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Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics


Lab Date of
Object(s) Remarks
No. Performance

To determine Coefficient of weir Cw for a broad-

1 crested weir.
To determine Coefficient of weir Cw for a Sharp -
2 crested weir.
To determine Coefficient of discharge for an Ogee
3 weir.
To determine the friction factor of a pipe by using
4 fluid friction apparatus.
To determine friction factor of a Slanted seat valve
5 using fluid friction apparatus.
To determine friction factor of a Socket shut-off
6 gate valve using fluid friction apparatus.
To determine minor losses due to a pipe bend
7 using fluid friction apparatus.
To determine minor losses due to a 90o elbow
8 using fluid friction apparatus.
To determine minor losses due to 45 o elbow using
9 fluid friction apparatus.
To determine minor losses due to gradual
10 enlargement and constriction by using fluid
friction apparatus.
To determine minor losses due to Line and
11 Branched flow at 90o Tee.
To determine minor losses due to a sharp 90o elbow
12 using losses in pipes and bends apparatus.
To determine loss coefficient of a bent pipe using
13 Losses in pipes and bends apparatus.
To observe the real fluid flow using Laminar flow
14 analysis table.
To perform an Open ended Lab.
Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics

It is to certify that__________________________________________________________having
Roll No.________ has successfully carried out all necessary practical activities of Applied
Hydraulics (CE241) lab as prescribed by the University for the year of ______________.

Signature of Instructor: ________________

Submission Date: ____________________

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics

General Introduction
Introduction to Practical contents, Equipment’s and HSE (Health, Safety and Environment)

Here, you will learn about:

 Number of Practical Contents to be performed

 Equipment to be used
 HSE measures/precautions to be taken during lab

Introduction to Practical contents:


Names of the Equipment and there uses

 Fluid Friction Apparatus and its Parts:

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics


Parts/Components of Fluid Friction Apparatus:

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics


Losses in bends and fittings apparatus and its Parts/Components:

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics


Hydraulics Bench:

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics


Socket shut-off gate valve:


Slanted seat valve:

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics


Weir and its types:


Broad-crested weir:

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics

Sharp-crested weir:


Ogee weir:

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics

Perspex-sided tilting flume S4:

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics

Laminar Flow Table:

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics

HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) measures:


Signature of Instructor: _____________

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics

Lab No. 1
Object: To determine Coefficient of weir Cw for Broad- Crested weir.

Here, you will learn about:

 Weir
 Types of Weir
 Why we provide weir?

Introduction to Practical


Apparatus Required:

 Perspex – sided tilting flume S-4; Model Broad – crested weir; stop watch

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics


Types of Weir:

Broad-crested weir and draw its sketch:


Why we provide Weir:

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics


Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics


S. No. t Q Y hw Q
  3/ 2
128.8 hw

lit. cc s cc/s cm cm

(3)= (3) (7 )
(1) (2) (4) (5)= (6) (7) (8)= (5)
(2)x1000 ( 4) 31
128.8x(7) 3/2

h w
Plot: Cw vs


h w/ 
Fig. 1.1 Plot of Cw vs hw/ 

Results and comments:

Signature of Instructor: ______________

Lab Manual: Applied Hydraulics

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