Assessment I Business Plan PM

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Details of Assessment

Term and Year 3, 2020 Time allowed 8 weeks

Assessment No 1 Assessment Weighting 100%
Developing Business Cases Project
Assessment Type
Week 8 Room Zoom
Due Date
Details of Subject

Qualification BSB61218 Advanced Diploma of Program Management

Business Plan
Subject Name
Details of Unit(s) of competency
Unit Code (s) and
PSPMGT006 Develop a business case
Details of Student

Student Name
Student ID
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my
own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person Student’s
or source. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements Signature: ____________________
to complete the assessment tasks. I am also aware of my
right to appeal. The feedback session schedule and Date: _____/_____/_________
reassessment procedure were explained to me.

Details of Assessor
Assessor’s Name ROBERT CUTULI

Assessment Outcome
Competent Not Yet Competent Marks / 100
Feedback to Student
Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted

a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student. Assessor’s
Signature: ___________________
Student attended the feedback session.
Date: _____/_____/________
Student did not attend the feedback session.

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Purpose of the Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following Competent Not Yet
learning outcomes: (C) Competent
PSPMGT006 Develop a business case
1.1 Identify and confirm business problem.

1.2 Analyse key stakeholder requirements to clarify objectives.

1.3 Consider a range of factors to identify opportunities and constraints.

1.4 Conduct market analysis.

2.1 Analyse and document business and technical impacts and risks.

2.2 Analyse community, environmental and human resource impacts.

2.3 Canvas for alternative solutions and their financial implications and discuss
with senior management and business case originator.
3.1Develop options and determine and document impacts, risks, costs and
3.2 Make and justify recommendations.

4.1Present business case and explain recommendations.

4.2 Obtain approvals and management endorsement.

Assessment/evidence gathering conditions

Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student
can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment”
section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each
assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.

Resources required for this Assessment

 Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet

 Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions
Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully
 This assessment has to be completed In class At home
 The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
 Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved.
You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other
feedback will be provided by the end of the term.
 Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps
in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be
deemed competent for this unit of competency.
 If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
 Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook).

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TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES Marks Allocated Marks Received

TASK 1 10

TASK 2 5

TASK 3 6

TASK 4 4

TASK 5 5

TASK 6 4

TASK 7 15

TASK 8 10

TASK 9 6

TASK 10 5

TASK 11 5

TASK 12 5

TASK 13 15

TASK 14 5

Total 100



Instructions to Student
A business case is a proposal for a project. It is a potential improvement opportunity to implement a
new product or service that will last and provide opportunity to improve a project or the business.
This task will allow you to demonstrate your understanding about the development of business
cases. The questions below will assess your knowledge of the overall topic. To provide a context for
this assessment task case studies have been prepared for you to review. Please speak to your
assessor if you need to have clarification or require more information about the context of the case
By completing this assessment task, you will be able to demonstrate why program managers need to
develop business cases and present them to stakeholders. Questions below are designed to provide
a generic overview of the process of developing business cases and demonstrate your theory
knowledge in:
 what are business cases

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 why would project or program managers develop a business case

 theory behind developing business cases
 examining business solutions
 structures and process that will assist with contracting a business case
 finalising a business case
At this level of study, the Advanced Diploma level, the assessment outcome should demonstrate that
you are able to research independently and produce good quality work. You are required to
demonstrate the following skills and knowledge so that you are at the level expected by the industry:
 Answers to questions should be very detailed and report form type of answers and should be
 Project activities are detailed and well-developed, suitable for senior management positions.
 Design research conduct analysis and report on the outcomes are provide with good suggestions
and implementation process and ideas.
 Develop strategies for the business and the organisation.

Activities for Section A

Case Study 1 – “Tasty Products”
Read case study 1 below and ensure you understand the case study well prior to attempting to
complete questions and activities below. Speak to your assessor if you require clarification about the
case study.

Case Study 1
Roman Solomon is a Programs Manager at “Tasty Products PTY LTD” (Tasty Products). His
responsibilities include the management of a small project team who look after various projects for
Tasty Products. His team members include, Timothy, the junior engineer, Rob, responsible for plant
site repairs and grounds, administrator Rebecca and then Roman, an engineer and the Programs
Manager. Roman was invited to a meeting held by his Director, Bill Compton, and Tasty Product’s
Financial Controller, Tomas Trumper.
The meeting held discussions about the new Central Coast Council’s Environmentally Sustainable
Solutions Project, which the Director, Bill Compton, attended and learned that the Council has
recently approved a new environmental initiative project for Central Coast businesses in the aim to:

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 minimise the ecological footprint for the Central Coast area;

 provide more work for local businesses;
 improve the local economy.
Central Coast businesses who wish to participate must develop a good business case about their
environmentally sustainable project and present it to the Central Coast Council’s Environmental
Manager, Bethany Hopkins, who will evaluate each project and approve funding of the project. If the
project is successful and approved, Tasty Products can receive up to $10,000 financial contribution
from the Council to enable Tasty Products to implement the project.
Tasty Products are located on a large acreage property, surrounded by large gardens, grassy areas
and bushland; and as managers regularly host clients the gardens must be well maintained. For ages
now, Tamas has been sending emails to employees asking them to be more conscious when using
the taps in the bathrooms. In the past, he implemented competition for all employees to encourage
minimising water usage, which resulted that Tasty Products now has a new policy when purchasing
new toilets and taps to ensure that they all have water reduction capabilities. The new purchasing
policy also specifies that employees, prior to purchasing new items, are to check if they can be
sourced locally. Another policy implemented also included staff to reuse, repair and resell. The
overall business plans and strategic direction for Tasty Products is to minimise their ecological
footprint and this coincides with the local Government Policy, which is being strongly endorsed by
the Central Coast Council.
Knowing the company’s preferences and business direction and Council’s initiative, Bill, Tomas and
Roman want increase Tasty Product’s water saving capabilities and hence reduce the company’s
ecological footprint. Roman, as he is the Program Manager, has a great overview of the company
policies and procedures and will be developing the business case for the Council. Ronan has three (3)
weeks to develop the business case draft and present it to Bill and the management team for
comment prior to being submitted and presented to Bethany at the Council.

TASK 1: It is important that a program manager understands the business well to develop a
business case. Answer the following based on Case Study 1. (5X2 Marks each = 10 Marks)

1A: Explain how Roman is able to identify business issues, problem or a goal and list strategies and
information or tools that would be available to him so he can confirm that the business issue,
problem or the business goal is legitimate. (2 Marks)

Financial diagnostics help business owners understand the organization's cost and expense structure.
From this data, it is easier to identify aspects that require revision in order to become more efficient.

Remember that knowing the situation of the company is fundamental to keep it competitive. After
all, it is from the information about the operation of the company's sectors that decisions can be
made based on their strengths and their limits. The first step in identifying a problem is to find out its
cause. This may not be a simple task, but some steps help to sort the process.


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For this, one must know what the difficulty is. Ask yourself “what is the problem?” And try not to
cling to its symptoms or the effects it causes.


