Assignment: Annotated Bibliography Student Name: Date:: Task 1 Project Plan

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Task 1 Project Plan

Assignment: Annotated Bibliography

Student Name:

Motivation is the factor that boosts the capacity of doing work and it is also the main element in
attaining and setting objectives. In short, motivation is the only driving force behind every
human behavior, despite differences in character. Motivation encompasses the desire to
continuously strive for achieving goals, purpose and life worth living. The main aim of this paper
is to briefly discuss the three areas of motivation (1) is value of motivation among students (2)
factors of motivation among people/students (3) effects of cooperative learning on students (4)
behavior and humanistic approaches to meet the classroom motivation. As motivation explains
why human behavior terminates and continue certain things, that is why it is very important to
Schunk, D. H., & DiBenedetto, M. K. (2020). Motivation and social cognitive theory.

Contemporary Educational Psychology, 60, 101832.

1. This article by (Schunk & dibenedetto, 2020) was all about motivation concerning
cognitive theory and how the motivation will be directed to sustain the goals directed
activities, as it is the main feature of cognitive theory. This article also discusses the types
of motivation and which type is more important. Critical issues which arise in the
research of this study was confronting the theory of diversity and culture. According to
Amoatey (2021), culture and diversity in society have long term effects on people and
students face this issue very promptly because they face students with different
Buddha Priya, S., & Bhatt, P. (2018). Intrinsic motivational potential inventory:

Development of a measure. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business

Management, 17(4), 478–501.

2. This article by Buddha Priya, S., & Bhatt, P. (2018) discusses the type of motivation that
is intrinsic and what is the relation of positive incentive with motivation. There are other
conceptions which are the experience of competence, self-determination and learning
goal orientation etc. Intrinsic is the self-motivation that is not gained by the outer reward
system, it can be gained from the inner self. According to Øvretveit (2021), intrinsic
motivation refers to different conflicting conceptions. It can be indirectly related to the
reward-based system because it will boost the feature of motivation and eventually
workplace performance becomes better and the person feels valued and competent at the
same time.

Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2020). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation from a self-

determination theory perspective: Definitions, theory, practices, and future

directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 61, 101860.

3. This article by Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2020) discusses the concept of self-
determination which is a broad framework and correlate with factors of intrinsic
motivation. Umrani (2019) observed that autonomous extrinsic motivation and
psychological wellness have direct relevance with educational institution. Because a child
can only perform well in school if he/she is physical and mentally active and if the school
environment is strict and favorable towards certain students then the student would not
excel in educational institutes. That is why psychological needs are also important for
learning purposes and intrinsic motivation drives the behavior to do better in class.
However, this topic is debatable because many educational institutes follow traditional
methods of motivation and would not support the students.
Hattie, J., Hodis, F. A., & Kang, S. H. K. (2020). Theories of motivation: Integration and

ways forward. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 61, 101865.

4. This article by Hattie et al., (2020) discusses volitional behavior and human agency and
many other influential theories which choose to persist in course of action. Due to the
integration of four different dimensions of human behavior which drives motivation are
self-efficacy, social comparisons/modelling, self-regulation and task values. Although,
motivation is determined by two factors internal and external factors and shapes the
individual motivational profiles. As per Umrani (2019), motivation can also be
manipulative and a person’s intention would also play an important role in boosting
another person motivational levels. For example, one person could bribe another to do
some work for reward, this is the negative side of motivation and can also be harmful for
Koster, D. (2017). Motivation in the workplace.
5. This article by Koster, (2017) will discuss the factors which influence the motivation in
employees. Some people find motivated when they serve public, others feel motivated by
doing work in their field. Still, others find motivation in their salary because they serve
their family. Three important factors which motivate employees are solving complex
data, creative ideas which improve the current structure of the organization and
mentoring and coaching other employees. But as per Øvretveit (2021), factors of

motivation also depend on the organizational environment and executive because the
above-mentioned factors are only applicable when heads of the company are
Daumiller, M., Stupnisky, R., & Janke, S. (2020). The motivation of higher education

faculty: Theoretical approaches, empirical evidence, and future directions.

International Journal of Educational Research, 99, 101502.

