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MODULE 1 o Instrumentality by which a thing is done

o Exclusive right of a person to sell a product of another in a specific territory

CONCEPT, PURPOSE, ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS & PARTIES 1. CONSENSUAL – based on the agreement of the parties which is perfected by mere
CONTRACT OF AGENCY 2. PRINCIPAL – can stand by itself without need of another contract
ARTICLE By the contract of agency a person binds himself to render some 3. NOMINATE – has its own name
1868 service or to do something in representation or on behalf of 4. UNILATERAL – if gratuitous, because it creates obligation only on the part of the
another, with the consent or authority of the latter. agent
BILATERAL – if for compensation, because it gives rise to reciprocal rights and
NOTE: definition is broad enough to include all situations in which one person is employed obligations
to render service for another, excludes, however, from its concept the relationship of 5. PREPARATORY – entered into as a means to an end
employer and employee, of master and servant, and of employer and independent contractor
- When used in its broadest meaning is both a contract, and a representative relation - principal must intend that the agent shall act for him, and the agent must intend to
- Fiduciary relationship which implies a power in an agent to contract with a third person accept the authority and act on it
on behalf of a principal NOTE: the mere fact that an entity may be 100% subsidiary corporation of
- Power to effect the principal’s contractual relations with third persons differentiates the another corporation does not necessarily mean that the former is a duly
agent from the employee, servant, and the independent contractor authorized agent of the latter
- All agencies are governed by the Civil Code
- As used in other senses: b. AGENT, BY LEGAL FICTION, BECOMES PRINCIPAL
o Place at which the business is transacted – when used in this sense, the - agent is authorized to perform all acts which the principal would have him do
relationship of principal and agent is not necessarily implied

- can only be effected with the consent or authority of the principal which cannot, - Notice to the agent is, to all legal intents and purposes, notice to the principal
in any way be compelled by law or by any court NOTE: the distinguishing features of agency are its representative character
and its derivative authority
- agency is usually a contractual one, but the relationship may be created by PURPOSE OF AGENCY
operation of law; it may also be done gratuitously. Otherwise stated, there can be - Extend the personality of the principal through the facility of the agent
agency or agency powers even without a contract or consideration - Allows the principal to be constructively present in many different places and to
- Legal consequences of agency may attach where one person acts for another perform diverse juridical acts and carry on many different activities through another
without authority or in excess of his authority, and the latter subsequently ratifies when physical presence is impossible or inadvisable at the same time
BASIS OF AGENCY - Agency relationship, being consensual in nature, is based on the concept that the parties
- Basis of agency is representation mutually agree on its creation
- Agent renders some service or does something in representation or on behalf of another - In most cases, no formality is required for the creation of an agency relationship
- Consent may be expressed by contract, orally, in writing, by conduct, by ratification, or
A. PERSONAL CONTRACT OF REPRESENTATION may arise by presumption or operation of law
- Agency being a personal contract of representation based on trust and confidence - Principal must have an intention to appoint the agent, and the agent must have an
reposed by the principal on his agent, it is generally revocable intention to accept the appointment and act on in
- In certain situations, the law presumes that a person has authority to act for another
B. ACTS OF AGENTS, BY LEGAL FICTION, ARE ACTS OF THE PRINCIPAL (e.g., partners are considered agents of the partnership and of each other)
- Acts of the agent on behalf of the principal within the scope of his authority - When an agency relationship is established, the acts of the agent on behalf of the
produce the same legal and binding effects as if they were personally done by the principal within the scope of the delegated authority are acts of the principal insofar as
principal the world is concerned
- By legal fiction, the actual or real absence of the principal is converted into his
legal or juridical presence (constructive presence) DETERMINATION OF EXISTENCE OF AGENCY

- In most circumstances, no formalities are required for the creation of an agency  PRINCIPAL – there must be either an actual intention to appoint or an intention
relationship naturally inferable from his words or actions
- May be established either by direct or circumstantial evidence; the question is  AGENT – there must be an intention to accept the appointment and act on it
ultimately one of intention NOTE: in the absence of such intent, there is generally no agency
 DESIGNATION BY THE PARTIES - Declarations of the agent alone are generally insufficient to establish the fact or
- The manner in which the parties designate the relationship is not controlling; the extent of his authority
use of the word “agency agreement” and “agent” by the parties in a contract does NOTE: if one professes to act as agent for another, he may be estopped to deny
not necessarily have the effect of making one an agent who, in fact, is not such his agency both as against the asserted principal and the third persons interested
- If an act done by one person in behalf of another is in its essential nature one of in the transaction in which he is engaged
agency, the former is the agent of the latter notwithstanding he is not so-called
 FACT OF EXISTENCE - Agency may exist without the direct assent of the agent (e.g., by directing a third
- The question is to be determined by the fact that one represents and is acting for person to deal with another as agent, the principal necessarily authorizes the
another, and not by the consideration that it will be inconvenient or unjust if he is agent to act for him)
not held to be the agent of such other
- If relations exist which will constitute an agency, it will be an agency whether the PARTIES TO THE CONTRACT
parties understood the exact nature of the relation or not 1. PRINCIPAL – one whom the agent represents and from whom he derives his
 PRESUMPTION OF EXISTENCE NOTE: agency imports the contemporaneous existence of a principal, and there
- The law makes no presumption. It must exist as a fact is no agency unless one is acting for and in behalf of another
- For an agency relationship to exist, there must be consent by both parties
NOTE: relation of agency cannot be inferred from mere relationship or family 2. AGENT – one who acts for and represents another; acts in a representative capacity
ties unattended by conditions, acts, or conduct clearly implying an agency - May employ his own agent in which case he becomes a principal with respect to
the latter


