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1st Class Live : 4th August 2021, 11 am

Welcome !


Design of Machine Elements

Dr. Shankar Krishnapillai (SKP)

Dr. Piyush Shakya (PS)
Dr. Sujatha Srinivasan (SS)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai
1 st Class Agenda
• Introducing the faculty
• General instructions: on-line course
- Methodology of sharing the lecture notes, recordings etc.
• Course contents, books
• Introduction to the course
• Introduction of students

1. General instructions: on-line course
• Methodology of sharing the lecture notes, audios etc.
➢ The lecture notes (.pdf file) will be uploaded on the Moodle/Google Classroom
➢ The audio/video material discussing the lecture notes will be uploaded on Google Drive/
YouTube. The link to these will be provided on Moodle/Google Classroom.
➢ The tutorial must be hand-written, signed on each page and scanned. You can discuss
and solve the tutorials, but submit individual work. Blatant copying will result in zero
marks for entire tutorial component for all concerned.
➢ A submission folder will be created on Moodle to record the submission time of the
submitted tutorial. There will be penalty for 1 mark/day (out of the total marks for that
tutorial) for 3 days and after that, the tutorial will not be accepted.
➢ For doubts related to the lectures, the student may send email to the corresponding

• TA for subgroups, students will be in a WhatsApp group with their TA. Teachers will
be in a WA group with all TAs
2. Course Outline
1. Introduction and review (Wk 1) - SS
2. Design for Static Loads (Wk 2) - SS
3. Design for Fluctuating Loads (Wk 3-4) – PS
Quiz 1 (Sep 3) – acc. To IITM academic calendar
4. Shafts (Wk 5-6) - SKP
5. Springs (Wk 7) - SS
6. Roller Bearings (Wk 8) – SS
Quiz 2 (Oct 8) – acc. To IITM academic calendar
4. Fasteners and Power screws (Wk 9-11) - SKP
5. Gears (Wk 12-13+) - PS 5
3. Course Evaluation & Books
Evaluation :
• Quiz-I: 15%
• Quiz-II: 15%
• Tutorials (6-7): 15%
• End Semester Exam: 55%

Text Books:
➢ V B Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, , McGraw-Hill.
➢ Robert L. Norton, Machine Design: An Integrated Approach,
➢ Richard G Budynas, J. Keith Nisbett, Shigley’s Mechanical
Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill.

4. Introduction to the

Design of Machine Elements

• Mechanical Engineering is the profession related to

the study and use of machines.
• It is a diverse subject that derives its breadth from
the need to design and manufacture everything from
small individual parts & devices to large systems.

What is Mechanical Engineering?
A MACHINE transforms, transmits, or uses energy, force
or motion for a specific purpose

Machines are designed to fulfil some function (design)


 Machines require power (thermodynamics, combustion)

 Machines make heat that has to be removed (heat transfer and
fluid mechanics)
 Machines move, so their motion must be understood
(kinematics, dynamics) and controlled (controls)
 Machines must be constructed (manufacturing)
 Machines have to be made from something (materials)

Mechanical engineers play a central role in many industries

• automotive (from the car chassis to its every

subsystem—engine, transmission, sensors)

• aerospace (airplanes, aircraft engines, control

systems for airplanes and spacecraft)

• computers and electronics (disk drives, printers,

cooling systems, semiconductor tools);
• environmental control (HVAC, air-conditioning,
refrigeration, compressors);

• bioengineering (implants, prosthetic devices,

fluidic systems for pharmaceutical industries);
 microelectromechanical systems, or
MEMS (sensors, actuators, micropower

 energy conversion (gas turbines, wind

turbines, solar energy, fuel cells);

 automation (robots, data and image

acquisition, recognition, control);

 manufacturing (machining, machine tools,

prototyping, microfabrication).
➢ Machining, surface
➢ Metal forming
➢ Design of Machine elements: Shafts, Bearings, gears etc. ➢Joining process
➢ Design of Hydraulic systems ➢ Prototyping
➢ Design for better Flow, Heat transfer etc.
➢ Design for less Vibrations, Noise etc.

The role of an engineer is to take a product from
an idea to the marketplace

The Engineer needs

• to design products for functionality, aesthetics, and the
ability to withstand the forces and the thermal
environment they will be subjected to.

• to determine the best way to manufacture them and

ensure they will operate without failure.

Design cost as fraction of manufacturing cost

The decisions made during the design process have great

effect on the cost of a product but cost very little.

Basic Procedure of Machine Design (Product)

Current Subject

Machine: composed of machine elements
• In this subject we are not designing a Product (Machine)
but the machine elements that are part of it
• The Subject “Design of Machine elements” is subset of
the Subject “ Product Design” / “ Machine Design” Gear box

Journal bearing test-rig

Components : bearings, gears, lever, shaft etc.; clutch, flange, connecting rod etc.
Machine Components: Basic Elements


Gears Bearing

Basic understanding of the elements is gear box

❖ Loads : force & moments
❖ Stress & Strain
❖ Stiffness & Damping
❑ Materials: properties
Simple Design Problem
A truck is stranded on a highway with a 10 ton Payload:
Design a member to haul/pull this truck, Assume that
the empty weight of truck is 3 tons (1 ton ≈ 10 kN)

1. What is the pulling force needed?

Depends on friction between road and tyres; If we assume µ = 0.3
then pulling force is about 39 kN

2. What are the possible solutions ?

- Rope : Coir/ Jute/ Nylon/ Steel
- Chain
- Metal connectors such as rods/tubes
• How does one choose an appropriate material?
• Having chosen a material how does one arrive
at an appropriate size?
❖ Say we decide to use jute rope - normally you will see
multi-strand rope being used.
❖ For a given force, larger diameter of rope carries load
❖ Will this diameter will be a function of the material?
- You would expect a steel rope to have a smaller diameter for the same force.

❖ Hence to prevent failure, force per unit area as well as

material is important
The DOME course builds on Strength of Materials;
Materials and Design
Design goals
➢ Machine components are subjected to complicated
➢ Loadings cause stress, critical stresses cause
components to fail
➢ Main idea - Prevent failure during service
➢ In this course we are mainly concerned with
▪ Modification of geometry – Primary
▪ Choice of material – Primary
▪ Economy - Secondary
▪ Aesthetics - Secondary


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