Test 4 - Grade 4

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TEST 4 (LESSONS 13 – 16)

Name: ___________________________________ Class: _____________________

1. Listen and tick () the correct picture. (______/5 points)

Model: What does Peter need?

  

1. What is Peter’s sister looking for?

  

2. What does Mum give Peter?

  

3. Where is Peter’s sweater?

  
4. Where is the hamster?

  

5. What can Peter do in the afternoon?

  

2. Read the text. Circle T (true) or F (false). (________/5 points)

My mum is a receptionist in a big hotel.
On workdays, she always wears a dark skirt,
a white blouse and black shoes. Mum’s got a lot of beautiful dresses
but she can’t wear them to work.
Dad is an art teacher. He wears jeans, T-shirts, colourful shirts and trainers.
Dad never wears a suit or a tie to work.
And what about me? I wear a school uniform.
It’s a grey skirt, a green polo shirt and a green sweatshirt
or cardigan. I like my school uniform, especially the sweatshirt!

Model: Petra’s mum works in a hotel. T /F

1. Petra’s mum sometimes wears a dress to work. T / F

2. Petra’s mum hasn’t got any white blouses. T / F
3. Petra’s dad wears a suit to work. T / F
4. Petra wears a polo shirt to school. T / F
5. Petra thinks the sweatshirt isn’t nice. T / F
3. Fill in. (_____/5 points)
boots squares kitchen bathroom clothes shirt

Model: What can you make from old clothes?

1. Mr Green always wears a ___________________ .
2. Where are my new __________________?
3. Wash your hands in the ___________________ please.
4. Who wants to cut out the __________________?
5. We always have breakfast in the ___________________.

4. Look at the pictures. Fill in. Use behind, in front of, near, next to, between, opposite.
(_____/5 points)

Model: The cabinet is behind the armchair.

1. The cabinet is ___________________ the window.

2. The coffee table is ___________________ the


3. The sofa is ___________________ the window.

4. The TV cabinet is ___________________ the sofa.
5. The coffee table is ___________________ the sofa.

5. Underline the correct word. (_____/5 points)

Model: Please, walk slow / slowly.

1. Read the text careful / carefully.
2. This test is easy / easily.
3. Maria speaks English good / well.
4. Can you say that again slow / slowly?
5. We must be quiet / quietly on the bus.
6. Choose and write. (_____/5 points)

A: Are we going to have a party?
B: No, not today.

1. A: Have you got any homework?

B: ______________________________________________
2. A: ______________________________________________
B: Sorry, I can’t. I’m cold.
3. A: Mum, can I listen to some music?
B: ______________________________________________
4. A: ______________________________________________
B: Wow! They are really cool!
5. A: What are you looking for?
B: ______________________________________________

Are we going to have a party?

Yes, sure. But be quiet, please.
Yes, I have. Can you help me?
Excuse me, can you open the window?
Look at these trainers!
My red socks. I can’t find them!

Total: ______/30 points


1. Listen and tick () the correct picture.

1. socks 2. skirt and trousers 3. washing machine 4. hall 5. ride his bike

Peter: Mum, can you help me to finish this place mat?
Mum: Yes, sure. What do you need?
Peter: I need two rectangles, two triangles and a circle.
Mum: OK. Here you are. Is that all?
Peter: Yes, Mum. Thanks a lot.

1. Mum: What’s your sister doing?

Peter: She’s looking for something.
Mum: Really? What’s she looking for?
Peter: She can’t find her new socks.

2. Peter: Mum, we’re going to make patchwork at school next week.

Have we got any old clothes?
Mum: Let me see. You can take this skirt and these trousers.
Peter: Thanks, Mum.

3. Peter: Mum, where’s my sweater?

Mum: Isn’t it in the wardrobe?
Peter: No, it’s not.
Mum: Then it’s in the chest of drawers.
Peter: No, it’s not.
Mum: Then it’s in the washing machine.
Peter: Yes, you’re right. It’s there. I can see it.

4. Peter: Mum, Rori is missing again!

Mum: Oh, that hamster! I’m sure, he’s in the bedroom.
Peter: No, Rori isn’t here.
Mum: Hm. Then he’s in the living room.
Peter: No, he isn’t there.
Mum: Let’s look in the hall. Hello, Rori, what are you doing in my shoe?

5. Peter: Mum, can I go to the cinema this afternoon?

Mum: No, you can’t. But you can ride your bike after you do your homework.
Peter: And can I play football with Todor tomorrow?
Mum: Sorry, you can’t. We’re going to the theatre. Maybe next week. OK?
Peter: OK.

2. Read the text. Circle T (true) or F (false).

1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F

3. Fill in.
1. shirt 2. boots 3. bathroom 4. squares 5. kitchen

4. Look at the pictures. Fill in. Use behind, in front of, near, next to, between, opposite.
1. next to / near 2. between 3. near / in front of / next to 4. opposite
5. in front of / near

5. Underline the correct word.

1. carefully 2. easy 3. well 4. slowly 5. quiet

6. Choose and write.

1. Yes, I have. Can you help me?
2. Excuse me, can you open the window?
3. Yes, sure. But be quiet, please.
4. Look at these trainers!
5. My red socks. I can’t find them!

Всеки верен отговор носи една точка.
Максимален брой точки 30
Точки Оценка
0−6 2 Try again!
7−12 3 You need to revise!
13−18 4 Good!
19−24 5 Well done!
25−30 6 Excellent!

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