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“Jnana Sangama”, Belagavi-590018, Karnataka

A Mini Project Report on

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree of

Bachelor of Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Submitted by


Mrs. Rekha. S
Assistant professor
Dept. of EEE

ESTD - 2008


NIE Institute of technology
#50(part), Hootagalli Industrial area, koorgalli,

ESTD – 2008
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Certified that the project work entitled ““AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENER USING IR
SENSOR” is Bonafede work carried out by AKSHATHA A E (4NN20EE402) SUPRITHA
V(4NN20EE420) in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in department Electrical and Electronics Engineering of the
year 2022-2023. It is certified that all corrections/ suggestion indicated for the internal
assessment have been incorporated in the report and is deposited in the departmental library.
The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of
work prescribed for the said degree.

Signature of the guide signature of the HOD signature of the principal

Mrs. Rekha.S Dr. Sandeep Kumar K J Dr. Archana N V

Name of the Examiner signature with date


An Automatic Door Opener System is a simple project based on IR Sensor and

Arduino, which automatically opens and closes the door by detecting a person or object.
Automatic Door Opener Systems are very useful as you do not need a person to standby the
door and open it whenever a guest comes. Also, since the doors are opened and closed only
when a person approaches the door, there is significantly less loss of air conditioning. So, in
order to understand the potential of this concept, we have implemented a simple Automatic
Door Opener System using Arduino and IR Sensor. 
Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Automatic Door Opener System
2.1 Components Required
2.2 Component Description
2.3 Circuit Design
2.4 Code
2.5 Working
3. Applications , advantages and disadvantages
4. Future scope
5. Result
6. Conclusion
7. Reference
1. Introduction

In this modern-day, everything around us becoming automated which makes our life
more easy and more advance. Our mini project is based on the automatic door
opening system in a room or hall based on IR sensor. automatic door opening system
uses IR sensor to sense a presence and opens and closes with embedded motor driver
equipment's for the door opening system. The door opens when any human movement
is detected near the door it detects with the help of IR sensor. When a body reaches
the operating range of IR sensor, it sends a signal to the motor driver to open and
close the door.

1.1 Overview

In the Automatic Door Opening System, the main component or hardware is the

sensor which detects the persons (well, the motion of the person in our case). For this

purpose, we will be using the IR Motion Detector Sensor. Whenever the IR Sensor detects a

motion, the door opens and then closes after some time. In order to control this door servo
motor is used.
Paper 1
Pik-Yiu Chan, & Enderle, J. D. (n.d.). Automatic door opener.
Proceedings of the IEEE 26th Annual Northeast Bioengineering
Conference (Cat. No.00CH37114). doi:10.1109/nebc.2000.842418 :- It
demonstrates the model made for Automated Door System Using Arduino is
to reduce or to an extent totally eliminate the manual work that goes into
opening and closing doors using a PIR sensor to detect people and an
Arduino Uno as microcontroller

Paper 2
Nishida, D., Tsuzura, K., Kudoh, S., Takai, K., Momodori, T., Asada,
N., … Tomizawa, T. (2014). Development of Intelligent Automatic Door
System. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA). doi:10.1109/icra.2014.6907799: - This paper
describes an intelligent door sensor that observes people near a door so that
the door opens at the proper time and only for people who have the intention
of passing through it and consist of hardware and software for an intelligent
automatic Door opener which have the novel laser range scanner that
observes the surrounding environment 3 dimensionally.
Automatic Door Opener System

2.1 Circuit Diagram of Automatic Door Opener System

2.2 Components Required for Automatic Door Opener System

 Arduino UNO 

 PIR Sensor  

 SG 90 servo motor

 Connecting Wires  

 Power Supply  
2.3 Component description

Arduino UNO

In this project, Arduino UNO acts as the main controlling part. It reads the data from the IR

Sensor and activates the Servo Motor Driver based on the data from the IR Sensor.  

IR Sensor

An infrared sensor (IR sensor) is a radiation-sensitive optoelectronic component with a

spectral sensitivity in the infrared wavelength range 780 nm … 50 µm. IR sensors are now

widely used in motion detectors, which are used in building services to switch on lamps or in

alarm systems to detect unwelcome guests. An infrared sensor is an electronic device, that

emits in order to sense some aspects of the surroundings. An IR sensor can measure the

heat of an object as well as detects the motion. These types of sensors measures only

infrared radiation, rather than emitting it that is called as a passive IR sensor.

SG 90 Servo motor

Servo Motor SG90 is a tiny and lightweight server motor with high output power.

