.
Remember that cultural sensitivity and competence is not just shown in how you speak and interact with
others, but how you write about different cultures and your opinions and perspectives.


 Discuss your cultural/social background and that of your family. What language, policies/structures and
customs are relevant to your own culture? How do you think your own background impacts on people
from backgrounds/cultures different to your own?
 How do your cultural beliefs, values and experiences affect your own behaviour, your relationships with
others and your social expectations of others from different cultures?
 How do you think your culture has impacted Australian society – consider now and its impacts in the
future? Do you think there has been positive change?
 What changing practices to Australia’s political, economic and social landscape do you believe have
directly impacted your culture?
 Consider what you have learned during this unit of competency. What cultural biases or assumptions did
you have before undertaking this unit?

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Note to the student: where you refer to specific colleagues, supervisors or clients, do not identify them by
name. You may like to use ‘Colleague A’ or ‘Client 1’ or similar.
 Provide some detail about your workplace (or the service you are doing your placement at). How diverse
is this workplace in terms of staff and client base? Consider race, gender, sexual identity, religious and
spiritual beliefs and other areas that define diversity in your response.
 How do you, in your day-to-day work activities, show that you value and respect people from different
cultures and backgrounds to your own? Provide at least three examples.
 How culturally competent is your workplace? Give a reason for your ratings.
 How do you think your ability to build professional relationships with your colleagues and clients
encourages a culturally safe work environment?
 How does your own cultural background affect your communication style and delivery in the workplace?
Have you been involved in a cross-cultural misunderstanding with anyone in the workplace, or
experienced a difficult situation that stemmed from diversity?
If yes, explain the situation and the strategies you used to bring it to a respectful, sensitive resolution.
If no, explain a situation you have either seen occur between others in the workplace, or have heard about.
Discuss the strategy used to deal with the situation – do you agree with the way in which it was handled,
or would you have done it differently?
 What is one limitation or barrier you feel you have when working with people from backgrounds or
cultures different to your own? What do you think you can do to remove the barrier or address the
 What frameworks, approaches and instruments are used in your workplace to not only champion human
rights, but to also adhere to legislative and ethical requirements? In your response, ensure you are also
referring to frameworks and procedures that deal with discriminatory practices and behaviours.
 What interpreter services does your workplace use or make available to its staff and clients? What is the
process used? How does your workplace ensure that the situation requires an interpreter, and that the
person’s communication needs are met?
 What imagery is used in your workplace to assist with a culturally competent and culturally safe

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Completed report that addresses all points 

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Name: Lorna Peralta

Date of birth: July10, 1980 Student ID: UCA100780

 CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people.

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Workplace observations


I Lorna Peralta declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _______________________________________

Student name: Lorna Peralta

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

You are to be observed by your assessor communicating with people from diverse social
and cultural backgrounds in your workplace, in at least three different situations.


 Access to your workplace (or placement service if you are a classroom-based student)
 Access to clients or colleagues from different social and cultural backgrounds.


 This task will be done during your assessor’s visits to your workplace service.
 Write in the visit dates as advised by your assessor: _______________________________

For this task, your assessor will observe you during their workplace visit as you communicate and work with
people in your workplace from diverse social and cultural backgrounds, helping to meet their needs (these
will vary according to the situation, and may include care needs, information needs or workplace needs).
You will need to demonstrate your effective communication skills and cultural competence in three different
situations. During each situation, you may be responding or working with one person or multiple people.
This observation may be undertaken in any situation that is relevant to your workplace. For example, you
could be assisting a client with activities, greeting a client’s family, providing information to a client about
services, working with a colleague, meeting with a supervisor and so on.
Following each interaction/situation, your assessor will ask you a series of verbal questions.
You should discuss the arrangements for this assessment with your assessor and supervisor to make sure
that a suitable variety of situations will be available for you during your assessor’s visit. In some cases, your
supervisor and assessor may need to organise for appropriate situations to occur so you can demonstrate
your skills across the three required occasions.
Where you are going to be observed working with clients, you must obtain permission from the client for the
observation to occur. Make sure the permission forms located at the end of this task are signed and submitted
to your assessor.

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Your assessor will be looking to see that you can:
 Work and communicate in a manner that shows respect for clients, colleagues and others you interact
with who are from diverse social and cultural groups
 Build and maintain professional relationships with clients and colleagues that are based on
appreciation, respect, trust and confidence
 Demonstrate inclusive work practices
 Contribute to and promote a culturally safe work environment
 Demonstrate use of effective verbal and non-verbal communication appropriate to each socially or
culturally diverse situation
 Deal sensitively and appropriately when encountering language barriers to ensure clear and respectful
 Seek assistance from colleagues or your supervisor as required if you have difficulties in any situations
(note that a verbal question will be asked where this is not able to be demonstrated).
Your assessor will also ask you some verbal questions after the observations are complete.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this (where applicable)?

Signed client permission forms (only required where 

interactions/ situations involve clients)

Student Assessment Booklet
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

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