3. THIRD PARTY – party with whom the business is transacted - There is authority for the proposition that where one knowingly and without
- Added to the agency relationship from the time the agent acts or transacts the dissent permits another to act as his agent, the capacity of the latter will be
business which he has been employed in representation of another conclusively presumed
NOTE: some mental capacity is necessary as an agent, therefore, persons
CAPACITY OF PARTIES who are absolutely incapacitated, such as insane persons, cannot be agents
1. PRINCIPAL as they are completely incapable of understanding the task to be performed
- Must be capacitated or have legal capacity to enter into a contract in his own right - In some instances, additional qualifications must exist, the lack of which may
because a person who cannot legally enter into contracts directly should not be void the relationship which the alleged agent assumed
permitted to do it indirectly through another - Agent must be competent to bind himself insofar as his obligations to his
- May either be a natural or a juridical person principal is concerned
NOTE: association of persons which is not a legal entity or has no legal - The relationship of trust and confidence which constitutes one of the three
existence and cannot sue or be sued has no capacity to appoint an agent fundamental characteristics of the agency relationship results in the
- During the existence of a state of war, an enemy alien may not appoint an agent disqualification of agents to act for the principal when it is their duty to act
to act in the belligerent territory with which his nation is at war inconsistently toward another
- Acts of an agent done for an incompetent principal may be ratified by the latter
after he acquires capacity. The agent is not liable where he was ignorant of the ACTS THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE DELEGATED TO AGENTS
principal’s incapacity - GR: what man may do in person, he may do thru another
- Agent’s capacity is usually immaterial as it is the capacity of the principal that is - if personal performance is required by law or public policy or the
controlling since the contract is really entered into by the principal agreement of the parties, the doing of the act by a person on behalf of
- Since agent assumes no personal liability, he does not have to possess full another does not constitute performance by the latter
capacity to act for himself insofar as third persons are concerned o right to vote during election cannot be delegated because voting is
considered as a purely personal act under the law

o making of a will is a strictly personal act; it cannot be accomplished  When a person participate in the commission of a crime, he
through the instrumentality of an agent or an attorney cannot escape the punishment on the ground that he simply
o statements which are required to be made under oath should be made acted as an agent of another
o member of the Board of Directors/Trustees of a corporation cannot RELATIONSHIP OF THIRD PARTY WITH PRINCIPAL AND AGENT
validly act by proxy because his right to attend the board meetings is  Contract between third party and principal – third party’s liability on a contract is
personal to him to the principal and not to the agent, and the liability to such third party is enforceable
o agent cannot delegate to a sub-agent the performance of acts which he against the principal, not the agent
has been appointed to perform in person - Situation is the same as that in a contract where there is no agency
- Normally, the agent has neither rights nor liabilities as against the third party. He

» CRIMINAL ACTS OR ACTS NOT ALLOWED BY LAW cannot sue or be sued on the contract because he is not the real party in interest in

- An attempt to delegate to another authority to do an act which, if dine by an action upon the contract

the principal would be illegal, is void - EXPN: where an agent is constituted as an assignee, the agent may, in his own

- There can be no agency in the perpetration of a crime or an unlawful act behalf, sue on a contract made for his principal, as an assignee of such contract

o Since under the Constitution, aliens are not allowed to own private NOTE: the fact that the agent did not obtain his commissions or recoup his

agricultural lands, an alien cannot purchase a land through a Filipino advances because of the non-performance of the contract does not entitle him to

agent file an action against the buyer where he does not appear as a beneficiary of a

o Persons who, because of their position and relation with the persons stipulation pour autrui under Article 1131 of the Civil Code (Uy vs. CA)
- For agency to arise, it is NOT necessary that the principal personally encounter
under their charge or property under their control, are prohibited from
the third person with whom the agent interacts
acquiring said property, cannot acquire the same through the
mediation of another
o The law on agency governing civil cases has no application in
criminal cases
- Relations of an agent and his principal are based on trust and confidence on a
degree which varies considerable from situation to situation

- Agreement to act on behalf of the principal causes the agent to be a fiduciary, that » title is in another to whom he would be liable if he should surrender
is, a person having a duty, created by his undertaking, to act primarily for the the property to the principal
benefit of another, in matters connected with his undertaking
NOTE: in some cases, the fiduciary duties imposed on the agent may  AGENT MUST NOT ACT AS AN ADVERSE PARTY
continue even after the termination of the relationship (e.g., obligation of - In matters touching the agency, an agent cannot act so as to bind his principal,
agent to account to the principal for all the profits arising out of the agency where the former has an adverse interest in himself because the principal
relationship) bargains, in the employment, for the exercise of the disinterested skill,
diligence, and zeal of the agent, for his own benefit
 AGENT IS ESTOPPED FROM ASSERTING INTEREST ADVERSE TO HIS - Agent cannot acquire by purchase, even at public or judicial auction, either in
PRINCIPAL person or through the mediation of another, the property whose administration or
- The rule stands on the moral obligation to refrain from placing one’s self in a sale has been entrusted to him, UNLESS the consent of the principal has been
position which ordinarily conflicts between self-interest and integrity given; agent’s incapacity rests on the fact that the agent and the principal form
- Agent’s position is analogous to that of a trustee and he cannot create in himself one juridical person
an interest in opposition to that of his principal or cestui que trust NOTE: agent can buy for himself the property placed in his hands for sale
- HOWEVER, the agent, by accepting the agency: or administration:
o does not lose any prior claim which he himself may have to the property » after the termination of the agency OR
which he deals » if the principal gives his consent thereto OR
o is not estopped to assert that: » other properties different from those he has been commissioned to
» money or property in his hands was not received by him as agent for sell
the principal NOTE: unless the principal consents, such sale is voidable
» the principal parted with his interest in the property subsequent to the - If the principal authorizes the agent to sell goods, the agent must not sell to
delivery to him as agent himself
» property has been taken from the principal by a paramount title » His duty to get the highest price conflicts with his interest to buy as cheaply
» he has been lawfully required to account for another as possible

