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Insuring lives Assuring happiness with India Post Postal Life Insurance Postal Life Insurance (PLI), introduced in 1884, is one of the oldest life insurance schemes in India for the benefit of employees of Central & State Governments, Defence and Para- Military Services, Public Sector Undertakings, Banks, Educational Institutions, Local Bodies, professionals (such as doctors, engineers, chartered accountants, MBAs. lawyers, journalists tc) andemployees of companies listed with National Stock Exchange (NSE) / Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Schemes offered under PLI Whole Life Assurance (Suraksha) CEntryage J 19105 years (CLimitot sum assured Rs, 200000 Re 0 lakh Maturity /Poliy Term Soyearsofageor death whcheeris >) (CLoantacitty ‘ter 4 years ) (Surrender After 3 years ) (canbe convortedinto Endowment Assurance |. Uptoage of 59 years ) (Premium paying age maybe optedforas __)\_$5,8B0r 60 years ) Endowment Assurance (Santosh) Entry age 191055 years Limit of sum assured Rs. 20,000 toRs. SDlakh Y Maturity at pre-determined age 35, 0, 45. 50, 85,58 or 60 years, ) Loan facility After 3years ) (Surrender After 3 years: J Convertible Whole Life Assurance (Suvidha) | (Entry age 19055 years (Limit of sum assured Rs. 20,000 toRs. 50 lakh ) (Coan facitty J ater dyears ) Surrender After 3 years. CanbeconvertedintoEndowment Assurance _) iy, If not conve Ube treated as Whole Lite Assurance. 2 Insurance Ho Toh Postot Ho Rural Postal Life Insurance Anticipated Endowment Assurance (Sumangal) Money Back Policy Min. age at entry Juipyears Maxage |) 40 year (lr a20 year policy) and 45 year | (orat5 year poticy) (CLimitot sum assured Rs, 20,000t0Rs, 5Dlakh (Paticyterm 1S years or 20 years (Coan and Surrender facility Not available ) (Survival benetit 15 year term-20% of sum assured on nn of 6", 9” and 12” year of policy snabetnce 40% wih bone on naar 20 yertrn= 20% of sure on rt 1 and 6 yar o | ety an btnce 40x ith bons on mtr Uoint Life Assurance (Yugal Suraksha) (One ofthe spouses shouldbe eligible for PL policy. Life cover to both spouses tothe extent of sum ‘assured and bonus accrued, on payment of premium by one ofthe spouses. Ceniryage 21 4S years (bath spouses) CLimitotsum assured Rs, 20000 to Rs lakh 3 Patty Term Min. Syears, Max. 20 years ) Coan city ‘After 3 years } (Surrender ‘After 3 years ) (Death Benefit | Paidto her ofthe survivor and policy \_ isterminated Children Policy (Bal Jeevan Bima) (insurance cover )__ Max? children of WLA/EA policyholders Centryene J child Sto20 years, |. Parent potieyholder)-Below age of 658 CLimitotsum assures J] fs.20.000 to Rs.3 lakh or sum assured of the policyholder parent, whichever istess (Metical examination J. Forchitdnotnecessary y (Loan and Surrender facility CCanbemade paidup, providedpremiumpaldcontinuouslyfor5 years. No premium to be paid on the death of the policyholder (pare ‘accrued shallbe paidon complationofterm, a Low Premium High Bonus a |e sie toss aa PostatLife Insurance Insurance (RPL) was introducedin1995 to provide insurance cover to people residing in rural areas as well as people who moves on to urban areas for employment but continue to have rural base, Schemes offered under RPLI Whole Life Assurance (Gram Suraksha) 191055 years y TEs 100000 Rs. 0takn (tury /Paiey Term J] e0yeersofage ordeath whicheveris Coa After & years (Surrender After 3 years ) Canbe convertedinto Endowment Assurance —_)\_ Uptoage of 59 years ) (Premium paying age may be opted for as J s5.58or60years ) 19055 years ) Rs.10.000toRs.10lakh 35, 40, 45.50, 55,58 or 60 years. After 3years. (Surrender A After3years ) Convertible Whole Life Assurance (Gram Suvidha) 19 to 45 years Rs. 10,000 0 Rs. 10 lakh (Surrender 4 (canbe convertedinto Endowment Assurance policy | Assurance a Insurance Ho Toh Postol Ho Rural Postal Life insurance ‘Anticipated Endowment Assurance (Gram Sumangal Money Back Policy (Min. age at entry J 1years y (Max. age 4oyears (Limit sum assured Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 10 lakh (Paticy Term | 15years or 20 years (Loan ana surrender Notavailable J 15 year term-20% of sum assured on completion of &*. 9" and 12" year of policy and balance 40% with bonus on maturity. 