6. This article by Daumiller et al., (2020) discusses four questions that inspire the future
research of higher education faculty motivation. The first question is about, why
institutions should be concerned with the motivation of higher education faculty in the
first place? And if this research is important then why it is underdeveloped? How will the
theories align with one another? What are international researches of motivation on
faculty? All of these questions are developed because the higher education faculty was
responsible for maintaining the foundation of students for the practical world. But
mowbray (2020) claimed in a study that, learning outcomes and students’ engagement
with studies are not persistent with teachers always they also need infrastructure and
teachers also need better facilities so that they can facilitate their students as well.
Alsawaier, R. S. (2018). The effect of gamification on motivation and engagement. The

International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 35(1), 56–79.

7. This article by Alsawaier, (2018) discusses the gamification feature of games which is
specially developed to motivate students. Teenagers become bored with traditional
methods of motivating and with changing trends in society their inspiration level
transforms and they feel alienated by following the old methods. Gamifying helps the
college students with graduate recruitment strategies and also help in college course
content and curriculum. But as per Gaetani (2017), gamification could be a temporary
solution and for them, it will not enhance the ability of students and decline learner’s
motivational level.
Lin, M.-H., Chen, H., & Liu, kuang-S. (2017). A Study of the Effects of Digital Learning on

Learning Motivation and Learning Outcome. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics,

Science and Technology Education, 13(7), 3553–3564.

8. This article by Lin et al., (2017) discusses the modern society changes and the use of
intelligent mobile devices. As the mobile phone becomes part of our daily routine, the
form of learning automatically shifts from old and traditional methods to digital form.
According to Budd (2021), the key issue with current information technology is the
integration with education, because teachers are used to traditional methods of learning
and resist adopting the new methods. The factors of motivation also depend on the
methods teachers follow, if they resist the level of motivation could not achieve.
Topics Activities Time required
Value of motivation among  Types of motivation 10nth January 2022
students  How does motivation
help students in
enhancing academic
 Motivation important
in learning
 Key issues
How can we motivate  Factors of motivation 20nth January 2022
students  Ways/strategies to
motivate students
 Key issues
Effects of cooperative  Benefits from 30th January 2022
learning on students cooperative learning
 Negatives Effects of
cooperative learning
 Students’
improves from
cooperative learning
 Key issues
Behavior and humanistic  Humanistic approach 10nth February 2022
approaches to classroom in the classroom
 Humanistic approach
in teaching
 Humanistic approach
to behavior
 Key issues


Amoatey, P., Omidvarborna, H., Baawain, M.S., Al-Harthy, I., Al-Mamun, A., Al-Jabri, K.,

2021. Preliminary hazard assessment of air pollution levels in Nizwa, Rusayl and Sur in

Oman. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 1–9.

Budd, J.W., 2020. The psychologisation of employment relations, alternative models of the

employment relationship, and the OB turn. Human Resource Management Journal 30,


Buddhapriya, S., Bhatt, P., 2018. Intrinsic motivational potential inventory: development of a

measure. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 17, 478–501.

Gaetani, I., Hoes, P.-J., Hensen, J.L.M., 2017. On the sensitivity to different aspects of occupant

behaviour for selecting the appropriate modelling complexity in building performance

predictions. Journal of Building Performance Simulation 10, 601–611.

Mowbray, P.K., Wilkinson, A., Tse, H.H.M., 2020. High-performance work systems and

employee voice behaviour: an integrated model and research agenda. Personnel Review

50, 1530–1543.

Øvretveit, J., 2021. Rapid Impact Organisation Behaviour (RIOB) Research for Responses by

Healthcare Organisations to Evolving Crises (SARS COV-2 Pandemic): Examples of a

New OB Specialty, in Waring, J., Denis, J.-L., Reff Pedersen, A., Tenbensel, T. (Eds.),

Organising Care in a Time of Covid-19: Implications for Leadership, Governance and

Policy, Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare. Springer International Publishing, Cham,

pp. 297–313.


Umrani, W.A., Siyal, I.A., Ahmed, U., Ali Arain, G., Sayed, H., Umrani, S., 2019. Does family

come first? Family motivation individuals OCB assessment via self-efficacy. Personnel

Review 49, 1287–1308.

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