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E. P. Ferrari1
Oxford Brookes Univeristy, PhD Student, School of Architecture, Headington Campus
Oxford, OX3 0BP,

KEY WORDS: Traditional Construction Processes, Apprenticeship, Vernacular Architecture, Anthropology of Architecture,
Documentation Methods, Intangible Heritage, Craft-skills, Video Recordings


In this article is presented a methodology to record and document building processes with an anthropological approach. In the village
of Esfahak, in the region of South Khorasan (Iran), the arid environment, scarce in water and trees, has seen the development of
building forms which are almost entirely made out of earth. Houses had been erected for centuries by local master masons, made
solely of mud bricks and without the use of architectural drawings. This research seeks to document how building processes unfold
and are implemented in the village, for both restoration and new constructions. The researcher is conducting ethnographic fieldwork
on the relationship between villagers and their architecture. This approach is based on participant observation, to study with the local
community how buildings are and were conceived, built, inhabited, maintained and restored. Moreover, the research is employing an
apprentice-style fieldwork method to be able to access building sites. Thus, the researcher learns by doing with masons as a way to
embody the local knowledge, not merely observing the builders. The work on site, given its processual nature, will be documented
employing audio-visual recordings from both an external perspective as well as a first-person one. In this way, by using head-
mounted cameras, it will be possible to re-view building processes together with masons to re-discuss their work. Therefore, using
visual and sensory ethnography in collaboration with research participants, will allow for an in-depth understanding of this craft

1. INTRODUCTION be beneficial for further research. The researcher's PhD project

investigates vernacular architecture in Central-eastern Iran
1.1 Research Premise taking into account its generative processes, not only
cataloguing or documenting completed material objects. For this
Architecture is among those pan-human activities constituting a purpose is needed a methodology that can consider what
large part of man's material culture. The study of material vernacular architecture studies are generally neglecting, being
objects like buildings includes mostly their cataloguing, listing, limited to representing finished buildings. Thus, it is necessary
and physical documentation -an endeavour complicated mostly to investigate the field with a series of questions in this regard:
by practical issues, e.g. building state of preservation, their how is it possible to study vernacular architectural processes? In
location, and the technologies employed to study them. As which ways are buildings conceived and constructed, knowing
Ingold points out, in the study of material culture there is a that these processes are interconnected to socio-cultural and
tendency to overlook those creative processes which generate historical factors? How can we study those aspects which lead
artefacts, as making vanishes into finished objects (Ingold, to the materialization of a building, but which are themselves
2013:7). Very little is considered when it comes to study the immaterial and cannot be crystallized into an object of study
way buildings come into existence and their construction in which is still in time and place?
specific socio-cultural contexts. Processes are generally
neglected, even though they are necessary aspects needed for 1.3 Research Topic and Literature Review in the Field of
the formation and transformation of the built environment. Vernacular Architecture
Thus, this research is not limited to the analysis of one
particular phase of existence of a finished building, but mostly The study takes into account earthen constructions in South
examines the way architecture is made, in its process, and Khorasan, Iran, precisely in the village of Esfahak. It is
taking into account its creation and transformation (Maudlin, concentrated on the way people tackle local vernacular
Vellinga, 2014). architecture nowadays. The village was selected, among other
reasons, because of the ferment and local involvement with
1.2 Research Questions vernacular construction activities in the area. These initiatives
started from the local community and were not superimposed by
This article presents the researcher's PhD methodology to be institutions, neither by specialized professionals like architects
employed for fieldwork study. This research work is in its first or engineers. Moreover, this area of South Khorasan was never
developmental stage. The main fieldwork phase is yet to be the focus of specialized studies on vernacular architecture
started at the moment of completion of this manuscript. This (Bromberger, 1988; Oliver, 1997; Rahinmia at al., 2013). The
condition allows for the methodological discussion to be kept village is constituted by two settlements: the historical one, and
open for further feedback even during the conduction of a new one that was built beside the former after the 1978 Tabas
fieldwork. It is wished that the methodology outlined here can earthquake. The historical settlement laid abandoned for more
than 30 years before any restoration or construction activity to vernacular buildings. How are master builders working
took place again. A group of young villagers, motivated by nowadays as compared to the past? How are non professionals -
socio-economic reasons, decided to restart working on and in for example villagers or university students who come to the
the old settlement. From 2013, architectural activities have been village to learn hands – approach this craft, and why are they
taken place there, attracting the attention of architects, and willing to learn? What are the reasons convincing old and new
engineers both in and outside Iran, and institutions like the generation builders to work on vernacular buildings today?
Iranian Organization of Cultural Heritage. The researcher took What is the modus operandi of these craftsmen? How are their
part in the first international workshop on vernacular vaulting skills transferred, and how are new learners trying to access this
systems held in the village at the beginning of 2018. One of the form of know-how? How are problems solved on site and in
most interesting aspects of this context was the way people, what ways craftspeople communicate? How are these buildings
including professionals, villagers, craftsmen and even a conceived and 'designed' without plans and how are traditional
foreigner like the researcher, were drawn to the village by its builders confronting with academically trained architects? What
living architectural activities. The 'matter' was not just old ruins is people general interest in these material objects today? These
or material objects from the past, but the engagement of the are questions that require an 'immersion' into people's work and
local community with construction techniques in practice. life. We are trying to get a people's perspective knowing that
Building activities are still taking place nowadays and houses material objects are inextricably interconnected to society and
are not just slowly melting back into the surrounding soil. The culture, and to a given time and place. We are shifting here from
old village is entirely made up of mud brick masonry structures, a single focus on buildings, to questioning the relationship
covered only with mud brick vaults and domes made with no between vernacular architecture and people's work, ideas, skills,
centring, a typical feature of desert Central Iranian architecture and their cultural milieu.
(Wolff, 1966).
1.4 Anthropology and Ethnography of Architecture

