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Sonamthang Central School

Panbang: Zhemgang
Lesson Planning for Academic Year: 2022

Plan No: 21 Date: 30-May-22

Class: X Section: A, B & C Period 2nd
Subject: Mathematics Time: 50 Mins
Topic: Dividend and Stocks
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Conceptualize the meaning of dividend and stocks in their own understanding.
2. Determine dividend, no. of shares, Face value, Investment and yield.

Teaching skills & strategies Evaluation Technique AL/CL Structures

1. Discussion Question & Answer 1. Numbered Heads
2. Demonstration Method Together

Indicator(s): 3.7.2 Display proficient use of Dzongkha/English as medium of instruction.

Life Skills GNH Values Teaching Learning
1. Critical Thinking 1. Mindfulness Chalk, textbook & Board

Student’s Competency: Communication

Essential Skills/Process: Comprehending
Lesson Introduction [Timing: 5 Mins]
Share about how the company and factory has been establishment and functioning by
giving examples of company such as Coca-Cola, Cement etc and then introduce the
Lesson Development [Timing: 20 Mins]
* Teacher will discuss and explain example the concept of dividend and stocks.
(Discussion method)
One way to earn money is to buy shares, also called stocks, in corporations. This
money is used by the corporation to do its business. As a shareholder, you earn money
in the form of dividends from the company. Dividends are usually given annually as a
percentage of the value of the shares, called the dividend rate, which is often higher


Sonamthang Central School
Panbang: Zhemgang
Lesson Planning for Academic Year: 2022

than interest rates offered for money invested in a bank account. Shareholders might
earn even more money by selling their shares in the future for a price that is higher than
the price they paid. They can also earn more if they reinvest their dividend earnings
each year.
Tr. Will also solve example 1 from the textbook involving students participation.
Student Activity [Timing: 10 Mins]
Let students to solve question 1 & 2 from PA in a group of 4 members (Numbered
Head Together)
Monitoring/ Follow-up Activity [Timing: 10 Mins]
Move around the class and provide necessary support and feedback for needy students.
Lesson Closure [Timing: 5 Mins]
Recapitulate the lesson by asking few questions to check their understanding.
Assign question 3 and 4 from PA as a homework


Teacher’s Signature Monitor’s Signature

Tshering Tashi Mr. Yonten Phuntsho
(Academic Head)


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