» The measure of the damages is the difference between the value of the recover damages from the third party and the agent irrespective of any proof of
goods when sold and their value when the sale was made known to, and actual fraud or that an improper advantage has been gained over him
repudiated by, the principal - The rule does not disqualify one who is the agent of one party for a certain
EXPN: where it appears that the principal is interested in the receipt of a purpose from acting as agent of an adverse party for an entirely different purpose
fixed price for the subject matter of the agency, agent may sell to himself NOTE: for purposes of income tax law, the withholding agent is the agent of
NOTE: agent may, under such circumstance, act for both buyer and both the Government – in collecting and/or withholding the tax due from the
seller taxpayer – and the taxpayer – in paying the tax withheld to the Government

- Agent cannot serve two masters, UNLESS both consent, OR UNLESS he is a - Agent must not use or divulge confidential information obtained in the course of
mere middleman or intermediary with no independent initiative his agency for his own benefit to the principal’s injury and expense
- Agent cannot act as such for both parties to the same transaction, in the presence - After the agency is terminated, the agent is no longer under a duty to abstain from
of conflicting interests, UNLESS he acts with the knowledge AND consent of competition and may then use general information as to business methods
both, and on the failure so to operate, either party may repudiate the transaction and processes and names of customers remembered (if not acquired in
involved violation of his duty as agent), BUT he must still not injuriously use or disclose
- Where an agent acts for both parties without the knowledge or consent of either, unique or confidential information entrusted to him only for the principal’s use or
he is chargeable as trustee for all the profits of the transaction, and is responsible acquired by him in violation of his duty
for any loss sustained by the principal through his actions, and cannot recover
compensation from either principal  AGENT MUST GIVE NOTICE OF MATERIAL FACTS
NOTE: this rule applies to all dual agency relationships, notwithstanding - Agent has duty to make known to his principal every and all material facts, of
that the agent acts in good faith or that the principal objecting incurs no which the agent has cognizance, which concern the transaction and subject matter
harm therefrom of the agency
- Where the third party (second principal) is aware of the dual employment but the - On failure to do so, the agent may be held liable for damages for any loss
principal is not, the latter has the right to affirm or rescind the transaction and suffered or injury incurred as a result of such breach

- Principal also owes the agent the duty to act with utmost good faith; he may not - The agent is subject to the principal’s control with respect to the matters relevant
keep from the agent information that has any bearing on their agency relationship to the agency relationship
- The extent of principal’s control over the agent’s acts varies both with the type of
 KNOWLEDGE OF AGENT IMPUTED TO PRINCIPAL agency relationship and the facts of the particular case
- The knowledge of the agent is imputed to the principal even though the agent NOTE: GR: principal may direct the acts of his agent even though the principal
never communicated such knowledge to the principal has promised not to do so
- E.g., where an agent, having authority to buy property, learns that the property is » Principal becomes liable in damages for breach of his promise not to
encumbered by an unrecorded mortgage, the knowledge of the agent will be give direction, but the agent cannot act in disregard of the principal’s
imputed to the principal so that the principal acquires the property subject to the demands
- Knowledge of the principal cannot be imputed to the agent in the absence of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF AGENCY
substantial proof of knowledge by the latter 1. CONSENT – express or implied
- EXPNS: 2. OBJECT – execution of a juridical act in relation to third persons
» where the agent’s interests are adverse to those of the principal 3. REPRESENTATION – agent acts as representative and not for himself
» where the agent’s duty is not to disclose the information (e.g., as where he 4. AUTHORITY – agent acts within the scope of his authority
is informed by way of confidential information)
» where the person claiming the benefit of the rule colludes with the agent to NOTE: parties must be competent to act as principal and agent

defraud the principal NOTE: consideration is not required


- One factor which most clearly distinguishes agency from other legal concepts is - The important characteristic feature of an agency relationship which distinguishes it

control; many legal relationships are possessed of a fiduciary quality and the from similar contracts or relations is the agent’s power to bring about business relations

quality of a power in one of the parties, yet the relationship fall short of agency between his principal and third persons; this power is perhaps the most distinctive mark

because of the absence of control on the part of one of the parties of the agent

 AGENCY DISTINGUISHED FROM LOAN satisfaction of the debt of a third person, depositor
- Whether in a particular case the relation between the parties is one of lender and the conventional debtor and creditor
borrower or principal and agent depends on the terms of the contract between relationship between the bank and the
them and their intention depositor is created