It is very important to have accurate information at hand. So whenever you receive them, try to
validate them. This is critical for you to be informed about the subject and to gain a more consistent
knowledge of it.


Difficulties arise all the time, but what is the current situation different when compared to similar
and non-problem scenarios? To answer this question, you need to be sure about the answer


With creativity, it is easier to analyse some situations. One just has to be careful not to judge without
evidence: remember that it is they that allow you to validate a judgment.

Test the Logic of Possible Causes

When you already have enough data, identify the probable causes of the problem and note which
one holds itself. If there is more than one, choose the most plausible one.


Once you have defined the cause of the difficulty, apply a solution to it and see if the results are
positive. If no, evaluate the outcome, create a new judgment based on it, and apply a new solution
to the situation.

To improve the management of the company, the first step is to act on how to identify problems in
the company and then act to adjust the company's actions. Throughout this process, be sure to keep
in mind that the attack must be the cause of the problem, not its symptom.

A powerful tool for improvement and issues identification can be the like PDCA or DMAIC, but in
essence, problem solving is all about the following:

1. Identify the problem

2. Identify the root causes

3. Brainstorm the solutions

4. Select the appropriate solution

5. Implement and check the impact of the solution

1B: How can Roman obtain information so he is able to clarify stakeholder requirements and
business (project) objectives prior to developing the business case? (2 Marks)

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He can use a requirements management plan. The RMP is the process of defining and maintaining
the requirements that form the agreement between the project team and the stakeholders. A
requirements management plan (RMP) is a document that defines the process, procedures, and
standards for eliciting, documenting, storing, and updating the requirements. Also, there are many
ways to collect stakeholder needs and requirements. It is recommended that several techniques or
methods be considered during elicitation activities to better accommodate the diverse set of
sources, including:

- Structured brainstorming workshops

- Interviews and questionnaires

- Technical, operational, and/or strategy documentation review

- Simulations and visualizations

- Prototyping

- Modelling

1C: Consider a range of factors and list of opportunities and constraints available to Roman so he can
use them to examine available business solutions? (2 Marks)

Oportunities Constraints Available Solutions

Elevate enhanced vitality Tendency to receive the same Increase the use of sustainable
sources to build vitality strength old thing way to deal with assets from energy sources.
and a more prominent vitality use, age and framework
utilization of sustainable power arrangement.
source assets.
Proprietorship and Land Use This speaks to an expected A scope of options may
requirement in that it could investigate pretty much forceful
restrain the impression of land ways to deal with incorporating
accessible for reclamation little impression income
sources to counterbalance the
income as of now gave by the
low-thickness/huge impression
Water Quality These water quality In spite of the fact that
weaknesses may represent a insignificant foundation exists
requirement to the nature of inside the RFAs, development
reestablished wetlands in the and related exercises would
Study Area if blending and need to be obliged to those
flowing trade in the techniques that limit water
encompassing regions are quality and turbidity effects on
lacking. touchy natural surroundings.
Lawful, Political and Regulatory Different endorsements and Consistence with existing
Environment licenses would be required for guidelines, plans, and projects
execution of the carbon is required to such an extent
impression. that task timetable and
spending plan for these
segments ought to be

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considered during the

reclamation arranging and
usage process.

1D: Reviewing the Tasty Products case study, list the steps that are involved in building the business
case. (2 Marks)

Key points in designing the Business Case involve:

> Historical results (when available)

> Risk Analysis and ways to avoid

> Cost Analysis x Benefits

> Deployment Plan

1) Identify the processes to be addressed

Defining the processes that will be included in the project is crucial because choosing too mature and
complex processes can cause difficulties. Therefore, the clearest and most successful potentials
should be chosen. Possible candidates of choice are often repeated in various organizations:

Customer base
Contract management
Transfer Control

2) Set the starting point (AS-IS)

At this stage the current state of the processes is established, and it is important to understand the
“why”, “when” and “by whom” of the current work. Therefore, the first step is to outline who is
responsible for each aspect of the process and how subsequent steps are affected.

Following these general determinations, the next step is to assess the degree to which
responsibilities overlap or relate. If a participant needs another's action to proceed, this should be
clear and documented. The same principle should apply to files and data, especially if their
availability affects performance or blocks execution.

3) Define what will be considered success

Metrics and criteria are important in establishing what will make the project successful as it cannot
improve on what cannot be measured. Make sure the metrics are not only quantitative, such as time
and costs, but also qualitative:

Greater Excellence in Customer Service

Easy process learning
Less error recurrence
Higher employee productivity

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4) Optimization (TO-BE)

Based on the bottlenecks and shortcomings of the processes identified by the second step, the
process is redesigned with possible improvements. Additionally, there are other benefits that come
with a full BPM Suite implementation:

Task Automation
Data access and visibility across departments
Rapid process adaptation and iteration
Systematic collection of metrics
Automatic Report Generation
Evidence Control and Auditing

5) Set Return on Investment (ROI)

It is inevitable that one of the first questions about a project will be how much it will cost and when
it will return value. To answer this question, ROI is used to quantify the benefits and costs achieved
by steps 1-4. It will also correlate the acquired data with the potential cost and expense cuts

Costs in a BPM project usually involve:

Software License
System Deployment
Hardware and Infrastructure

It is important to differentiate recurring costs from unique ones.

1E: Review the case study and in your own words list and propose what would be the appropriate
approval process for the business to go ahead and be presented to the Council. (Guide: list minimum
of 5 steps of proposed approval steps) (2 Marks)

The basic process for conducting a go/no-go decision to be presented to the Council will include the
following basic steps:

Step 1: Put Together Information

Step 2: Gather Stakeholders

Step 3: Determine the Factors to Be Considered

Step 4: Brainstorming

Step 5: Analysis

Step 6: Decision Making

Principles to Remember

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Meet with important stakeholders in advance of needing their formal approval

Position your idea in terms of the benefits your audience stands to gain
Answer questions concisely and confidently


Assume that your audience will believe it’s a good idea just because management does
Overwhelm your audience with detailed analysis or specifics
Get defensive or angry when people challenge your idea

Case Study 2 – “Tasty Products”

Read the case study below and ensure you understand the case study well prior to attempting to
complete questions and activities below. Speak to your assessor if you require clarification about the
case study.

Case Study 2
Roman has been busy getting information from all stakeholders to determine the best solution for his
business case. He has met with his team, interviewed other managers and met with team leaders
and other teams to gain good overview and information to gain lots of input.
He phoned the Councils and discussed their information about what would be a good proposal to
put together to gain the required funding. Then he spoke to couple of friendly industry contacts and
also spoke to some local competitors to discuss the Council initiative with them.
After meetings, discussions, emails and surveys he has finally identified that Tasty Products would
benefit by purchasing some large water tanks for watering their gardens. The water tanks will also be
used for cleaning of pathways and other small company areas such as the newly developed staff herb
garden, which was an initiative the administration team organised a few months ago. Some staff who
live in units use the garden and take fresh herb home for cooking.
When Roman met with Bill and Tamas to confirm and advise them about the water tanks, they were
impressed with the idea. Bill told Roman to continue with this business case development and
approved 2 water tanks, which he believed would be suitable solution and a good case to present to
the Council.