The research project is situated in the broader academic

discussion of the anthropology of architecture and making
(Ingold, 2013; Marchand, 2016-2010-2009-2001), taking into
account how people relate to building crafts in a specific
environment. According to Ingold, anthropology is an art of
inquiry, a way to perceive the events of the world to be able to
relate to them and correspond with them (2013, original in
italic). It is not just a way to accumulate notions about the
world, but a way to correlate to it. In this sense we could
compare the accumulation of notions to the mere cataloguing of
buildings, a very useful activity, but which per se is not
Figure 1. The village of Esfahak, South Khorasan complete.
Through anthropological research it is possible to begin
From an architectural perspective it is fascinating to analyse and working with people, not merely on them (Ingold, 2017). The
document these constructions, but also to study the way they are researcher engages with people by carrying out participant
skilfully realized. It is since 2003 with the UNESCO convention observation, committing to understanding a culture and
on intangible cultural heritage that an important shift has been experiencing the world in closer contact with a specific place
made in regard to heritage studies. Inspired by noteworthy and people. The protracted involvement allowed by participant
research on vernacular architecture (see also Correia et al., observation is more than simply a method, more than just
2014; Maudlin, Vellinga, 2014; Noble, 2014), this project tries interviewing research participants, as it is trying to be even
to add on to this corpus by integrating aspects of conception and physically and emotionally in relationship to another
making in architecture. Phenomena linked to practical environment and society. During his master-thesis fieldwork,
experience which unfolds in time. The analysis is concentrated the researcher considered the integration of ethnographic and
on understanding what is behind constructed objects. Studies on anthropological methods into architectural research for the first
architecture and vernacular constructions in Iran, but also time. After a year involvement researching and carrying out
elsewhere, are mostly descriptive in nature (Rainer, 1977; architectural work in India, the researcher had to confront with
Beazley, Harveston, 1982; Hejazi, Saradj, 2014). They tend to several socio-cultural issues that became clear only after many
present a list of characteristics of buildings, their structural, months living in the country. Fostered by his willingness to
technical and spatial features. There is not enough space here to correspond to that environment, the researcher understood how
treat the several articles and thesis which have been written on often a blind focus on material objects (buildings) gives only a
vernacular architecture in Iran in the last ten to fifteen years. It shallow understanding of what it is behind artifacts. With the
has to be pointed out though, that these studies treat almost intention to overcome these limits, the researcher started
exclusively technological aspects of architecture, many of looking at other fields of study, like anthropology and
which praising vernacular forms of technologies. It is ethnography, integrating them with the fields of history and
interesting to discover that one of the most detailed descriptions archaeology. While formulating this research project it was
regarding traditional architectural methods of construction is clear that 'being there' (on site and in a specific environment)
found in the work of Wulff, who included a chapter on and even working with people, is a more suitable attempt at
vernacular construction as part of his seminal work on crafts in accessing intangible aspects of architecture. This is almost
Iran: 'The Traditional Crafts of Persia' (Wulff,1966). It is also uniquely allowed by a long time commitment to working in the
pointed out by Bromberger - an anthropologist who conduced field. With his seminal work on Yemeni masons, Marchand
extensive ethnographic fieldwork in Iran, focussing also on its argues that no studies seriously consider the lives and roles of
vernacular buildings (in the Northern provinces) - that domestic actual builders (Marchand 2001: p. x). In his research, he is the
architecture is generally neglected by scholarly studies (1988). first scholar to combine architectural training and know-how to
From this literature review rise several new questions in regard anthropological research. As stated by Shefold (in Oliver ed.,
1997: 8): 'Vernacular architecture is without architects but not master, he or she becomes a model just by 'being there' (Lave,
without builders.' Mainstream ethnographic and anthropological 2011: 50) - their presence is crucial for the apprentice as well as
studies often overlook stories of individuals and their unique for the researcher. According to Polanyi, there is a large part of
accretion of experience (Marchand, 2010: S3). By engaging in human's knowledge that cannot be told, which is defined as tacit
the craft work of masons, this research is also trying to knowledge (Polanyi, 1966). As this knowledge cannot be
overcome the rigid view that traditional builders are an simply explained verbally, other efforts are needed to its
undistinguished and unchanging group of craftsmen. Thus, how acquisition and eventually, dissemination. Skills and other
to study architecture, craft practices and making processes, forms of tacit knowledge need real life involvement. As stated
combining anthropological and ethnographic methods in by Sillitoe, such knowledge is gained through activities in
architectural research? which it is featured, practically, and its transmission is therefore
dependent on its exposure to action and concrete experience
2. MAIN BODY: A METHODOLOGY FOR THE STUDY (2017: 276). In this research is stressed the importance of
OF VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE COMBINING AN knowing as the integration of theoretical and practical
ANTHROPOLOGICAL APPROACH knowledge, which are always inseparable elements to be taken
into account (Polanyi, 1958: 7). There is a clear analogy
2.1 Methodology: A Summary between considering different forms of knowledge as necessary
and interconnected at the same time, and the importance to unite
This methodology for data collection includes the interwoven tangible and intangible aspects of architecture. Traditional
application of apprentice-style fieldwork, and the use of audio- craftsmanship is listed by UNESCO among the manifestations
video recordings as one of the main source for data gathering, of intangible cultural heritage as an expression of knowledge
inclusion of research participants, and data analysis. The and skill, as a process of culture. UNESCO stresses the
application of these methods is included as part of the broader importance of safeguarding and encouraging the work of
participant observation approach. Participant observation is a craftsmen and their knowledge transmission, particularly among
key element of anthropological and ethnographic work, but this local communities. The active work of craftsmen is the most
topic is not treated in detail in this article as it would require a important part of this work, consequently the fact that their
longer discussion. In this excursus are only taken into account skills and practice can be taken on by other individuals. It is
apprenticeship and video recordings as methods parts of this important to remember that in building activities, the relevance
larger project frame. of knowledge (often tacit) is far beyond practical building tasks
performed on site, but extends to the selection of materials and
all those operations which surround construction works
(Sillitoe, 2017: 278).