Financing of operations to be carried on Where money advanced to another is AGENCY LEASE OF SERVICE
by another for the mutual advantage of expressly regarded as money lent, no Basis is representation Basis is employment
both, without any obligation of such agency results; one who borrows money Agent exercises discretionary powers Lessee ordinarily performs only
other to return the money advanced, to conduct a business in which the lender ministerial functions
makes such other an agent rather than a had no interest or concern in the manner Three persons are involved; principal, Only two persons are involved; lessor
borrower of its conduct is not an agent of the agent, and the third person with whom (master or employer) and the lessee
lender the agent has contracted (servant or employee)
Agent may be given funds by the Borrower is given money for purposes of Relates to commercial or business Relates more to matters of mere manual
principal to advance the latter’s business his own and he must generally return it transactions or mechanical execution in which the
whether or not his own business is servant acts under the direction and
successful control of the master
Where checks are deposited with a After the checks are collected and A person may be employed to perform the duties of both agent and servant (e.g.,
collecting bank, the nature of the converted into cash, the creditor and bookkeeper who is also authorized to purchase office supplies is in this respect
relationship created at that stage is one of debtor relationship is created between acting as an agent)
agency; bank is to collect from the the depositor and the bank
drawees of the checks the corresponding  AGENCY DISTINGUISHED FROM INDEPENDENT CONTRACT
Where one deposits money with a bank Agency on the part of the bank to pay the Agent is subject to the control and Independent contractor, without being
with instructions to apply it in debt, which is revocable at will of the direction of the principal whom he subject to the control of the employer
represents with respect to the matters except only as to the result of the work, Control by the principal is an essential Control by the principal is not applicable
entrusted to him exercises his employment independently, characteristic of agency relationship to the partnership concept; a partner's
and not in representation of the employer power to bind his co-partner is not
For the acts of the agent or servant within the scope of his authority or employment, subject to the co-partner's right to
the principal or employer is, in general, liable control, unless there is an agreement to
One may be an independent contractor and, at the same time for certain purposes, be that effect
an agent of the employer (e.g., independent contractor becomes an agent by his Agent acts only for his principal Partner acts not only for his co-partners
employer agreeing to be responsible for obligations incurred by him in the and the partnership but also as principal
completion of his undertaking) of himself (this has been said to be the
NOTE: payment of workmen by an owner or employer does not necessarily most certain test of partnership as
transform an independent contractor into an agent distinguished from ordinary agency or
Distinctions are important because, as a general rule, the employer is not liable for employment. A partnership is, in effect, a
the torts or injury inflicted by the independent contractor upon third persons or by the contract of mutual agency
employees of such contractor. The employer, of course, is not relieved from liability In both cases, the agent or partner can bind the principal or his co-partner only by
if the injury is caused by his negligence or the result of his interference in the work such contracts as are entered into within the scope of his authority
of the independent contractor (in this case, the contractor is not independent). There Agent assumes no personal liability Partner acting as agent for the
are cases which hold the employer liable where the work contracted is intrinsically where he acts within the scope of his partnership binds not only the firm
dangerous or a nuisance. authority members but himself as well
If the alleged owner or partner takes his If, when earned, the profits belong to all
 AGENT DISTINGUISHED FROM PARTNERSHIP agreed share of profits, not as owner but the parties as common proprietors in
- Agency which results from the relation of partnership is of a peculiar kind, sui as an agreed measure of compensation agreed proportions, the relation is one of
generis, and must be distinguished sharply from the ordinary concept of agency for his services or the like, the relation is partnership
in at least four (4) important respects one of agency
NOTE: receipt by a person of the share of the profits of a business is not prima face
AGENCY PARTNERSHIP evidence that he is a partner in the business if such profits were received as wages of

an employee disposal. He maintains a relation not property with the custody or possession
only with his principal and the purchaser of which he has no concern. His only
 AGENCY DISTINGUISHED FROM NEGOTIORUM GESTIO or vendor, but also with the property office is to bring together the parties to
- In both agency and negotiorum gestio or the management of the business or which is the subject matter of the the transaction never acting in his own
affairs of an absentee, there is representation transaction name but in the name of those who
employed him. In effecting a transaction,
AGENCY NEGOTIORUM GESTIO he however, acts in a certain sense as the
Representation is expressly conferred Representation is not only without the agent of both parties
authority of the owner of the business but Agent receives a commission upon the Broker earns his pay merely by bringing
is without his knowledge successful conclusion of a transaction the buyer and the seller together, even if
Agent acts according to the express will Gestor acts according to the presumed such as sale no sale is eventually made
of the principal will of the owner by exercising all the Agent is a broader term While brokers are agents, their powers
diligence of a good father of a family are limited; they have no charge or
Contract Quasi-contract control of the property, but act only as
go-betweens in executing a sale; they

 AGENCY DISTINGUISHED FROM BROKERAGE cannot be said to be agents in the larger

- Broker is one who is engaged for others on a commission; a negotiator between other sense entitled to receive payment for the

parties, never acting in his own name but in the name of those who employed him goods delivered, unless specifically

- Brokerage refers to the trade or occupation of the broker authorized


A commission agent is one engaged in A broker has no relation with the thing AGENCY SALE
the purchase or sale for another of he buys or sells. He is merely an In an agency to sell, the agent receives In a sale, the buyer receives the goods as
personal property which for this purpose, intermediary or negotiator between the the goods or property as the goods of the owners
is placed in his possession and at his purchaser and the vendor relative to the principal

