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(Caveat: this is simple and short template. Other lawyers have their own style. You can twin this with theirs or do
your original.)
It is suggested to enter your appearance with a greeting first. Good morning, Good afternoon or Pleasant Day. You
will appear courteous this way.
Court staff will call the witness.
Witness will take Oath then state name, address and status.
( Better the witness prepare his/her Valid ID and remind him/her to wear decent court attire)
Counsel: The purpose of the testimony of the witness are as follows ( This is in the JA and you just read the purpose
Then counsel will say: If I may please this court? ( Or If I may, your honor?)
Court: Proceed, counsel.
Q and A:
1- Mr. or Mdm. Witness, do you remember executing an affidavit? Yes
2- Is this the Affidavit? Yes
3- There is a signature above the name (name of witness) whose signature is that? My signature
4- Who interviewed you for this affidavit? You atty.
5- There are documents attached to your Affidavit. DO you confirm the authenticity of these documents? Yes
5.1 I am showing to you Exhibit A of your JA. This is a (example) Birth Certificate. Is this the document you refer to
in your JA? Yes.
5.2 Do you have the original of this document?
Yes. I have ( then will show the original)
Counsel: Your honor, I would like to request the opposing counsel to check if the photocopy is a faithful
reproduction of the original.
Other Counsel after inspection: It is a faithful reproduction your honor.
Counsel: I would like to have this marked as our Exhibit A.
Court: Mark it. ( most of the time, dili na mu speak si Judge.)
The same procedure for Exhibit B and so on.
( Letter for the Complainant. Number for the Respondent)
( Note: Other courts have different practice on the marking. Always go for the “one-by-one marking style” unless
directed otherwise by the Court.)
6 - Do you confirm the content, veracity and truthfulness of this Judicial Affidavit? Yes.
7- Do you have anything else to add to your testimony Mr. or Mdm Witness? There is none. ( or None, as of the
moment Atty.)
That is all for the witness your honor, he or she ready for the cross-examination.
Other better versions out there. I hope this can help you mga manghuds

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