Servo can rotate approximately 180 degrees (90 in each direction), and works just like

the standard kinds but smaller. servo motors are used to control the position of

objects, rotate objects, move legs, arms or hands of robots, move sensors etc.

with high precision. Servo motors are small in size, and because they have built-in

circuitry to control their movement, they can be connected directly to an Arduino.

2.4 Circuit design

 First, the Data OUT of the IR Sensor is connected to Digital Pin 4 of Arduino. The

other two pins of IR Sensor i.e., Vs and GND are connected to +3.3V and GND


 Coming to the Servomotor Driver, the data of the motor is connected to Pin 5(yellow

colour). the VCC (red colour) and GND (brown colour), are connected to the 5V and


 The Enable Pin of the servomotor consists of a jumper to directly connected the

Enable pins to +5V.

 Since the motor used in the project is a 5V Motor, I’ve connected a 5V Supply to the

2.5 Code

The code for the project is given below. It can be used with any Arduino Board (Arduino

UNO, Arduino Nano or Arduino Mega).

#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo;
int sensor_pin = 4;
int servo_pin =5;
int val;
void setup ()
pin Mode (sensor pin, INPUT);
void loop ()
val = digitalRead(sensor_pin);
if (val==0)
Serial.println("Person present");
servo. write (0);
delay (2000);
else if (val==1)
Serial.println("No person");
2.6 Working of Automatic Door Opener System

The working of the Automatic Door Opener System using Arduino and IR Sensor is very

simple. When the IR Sensor detects any motion of a person, its Data OUT Pin will become

HIGH. As this pin is connected to the Arduino, it will detect this HIGH Signal and

understands that there is person approaching the door. Arduino then immediately activates

the servo Motor Driver module to open the door. After some time (about 2 to 5 seconds in

this project), the Arduino will once again activate the Motor Drive to close the door.      

3 Applications

 Arduino based Automatic Door Opener System is a very useful project as it enables

you to understand the concept of such automatic door opener systems and how they


 These systems are already being used in many places like malls, theatres and

 we can implement this Arduino based project at you home in Garage Door Openers,
toilet cover openers, Office door openers, etc.

3.1 Advantages

1. Style options

o One of the best things about automatic doors is that it comes in an array of
different styles, shapes, colours, finishes and designs. This not only lends your
residential or commercial premises an eloquent and sophisticated look but also
helps enhance its reputation as well.

2. Convenience

o Automatic doors don’t necessitate any human effort or force to perform their
operation. It helps do away from the struggle and aggravations when it comes
to opening a relatively heavier manual door. Moreover, as their operation
doesn’t require the use of hands, they provide unparalleled access for the
elderly, handicapped and those with children in tow.
3. Safety and Security

o When installed properly installed and inspected on a regular basis, automatic

doors tend to provide a safe, convenient environment for everyone. By the
virtue of owning an automatic door, you can rest assured that your door is
closed properly thus providing protection for your property from potential
intruders. This also means that you do not need to have additional locks or
security systems in place to keep out or deter burglars and thieves from
entering your premises. 

3.2 Disadvantages

1. Installation and Maintenance

2. Pricing

3. Cleaning

3.3 Cost of the project

INR 1500/-
4. Result:
The project “AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENING AND CLOSING” was designed to
automated security access system for domestic and industrial applications. The system makes
use of a Arduino. The output from IR sensor is fed as input to the Arduino. The Arduino will
continuously monitor the output from IR sensor and generates logic low or high. The output
generated from IR sensor is used to control the servo motor.

5. Future scope
The automatic gate and door opening system market outlook appears highly positive. The

market growth attributes to the increasing installation of automatic gate and door opening

systems in residential sectors and the proliferation of smart homes worldwide. Automated

door opening systems are widely being installed in residential areas to improve safety and

security, driving the growth of the market.

6. Conclusion
The conclusion of this system is that when someone approaches near the door the IR sensor

senses the condition and drives the motor to open the door and close when the person passes

through it.
7. Reference

1. Enderle, J.D., Pruehsner, W., Hallowell, M.B., First Year Experience at the University
of Connecticut with NSF Design Projects to Aid Persons with Disabilities.
Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 1999.35: 253-258.

3. Michael McRoberts, 2016, “Beginning Arduino”, second edition John Baichtal, 2014,
“Arduino for Beginners”
4. Daiki Nishida, 2014, “Development of intelligent automatic door system”,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
5. Oladunmoye, M., Oluwatomi, A.A. and Obakin, O., 2014, “Design and construction
of an automatic sliding door using infrared sensor”, Computing, Information Systems,
Development Informatics & Allied Research Journal (Vol. 5 No. 4)
6. William H. Yeadon, P.E, 2001, “Hand Book of Small Electric Motor”, McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc

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