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Theory Assignment --- BA / QA Class

Name -
Course Start Date -
The answer should be confined within the column B.
If any question has mulitiple points / topics to be answered, use a separate row for each and label them a. , b. , c. etc as in Que
Q. 1





Q. 2


Q. 3

Q. 4
Q. 5





Q. 5

Q. 6

Q. 7


Q. 8

Q. 9

Q. 10

Q. 11

Q. 12

Q. 13

Q. 14

Q. 15

Q. 16

Q. 17

Q. 18
Q. 19

Q. 20
heory Assignment --- BA / QA Class
ame -
ourse Start Date -
he answer should be confined within the column B.
any question has mulitiple points / topics to be answered, use a separate row for each and label them a. , b. , c. etc as in Question 1 and 2
List five essential attributes of a successful Business Analyst and explain in brief how these qualities help a BA in day to day Pro

List the phases of Software Development Life Cycle and explain in brief the deliverable from each phase. ( leave a row blank be

What are the limitations of Waterfall Methodology ? List the kind of projects where Waterfall Methodology more useful.

What do you understand by the Iterative Model in Agile Methodology ? Explain and attempt the exercise.There is a Banking P
and there will be four Iterations with deliverables in each alteration, the functionalities are a) Log in, b) Account summary - i) c
d) Pay Bills - i) Search for a payee, ii) Add a payee, iii) Modify / Delete a payee, iii) Automate Payments, e) i) Statements ii) Pro
Your assignment is to logically distribute the deliverable functionalities in each Iteration.
Define Scrum with respect to Agile Methodology.

What is a Product Backlog ?

Who decides the order of User Stories in a Sprint ?

Explain the significance of Burn Down Charts.

What is the purpose of Sprint Retrospective meeting ? Who attends this meeting ?

List the preparation points before starting the process of Requirement Gathering.

Expand JAD with refernce to requirement gathering, what is the purpose of JAD session and who participates in these sessions

Explain in brief Functional and Non Functional requirements.

Functional Requirement -

Non Functional Requirement -

What are the essentials of a good requirement document ?

Explain the importance of Alternate Flow in a Use Case requirement document and where is the Alternate Flow derived from ?

What do you understand by UML ? Why is it necessary and how does it help to support the requirement document with an ill

Explain with example the difference between a Use Case requirement document and a requirement in the form of a User Stor

In a Functional Requirement document what do you understand by User Interface and User Interaction, explain with a short e

What do you understand by Process Flow Diagram ?

Explain RTM and its significance.

What do you understand by Software Test Life Cycle ? List its phases.

What is the role of a Business Analyst during the Software Test Life Cycle ?

Explain the terms Test Strategy, Test Plan and Test Case.
Test Strategy -
Test Plan
Test Case

What is the source of information to work on Test Strategy, Test Plan and Test Case
Explain the term Severity and Critical during the process to fix the Bug

Who signs off the requirement document before it is published to the technical team ?

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