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College of Teacher Education

Roxas City

Behavior Management
Final Exam
Name _________________________________ Date _____________ Score __________
I. True or False. Write the word YES if the statement is true and NGE if it is false.
__________ 1. The behavior modification technique for decreasing behavior is applicable
to both individual and group behaviors.
__________ 2. Statements describing the target behavior, the precise intervention, and the
criteria for success or acceptability of performance should be written is called
functional assessment.
__________ 3. Baseline data provide the foundation on which the behavior change
process is establish.
__________ 4. Punishment by deprivation or response-cost is generally considered less
harmful to the child and more effective intervention.
__________ 5. Systematic ignoring is also called reprimanding.
__________ 6. A reprimand should include a statement of an inappropriate alternative to
appropriate behaviors.
__________ 7. A behavior modification intervention is only as effective as it’s reinforced.
__________ 8.When using reprimand as your method in decreasing behavior it is necessary
to back up with loss privileges.
__________ 9. Spanking is a form of psychological punishment.
__________10. Denying to participate in scheduled activities is an example of satiation.

II. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on
the space provided before the number.
______ 1 A process by systematically reinforcing a behavior that is in opposition to or
incompatible with it. What kind of differential reinforcement is mention above?
a. differential reinforcement
b. differential reinforcement of zero rates behavior
c. differential reinforcement of not compatible behavior
d. differential reinforcement of lower rates behavior
______2. These technique is applied to behavior such as attention-seeking behaviors,
completing assignments, responding to teacher or parent's questions, and hand raising..
a. differential reinforcement
b. differential reinforcement of zero rates behavior
c. differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior
d. differential reinforcement of lower rates behavior
______ 3.Giving of check marks, stars smiling faces stickers and many more whenever a child
do a certain appropriate behavior is a an example of what methods of increasing a behavior?
a. Modeling b. Token Economy c. Positive reinforcement d. Shaping
______ 4. Lilia does not raise her hand and wait to be called on at circle time. Instead, she
shouts out the answer. The teacher ignores the student but then if Lilia raise her hand properly
without shouting the teacher would call her. The teacher use what kind of method?
a. Reprimands b. Time out c. Extinction d. Punishment
______ 5. Rosa! Sit up straight and put your feet on the floor while you are typing. Proper
posture will help you concentration and prevent back pain in the future. This method of
increasing behavior is ________.
a. Loss of privileges b. Extinction c. Differential reinforcement d. Reprimand
______ 6. Jasny is afraid of dogs. Whenever she saw a dog, she would crawl under the nearest
object or person and scream until the dog disappeared from view. What possible intervention
should a teacher used in order to help Michelle overcome her fears of dogs?
a. Overcorrection b. Extinction c. Desensitization d. Satiation
______ 7. Abby is in 3rd grade .Every time she goes out she always slamming the door. The
behavior was very annoying to Ms. Jill and her classmates. They had been asked to stop this
behavior but Abby keeps on continuing this behavior. So, Ms. Jill decided that each time Stela
slammed the door, she would immediately be required to open and quietly close the door ten
times. The teacher apply what kind of method?
a. Overcorrection b. Extinction c. Desensitization d. Satiation
______ 8. Pam loves to eat ice cream. She would snitch it from the freezer any time of the day
or night. Her mother scolded her and deprived her to decrease intake. One day her mother
bought two gallons of ice cream and eat it day and night until he became full and would not eat
ice cream again. This method use is ____________.
a. Overcorrection b. Extinction c. Desensitization d. Satiation
______ 9.It is a kind of method used in order to decrease a certain behavior which a teacher
yelled or bawled out for exhibiting an inappropriate behavior. What method is this?
a. Differential reinforcement c. Punishment
b. Reprimands d. Extinction
______10. The discontinuation or withholding of the reinforce of a behavior that has previously
been reinforced is what you called __________.
a. Differential reinforcement c. Punishment
b. Reprimands d. Extinction
______ 11. Time –out occurs when a student is removed from the opportunity to receive any
reinforcement. Which of the following time-out strategies is appropriate?
a. The students is asked to leave the group and go to the library because she is
disturbing them.
b. The students is asked to go to the principal’s office until the end of the lesson
c. The teacher asked the student to go to the designated time-out chair after she is
ready to listen
d. The teacher ask the student to go to the hall during the remainder of class.
______ 12. Negative reinforcement means taking away something unpleasant on the
performance of a specific behavior. The following are examples of negative reinforcement ,
a. The student complete the seatwork to avoid staying after school
b. The students pass his assignment to avoid standing in front of the class
c. A student throws a temper tantrum until he gets what he wants.
d. A student went to school early to avoid the reprimand of his teacher