2.3 Becoming an Apprentice: Positive Aspects and


The term apprenticeship derives form the latin verb apprĕndĕre,

which means taking, receiving and retaining, thus by extension
learning. The Cambridge Dictionary defines an apprentice as:
“someone who has agreed to work for a skilled person for a
particular period of time and often for low payment, in order to
learn that person's skills.” To be noticed is the stress on the
terms skill and time. Apprenticeship includes several aspects
(Coy, 1989; Downey, Dalidowicz, Mason, 2015; Marchand,
2001-2009; Vankatesan, 2014):
Figure 2. Scheme of the main elements part of the
methodological approach 1. the training of physical craft-skills and technical
know-how and ability to cope with arising errors during
the practice;
2.2 Theoretical background: Issues of Knowledge and 2. the training in managing social relationships linked to
Learning the profession, namely social knowledge;
3. the training and acquisition of specific moral
Knowledge and learning are situated in nature. Knowledge is principles, social values, and paradigms (world views);
not possessed by individuals in finite and static form, but rather 4. and, implicitly in every context, the definition of a
derives from socio-cultural and physical interactions (Marchand social status which is also related to gender and politics.
2007, p 199). Learning is also a situated process, inextricably
linked to any specific environment (Lave, 1988; Lave, 2011). It would be misleading to reduce apprenticeship to just one of
According to Radford, knowledge is a culturally and historically the aspects mentioned above. The learning process of
encoded form of reflecting (2013). Knowledge in this sense can apprentices is an immersive one, as they are totally included
be considered as mere potentiality because not yet instantiated inside it, and they are highly physically engaged with their
(ibid.- original in italic). Thus, actuation is fundamental when working environment (Marchand 2008: 246). Craft-skills and
we talk about knowledge and learning, as what we come to technical know-how related to cultural practices can have a high
know is shaped by and of the same nature of the activity degree of variation, even within the same craft. In the same
through which knowledge is made into an actual form. way, skills learnt during apprenticeship are developed
Learning a craft is connected to practice. It is only through independently from single individuals, and these skills cannot
practice that we can learn how to do something, accessing a be defined as a shared, invariable and uniform code (Downey,
form of knowledge that Ryle defined as know-how (1949). Dalidowicz, Mason 2015). This indicates the uniqueness of any
When we learn together with a more experienced person, a apprentice path.
Positive Aspects: only, in particular outside their working environment, impedes a
The researcher can have a first-person experience by employing deep understanding of a craft. Asking a craftsman about
this methods. In this way one can start to dwell in new physical actions might drastically reduce the amount of data
knowledge while going through a learning process. Marchand gathered. Similarly, observation of the work alone might not
underlines that the apprentice method proved to be more fully explain the subtleties of a specific craft. The importance of
practical in the context of builders' studies, since there was studying with builders lies in their knowledge that operations on
minimum use of verbal explanation in the teaching-learning site seldom go according to a specific plan. Working in a fickle
processes of the builders, as learning is predominantly taking and inconsistent environment, they have to provide constant
place through embodied practices (Marchand, 2001: 175-176). solutions to problems that cannot always be anticipated (Ingold,
Language has several limits when it comes to describing 2013: 48). Through the physical contribution of the researcher is
physical actions and skills. The struggle in explaining physical offered a privileged access to craftsmen's practices and
action in propositional form has been a standing issue for experience, and this is achieved with an exchange of ‘toil’ for
