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0-04 The Tech and The Tools 

One last super-quick video before we dive into the main lessons. 

You might be wondering what technology and tools we’ll be using to build our sales funnels and 
whether there are certain apps or services you need to have.  


The first and most obvious is WordPress. The whole point of this course is as much as possible to 
use the tools we already use each and every day, rather than requiring extra expensive services.  

Note you need to be using the self-hosted version of WordPress on your own hosting provider, not 
the version WordPress hosts for you at 


We’ll be using the Elementor page builder plugin to design and build various parts of the funnel.  

I’d strongly recommend the paid Pro version, mainly because it makes your life so much easier 
with some really powerful features. 

Lead Capture Tools 

For a funnel, we need a means of capturing people’s email addresses.  

At its most basic, we can do this by simply embedding a form in a web page. That works. 

But for reasons you’ll learn about, I prefer the sign up form to be in a popup - no, not those 
annoying automated popups, I mean the ones that appear after you click a button to choose to 
open it. 

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And for that, we at least need an extra plugin. 

I’ll take you step-by-step through the options, all the way from free plugins that may very well be 
more than enough for your needs, all the way through various paid dedicated lead capture tools 
which provide some really useful extra features. You’ll learn more about those and why you might 
need them in the course. 

Just know for now that 100% free plugins like Popbox for Elementor or Popup Maker get the job 
done just fine. You won’t be required to pay for extra lead capture plugins or services if you don’t 
want to. 

Email Marketing Automation 

You’ll definitely need to have an account with an email marketing service. 

At its most basic, free services like Mailchimp are ok, although not absolutely ideal. 

You’ll learn about the ideal features you need from an email marketing service as we go through 
the course. 

Services that provide more dedicated automation and workflow features, like ConvertKit, 
ActiveCampaign and Drip are certainly better. But they’re paid services so you need to balance 
their features with your budget.  

I’ll be demonstrating many of the email workflow parts of the course with Drip, as that’s by far my 
favourite email service of them all. But I’ll be showing you how to implement the broader concepts 
and techniques, not insisting you use Drip itself. 

Payment Mechanism 

It’s possible you might need some sort of payment mechanism, once leads in your funnel become 
customers. What that is depends entirely on the business you’re building funnels for.  

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For many service-based businesses, you just invoice the customer and maybe have pay you via a 
bank transfer.  

For ecommerce or digital sales, that might be a shopping cart connected to a payment provider 
like PayPal or Stripe. For example, WooCommerce or ThriveCart, which is what I use to sell my 

I’ll do my best to advise the best solution for your own needs. 

Analytics and Tracking 

Tracking, measuring and analysing results is crucial for the success of any marketing funnel. We’ll 
be using the free Google Analytics to track visitor behaviour and various metrics. 


Ok, that’s the welcomes, the intros and the house keeping out of the way.  

Let’s dive into No Fear Funnels! I’ll see you in Module 1! 

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