______13. Premack Principle is the theory behind, what behavior modification technique
a. shaping b. positive reinforcement c. contingency contracting d. overcorrection
______ 14.The following practices applies the Premack Principle , except
a. Clean the room and you may watch t.v. after
b. Students can engage in art activity after listening to the story and answering the
c. The teacher develop token system to those who behave appropriately.
d. The teacher makes outdoor play a contingent on completing the board task.
______ 15. The teacher uses time-out to manage behavior problems in the classroom. One day
she removed student from the class because she was talking with others during math lesson.
The teacher wanted to decrease the student’s talking behavior so he placed him at the last row
of the class . The teacher was discourage when instead of decreasing the talking behavior, it
increased. Why time-out did not work effectively for the child.
a. The student did not enjoy math class.
b. The student found sitting at the back of the class reinforcing.
c. The student could still hear the lesson.
______ 16. A method of teaching where the behavior is broken into smaller tasks and taught by
steps is
a. Modeling b. Satiation c. Shaping d. extinction
______ 17. A method in decreasing or eliminating an inappropriate behavior as a result of
continued and increased reinforcement of the behavior
a. Modeling b. Satiation c. Shaping d. extinction
______ 18 It is also known as deprivation of rights or response cost.
a. Token economy b. contingency contracting c. loss of privileges d. extinction

______ 19. A punishment procedure that requires the individual who misbehaves to improve the
environment effects of the misbehavior and or to repeatedly perform the appropriate form of the
target behavior in the environment in which the misbehavior was exhibited.
a. Satiation b. Extinction c. Desensitization d. Overcorrection
______ 20. A procedure in which the student is withdrawn from a reinforcing situation by placing
him or her on the outer perimeter of the activity, where the child can see and hear the activity,
but not participate in it.
a. Seclusion b. exclusion c. observational time-out d. time-out

III. Direction: Read the situations below and identify the method used.
Write R for reprimand, LP for loss of privileges and TO for time-out, PR Positive
reinforcement, TE Token economy, O Overcorrection

1. A point was removed from the score of Betty for looking at the paper of her classmates
noise during the test. ____
2. Ben was told to sit and watch for being rough during the game. ____
3. Sammy remain seated for the rest of the period. He received a star TE
4. Every time the pupil in your row will be out of seat and engage in unnecessary noise,
one point will be deducted from your row. ____
5. During the Art class Ann was playing with the pair of scissors while the teacher was
explaining the art activity. The teacher took the scissors from Ann and just looked and
listen to her teacher . ____
6. Jason, stop talking and go back to your task, if you want to go home early. ____
7. Sammy got a perfect score in Math, the teacher gave him a sticker. ____
8. John, stop looking at Megan’s paper. You need to focus on your own paper. ____
9. When Sam was able to finish his written activity, the teacher gave a thumb up sign and
said: Good job! ____
10. Don’t teas your classmate. Teasing could hurt their feelings. ____

IV. Enumeration
a. What are the steps in behavior change process?

b. What are the things that need to be considered in selecting the target behavior?

c. What are the different reinforces that could help in the changing of behavior of
the students?

V. Essay

1. Are you now ready to become a SPED teacher? What do you think are your qualities
that will help you survived in the challenging world of exceptional kids?