TASK 2. Review the case study above and conduct market analysis. Provide a list of local services and
suppliers from the Central Coast, which Roman could contact to research the market, gain
appropriate information and build the draft of the Tasty Product’s business case. (5 Marks)
Registered businesses by industry

Central Coast Council area - total 2019 2018 change

registered businesses

Industry Numbe %. % New Numbe %. % New 2018 to

r South r South 2019
Wales Wales

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Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 512 2.1 6.6 514 2.2 6.6 -2

Mining 52 0.2 0.2 49 0.2 0.2 3

Manufacturing 957 4 3.4 940 4 3.4 17

Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services 92 0.4 0.3 91 0.4 0.3 1

Construction 5750 23. 16.1 5577 23. 16.1 173

8 7

Wholesale Trade 742 3.1 3.6 712 3 3.6 30

Retail Trade 1445 6 5.6 1420 6 5.6 25

Accommodation and Food Services 1037 4.3 3.9 1014 4.3 3.9 23

Transport, Postal and Warehousing 1315 5.4 8.1 1232 5.2 8.1 83

Information Media and 269 1.1 1.2 253 1.1 1.2 16


Financial and Insurance Services 1916 7.9 9 1857 7.9 9 59

Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services 2244 9.3 10.9 2235 9.5 10.9 9

Professional, Scientific and Technical 2985 12. 13.4 2858 12. 13.4 127
Services 3 2

Administrative and Support Services 1054 4.4 4.2 1016 4.3 4.2 38

Public Administration and Safety 84 0.3 0.4 99 0.4 0.4 -15

Education and Training 400 1.7 1.5 393 1.7 1.5 7

Health Care and Social Assistance 1655 6.8 6 1571 6.7 6 84

Arts and Recreation Services 410 1.7 1.3 398 1.7 1.3 12

Other Services 1234 5.1 4.1 1203 5.1 4.1 31

Industry not classified 35 0.1 0.3 56 0.2 0.3 -21

Total business 24188 100 100 23488 100 100 700

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Industry sector analysis | Central Coast Council area | (2016). Retrieved August 11, 2020,
from website:

TASK 3: Discuss and list: (3x2 Marks each = 6 Marks)

a. the types of government bodies and organisations and their goals, that would be
relevant to this business case and;
b. the types of policies and procedures that Tasty Products would have to have that relate
Ronan’s business case?
c. List and explain how legal requirements and jurisdictional legislations Tasty Products
must comply with in regard to the work activities for the business case.
(Guide: list 3 for each and total 1 full page of information for the 3 points)

A Department of Employment - Fair Work Act 2009

This Act provides a framework for workplace relations in Australia. Section 535 sets out
employers’ obligations in relation to employee records and sections 482 and 483 refer to a
permit holder’s right to access and inspect records, and to make copies of records or
National Archives of Australia (NAA) - Digital Transition Policy
This whole of government policy aims to move Australian Government agencies to digital

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recordkeeping for efficiency purposes.

Under the policy, the majority of records should be created and managed digitally, and
where possible, incoming paper records should be scanned so new paper files are not
created. Records that are created digitally after 2015 will be accepted for transfer to
National Archives of Australia in digital formats only.
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) - Privacy Act 1988:Guide to
securing personal information
The guide provides information on the steps agencies are required to take under the Privacy
Act 1988 to protect holdings of personal information from misuse, interference and loss, and
from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
B The development of emissions offsets, where various methods of absorbing carbon dioxide
are encouraged (such as forestry and soil carbon). A further feature of this approach is the
development of internationally tradable emissions offset credits based on these efforts
Energy efficiency measures, such as the encouragement of lower energy consumption in
the building sector
The provision of financial incentives to the private sector to reduce its emissions. These
reductions would be ‘purchased’ by the public sector
C In 2005, EPA achieved carbon neutrality and developed a step-by-step continuous
improvement framework to manage its own greenhouse gas emissions, known as
EPA’s Carbon Management Principles.
EPA has taken the following steps to manage its own carbon footprint and demonstrate
best-practice carbon neutrality:
 Measure EPA’s carbon footprint using the World Resources Institute/World Business
Council for Sustainable Development Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard (Corporate Standard).
 identify and assess our emissions reductions options using the Carbon
Management Principles
 assess the reduction and offset options from a financial and environmental
 get independent verification of our greenhouse gas inventory and management
 externally publish (to our website) EPA’s emissions and GHG inventory management
EPA goes through these steps on an annual basis to develop its GHG inventory. The process
 Defining the organisational and operational boundaries for reporting
 Identifying GHG emissions sources
 Collecting activity data
 Calculating GHG emissions
 Identifying reduction measures
Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal) Act 2014
Act No. 83 of 2014 as amended, taking into account amendments up to Acts and
Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015
An Act to repeal the Clean Energy Act 2011, and for other purposes
Administered by: Environment and Energy
ACT Water Strategy
The ACT Water Strategy 2014-44: Striking the Balance (ACT Water Strategy) details the
Government’s vision for water management in the ACT over the next 30 years:
“a community working together, managing water wisely to support a vibrant, sustainable
and thriving community”.
The ACT Water Strategy provides long term strategic guidance to management the

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Territory’s water resources.

Water Policy Drivers
There are a number of national policy drivers that shape the management of water in the
Territory. A prime driver is the Murray-Darling Basin Plan (2012) which provides a
coordinated approach to water use across the four Murray-Darling Basin states and the ACT
and the related Murray-Darling Basin Agreement. Under the Basin Plan water use is limited
to environmentally sustainable levels. The ACT is the only jurisdiction that sits completely
within the Murray-Darling Basin.
The Water Resources Act 2007 is the governing legislation for managing water resources in
the ACT, defining access rights to surface and ground water resources, environmental flow
provisions, water licensing requirements, resource management and monitoring
responsibilities and setting penalties for water-related offences.

TASK 4: Explain what financial and accounting issues or financial needs Roman will need to be aware
of in relating to developing his business case. (Guide: list minimum of 4) (4 Marks)
The major problem related to the business case construction and projects related to sustainability
procedures relates to:

Too much time spent in risk management, governance and compliance

Penalty for non-compliance with legislation
Team Overload
Lack of cash flow predictability
Lack of precision in management reports
Wrong billing strategy and receivables control

But as general rules for Roman, he should be aware of the following:

1. Difficulty getting credit

A considerable part of companies rely on credit to put in place some projects, such as machinery
purchase, unit building, technology enhancement, etc.

Ideally, all the money raised externally by the company would be used as an investment, that is, as
an instrument for generating more capital for the business.
2. Inefficient Cash Flow Management
Cash flow should be considered by the manager as the heart of the company. With this tool, you can
record and valuate the inflows (receipts) and outflows (costs and expenses) of a business to find the
organization's cash balance, either “blue” or “red”.