In an agency to sell, the agent delivers In a sale, the buyer pays the price ostensible authority to sell or to make binding contracts with respect to the subject
the proceeds of the sale matter of the bailment)
In an agency to sell, the agent can return In a sale, the buyer, as general rule,
the object in case he is unable to sell the cannot return the object sold  AGENCY DISTINGUISHED FROM GUARDIANSHIP
same to a third person AGENCY GUARDIANSHIP
In an agency to sell, the agent, in dealing In a sale, the buyer can deal with the Agent derives his authority from his Guardian, although he acts for and on
with the thing received, is bound to act thing as he pleases, being the owner principal behalf of his ward, does not derive his
according to the instructions of his authority so to act from the ward
principal Relation of principal and agent is Relation of guardian and ward may be
The essence of agency involves the idea The elementary notion of sale is the founded upon consent of the parties created irrespective of the consent or
of an appointment of one to act for transfer of title to a thing from one to thereto capacity of the ward
another another Agents are subject to the control of their Guardians are not subject to the direction
principals of their wards
 AGENCY DISTINGUISHED FROM BAILMENT Ordinarily, an agent is the appointee of A legal guardian is substituted by law
- Ordinarily in cases of bailment, the relation of principal and agent does not exist the principal and his power may at any
as the bailor has no control over the bailee beyond what is given him by contract, time be abrogated or modified by the
and is not responsible to others for his acts principal
Agent represents one who has capacity Guardian represents one who has no
AGENCY BAILMENT to contract for himself where he present capacity to contract for himself
Agent possesses the power to bind his Bailee is possessed of no power to bind
principal when he acts within the scope the bailor in personal liability  AGENCY DISTINGUISHED FROM TRUST
of his authority AGENCY TRUST
Agency relationship is fiduciary in Bailee owes neither loyalty nor Agent represents and acts for his In a trust, the title and control of the
character obedience to the bailor principal property under the trust instrument
A bailee may be constituted an agent as to third parties (e.g., where he is vested with passes to the trustee who acts in his own
Agency may in general be revoked at any Trust may ordinarily be terminated only A. AS TO SCOPE OF BUSINESS COVERED:
time by the fulfillment of its purpose ARTICLE An agency is either general or special. The former comprises all
1876 the business of the principal. The latter, one or more specific
Agency is formed with the thought of Trust is based on the idea of discretion in transactions.
constant supervision and control by the trustee and guidance by the settler or
principal cestui only to a limited extent and when CLASSES / KINDS OF AGENTS:
expressly provided for a. AS TO THE MANNER OF CREATION
While trust is not an agency, it is possible for a trustee to be an agent also where o Express
extensive direction and control are kept over the trustee o Implied


Agent is only answerable to his principal A judicial administrator is appointed by o Ostensible
the court. He is not only the
representative of the said court, but also c. AS TO NATURE AND EXTENT OF AUTHORITY
of the heirs and creditors of the estate o Universal
Agent is not required to file a bond A judicial administrator, before entering o General
into his duties, is required to file a bond o Special / Particular
The protection which the law gives the The acts of a judicial administrator are
principal, in limiting the powers and subject to specific provisions of law and
Universal - Employed to do all acts that the principal may personally do,
rights of an agent, stems from the fact orders of the appointing court
and which he can lawfully delegate to another the power of
that control by the principal can only be
through agreements
- Created only by clear and unequivocal language:
 “full power and authority to do and perform any and every
act that I may legally do and every power necessary to transactions over time involving a transaction or a series of transactions
carry out the purposes for which it is granted” continuity of service not involving continuity of service and
- Also called “unlimited general agent” covering a relatively limited period of
- A principal can have only one universal agent time
General - Employed to transact all the businesses of his principal, or all AS TO LENGTH OF TIME OF SERVICE
businesses of a particular kind or in a particular place, or in Employed to do many acts or series of Hired to do few acts covering a
other words, to do all acts, connected with a particular trade, acts over a long period of time relatively short period
- Has the authority to do all acts connected with or necessary to PRINCIPAL
accomplish a certain job (e.g., manager of a store) May bind his principal by an act Cannot bind his principal in a manner
Special / - Authorized to act in one or more specific transactions, or to within the scope of his authority beyond or outside the specific acts
Particular do one or more specific acts, or to act upon a particular although it may be contrary to his which he is authorized to perform on
occasion special instructions behalf of his principal
- His authority is to do only a particular act or a series of acts of AS TO KNOWLEDGE / DISCLOSURE OF LIMITATIONS OF POWER
very limited scope Continuing and unrestricted by Temporary in nature and naturally
limitations other than those which suggests limitations of power of which
GENERAL AGENT as distinguished from SPECIAL AGENT confine the authority within the third persons must inform themselves
GENERAL SPECIAL bounds of what is usual, proper, and
AS TO SCOPE OF AUTHORITY necessary under like circumstances. If
All acts connected with the business Do only one or more specific acts in there are other limitations, the
or employment in which the principal pursuance of particular instructions or principal must disclose them
is engaged with restrictions necessarily implied AS TO EFFECT OF TERMINATION OF AUTHORITY
from the act to be done Does not terminate by mere revocation Duty imposed upon third parties to
AS TO CONTINUITY OF SERVICE AUTHORIZED of his authority without notice to third inquire makes termination of the
Authorized to conduct a series of Authorized to conduct a single parties relationship as between the principal