The capacity to learn is a gift;

the ability to learn is a skill;
the willingness to learn is a choice
- Brian Herbert

Prepared by: Noted by:


Instructor Dean

VI. True or False. Write the word YES if the statement is true and NGE if it is false.
__________ 1. The behavior modification technique for decreasing behavior is applicable
to both individual and group behaviors. T
__________ 2. Statements describing the target behavior, the precise intervention, and the
criteria for success or acceptability of performance should be written is called functional
assessment. F
__________ 3. Baseline data provide the foundation on which the behavior change
process is establish. T

__________ 4. Punishment by deprivation or response-cost is generally considered less

harmful to the child and more effective intervention. T
__________ 5. Systematic ignoring is also called reprimanding. F
__________ 6. A reprimand should include a statement of an inappropriate alternative to
appropriate behaviors. F
__________ 7. A behavior modification intervention is only as effective as its reinforced. T
__________ 8.When using reprimand as your method in decreasing behavior it is necessary
to back up with loss privileges.T
__________ 9. Spanking is a form of psychological punishment. F
__________10. Denying to participate in scheduled activities is an example of satiation.F

VII. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.
______ 1 A process by systematically reinforcing a behavior that is in opposition to or incompatible
with it. What kind of differential reinforcement is mention above?
a. differential reinforcement
b. differential reinforcement of zero rates behavior
c. differential reinforcement of not compatible behavior
d. differential reinforcement of lower rates behavior
______2. These technique is applied to behavior such as attention-seeking behaviors, completing
assignments, responding to teacher or parent's questions, and hand raising. gradually reduce the behavior
by reinforcing progressively lower rates of the behavior.
a. differential reinforcement
b. differential reinforcement of zero rates behavior
c. differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior
d. differential reinforcement of lower rates behavior
______ 3.Giving of check marks, stars smiling faces stickers and many more whenever a child do a
certain appropriate behavior is a an example of what methods of increasing a behavior?
b. Modeling b. Token Economy c. Positive reinforcement d. Shaping
______ 4. Lilia does not raise her hand and wait to be called on at circle time. Instead, she shouts out the
answer. The teacher ignores the student but then if Lilia raise her hand properly without shouting the
teacher would call her. The teacher use what kind of method?
b. Reprimands b. Time out c. Extinction d. Punishment
______ 5. Rosa! Sit up straight and put your feet on the floor while you are typing. Proper posture will
help you concentration and prevent back pain in the future. This method of increasing behavior is
b. Loss of privileges b. Extinction c. Differential reinforcement d. Reprimand
______ 6. Jasny is afraid of dogs. Whenever she saw a dog, she would crawl under the nearest object or
person and scream until the dog disappeared from view. What possible intervention should a teacher used
in order to help Michelle overcome her fears of dogs?
b. Overcorrection b. Extinction c. Desensitization d. Satiation
______ 7. Abby is in 3rd grade .Every time she goes out she always slamming the door. The behavior was
very annoying to Ms. Jill and her classmates. They had been asked to stop this behavior but Abby keeps
on continuing this behavior. So, Ms. Jill decided that each time Stela slammed the door, she would
immediately be required to open and quietly close the door ten times. The teacher apply what kind of
b. Overcorrection b. Extinction c. Desensitization d. Satiation
______ 8. Pam loves to eat ice cream. She would snitch it from the freezer any time of the day or night.
Her mother scolded her and deprived her to decrease intake. One day her mother bought two gallons of
ice cream and eat it day and night until he became full and would not eat ice cream again. This method
use is ____________.
b. Overcorrection b. Extinction c. Desensitization d. Satiation
______ 9.It is a kind of method used in order to decrease a certain behavior which a teacher yelled or
bawled out for exhibiting an inappropriate behavior. What method is this?
c. Differential reinforcement c. Punishment
d. Reprimands d. Extinction
______10. The discontinuation or withholding of the reinforce of a behavior that has previously been
reinforced is what you called __________.
c. Differential reinforcement c. Punishment
d. Reprimands d. Extinction
______ 11. Time –out occurs when a student is removed from the opportunity to receive any
reinforcement. Which of the following time-out strategies is appropriate?
e. The students is asked to leave the group and go to the library because she is disturbing them.
f. The students is asked to go to the principal’s office until the end of the lesson
g. The teacher asked the student to go to the designated time-out chair after she is ready to
h. The teacher ask the student to go to the hall during the remainder of class.
______ 12. Negative reinforcement means taking away something unpleasant on the performance of a
specific behavior. The following are examples of negative reinforcement , except:
e. The student complete the seatwork to avoid staying after school
f. The students pass his assignment to avoid standing in front of the class
g. A student throws a temper tantrum until he gets what he wants.
h. A student went to school early to avoid the reprimand of his teacher
______13. Premack Principle is the theory behind, what behavior modification technique
a. shaping b. positive reinforcement c. contingency contracting d. overcorrection
______ 14.The following practices applies the Premack Principle , except
e. Clean the room and you may watch t.v. after
f. Students can engage in art activity after listening to the story and answering the questions
g. The teacher develop token system to those who behave appropriately.
h. The teacher makes outdoor play a contingent on completing the board task.
______ 15. The teacher uses time-out to manage behavior problems in the classroom. One day
she removed student from the class because she was talking with others during math lesson. The
teacher wanted to decrease the student’s talking behavior so he placed him at the last row of the
class . The teacher was discourage when instead of decreasing the talking behavior, it increased.
Why time-out did not work effectively for the child.
a. The student did not enjoy math class.
b. The student found sitting at the back of the class reinforcing.
c. The student could still hear the lesson.
______ 16. A method of teaching where the behavior is broken into smaller tasks and taught by steps is
b. Modeling b. Satiation c. Shaping d. extinction