By recording everything that comes in and everything that goes out of the company, management
has a valuable history about the financial movements of the business. Thus, it is possible to identify
whether or not there is seasonality of revenues and expenses. By accumulating this type of
information, the company can better plan for the coming financial years, as forecasts become more

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in line with reality.

3. Non-execution of expense cuts
In environments that are often competitive, with large numbers of competitors, especially with the
aid of the internet in negotiations, companies need to continually cut spending to stay attractive in
the marketplace.
Failure to cut costs in these cases makes the company's health more fragile and exposes the business
to vulnerabilities, such as having to resort to credit to settle operating commitments.
4. Lack of effective financial control
With capital availability, an organization can bargain better prices from suppliers and thus obtain
more favorable production conditions. This opens the door to the beginning of a virtuous business
circle. After all, by spending less to manufacture something, the business can offer competitive goods
to the end customer.

However, if there is a lack of money, it is as if the company's gears are no longer lubricated. That way,
over time, they may even stop. One of the serious financial problems is the lack of effective control
over the use of capital.

Ideally, finance management, supported by accounting, should always have all the data on the use of
money in the business at hand. Nowadays, with the use of management software, this is possible.

TASK 5: What is meant by the term “whole life considerations” when developing a business case?
Review the case study 1 and 2 and provide a list of considerations in relation to the case study.
(Guide: 5 points with an explanations) (5 Marks)

At the heart of sustainability is an understanding of what the specification means for the future of
the building and how it will affect the environment. Whole Life Costing considers part of this and
provides an understanding of how materials may perform and what allowances are needed at the
end of their life.

Whole life cost is:

- a true assessment of the worth of a building, within limits

- a theoretical judgement using the best information available
- a process to balance the design procurement and use factors
- a process to place cost in perspective as one important element
- a process to be used with care, as results will be a guide only
- useful as part of the analysis to arrive at whole life value

Sustainable options

Relevant sustainable issues:

- minimum impact on the surroundings and our environment

- maximum use and benefit of materials
- maximum and most efficient use of energy
- reuse of materials, products and components
- minimum maintenance required

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- minimum repair required

Sustainable considerations for life value that need to be built in to the original brief include:

- longest possible life within specification

- widest possible uses
- minimum safe maintenance and cleaning
- minimum environmental impact to procure and construct

Suitability issues:

- Life versus embedded energy.

- Transport of higher quality (long-life) materials from source to site.
- Resources required for maintenance versus shorter life.
- Reuse versus recycle.
- Environmental impact: high-impact, long-life versus low-impact, short-life

TASK 6: Conduct a research of Australian contract and commercial laws and briefly provide an
overview how they relate to Roman’s business case. Please ensure to select the areas of trade
practices, commercial and contract law that most relate to Roman’s business case development?
(Guide: 150 to 200 words) (4 Marks)

Overview of Australian contract law

Australian contract law may be broadly divided into five categories

dealing with the requirements for making a valid contract


dealing with identifying contractual terms and their scope

dealing with how a party may avoid performing an otherwise valid contract (this overlaps with
consumer law)


dealing with what is required to fully perform a contract and the other circumstances that might
bring a contract to an end (including breach)

setting out the damages and other remedies that might be available to a contracting party as a result
of a breach of contract by the other party.

Below are further explanations of the categories mentioned above:


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A contract is a promise or a set of promises that is legally binding. In this context a promise is an
undertaking by one person to do something or refrain from doing something if another person does
something or refrains from doing something or makes a promise in return. A promise or set of
promises will be legally binding if certain criteria are met. In Australia this requires that there be an
agreement (comprising an offer and acceptance), consideration, intention to create legal relations,
compliance with any legal formalities and that the parties have the legal capacity to contract.

- Agreement
- Consideration
- Intention
- Capacity
- Formalities

Scope and Content

A contract is generally only enforceable by and against parties to the contract. This section considers
the issue of privity of contract.

- Privity of contract
- Terms
- Construction
- Classification
- Exclusion clauses
Avoidance / Vitiating Factors

A contract validly formed may nevertheless be avoided as a result of a number of possible 'vitiating
factors'. Most of these involve some form of unfair or unconscionable dealing by one of the parties.

- Misleading or deceptive conduct

- Mistake
- Duress
- Undue influence
- Unconscionable conduct
- Unfair TermsIllegality

Performance and Termination

Most contracts come to a natural end as a result of the parties performing their respective
obligations. The requirements for 'performance' to discharge contractual obligations are discussed in
this section. A contract may also come to an end by agreement between the parties or as a result of
the breach of contract by one of the parties. Finally, a frustrating event might prevent parties from
performing as planned and this may have the effect of terminating a contract.

- Discharge by performance
- Discharge by agreement
- Discharge for breach

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- Discharge by frustration


Where a breach of contract has occurred the non-breaching party is entitled to remedies; in
particular, they are entitled to damages as a matter of right. The procedures for determining the
extent of damages available are discussed in this section. Parties may also make provision in their
contract for the payment of a liquidated sum upon breach; the effect of these clauses will be

In addition to common law remedies, parties may seek the equitable remedies of specific
performance or injunctions for contractual breach (or threatened breach) - these are not available as
a matter of right but are awarded at the discretion of the court.

- Damages and liquidated claims

- Equitable remedies

Overview of Australian consumer law

Australia's consumer law regime is currently undergoing significant change.

One major bill has already passed through Parliament and another has recently been introduced.
Throughout 2010 this site will provide details of these changes.

Consumer guarantees

A set of nationally consistent consumer guarantees replaced the previous set of federal, state and
territory implied terms on 1 January 2011.

Unfair terms

A national unfair terms regime came into operation in 2010 which renders void unfair terms in
standard form consumer contracts.

Unconscionable conduct

In addition to unconscionable conduct in equity, which may vitiate a contract, statutory rules
prohibiting unconscionable conduct exist. They now form part of the Australian Consumer Law.

Manufacturers' liability

Contractual liability (save for special cases) extends only to parties to the contract. Consequently,
consumers generally cannot sue manufacturers at common law directly. However, statute has
imposed direct liability on manufacturers in some cases. These provisions now form part of the
Australian Consumer Law.

TASK 7: In this activity you will be required to review the case study and all your notes again, develop
a draft of the business cases and meet with your manager to for review. (15 Marks)

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7A Develop the Draft of Tasty Products Project Business Case using the tables below. (6 Marks)

Business Case Sustainable practices are frequently challenged with convincing executives of
the business value of a carbon footprint. While many are aware of the positive
environmental implications of emissions management, few seem to fully
understand that this makes business sense too. With this in mind, in this
business case it will present the advantages that the business can take
advantage of when implementing such practices.