centuries in the West. During the compilation of his ‘ethnographic knowledge’ and craft skill (Marchand, 2008:
Encyclopedia, Diderot found printers and typesetters 2 4 8 ) . This active participation facilitates observation and
inarticulate in explaining what they did, as language can hardly imitation, creating a ‘reciprocity of viewpoints’ and a ‘similar
depict physical action (Sennet, 2008: 179). The issue is not a kinaesthetic experience’ (Jackson in Gieser, 2008: 300).
limit of the craftsmen who are not able to explain what they Learning a craft is inseparably linked to the work environment.
physically do, but in the limits of language when it comes to Considering that learning is situated (Lave, 2011), it is only in a
describe bodily actions. Practicing as an apprentice is a real setting that the researcher can experience not only the
multidimensional experience. Practical activities foster the making, but also its specific cultural and physical environment.
researcher to become bodily and sensually immersed in daily Even when dedicating most of our attention to building
work, allowing for reflection upon their learning, mistakes and processes and skills, we have to remember that apprenticeship is
progress, as well as the difficulties and joys that accompany not merely body-knowledge transfer, nor the acquisition of an
physical labour (Marchand, 2008: 249). Becoming apprentices implicit structure, but a form of shared cultivation of
opens up new channels of communication and expression, increasingly greater skilfulness towards an idealized practice
where practical communication often substitutes verbal one and discipline of errors (Downey, Dalidowicz, Mason 2015:
(Downey, Dalidowicz, Mason 2015). Data collected in this way 185). Becoming an apprentice is an invaluable method to get
are of a unique nature, requiring to be on site, working with access to specific craft-skills, learning environment, social
participants, engaging with the world around us. In a workshop, relationships, and to explore from a specific perspective a given
as well as on a building site, spoken words linked to concrete socio-cultural context in an extended period of time.
examples are more effective than any kind of written directions. Limitations:
In this environment, if any part of the working procedure is not It is not possible as researchers to become an apprentice under
understood, it is possible to immediately ask or even see all aspects considered, as our socio-cultural background and
someone carrying out this task, and a back and forth discussion status drastically modify the way we come to learn a craft.
can initiate (Sennet, 2008: 179). Our senses are also linked to Notwithstanding that apprenticeship can not be reduced to
skill acquisition during apprenticeship. When Grasseni, as an learning a skill, skill acquisition itself is embedded in the larger
ethnographer and visual anthropologist, talks about 'skilled social milieu, where a specific value is attributed to a particular
vision', she underlines the importance of acquiring a specific skill (Vankatesan, 2014: 150). This means that social
skill to be ale to relate to her informants. Working with cattle knowledge related to a skill is linked to specific and localized
breeders in Northern Italy made her realize that learning to look ideas of politics, body gender, and as already stated, by
at her host’s cows was a necessary premise to access their economic factors and status (ibid.). The cultural dimension of
worldview (Grasseni, 2004: 42). knowledge transmission and learning alters and expand the
experience of the practitioner, directly influencing the cognitive
processes ordering our understanding of the world (Sillitoe,
2017: 271). Another limitation to be considered is that of time.
The limited amount of time that a researcher can spend
apprenticing, unlikely guarantees a mastery of the craft, as
Sillitoe points out regarding his work in New Guinea. On the
other hand it is the same Sillitoe admitting that it is through this
form of engaging during participant observation that it was
possible not only to see the limits of this approach, but to get a
certain degree of understanding into the tacit dimension of
knowledge on the building site (2017: 277).