______ 17. A method in decreasing or eliminating an inappropriate behavior as a result of continued and
increased reinforcement of the behavior
b. Modeling b. Satiation c. Shaping d. extinction

______ 18 It is also known as deprivation of rights or response cost.

b. Token economyb. contingency contracting c. loss of privileges d. extinction
______ 19. A punishment procedure that requires the individual who misbehaves to improve the
environment effects of the misbehavior and or to repeatedly perform the appropriate form of the target
behavior in the environment in which the misbehavior was exhibited.
b. Satiation b. Extinction c. Desensitization d. Overcorrection
______ 20. A procedure in which the student is withdrawn from a reinforcing situation by placing him or
her on the outer perimeter of the activity, where the child can see and hear the activity, but not participate
in it.
b. Seclusion b. exclusion c. observational time-out d. time-out

VIII. Direction: Read the situations below and identify the method used.
Write R for reprimand, LP for loss of privileges and TO for time-out, PR Positive reinforcement, TE
Token economy, O Overcorrection

11. A point was removed from the score of Betty for looking at the paper of her classmates noise
during the test. ________LP
12. Ben was told to sit and watch for being rough during the game. ________TO
13. Sammy remain seated for the rest of the period. He received a star TE
14. Every time the pupil in your row will be out of seat and engage in unnecessary noise, one point
will be deducted from your row. ________LP
15. During the Art class Ann was playing with the pair of scissors while the teacher was explaining
the art activity. The teacher took the scissors from Ann and just looked and listen to her teacher .
________ TO
16. Jason, stop talking and go back to your task, if you want to go home early. ________R
17. Sammy got a perfect score in Math, the teacher gave him a sticker. ________TE
18. John, stop looking at Megan’s paper. You need to focus on your own paper. R
19. When Sam was able to finish his written activity, the teacher gave a thumb up sign and said:
Good job! PR
20. Don’t teas your classmate. Teasing could hurt their feelings. R

a. Give 5 guidelines fr the effective use of reprimands

b. What are the things you need to consider in selecting the behavior that needs to be modified?
c. Give 4 commonly used punishments used by traditional teachers.
d. Choose from the following case below, explain what intervention are you going to use and what
methods is appropriate for them. (5pts)
a. The child who has trouble sitting
b. Handling Disappointments’
c. The out of control child
Filamer Christian College
College of Education
Roxas City

Behavior management

Name _________________________________ Date _____________ Score __________

IX. True or False. Write the word Agua if the statement is true and Bendita if it is false.
__________ 1. The behavior modification technique for increasing behavior is applicable
to both individual and group behaviors.
__________ 2. Public reinforcement is unwelcome to some children, they may be
embarrassed by positive reinforcement in the presence of peers, teachers, parents and
__________ 3. In using contingency contracting. The contract must be negotiated and
freely agreed by both parents and teachers.
__________ 4. The emotional results of punishment may be fear, stress or withdrawn.
__________ 5. Chain shaping intervention requires a series of steps in which it is the
continuation and progression of the previously learned steps.
__________ 6. Use simple communication using as many modalities as possible.
__________ 7. The progressive shaping intervention is composed of two or more separate
and distinct steps or skills that are learned and combined sequentially to complete a
specific task.
__________ 8.When using reprimand as your method in decreasing behavior it is necessary
to back up with loss privileges.
__________ 9. For a child with autism to speak even thought the child is not looking at you.
__________10. Denying to participate in scheduled activities is an example of satiation.

II. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided before the
______ 1 Jev has extremely poor table manners. He only eats with his hands and fingers. Ms. Basilonia
wants to improve his table manners by giving him extra attention every time Jev use fork & spoon while
eating. And over a period of weeks Jev table manners dramatically improve. What kind of method of
increasing behavior did Ms. Basilonia use?
a. Shaping
b. Positive reinforcement
c. Modeling
d. Contingency Contracting

______2. Ms. Bernada wished to increase Max’s letter identification skills. Baselines data shows that
Maxcould identify 8 of the 2 letters consistently. Ms. Bernada used the candy to reinforce Max. During
the behavior change program Max is exposed to one new letter of the alphabet at a time. Max was
reinforced with a candy if he identified a new letter and all the previous identified letters.Every time he
consistently identified a new letter she was reinforced. After she had learned a letter, it was presented
randomly with all the previous learned letters .The procedures was continued until she successfully
identified all the letters in the alphabet. What kind of method of increasing behavior did Ms.Bernada use?
a. Positive reinforcement
b. Shaping
c. Modeling
d. Contingency Contracting

______ 3.Giving of check marks,stars smiling faces stickers and many more whenever a child do a
certain appropriate behavior is a an example of what methods of increasing a behavior?
c. Modeling
d. Token Economy
e. Positive reinforcement
f. Shaping
______ 4. “Angie if you come to school on time tomorrow, you may be the first in line for lunch”. The
teacher use what kind of method?
c. Modeling
d. Token Economy
e. Positive reinforcement
f. Shaping

______ 5. Mihara! Sit up straight and put your feet on the floor while you are typing. Proper posture will
help you concentration and prevent back pain in the future. This method of increasing behavior is
c. Loss of privileges
d. Extinction
e. Differential reinforcement
f. Reprimand

______ 6. Michelle is afraid of dogs. Whenever she saw a dog, she would crawl under the nearest object
or person and scream until the dog disappeared from view. What possible intervention should a teacher
used in order to help Michelle overcome her fears of dogs?
c. Overcorrection
d. Extinction
e. Desensitization
f. Satiation

______ 7. Flor is in 3rd grade .Every time she goes out she always slamming the door. The behavior was
very annoying to Ms. Perion and her classmates. They had been asked to stop this behavior but Flor
keeps on continuing this behavior. So, Ms. Perion decided that each time Flor slammed the door, she
would immediately be required to open and quietly close the door ten times. The teacher apply what kind
of method?
a. Overcorrection
b. Extinction
c. Desensitization
d. Satiation

______ 8. Gena loves to eat ice cream.She would snitch it from the freezer any time of the day or night.
Her mother scolded her and deprived her to decrease intake. One day her mother bought two gallons of
ice cream and eat it day and night until he became full and would not eat ice cream again. This method
use is ____________.
c. Overcorrection
d. Extinction
e. Desensitization
f. Satiation
______ 9.It is a kind of method used in order to decrease a certain behavior which a teacher yelled or
bawled out for exhibiting an inappropriate behavior. What method is this?

e. Differential reinforcement
f. Punishment
g. Reprimands
h. Extinction

______10. The discontinuation or withholding of the reinforcer of a behavior that has previously been
reinforced is what you called __________.
a. Differential reinforcement
b. Punishment
c. Reprimands
d. Extinction

III. Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Choose a strategy in teaching psychosocial skills of a child with autism and explain how to
administer the said strategy.
2. Choose from the following case below, explain what intervention are you going to use and what
methods is appropriate for them.
d. The child who has trouble sitting
e. Handling Disappointments’
f. The out of control child
Prepared by :

Cheryl Rose N. Dalida

SPED professor
To eliminate stealing

_____ Prevent stealing

_____ Reinforce appropriate handling of classroom materials belonging to peers
_____ Make environmental changes.

To stop the child from flushing items down the toilet.

_____ Provide alternative activities
_____Prevent behavior
_____ Decrease attention to the behavior when it occur.

To eliminate disrupting group time

_____ Evaluate and restructure group times to maximize interest by the children
_____Reinforce appropriate group behavior
_____Remove the child from the group, after one warning, if the child is disruptive again.

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