Presented to Bethany Hopkins

Central Coast Council’s Environmental Manager

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Tasty Products are located on a large acreage property, surrounded by large

Executive Summary (300-
400 Words) gardens, grassy areas and bushland; and as managers regularly host clients the
gardens must be well maintained.
The overall business plans and strategic direction for Tasty Products is to
minimise their ecological footprint and this coincides with the local Government
Policy, which is being strongly endorsed by the Central Coast Council.
The company has a new environmental initiative project for the Central Coast
business to:
• minimize the ecological footprint for the Central Coast area;
• provide more work for local businesses;
• improve the local economy.
Measurement ensures better operational management, and ultimately allows
for financial savings to be identified. An example is Woolworths who, through
the introduction of energy efficient technologies, anticipate an annual cost
saving of approximately $144 000 000.
Measuring and reporting on carbon emissions forms an integral part of a
company’s broader environmental impact and reporting requirements.
Consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious. As concerns around
climate change grow, consumers will more willingly invest in products and
services associated with businesses who are actively measuring, managing and
reducing emissions. In its 2016 CDP submission Vodacom estimated that a 1%
loss in reputation among consumers, could result in a depreciation of brand
value of approximately $200 million.
With a revised Carbon Tax Bill is important that companies remain ahead of the
game, and calculate their potential liability sooner, rather than later. A carbon
measurement exercise will allow for this, giving business the opportunity to
quantify the potential financial risk and identify where liability could be
Sustainability, show that companies which adopt ‘green’ practices and
governance tend to attract and retain higher quality employees.
Whether managing downside risk, creating business value by incorporating
sustainable solutions, or identifying innovative ways to finance sustainability,
the private sector is becoming the engine of competitive solutions to
sustainability and can help finance and address sustainability challenges in the
years ahead.

Issue Local business resistance of the practices and possibilities to be implemented,

resulting in the disapproval of the business case by the Central Coast Council.
Company employees’ resistance to change and adoption of sustainable

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Anticipated Outcomes 1.Financial savings and operational inefficiencies

2. Reporting requirements
3. Brand reputation
4. Carbon Tax
5. Staff retention
Recommendation It is recommend that the central agents of the business case and procedures
maintain high approach with the local business and also main stakeholders
related to the approval in order to get the best feedback and outcome possible.
Also regarding the staff resistance to change, training and also compliance
systems and practices should be implemented.

Justification The stakeholder needs must be satisfied in order to get the approval by the
main body.
Without adoption of sustainable practices, it is not possible to develop and
effective system to be demonstrated as example, resulting in failure and also
financial losses.

Business case His team members include, Timothy, the junior engineer, Rob, responsible for
consultation and analysis plant site repairs and grounds, administrator Rebecca and then Roman, an
team engineer and the Programs Manager. Roman was invited to a meeting held by
his Director, Bill Compton
Central Coast businesses who wish to participate must develop a good business
case about their environmentally sustainable project and present it to the,

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Role Description Name

Project financial Tomas Trumper

Tasty Product’s Financial Controller

Central Coast Council’s Environmental

Project Manager Bethany Hopkins

Programs Manager Roman Solomon

Project Programs Manager

Roman Solomon

Junior engineer Timothy

Responsible for plant site repairs and Rob
Project team grounds Rebecca
Roman Solomon
Programs Manager

environmental initiative project for Central

Coast businesses in the aim to:
• minimise the ecological footprint for
the Central Coast area;
• provide more work for local
Communication Central Coast Council’s Environmentally
forum Sustainable Solutions Project
• improve the local economy.
Central Coast businesses who wish to
participate must develop a good business
case about their environmentally sustainable
project and present it

Problem impact

Impact on Tasty


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Role Description Name

Overview and
Goals and

and monitoring


Management of
physical Resource Current Recommended Comment as to Stakeholder
resources requirements method of method of why no change is comments
acquisition acquisition recommended or
why you
recommend a
change in the

Major Project


Cost Benefit

Action Type Description First year costs (-

Action indicates anticipated

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Role Description Name




7B: Present the above business case draft to your assessor (acting as Bill Compton) : (5 Marks)
 Collect feedback and suggestions for improvement from Bill
 Record the feedback in the table below and;
 Correct the business case draft based on Bill’s feedback.

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7C: Once you have finalised the business case document, meet with the stakeholders from Tasty
Products (your colleagues or your assessor) and explain and present the business case to them.
During the meeting you are to confirm and finalise the stakeholder’s requirements and finalise the
business case.
At this stage you are to gain their agreement for the project to go ahead. It may be beneficial for you
to develop a checklist inside the meeting minute template so you are well preparing, and list all
points that must be address for you to gain full approval for the project to go ahead.
Complete the meeting minutes below as a record of your communication and presentation to the
client. (4 Marks)

Meeting Minutes


Chair Minute taker

Attendees Student
names and
student IDs

Feedback Topics
provided discussed

Your assessor, when meeting with you about the case study, will provide you with feedback. The
assessor will ask you verbal questions about the business cases and complete the following checklist:


Did the student demonstrate: Satisfactory

 Yes 
Understanding of the Government goals

 Yes 
Understanding of Tasty Products goals, policies and practices

Understanding how to complete and prepare a business case draft using appropriate language and a
 Yes 
style suitable to written submission of Roman’s draft business case to his director and senior
management team

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Understanding of Tasty Product’s legal requirements related to the business activities that will be  Yes 
performed during the implementation and running of the proposed project related to the business No
case proposal

Understood financial and accounting information relating to the development of the Tasty Products  Yes 
business case No

 Yes 
Understanding of the whole-of-life considerations of a business case

 Yes 
understanding how an approval processes of a business case works

Understanding aspects of trade practices law, commercial law and law of contract relating to the  Yes 
development of business cases No

General understanding and jurisdictional legislation that applies to business case development,  Yes 
including work health and safety and environmental requirements No

Appropriate communication skills to engage in discussion and communicate complex ideas of the  Yes 
business case with the team, accepting feedback positively from meetings No

Presentation skills and presented the Drafted Business Case for Tasty Products to the assessor and  Yes 
explained its details to the assessor (acting as the company Director) No

 Yes 
Overall task was completed satisfactory

Assessor Feedback:

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Instructions to students
In this assessment task you will be demonstrating practical skills in developing a business case. The
task will refer you to a virtual company called “Bounce Fitness” which will provide workplace
contexts and company documentation such as policies and procedures, staff and other relevant
Or, if you are currently working (and understand the organisation well) and/or if you are working as a
project or program manager (e.g. in an engineering company), please discuss your workplace and
your work responsibilities with your assessor so that you and the assessor can determine whether
you are able to use your workplace and check that the organisation is suitable.
To assist you with additional research, refer to your resources and materials supplied to help you
with the completion of this assessment task. You can further your research using the internet, but
you must use your own words and ensure you reference any information taken directly from your
research sources.
In this assessment task you will be completing the following:
 Identifying and confirming a business need or a problem
 Researching a business case
 Examining business solutions
 Constructing a business case
 Finalising the business case
You have two options to complete this assessment task. Either read the scenario below and complete
all activities; reflect on your own workplace (if you have one) and use your workplace to identify a
business need or a problem that you can develop and propose a business case for. Your assessor will
observe your meetings and role-plays, review your business case and provide you with feedback.
At this level of study, the Advanced Diploma level, the assessment outcome should demonstrate that
you are able to research independently and produce good quality work. You are required to
demonstrate the following skills and knowledge so that you are at the level expected by the industry:
 Answers to questions should be very detailed and report form type of answers and should be
 Project activities are detailed and well-developed, suitable for senior management positions.
 Design research, conduct analysis and report on the outcomes are provide with good suggestions
and implementation process and ideas.
 Develop strategies for the business and the organisation.

