Adsense Arbitrage Guide

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Adsense Arbitrage Guide

First, I think it's very important that you understand how this concept of ad arbitrage
works. Arbitrage is simply the art of buying low and selling high let's take a real-world
example with GAS prices right now GAS prices are an astounding dollar and ninety one
cents per gallon this is the lowest we've seen in years now if I was to go out there and
purchase 20 50 gallon barrels of gasoline at a dollar ninety one per gallon that would be
1,000 gallons of gas that cost me nineteen hundred and ten dollars and if I buy this gas low
at a dollar ninety one a gallon and sell it when it goes up to three dollars and fifty cents a
gallon that would equal fifteen hundred and ninety dollars in profit for me but the
downside is that I have to have all these barrels of gas and I need to wait around and hope
for the prices to go up soon. So, that I can make a profit or I could go into the gas and oils
future market and simply bet on the rise of the price of gas and I'll make money when gas
goes back up again and I get to pocket the difference this is known as arbitrage the art of
buying low and selling high it's very easy to do but in examples like this you got to have a
big investment to make it worth your time we see this happen all the time in day trading
and all kinds of stock trading where people are buying low and selling high and making
fortunes every single day using the stock market. This is the goal of every day trader to buy
something low in the morning and sell it at a high price before the day ends.

But what about people who don't have a bunch of money to risk, enter facebook ad
arbitrage follow with me.

Here a guy just browsing on Facebook isn't worth much of anything quite simply because
we don't know who he is or what he's interested in. This is why right now Facebook ads are
dirt cheap you can advertise to thousands of people for pennies on the dollar but what if I
took that same Facebook guy and put an ad in front of him about refinance rates or
perhaps garage organizer or vacation rentals or stock market buy tips by getting that same
guy on Facebook that wasn't worth much to click one of these ads. I have instantly and for
zero cost increase the value of that Facebook user this is Facebook arbitrage we buy generic
views super cheap and leave them to things that pay more money for example did you
know that right now people are paying as much as five dollars and seventy cents a click over
on Google AdWords for the word "garage storage" systems and up to $31 for refinance
rates or 4 dollars and seventy six cents for "vacation rentals" and up to seven dollars and 94
cents for "buying stocks" and I can inflate the price of the clicks simply by finding people
interested in these topics. I simply create a Facebook ad compaign and run it to people
browsing Facebook. I then take the visitors who click on that ad and send them to a simple

three to five page website describing whatever the topic was they clicked on and because
my simple site is based on words that have a high value it will then trigger ads from
whatever ad platform. I'm using and when they're clicked on I get paid that's right I don't
even have to sell anything I just get clicks on ads and I could do this all day long one of my
big sites about refinance averaged over 13.707 dollars a day using this exact method.

How can I get started Adsense arbitrage business and what

tools do I need?
After we know what is Adsense arbitrage and what is the amount needed to start work,
now we must know how to start the application and any tools you will need.

The first thing we will create a site and accept it in Adsense so that we can display
Advertisements on our website and we will explain this step in detail.

So, first we will create a WordPress site, there are many people who are wondering if it is
possible to use Blogger, but we do not recommend using Blogger because the user
experience is very bad. the important thing to create a WordPress site will require us:

✅ Paid Domain: It does not matter if it is .com, .online or .club ... and the best site to
reserve domains and I use it personally is of course the well-known: Godaddy, after
registering with Godaddy you can just type the name of the domain you want and you will
be able to reserve it In two minutes.

✅ Hosting: There are many who tend to use cheap hosting and will greatly affect the
speed of your site and the user experience in it, and you will face many problems with
these hosts, so it is better to use high quality hosting such as: Bluehost Or Namecheap, and
if your budget is limited, I advise you to use Namecheap, it is excellent and I personally use

✅ After buying a domain and hosting, we install nam servers for hosting in the domain
settings in order to connect them and then go to hosting and exactly to: Cpanel and add the
domain in: Add-ons Domain and after adding it we go to Wordpress in hosting and install
WordPress for our site.

✅ After we have prepared our WordPress site, now we must fill in our site and prepare it
to make it accepted in Google Adsense and everyone has their own method of acceptance,
but if you do not know anything about acceptance in Adsense, you can use our free method

for admission to Adsense, which we explained in the previous post. Or you can get our paid
method of Adsense admission on our official website.

How to find a successful article on Adsense arbitrage and earn

more than $100 a day promoting it ?
After we talked in the past about how to prepare your site for AdSense arbitrage and
how to launch a targeted advertising campaign, many members wrote to me asking about
how to find a successful article in arbitrage.

A winning article is the most important thing for your success in AdSense arbitrage, and
a successful article is simply every article that makes the visitor read it to the end.

In fact, to have a successful article, we should try as many articles as possible until we
find one that has a high and stable Return on investement.

To get articles worth to try, we must first search for competitors, whether they are big or
small sites, and then save names of their pages on Facebook.

Then we will go to "Facebook Ad Library" and search for the name of the page we want to
search for ads.

Now we must monitor the pages, and if we see, for example, an advertisement for an
article that runs for more than 5 days, then this is definitely a winning article and worth a

We will copy and paste the article and launch an advertising campaign for one day and see
the results. it should make us at least ROI 50%. Then, we analyze our campaign in order to
optimize it to increase ROI.

*ROI = Return on Investment

What advertising platform I can use to work in AdSense

The majority think that in AdSense Arbitrage, it is necessary to buy traffic from one
platform, which is Facebook Ads, and many members stop working and leave after they
encounter the first problem with Facebook Ads, but in AdSense Arbitrage, you can buy
traffic from many platforms and make profits, including:

✅ Facebook Ads.

✅ Taboola.

✅ Rev Content.

✅ Bing Ads.

Each platform has advantages and disadvantages, of course, and each platform has a
specific traffic source, but today we will highlight Facebook Ads because it is the most
powerful and cheapest platform. Now let's get acquainted with the most important
features of Facebook Ads:

✅ In Facebook Ads, you can target the audience with accuracy by choosing the:
Tareggeting, age group, and specifying the target gender to reach the most accurate
audience you are looking for.

✅ You can also use several types of ads: photos, videos...

✅ If you get a target audience and its result is good in Adsense, you can retarget the same
audience or an audience like it byunsing "Look a like audience", which is a very important
tool in Facebook Ads and will make it easier for us to do a lot of work.

✅ Facebook Ads is also the cheapest platform to buy a high-quality traffic, as Facebook
visitors are targeted and interested at a very cheap price compared to other platforms.

Case Study:
After a lot of hard work and testing, I was able to bump up my income to 300$ per day
for the last 2 months. At first, I was losing about 5-10 %. Sometimes I was hitting the
margin. But I never saw any profit.

After changing some stuff and implementing my “Secret recipe” I was able to see much
high return. Usually, my return on investment ranges from 100-700% depending on the
sentiment of the traffic.

If you guys want to learn Adsense Arbitrage, I create a whole course on this. Where I
explain how to and where to buy traffic and how to monetize it. Also I reveal the secret
how I am making interresting profit by hunting only the high-quality ads from Google.


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