and the agent effective as to such third EXAMPLES OF ACTS OF ADMINISTRATION
party unless the agency has been - Selling by a person employed to sell goods
entrusted for the purpose of - Right to sue for the collection of debts owing to the principal is not an
contracting with such third party incident of strict ownership
AS TO CONSTRUCTION OF INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL - Atty-in-fact empowered to pay debts of the principal and to employ
Statement by the principal with Statement by the principal with attorneys to defend the latter’s interests is impliedly empowered to pay
respect to the agent’s authority would respect to the agent’s authority would attorney’s fees for services rendered in the interests of the principal
ordinarily be regarded as advisory in be regarded as words limiting the - Atty-in-fact with the power and authority to deal with property which the
nature only. But power of agent authority of the agent principal might or could have done if personally present, may engage the
cannot extend to acts clearly adverse services of a lawyer to preserve the ownership and possession of the
to the interests of the principal, or for principal’s property
the benefit of the agent personally; the - Officer or agent who has control and management of the corporation’s
most general authority is limited to business, or a specific part thereof, may bind the corporation by the
the business or purpose for which employment of such agents and employees as are usual and necessary in the
the agency was created conduct of such business
- Authority to take charge of certain properties includes the implied authority
B. AS TO EXTENT OF POWER CONFERRED: to take reasonable measures to appropriate the subject matter, to protect it
a. ACTS OF ADMINISTRATION – such acts as are necessary and usual means to against loss or destruction, to keep it in reasonable repair, to recover it if
carry out the agency into effect lost or stolen, and, if the subject matter is ordinarily insured by the owners,
ARTICLE An agency couched in general terms comprises only acts of to insure it
1877 administration, even if the principal should state that he - Authority to manage, supervise, or oversee a business or property includes
withholds no power or that the agent may execute such acts as implied authority to do in that business or with the property whatever is
he may consider appropriate, or even though the agency should usually and customarily done in business or property of the same kind in
authorize a general and unlimited management. the same locality
NOTE: authority to manage does not include authority to sell

- When an agent is entrusted with the custody of goods which he delivers prescription already acquired;
himself to the purchaser, there is implied authority to collect and receive (4) To waive any obligation gratuitously;
payment therefor. (5) To enter into any contract by which the ownership of an
- Authority to appear for and on behalf of the client in the entitled case in all immovable is transmitted or acquired either
circumstances where appearance is required and to bind the client in all said gratuitously or for a valuable consideration;
instances includes the authority to appear and bind the client at the pre-trial (6) To make gifts, except customary ones for charity or
- Authority to sell includes the authority to make customary warranties and those made to employees in the business managed by the
representations, but to sell only for cash unless a course of dealing justifies agent;
the inference that the agent had authority to sell on credit (7) To loan or borrow money, unless the latter act be urgent
- Salesman with authority to collect money belonging to his principal does and indispensable for the preservation of the things
NOT have the implied authority to indorse checks received in payment which are under administration;
- Agent who solicits orders and transmits them to his principal to be filled (8) To lease any real property to another person for more
has NO implied authority to collect or to receive payment for the goods than one year;
sold (9) To bind the principal to render some service without
b. ACTS OF STRICT DOMINION (10) To bind the principal in a contract of partnership;
ARTICLE Special powers of attorney are necessary in the following cases: (11) To obligate the principal as a guarantor or surety;
1878 (1) To make such payments as are not usually considered as (12) To create or convey real rights over immovable
acts of administration; property;
(2) To effect novations which put an end to obligations (13) To accept or repudiate an inheritance;
already in existence at the time the agency was (14) To ratify or recognize obligations contracted before
constituted; the agency;
(3) To compromise, to submit questions to arbitration, to (15) Any other act of strict dominion.
renounce the right to appeal from a judgment, to waive
objections to the venue of an action or to abandon a

PRINCIPAL 1. [ Arts 1897 & 1910 ] Principal is bound by 1. [ Art 1910 ] Principal is not bound by the 1. [ Arts 1317 & 1403 (1) ] contract is
the acts of the agent as if such are his own acts of the agent unenforceable
- contract is valid - contract is unenforceable;

2. [ Art 1897 ] Agent is not personally liable [ Art 1902 ] third parties dealing with the
to the party with whom he contracts agent do so at their risk and are bound to
inquire as to the scope of his powers
3. [ Art 1899 ] Principal cannot set up the
ignorance of the agent as to circumstances 2. Agent is personally liable:
whereof he himself was, or ought to have a. to the principal – if principal becomes
been, aware liable to third parties due to apparent authority

b. to the third party – when principal is not

liable because no apparent authority is present

c. [ Art 1897 ] if agent personally assumes

responsibility for the transaction, he becomes
co-principal if the principal defaults

2. [ Art 1898 ] if principal does not ratify the

contract, it shall be void if the party whom
the agent contracted is aware of the limits
of the powers granted by the principal
Exceptions: Exceptions: Exceptions:

2.a. [ Art 1897 ] Agent expressly binds 1.a. [ Art 1911 ] Apparent authority / 1.a. [ Arts 1317 & 1403 (1) ] principal
himself; liability of the agent is joint not estoppel – Principal’s acts have contributed subsequently ratifies/approves/affirms the
solidary; to deceive a third person in good faith / contract before it is revoked by the other
principal allowed the agent to act as though contracting party – principal is bound by the
b. [ Art 1897 ] Agent exceeds the limits of his he had full powers; Principal is solidarily act of the agent
authority without giving the party sufficient liable with agent
notice of his powers
b. Limitations upon the power created by him
c. [ Art 1909 ] Agent acts with fraud or could not have been known by the third
negligence - agent is solidarily liable with person
principal insofar as third persons are
concerned c. Principal has placed in the hands of the
- agent is liable to the principal for damages agent instruments signed by him in blank
which the latter may suffer by reason of the
agent’s negligent act d. [ Arts 1901 & 1910 ] Principal ratifies /
signifies his willingness to ratify the acts of
the agent