Activities for Section B

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TASK 8: Read scenario 1 - the Bounce Fitness Project below and complete all activities as indicated.
(10 Marks)

Scenario 1 – Bounce Fitness Project - Business Case

Your work for Amazing Projects and Sons (Amazing Project). Your manager asked you to visit the
General Manager of Bounce Fitness in the Sydney Centre. The General Manager has contacted
Amazing Project because Amazing Projects completed a shop fit out next door to the Fitness Centre.
The shop owner was very impressed and told the Bounce Fitness staff how happy she is with the fit
out and with the professionalism of Amazing Project contractors. So that General Manager of Bounce
Fitness Sydney Centre called Amazing Projects and ask to have someone come in and have a
discussion. She has some ideas but needs professional opinion.
Your job is to learn about the Centre, discuss the centre’s needs with the General Manager in the
Sydney site, review services and clients; and any improvement needs. During your meeting you can
also ask and identify and confirm a business improvement or a business problem.
On Monday this week, you met with the Centre Manager, Linda, who gave you a good overview of
the company’s history, services and their needs to increase profit. You took lots of notes, especially
when Linda spoke about the small coffee shop leased to a private operator which will be closing next
month. The coffee shop has been in the building for ages and is very small and a little tired. Not an
image that the Centre wishes to portray. Linda is worried that some of her clients will go to the Hyde
Park gym which is 5 minutes away when the lease leaves next month. They have a nice modern light
kitchen where their clients can sit after their sessions.
When you were leaving Linda asked if you could come up with some solution about sitting out a
coffees shop.
Your next meeting will be in a week so you can come up with some ideas for business improvement
and possibly confirm her needs.
Your notes:
“Bounce Fitness is made up of four fitness centres. Head office is currently established in Cairns,
Queensland. The other centres are in Brisbane, (Queensland), Sydney, (New South Wales) and
Melbourne, (Victoria).
It was established in 2001 by Margaret House as a single aerobic studio. After two years’
membership increases demanded the small leased centre be expanded and a new facility was built
on land purchased by the organisation. In 2004 a second centre was established in leased premises in
Brisbane and then Sydney and Melbourne in the subsequent two years.
The Head Office remains in Cairns and a Board of Directors has been established to oversee the
function of the business in all of the centres. Each centre has a General Manager (Centre Manager)
who reports to the CEO in Cairns, and a team of permanently employed fitness instructors and other
casual instructors, all of whom report to the Centre Manager.
The business is operated on best business practice and complies with all legislative requirements,
local by-laws and is registered with the national body.
Bounce Fitness intends to market its brand through excellence in service and expertise to establish
itself as a premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia.
All centres are carpeted in areas used for stationary activities, spacious, well-ventilated and air-
conditioned to make the environment as safe and comfortable as possible. They are light and feature
wrap-around mirrored walls.

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Each centre features a retail section selling fitness shoes, clothes and other related fitness items.
There is a small cafeteria which was in the building before the gym has opened and it is leased to a
provider who supplies healthy, low calorie drinks.
Each Centre has scheduled various fitness classes ranging from high intensity to low intensity. The
scheduling is left to each Centre but must sustain a minimum average of twelve in each class for
them to continue to be held. The style of classes changes as new methods are developed to sustain
interest and provide variety.
Funding is primarily from memberships. Memberships are sold on one, three, six- and twelve-
monthly bases on a decreasing fee scale. Casual members are welcome, but the daily rate is a
premium one.
Each Centre sells memberships to 120%. This means that at peak times it could be quite crowded,
but experience demonstrates that there is a maximum of 80% usage.
The retail arm of the business accounts for about 30% of the takings from each centre. The strategic
plan for retail is set to increase investment in sales this year to 35%. Each Centre will be given a
budget to develop and implement a sales and marketing plan to trial. The most successful may be
implemented nationally and will attract an incentive for the most successful Centre. When discussing
this, Linda mentioned that the current cafeteria rent the gym receives from the lease is included in
the retail business income. The cafeteria lease, is reconsidered during each annual planning session
by the Board, which produces 5% of the income, less than the rent off-set
You have reviewed your notes the aim to identify business needs or issues prior to having a meeting
with Linda and her team.
Please note: Students must base their activities using the Bounce Fitness virtual organisation or refer
to their own organisation. If students are to use their own workplace and stakeholders, they must
discuss the organisation and its services with the assessor who will check if the scenario can be
based on the workplace. The assessor will also be able to determine if any of the stakeholder
meetings, required by this assessment task, can be role-played in front of the assessor using
colleagues or if the student will be required to use his/her own workplace managers and record,
collect and supply evidence of all communication and meetings.
8A: In this activity you will be holding a meeting with Linda and her team and role-play your
discussion. (5 Marks)
You are now required to role-play a meeting with the management team to identify and confirm the
business issues and business goals; and to analyse key stakeholder requirements, consider
opportunities for improvement and discuss any constraints of the business so that you are able to
develop an appropriate business case for the organisation and meet the organisation’s needs.
Guide: Students who are using the virtual company “Bounce Fitness” scenario will be required to
role-play their meeting in the classroom and use their colleagues to act as Linda’s team. Students
who are using their own workplace, which has been approved by the assessor, must supply evidence
of meetings with management and communication of their discussions such as discussion points.

Write the following discussion points as meeting outcomes afer your roleplay:

Business goals:

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Business issues:

Key stakeholder requirements:

Scenario 2 – Bounce Fitness Project - Business Case

You have reviewed the organisation’s history, vision and mission statements, future inspirations for
the organisation and checked your notes from the initial meeting with Linda; and you have organised
a follow up meeting with Linda and her team, the decision makers.
It is important that you communicate and brainstorm with the decision makers who may have
information and create other multiple options to insert into your business case. During the meeting
you will need to analyse their requirements and clarify their objectives confirm any business
problems, issues or goals that they wish to address, and discuss and consider various factors that
may identify opportunities for improvement and constraints for the business case. Remember that:
 It is crucial to clearly define the problem and parameter of the solution.
 There should be an agreement about the scope between the person authorising the business
case and those who will execute analysis.
Justification for the project could be based on the benefits to business operations, strategic direction
goals, and/or cost benefit analysis.