2.4 Recording Processes with Video-cameras: Positive

Aspects and Limitations
Figure 3. Hands-on workshop in Esfahak with Iranian students
Within social sciences, text and written forms of data collection
organized by 'Esfahak Mud Centre', September 2019
have dominated the disciplines even since. In architecture on the
other hand, visuals, mostly comprising technical and
An apprentice style fieldwork method allows to (as mentioned
geometrical drawings, have been the main medium employed
in the definition of apprenticeship): working next to a skilled
for representation. It is argued here that it is only through the
person for a certain period of time. In the context of participant
integration of multiple forms of collection methods,
observation, apprenticeship expands the researcher's
representation and dissemination techniques that a more open-
engagement in terms of time and practice. The researcher is not
ended and inclusive work can be generated. Today, greater
limited to observe, but actively taking part in the learning,
attention to the non-verbal (in particular with the propulsion of
employing his hands-on skills, having also a possibility to make
new technologies) particularly the corporeal, embodied,
mistakes and possibly correcting them. Interviewing craftsmen
sensory, emotional, habitual, pre-cognitive aspects of recordings combined with the active participation in building
subjectivity, can further develop our understanding of the social, activities should reveal more aspects of the work flow and
even in relationship to architecture (Brown, Dilley, Marshall, construction processes. It is in the combination of
2008). It is believed that thought filming with video-cameras apprenticeship and recordings that stands one of the main ways
from different perspectives - and in combination with the help to reflect upon construction which can be extended beyond the
of participants - it will be possible to add new insights into time spend on site. Thus, videos can be employed as a
construction processes. Nevertheless, video cannot be the only participatory tool to engage in discussion with research
forms of data collection, analysis, and dissemination. In this participants after the construction is over. The researcher shares
paragraph are treated the possible ways in which this method the experience with masons on site, so the process is not only
can be creatively employed in combination with apprenticeship, externally observed. Once the construction is over, recordings
as an integrative way to more common research methods. In will be a bridge between the experiences of the participants and
particular when talking about construction, having a visual the researcher. Videos offer the possibility to be re-viewed and
recording of a processes - a time sequence - allows to grasp discussed with participants, and the flow and process of work
several audio-visual elements connected to building techniques can be partly re-experienced together. When we use video as a
and their acquisition. During construction there is a prevalence method, we are not simply recording what people do, to produce
of non-verbal utterances that can be analyzed with the help of visual data for analysis, rather we are taking part in a process of
video recordings. knowledge generation (Pink, 2007: 105). In the process, we also
have a chance to engage with participants in a collaborative
manner. Whether we are interviewing, working with someone
on a building site, or re-viewing videos together with research
participants, another 'dimension' is added to the fieldwork. As a
qualitative method, video often allow for the blurring of
boundaries between visual artifacts and behaviors, becoming as
prominent as the worlds that the subject utters (Shrum, Duque,
Brown 2005: 17). It was with the development of portable
sound sync movie cameras that it was possible for the first time
to use video as an elicitation tool, therefore talking to people