2. [ Art 1898 ] agent is liable if he undertook

to secure principal’s ratification
1. [ Art 1883 ] Principal is not bound by the Same with *in his own name within the NO AGENCY
acts of the agent authority granted* - contract is valid
- Agent is personally liable as if the - deemed as an ordinary contract
transaction was his own;
- Principal has no right of action against the
person with whom the agent has contracted;
neither have such persons against the
- Contract is valid

2. Third party is liable to the agent:

- if the agent contracts in his own name on a
AGENT matter within the scope of his authority
- agent possesses a beneficial interest in the
subject matter of the agency
- third party commits a tort against the agent

1. [ Art 1883 ] When the transaction involves

things belonging to the principal
- contract is considered as entered into
between the principal and the third person;
agent is not personally liable
- principal may recover damages from the

Exception to the exception:

1. Alternative suit against principal and

agent – third person has a right of action not
only against the principal but also against the
agent when the rights and obligations which
are subject-matter of the litigation cannot be
legally and juridically determined without
hearing both of them

MODULE 7 - An organization for the production of income to which each partner contributes one or
both of the ingredients of income, which are capital or service
PARTNERSHIP: GENERAL PROVISIONS - An entity, distinct and apart from the members composing it, and, for the purpose of
which it was created, it is a person having its own assets and liabilities and any benefit
CONCEPT OF PARTNERSHIP or liability attaching to a member of the partnership, results from the partnership
ARTICLE By the contract of partnership two or more persons bind themselves to - A joint undertaking to share in the profit and loss
1767 contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund, with the
intention of dividing the profits among themselves. GENERAL PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP
» Profession – a group of men pursuing a learned art as a common calling in the spirit of
Two or more persons may also form a partnership for the exercise of a public service – no less a public service because it may incidentally be a means of
profession. livelihood
- It is the individual partners, and not the partnership, who engage in the practice of the
OTHER DEFINITIONS profession and are responsible for their own acts as such
- A contract of two or more competent persons to place their money, effects, labor and
skill, or some or all of them, in lawful commerce or business and to divide the profits  Partnership for the practice of law
and bear the losses in certain proportions - Mere association for non-business purpose
- An association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit - Practice of law is not a natural or constitutional right but is in the nature of a
- A legal relation based upon the express or implied agreement of two or more privilege or franchise
competent persons whereby they unite their property, labor or skill in carrying on some - Use of nom de plume (pen name), assumed, or trade name in law practice is
lawful business as principals for their joint profit improper
- The status arising out of a contract entered into by two or more persons whereby they - Primary characteristics that distinguish the legal profession from business:
agree to share as common owners the profit of a business carried on by all or any of o Duty of public service – emolument is a by-product; one may attain the
them on behalf of all of them highest eminence without making much money

o Officer of the court – involves thorough sincerity, integrity, and reliability 5. Primary purpose is to carry on a business for profits and to divide the same among the
o Relation to clients in the highest fiduciary degree parties
o Relation to colleagues – characterized by candor, fairness, and 6. Articles of partnership must not be kept secret among the members

unwillingness to resort to current business methods of advertising and

encroachment on their practice, or dealing directly with their clients EXISTENCE OF A VALID CONTRACT
 Partnership relation is fundamentally contractual
ELEMENTS OF PARTNERSHIP - There is no such thing as a partnership created by law or by operation or
1. Consensual – perfected by mere consent (express or implied) implication of law alone
2. Nominate – has a special name or designation - All the requisites of a valid contract must be present
3. Bilateral – entered into by two or more persons and the rights and obligations arising » Form
therefrom are always reciprocal - may be oral, written, express, or implied from the acts and declarations of
4. Onerous – each of the parties aspires to procure for himself a benefit through the the parties (subject to the provisions of articles 1771 to 1773, and to the
giving of something statute of frauds)
5. Commutative – undertaking of each of the partners is considered as the equivalent of - GR: no formality is required in setting up a general partnership
that of the others - EXPNS:
6. Principal – does not depend for its existence or validity upon some other contracts  falls within the Statute of Frauds – contract becomes unenforceable
7. Preparatory – entered into as a means to an end (engage in business or specific  limited partnership – creates a general partnership instead
venture for the realization of profits)  Articles 1771 & 1773 – non-compliance with the requirements
NOTE: a partnership contract, in its essence, is a contract of agency (mutual agency) would make the contract void
 Article 1772 – non-compliance with the requirements will not affect
ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF PARTNERSHIP the liability of the partnership and its members to third persons
1. Valid contract - Any of the partners is granted the right to compel each other to
2. Legal capacity of contracting parties execute the contract in a public instrument
3. Mutual contribution of money, property, or industry to a common fund NOTE: partnership contracts remain to be consensual contracts,
4. Object must be lawful perfected by mere consent