20 year term~20% of sum assured on completion of 8°, 12° and 16” year of policy and balance 40% with bonus on \_ maturity. (Survivatbenefit 10 year Anticipated Endowment Assurance (Gram Priya) Money Back Policy (Min. age at entry 2oyears Max. age Asyears Limit of um assured Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 10lakh ) (Policy Term years J (Loan and Surrender facility Not available J (-Survivatbenefit assured on completion of ley and balance 60% with bonus on maturity. No interest charged upto l year on arrears of premia in case of natural calamities like flood, draught, earthquake, cyclone ete. Children Policy (Gram Bal Jeevan Bima) E insurance cover Max entdren of WLA/EA policyholders) Child - 5 to 20 years, Parent (policy holder)-Below age of 4 yrs. Cent age Re, 20,000 to Re. lakh or sum assured ofthe policyholder parent. whichever is, \ less Limit of sum assured (Medical examination Forchildnotnecessary (Coan and Surrender fciity TL Notavaiabie 5 No premium tobe paidon the death policy holder (parent) Fullsumassuredandbonusacerued shallbo paldoncompletionofterm. ‘Low Premium High Bonus Postal Life Insurance PETG (tac) Ci) 2 months advance inti ‘SMS and Email thereby customer getting the benefits of mat itself lon about maturity through claims on the date of ication of Rules on suicide claims : An amendment has been made wherein ‘of claim on death due to suicide in PL/RPLI has been reduced from 2 Years. to Year. © Welcome kit to customers: Introduced Welcome the benefit viz, maturity benefits, grace period, rebate allow Grievance mechanism etc that a policyholder can s F containing details of jum payment opt © Revision of approver imi at Head Post Office /6PO/0i its of settlement of claims : All claims are now approved at Head Post al Office except early death claim where death occurs with in 3 years of ‘of new proposals : All new PLI/RPLI proposals are now approved nal Office for convenience of policyholders. © Removal of conaitionalty of enly two time revival ofa lapsed policy: Policy can now be revived ‘on any number of occasions during the entire term of the policy provided a period of 5 (ive) consecutive years have not passed from the date of first unpaid premium. ‘Technologic: Enhancements © Online Purchase of Policy : For the bene! ‘supporting documents can be uploaded online and policy can be issued without a vi postoftice Is at par with the original policy bond issued by Department of Posts for processing al types of financial & non-financial requests related to PLU/RPLI nagement : Policyholder can now de-clutter mi (0 one customer account & thereby manage to keep track of her mi PLI/RPL! polices easily. © customer Portal: The success rate of online PLI customer portal transection is m: 99.99%sinceJuly 2021with average monthly transaction being 2 Lakh. G ‘Insurance Ho Toh Postal Ho Rural Posto Life Insurance GC POU EC LCC Tt cury © whendid PLiandRPListart? What are the advantages of PL! and RPLI policies? Low premium and high bonus distinguishes PLI and RPLI policies from other lie insurers, Who are eligible for PLI and RPLI policies? {able to emplayees of Central & State Governments, Defence and tary Services, Public Sector Undertakings, Banks, Educational Insitutions, Local Bodies, professionals (such asdoctors.engineers, charteredaccountants. MBAS, lawyers. journalists otc.) and employees of companies listed with National Stock Exchange / Bombay Stock Exchange. Benefit of Rural PLL is available to all people residing in rural areas as wall as people who moves on to urban areas for ‘employment but continue to have rural base. 60 60 | ‘Low Premium High Bonus a Posto Life Insurance DEN tes any-where premium payment ‘oftheir polices an a rea ine boss months, (i) 6 month and nfo every Rs. 20000) ‘sum assured, a rebate af Rs. Tis lowe every month EA/WLA/AEA plies fn any numberof sceasone during years shoulé not have pa within 3 years, (oe) 2 months in ease of policy ‘make t active, Revival may be 9 period of consecutive 5 (ve) “credit of au premium 3m be revived. Revel amount may be paid inne umpsum orn contenant instalments not exceeding 12 instalments © Wetnenencion forest pay one'prenium nomen? the subsequent month, by paying a of 1% of premium icies? @ ‘sircometax rebate aérissbtor PL fe | Insurance Ho Toh Postol Ho ural Postal Life Insurance POTTS Cy err ty © Wrenistnemesiea examination ot roposer mandatory? { iness/medical history any bearing about ones heath cond ing poly a ‘Low Premium High Bonus Posto Life Insurance Miscellaneous PLYRPLI OF yyholder update her/his mobile number and emaitid in Rural Postal Life Insurance © How-cana poticyhotder enquire detaits abouther/his policy? Inguley Ia respect of her/his paiey ‘pect aly ate Bonue @U) atoms (PL Low Premium High Bonus a dj Pecuzncene wy TohPostalHo ORE OFF uefa 35 ma & Directorate of Postal Life Insurance Chanakyapuri, New Di India Post Call Cer Followus: © epost

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