8B: During your meeting you will be required to take meeting minutes and attach the meeting
minutes to this assessment task. The meeting minutes need to address points such as: (5 Marks)
 Stakeholder requirements and objectives
 Business requirements and objectives and goals,
 Discuss opportunities and any constraints that need to be addressed in the business
 Discuss any market trends, and check with Linda and her team, about Bounce Fitness
opposition gyms as part of your initial market research and analysis
Guide: students may choose to use the template enclosed or use one from their

Meeting Minutes

Topic Date: / /


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Attendees Student names

and student IDs

Discussion Persons
points responsible

TASK 9: Now that you have identified and confirmed what the business case will be based on, you
are required to conduct a market analysis. To confirm that the business case for the project you are
preparing is appropriate and suitable to Bounce Fitness’s needs: (6 Marks)

9A: Research other industry providers in the area (minimum of 3) that provide the same or similar
services, review their services, analyse data available and compile a table of the analysed data and
forward it to Linda and her team with recommendations that you believe would be suitable. A table
has been provided below or you can develop your own.
Guide: type and complete the table below. (3 Marks)

Organisation 1 Organisation 2 Organisation 3


9B: Email the market analysis to Linda and her team for their perusal and their confirmation so that
you can start developing the business case for the project. Copy and paste your email to Linda and
her response in the space below as evidence of confirmation that you are able to start working on
the business case.
Guide: Minimum of 2 emails demonstrating communication between the Project Manager and the
client (e.g. Linda and her team). Students are to compose and send it to the client. Students must use
their student emails and communicate for sending and receiving a response. (3 Marks)

Task Completion Procedure:

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Attach screenshot of email communication to appendix or print and attach the e-mail
communication and submit it with the assessment.

TASK 10: When preparing a business case for the project, it is important to evaluate the business
case and communicate that to your client. You are required to: (5 Marks)
10A conduct risk and impact analysis of business changes (improvements) identified and relevant to
the business case (project) for the following: (2.5 Marks)
 Business operations
 Technical tasks and/or technology
 Customers and clients
 Community (as relevant) and
 Environment
Guide: Complete the table below for risk and impact analysis.

Impact type Description of the Risk rating Proposed solutions Financial

impact impact
5 highest

Business case statement – overview of the proposed

Impact on operations
and staff
(Guide: 50-80 words)

Technology and IT
(Guide: 80 words)
Impact on community
(Guide: 50-80 words)
Impact on the
environment (Guide: 50-
80 words)
WHS safety impact
(Guide: 50-80 words)
10B Hold a meeting with Linda and her team (role-played by your assessor or your colleagues) and
discuss solutions to any issues identified from you risk and impact analysis. You will be required to
discuss, record and obtain an approval for: (2.5 Marks)
 any alternative and/or better solutions
 financial implications of new identified solutions
 obtain agreement from the client for any change

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 record all meeting and discussion points in the meeting minutes to ensure that the
client is happy with any of the alternative solutions and financial implications
Guide: At least one alternative solution needs to be discussed and approved.

Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: / /
Attendees Student names
and student IDs
Discussion Persons
points responsible

TASK 11: You have discussed, approved and confirmed all details for the business case and the
project with all relevant stakeholders and now it is time to prepare a timeline and timeframe for
successful project implementation and completion. (5 Marks)
Use the space below to provide ideal dates and worst-case scenarios for plan implementation,
as well as a more general time frame for business case / project implementation and
 Provide the costs associated with the project implementation timeline, as well as the
potential overall costs and losses if the project is not implemented and;
 Provide an overview of the potential consequences that could result from the
project not being implemented.

TASK 12: Draft an executive summary which will be used in the business case document in Task 13.
You may copy and paste this executive summary in the business case template. (5 Marks)
The executive summary is the first, and most important part of the business case. The business
case executive summary outlines the proposed project, that if implemented, would further the
identified business goal, and/or resolve the identified business problem or issue.

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The executive summary should contain major considerations that will be later discussed in more
detail in the business case document, including the timeline for the business case
implementation and completion, as well as the projected benefits and costs of business case
Some steps for you to consider are:
 Starting your summary using appropriate language such as: “This report is submitted
in support of (e.g. Cafe Bounce Fitness Project or other the student decided to work with).
 Overview of the evaluation and analysis of all relevant financial, marketing and
business costs/considerations associated with implementing the suggested
recommendations in this business case.
 An overall explanation of why the proposed project should be implemented and
identify the impacts on the business for not implementing the project.

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TASK 13: Use all information you have gathered so far and complete your business case document.
(15 Marks)
To assist you with completing your business case document please refer to instructions provided for
each section under the title which gives you an idea on how to complete each section of the
business case document. Complete the template below to prepare the business case document. You
may write your responses under each section.

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1. Executive Summary
This section should provide general information on the issues surrounding the business problem and
the proposed project or initiative created to address it. Usually, this section is completed last after all
other sections of the business case have been written. This is because the executive summary is
exactly that, a summary of the detail that is provided in subsequent sections of the document. (Copy
and paste your Task 12 answer in executive summary)
1.1 Issue
This section of the business case should briefly describe the business problem that the proposed
project will address. This section should not describe how the problem will be addressed, only what
the problem is.

1.2 Anticipated Outcomes

This section should describe the anticipated outcome if the proposed project or initiative is
implemented. It should include how the project will benefit the business and describe what the end
state of the project should be.

1.3 Recommendation
This section summarizes the approach for how the project will address the business problem. This
section should also describe how desirable results will be achieved by moving forward with the

1.4 Justification
This section justifies why the recommended project should be implemented and why it was selected
over other alternatives. Where applicable, quantitative support should be provided and the impact
of not implementing the project should also be stated.

2. Business Case Analysis Team

This section of the business case describes the roles of the team members who developed the
business case. It is imperative that participants and roles are clearly defined for the business case as
well as throughout the life of the project.
The following individuals comprise the business case analysis team. They are responsible for the
analysis and creation of the Project business case.

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Role Responsibilities Name

3. Problem Definition
3.1 Problem Statement
This section describes the business problem that this project was created to address. The problem
may be process, technology, or product/service oriented. This section should not include any
discussion related to the solution.

3.2 Organizational Impact

This section describes how the proposed project will modify or affect the organizational processes,
tools, hardware, and/or software. It should also explain any new roles which would be created or
how existing roles may change as a result of the project.

4. Project Overview
This section describes high-level information about the project to include a description, goals and
objectives, performance criteria, assumptions, constraints, and milestones. This section of the
Business Case consolidates all project-specific information into one chapter and allows for an easy
understanding of the project since the baseline business problem, impacts, and recommendations
have already been established.

4.1 Project Description

This section describes the approach the project will use to address the business problem(s). This
includes what the project will consist of, a general description of how it will be executed, and the
purpose of it.

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4.2 Goals and Objectives

This section lists the business goals and objectives which are supported by the project and how the
project will address them. Ensure that the goals/objectives are Specific, Measurable, Actionable,
Relevant and Timebound (SMART)

Business Goals/Objectives Explanations

4.3 Project Performance

This section describes the measures that will be used to gauge the project’s performance and
outcomes as they relate to key resources, processes, or services.

Key Resource/Process/Service Performance Measure

4.4 Project Assumptions

This section lists the preliminary assumptions for the proposed project. As the project is selected and
moves into detailed project planning, the list of assumptions will most likely grow as the project plan
is developed. However, for the business case there should be at least a preliminary list from which to

4.5 Project Constraints

This section of the business case template lists the preliminary constraints for the proposed project.
As the project is selected and moves into detailed project planning, the list of constraints will most
likely grow as the project plan is developed. However, for the business case there should be at least a
preliminary list from which to build.