» Articles of Partnership » Application of the principles of estoppel – partnership liability may be imposed
- It is customary to embody the terms of the association in a written upon a person under principles of estoppel where he holds himself out, or permits
document known as the articles of partnership himself to be held out, as a partner in an enterprise
- Usually contains: - No actual or legal partnership relation, but merely a partnership liability
 name of the partnership imposed by law in favor of third persons
 nature or purpose
 location of the firm LEGAL CAPACITY OF PERSONS
 powers, rights, duties, and liabilities of the partners among  Persons may be natural or juridical entities (i.e., individual, partnership, corporation,
themselves joint venture)
 contributions  Individuals – must have legal capacity to enter into a contract; capable of giving
 manner by which the profits and losses are to be shared consent
 procedure for dissolving the partnership o The following cannot give consent to a contract of partnership:
 Unemancipated minors (minors)
 Partnership relation is fiduciary in nature  Insane or demented persons
- Partnership is a personal relation in which the elements of delectus personae  Deaf-mutes who do not know how to write
exists, involving trust and confidence between the partners  Persons suffering from civil interdiction
» Right to choose co-partners – no one can become a member of the partnership  Incompetents who are under guardianship
association without the consent of all other associates o Persons who are prohibited from giving each other any donation or
» Power to dissolve partnership – among partners, mutual agency arises and the advantage cannot enter into a universal partnership
doctrine of delectus personae allows them to have the power to dissolve the o Married woman may enter into a contract of partnership even without her
partnership husband’s consent, but the latter may object under certain conditions
- Any one of the partners may, at his sole pleasure, dictate a dissolution of  Juridical persons/entities
the partnership at will. He must, however, act in good faith to avoid - There is no prohibition against partnerships being a partner in another
liability for damages partnership. In such case, all the members of the constituent partnerships
will be individually liable to the new partnership’s creditors

- Corporations may now enter into partnerships under the Revised - Checks, drafts, promissory note payable to order, and other mercantile
Corporation Code of the Philippines documents are not considered contribution of money until they have been
- Corporations may also enter into joint venture partnership with another cashed
where the nature of the venture is in line with the business authorized by its  Property – may be real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal
charter - Credit, such as promissory note or other evidence of obligation, or even a
- Where the entry of the foreign corporation as a limited partner in a limited mere goodwill may be contributed, as they are considered property
partnership is merely for investment purposes and it shall not take part in - License to construct and operate a cockpit may be given as a contribution to
the management and control of the business operation of the partnership, it a partnership
shall NOT be deemed doing business in the Philippines, and hence, it is  Industry – active cooperation the work of the party associated, which may be
not required to obtain a license to do business in the Philippines. Such either personal manual efforts or intellectual and for which he receives a share in
investment is allowed by and complies with the Foreign Investment Act the profits, not merely as salary, of the business
- The law does not specify the kind of industry that a partner may contribute
» Existence of proprietary interest - partners must have proprietary interest in the PARTNER CONTRIBUTING LESSOR OF SERVICES
business or undertaking, that is, they must contribute capital which may be money, INDUSTRY OR SERVICES
property, or their services to the common business Independent of other partners; not Under the supervision of the lessee or
- Without the element of mutual contribution to a common fund, there can be no subject to their supervision employer
partnership NOTE: a partnership may exist even if it is shown that the partners have not
NOTE: presence of mutual contribution is not necessarily conclusive evidence of contributed any capital of their own to a common fund for the contribution may
the existence of partnership be in the form of credit or industry and not necessarily cash or fixed assets
» Form of contribution – it is not required that the contribution should all be equal, nor
even necessary that they all be of the same nature » Proof of contribution
 Money – currency which is legal tender in the Philippines

- Proof is necessary that there be contribution of money, property, or industry to a - Partnership is formed to carry on a business for profit. This element is what
common fund with the intention of dividing the income or profits obtained distinguished the contract of partnership from voluntary religious or social
therefrom organizations
- He who brings nothing in cannot be considered a partner. Any benefit that may NOTE: all that is needed is a profit motive; hence, even an unprofitable business can
be allotted to him is in reality only a salary, a compensation, or a donation be a partnership provided the goal of the business is to generate profits and to return
these profits to the partners as owners of the business
LEGALITY OF THE OBJECT NOTE: realization of pecuniary profit need NOT be the exclusive aim of a
- Object is unlawful when it is contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or partnership; it is sufficient that it is the principal purpose even if there are,
public policy incidentally, moral, social, or spiritual ends
- Purpose of partnership must be lawful; otherwise, no partnership can arise as the - Carrying on a business implies some continuity but it is not essential for a business to
contract is inexistent and void ab initio be of a continuing nature to constitute a partnership
o Instances of unlawful object: NOTE: short-term business may qualify as a partnership if the other elements thereof
 Create illegal monopolies or combinations in restraint of trade are present (i.e., joint venture)
 Carry on gambling
 Engage in smuggling » Sharing of profits – it is necessary that there be an intention to divide the profits
 Lease furnished apartments to prostitutes among the members, although NOT necessarily in equal shares
 Prevent competition in bidding for government contracts - One without any right to participate in the profits cannot be deemed as partner
 Control the price of a commodity in the interest of its members since the essence of partnership is that the partners share in the profits and losses
- Subject to this general limitation on contracts, a partnership may be organized for any NOTE: if all other elements create a partnership, a stipulation which excludes one or
purpose except that it may not engage in an enterprise for which the law requires a more partners from any participation in the profits or losses is void
specific form of business organization (e.g., banking) NOTE: the sharing in profits is merely presumptive and NOT conclusive, even if
cogent, evidence of partnership
PURPOSE TO CARRY ON A BUSINESS FOR PROFITS - If the division of profits is merely used as a guide to determine the compensation
» Business – any trade, occupation, or profession due to one of the parties, such one is not a partner

» Sharing of losses – right to share in the profits carries with it the duty to contribute


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