about their actions. showing them a video sequence of their
movements (Harper, 2002: 14). The first experience was a
French movie called Chronique d’un ete (Chronicle of a
Summer), filmed in Paris by visual anthropologist Jean Rouch
Figure 3. Excerpt of a video of a master builder in the process of and sociologist Edgar Morin in the 1950s.
constructing a barrel vault without centring, Esfahak, September Videos will be recorded from different perspectives. A fixed
2019 camera on tripod will record building processes as an 'external
viewer'. The researcher will have a head-mounted camera to
Positive Aspects: review his own work on site in collaboration and interaction
Observation is a crucial element of learning processes, in with master builders. A third camera will be recording the
particular for crafts. According to neurologist Marc Jannerod, master builder perspective, and this will be achieved with a self-
the observation of someone engaged in practice acts upon our wearable head-mounted camera providing an insider first-
motor-based understanding of that action. He explains that person point of view. Using diverse observational perspectives
vision can process images of bodily movement and activity, will allow to include research participants in further discussion,
which then serve as inputs to the motor domains of our and strengthen the researcher's understanding of the dynamic
cognition. These images are distinguished into constituent interplay of construction activities. Thus, a sort of 'expanded
postures and movements that are assigned a motor-based apprenticeship' is virtually created once construction is over, by
interpretation (Jannerod 1994 in Marchand, 2008: 263-26). combining video re-play with interviewing masons. Re-playing
Similarly, video images also have a high potential for capturing (which will likely include unexpected events) gives the
processes and actions that record the patterns of life and researcher multiple possibility to triangulate data. At the same
movement (Tim Dants in Pink, 2007: 103). The use of video in time, many actions gone unnoticed during the process can be
social science, and in particular ethnography and anthropology, seen later, providing fresh material for more debate and
has been increasingly taken up by researchers (Carrol, Mesam analysis.
2018; Jarret, Liu 2018; Lahlou, Le Bellu, Boesen-Mariani 2015; Moreover, self-wearable cameras, commonly available on the
S.Lahlou 2010-2011; Le Bellu 2016; Murthy 2008; Pink, market, are a relatively inexpensive mean to record in high
Sumartojo, Lupton, et al. 2017; Pink 2015-2008-2007; Shrum, quality for a researcher operating alone. They are easy to handle
Duque Ynalvez 2007; Shrum, Duque, Brown 2005; Yang, and can be adapted to working on site since they are resistant
2015). Studies range from the fields of psychology to cognitive and designed for outdoor use. Being user friendly means that
science. Video, as compared to other visuals methods, adds the even research participant can operate them if and when needed.
dimension of time and sound. The flow of life captured with a No cables are needed which would impede normal procedures
video-camera, especially when taking part to craft processes, to be carried normally on a building site. Their light weight
may be compared to informal interviews which have not been facilitates wearing them for protracted periods of time.
planned ahead. Video ethnography is a method which can be
much inductive in nature, leaving the possibility to unexpected
events to manifest. A common problem which scholars
associated with everyday life and processes is that of not being
able to access its ‘flow', unless trying to slice it into a
representational form - crystallized and objectified for analysis
(Pink et al., 2017: 377). These issues cannot be solved simply
by utilizing video-ethnography. However, the use of video
Figure 4. Excerpt of a video recorded with head-mounted
camera from the builder's perspective, Esfahak, September 2019