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4.6 Major Project Milestones

This section lists the major project milestones and their target completion dates. Since this is the
business case, these milestones and target dates are general and in no way final. It is important to
note that as the project planning moves forward, a base-lined schedule including all milestones will
be completed.

Milestones/Deliverables Target Date

5. Strategic Alignment
All projects should support the organization’s strategy and strategic plans in order to add value and
maintain executive and organizational support. This section provides an overview of the
organizational strategic plans that are related to the project. This includes the strategic plan, what
the plan calls for, and how the project supports the strategic plan.

Plan Goals/Objectives Relationship to Project

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6. Cost Benefit Analysis

Many consider this one of the most important parts of a business case as it is often the costs or
savings a project yields which win final approval to go forward. It is important to quantify the
financial benefits of the project as much as possible in the business case. This is usually done in the
form of a cost benefit analysis. The purpose of this is to illustrate the costs of the project and
compare them with the benefits and savings to determine if the project is worth pursuing.
The following table captures the cost and savings actions associated with the Project, descriptions of
these actions, and the costs or savings associated with them through the first year. At the bottom of
the chart is the net savings for the first year of the project.
An example has been provided for this section for your ease for understanding. You are required to
delete the information in the table and complete the table as per your project requirement.

Action Action Description First year costs

Type (- indicates
Purchase Web-based Cost Initial investment for WP Project $400,000.00
product and licenses
Software installation Cost Cost for IT group to install new software and $100,000.00
and training for the training group to train all employees
Reduce HR and Savings An immediate reduction in overhead equal to -$183,495.00
payroll staff by 5 the annual salary of 3 HR specialists and 2
employees payroll analysts.
Managers no longer Savings 18 regional managers currently average 16 -$471,744.00
required to work hours per week non-billable time. It is
non-billable payroll anticipated that this number will be reduced
and administrative to no more than 2 hours per week. At an
tasks average of $36.00 per hour this results in
($36.00 x 14 hours/wk reduced non-billable
time x 18 managers) $9072.00 increased
revenue per week.
System maintenance Savings Less frequent use of IT resources working on -$42,000
required every 6 non-value-added tasks results in
months instead of approximately $42,000 savings per year.
Reduce employee Savings Savings in cost to out-process exiting -$50,000
turnover by 10% employee and recruit, hire, and train new
employees is approximately $50,000 in the
first year.
Net First Year $247,239.00

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Based on the cost benefit analysis above we see that by authorizing the WP Project, Smith Consulting
will save $247,239.00 in the first year alone. This represents a significant improvement in our
operating costs and is a clear indicator of the benefit this project will have on the company.
7. Alternative Analysis
All business problems may be addressed by any number of alternative projects. While the business
case is the result of having selected one such option, a brief summary of considered alternatives
should also be included—one of which should be the status quo, or doing nothing. The reasons for
not selecting the alternatives should also be included.
An example has been provided for this section for your ease for understanding. You are required to
delete the information in the table and complete the table as per your project requirement.
The following alternative options have been considered to address the business problem. These
alternatives were not selected for a number of reasons which are also explained below.

No Project (Status Quo) Reasons For Not Selecting Alternative

Keep the mainframe legacy system in  Unnecessary expenditure of funds for
place increased staffing levels
 Continued occurrence of a high number of
data errors
 Poor and untimely reporting
 Lack of automation
Alternative Option Reasons For Not Selecting Alternative
Outsource the implementation of a web-  Significantly higher cost
based platform
 Expertise already exists in house
 Vendor’s lack of familiarity with our internal
Alternative Option Reasons For Not Selecting Alternative
Develop software internally  Lack of qualified resources
 Significant cost associated with software
 Timeframe required is too long
8. Approvals
The business case is a document with which approval is granted or denied to move forward with the
creation of a project. Therefore, the document should receive approval or disapproval from its
executive review board
The signatures of the people below indicate an understanding in the purpose and content of this
Business Case by those signing it. By signing this document, you indicate that you approve of the
proposed project outlined in this business case and that the next steps may be taken to create a
formal project in accordance with the details outlined herein.

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Approver Name Title Signature Date

TASK 14: In this activity you will be organising and presenting a strong, persuasive Business Case.
Give PowerPoint presentation of your business case to your manager (assessor) to obtain their final
approval for the project. When presenting consider the following: (5 Marks)
 Present your draft of the business case to your Amazing Projects manager (assessor acting as
your manager) so that your business case is checked and ready to be presented to the client.
 Edit your business case draft as per feedback from your Amazing Project manager, review the
and correct any unnecessary language and grammatical errors.
 Make sure your business case is formatted in a manner that is easy to read and clearly
displays each of the separate business case sections in underlined or bolded text.
 Use of a PowerPoint presentation to add visuals to your business case presentation.
 Identify potential concerns that management may have about implementing the business
case plan and develop a checklist or another document to assist you with addressing these
concerns in your presentation prior to the client raising them;
 Ensure to address these concerns during your presentation, instead of waiting for
management to raise their concerns.
 Organise to have a signature or a confirmation email from Linda that will confirm that your
presentation was successful, and your business case and project will be implemented
 Attach or copy and paste the email into this document or collect a signature at the back of
your document, scan it and submit it with your assessment for marking.
Your assessor will complete the following observation checklist and provide you with feedback.


Did the student demonstrate the following skills: Satisfactory

The student was able to identify and confirm a business issue or a problem  Yes  No

The student met with key stakeholders and discussed their need and clarify their
 Yes  No
objectives, opportunities for improvement and constraints of the business case

The student conducted market analysis and discussed them with the client  Yes  No

The student analysed and documented impact and risks on the business relevant to the  Yes  No
business case including community, HR impacts
The student discussed alternative solutions with the client and discussed implication for  Yes  No

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The student determined business risk, business impact and business costs and check  Yes  No
them with the stakeholders
The student developed the business document draft and discussed it with his manager  Yes  No
The student corrected and prepared the final draft of the business case document and  Yes  No
corrected all mistakes and proofread the document

The student presented the final business case document to the client  Yes  No

The student obtain final approval for the business case and the project  Yes  No

The student used communication skills to engage in discussion and communicate  Yes  No
complex ideas and the business case, hold meetings, exchange ideas and research and
answered questions during meetings
The student specified how resources are managed and utilised teams to manage  Yes  No
The student use appropriate language style to present written document, reports, which  Yes  No
presented complex ideas and information when submitted to the client

The student was able to present and explain ideas to various individuals and team  Yes  No

Satisfactory  Yes  No

Assessor Feedback: If the feedback is electronic then this checklist does not need to be signed as there will
be an online trail of the feedback for student and assessor. Student is able to see feedback on the portal.

Assessment Task 1

Assessor signature: Date: Work supervisor

initials & name only
if relevant:


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