Acknowledging the advantages of digital video recording, we
also have to be careful to always remind that the work of
researchers should not be only linked to technological
advancements and their socially and locally bounded limits. Part
of the kit of a researcher (architect-cum-anthropologist-cum-
ethnographer) should be different methods, all more or less
suitable to the specific circumstance in which the researcher is
working. It is not always possible to record with a video
camera. Video recordings will necessarily have to be focused on
specific parts of the construction as it will be unlikely to record
all phases of the building process. This is due to obvious
practical limits given by the impossibility to always set up
cameras during the working day on site. It is also due to the Figure 5. Scheme representing the key features of the 'Expanded
amount of data recorded, as an over production of data Apprenticeship' process
(excessive recording hours) will not allow for better analysis -
on the contrary it can impede a smooth workflow. This implies
that a careful selection of those relevant moments of
construction, important also in terms of documentation, will
have to be selected and agreed upon ahead. For example in the
case of South Khorasan and this project, it will be important to
record the construction of vaults and domes without wooden
centring, being one of the most unique features of local
buildings. The use of a head-mounted self wearable camera is
surely less sophisticated than customized cameras developed on
purpose for each study, similarly to those employed for Self-
Evidence-Based-Ethnography, SEBE, developed by Lahlou at
the LSE (see Lahlou, 2010, 2011; Lahlou, Le Bellu, Boesen-
Mariani, 2015). Nevertheless, this study is not a psychologically
oriented research, thus there is no necessity of wearing a
customized eye level camera. Lahlou in the first place states that
the most important element of a method, including SEBE, is
building trust with the informants, apart from the practicalities
concerning devices, as methods are primarily needed to create a
good environment for the research to be carried out (Lahlou,
2011: 624).

Figure 6. Scheme of the possibilities offered by this

methodology regarding data analysis and triangulation
3. CONCLUSIONS with other disciplines and methods. At this stage are presented
more questions than solutions and it will be interesting to see
The study of vernacular architecture is often limited to finished where this conversation might lead other researchers of
objects and what happens to them once they are embedded in vernacular architecture.
social life. These finished objects are the tangible
manifestations of a culture, an architecture of a place and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
people. In documenting these buildings it is important to also
understand and study the processes behind them. These The author would like to thank the villagers and craftsmen of
processes are necessary for the materialization of these Esfahak for their kind welcome to the village, allowing access
buildings, and essential to instantiate their local meaning and to their activities. He is also grateful to the team of 'Esfahak
their transformation through time. Processes of conception and Mud Centre', professionals and volunteer students alike, for
making become manifest as building techniques, craft-skills, letting him take part in the workshops organized. The author is
ways of learning and of problem solving which are intangible recipient of ISA Trust Travel Grant 2019 and the British
aspects of architecture - often unnoticed or overlooked when we Institute of Persian Studies Travel Grant April 2019 which
only take into account the materiality of buildings. For this helped him facilitate travels to the village and ponder upon this
reason rise the question: how does the process of building methodology.
making unfolds, and in which way? To answer these questions,
looking in particular at vernacular architecture, a methodology REFERENCES
is proposed based on the combination of anthropology and
architectural research methods. This methodology is based on Beazley, E., Harverson, M. 1982: Living with the Desert:
spending protracted periods of time among local builders and Working Buildings of the Iranian Plateau. Aris & Phillips Ltd,
people (participant observation) integrated with the direct Warminster
engagement of the researcher in construction activities
(apprenticeship). Given the importance of vision and mimicry Bromberger, C. 1988. Banna'i', in Encyclopaedia Iranica
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