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robin's chips

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Underage
Category: F/M
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationship: Steve Harrington/Maxine "Max" Mayfield
Additional Tags: Age Difference, Car Sex, Smut, Involves a car crash kind of (?), Vaginal
Fingering, One-Shot
Stats: Published: 2022-06-18 Words: 1715

robin's chips
by pitykitty


robin is at a small house party with the gang and she realizes they are out of chips.

she enlists the services of an odd couple whom she knows well.

"Steve." The voice was so distant and so foggy and so muffled that the brunette didn't even register
it. Muffled by the laughter replaying in his head again and again, the girly and sweet but impish
giggle bouncing off the walls of his skull with no mercy. Why had she laughed? Steve didn't know,
and it didn't matter. He just liked- no- loved, how pretty her freckles little face scrunched up
jovially. Her skin was pale and looked soft like uncooked dough, and he had to resist the urge to
reach out and knead the spongy skin. He-
"Steve!" His attention was abruptly captured by the deep red painted fingernails snapping in front
of his face, and he forced his blurry eyes to focus on... Robin. She sat in front of him, her tinted lips
pulled into her usual less than impressed frown as she stared at Steve. As the two of them stared at
each other, it became increasingly clear that both of them were far too drunk to do regular daily
activities, like drive a car. Well, it's a good thing- "We're out of chips." She stared into his soul
practically. Steve shook his head 'no'.
"I'm not driving to get more chips." He stated firmly. Then Max came up behind them out of
nowhere, leaning over the back of the couch so that her head was level with Steve's, the few feet
between them feeling more like a mile. Drunkenly, Steve wondered what it would be like to be on
the other side of the couch, watching Max bend over to couch- and then Steve's eyes shifted to
Lucas, who was doing exactly that a few yards away in the same room and Steve had to clench his
jaw to keep himself from shooting upright. What was up with that...?
"I can drive." Max piped up, her eyes glittering with mischief and Steve choked out a high pitched
"As if. You will never, and I mean never, drive my car." Steve declared and it was final, so he
swung his hand in the air for effect.
"I'm older now. I need to learn." Max seemed to pout in a purely strategic way, that plus the
authoritative demand in her tone and well, before Steve could appreciate the beauty of it his eyes
drifted to the side again to catch sight of Lucas, who was staring at the back of Max's body with
dark eyes which traveled and-
"Let's go then." He was already pulling his keys from his pocket as he stood, his eyes locked with
Lucas' as neither of them could let themself be the first to look away.

After being reminded to put the car in reverse, Max backed Steve's car out of the driveway and into
the street, and he held in a few vile curse words because she backed out the car to face the exact
opposite way of what Steve had instructed. He took a deep breath. It's fine. He's just drunk. It's not
a big deal, he told himself as he gave her directions on how to pull out now that they were faced
the wrong way. Soon enough they were on the dark, country roads of Hawkins and honestly it
would've been a little scary for Max if Steve wasn't there in the seat next to her. Back in California
she found solace in the night, it was a time to relax and gather her thoughts. In Indiana, there were
literal monsters in the dark, so that took away any sense of peace.
So maybe Max shouldn't have started trying to drive with one hand to rest her other arm on the
center console, but she wanted to be able to look cool while she drove. Thankfully it was late at
night, and the roads were mostly empty.
She felt her arm brush Steve's momentarily, who had his arm resting in the same place at the
center of the front. But both of them where wearing jackets, obstructing the touch. Conveniently,
only moments later one or both of their hands twitched, fingers brushing against fingers. Neither of
them spoke.
That is, until Max swerved yet again, only this time there was a car approaching from the other
lane. Steve yelled and Max screamed and the person in the other car laid on their horn harshly. The
older boy grabbed the wheel, turning it sharply away from the blinding headlights but into the
subsequent ditch.
"Break! Break! BREAK!" Steve was screeching and finally Max got it, slamming her foot onto the
break as the car came to a stop at the bottom of the small storm ditch. The car sped off into the
night, its headlights disappearing, and then it was dark again as the two sat in silence, panting to
catch their frightened breathes.
Because of her heaving chest, Max soon noticed the pressure of the arm wrapped around her front,
and she following its length up to its owner, who was staring off into the distance with a look that
honestly scared the ginger.
"Steve." She shoved at his arm and he quickly pulled it away. She vaguely remembered her mother
doing the same thing when they had close encounters in traffic. She reached across the car to hold
his now unoccupied hand, lacing her much smaller, slender fingers through his. He let her, still not
looking at her as he stared out the windshield into the dark night. "I'm sorry..." Her voice was
barely a whisper, and she was forcing her eyes to remain dry. It was stupid, but she couldn't help
expecting the same reaction that she would have gotten from Billy. Screaming, grabbing,
sometimes hitting, and lots of intimidation. Obviously Steve wasn't as short tempered as her
brother, but he was a teenage boy nonetheless, and Max expected some sort of repercussion.
Still, her friend just sat there silently, until finally he squeezed her hand, just a little bit. Only for a
short second.
"Look, I'm not mad, okay?" He turned to face Max, a little startled by the guarded look on her
flushed face. Her shoulders seemed to sag with relief at the words. She must have not realized just
how relieved she was, as she soon felt a warm tear rolling down her cheek. Still overwhelmed a bit,
she then felt Steve's big hands wiping the tear away. She leaned into the touch even as he
eventually pulled away, chasing it all the way forward until her face was pressed against his. She
felt him push back, but it wasn't as if he was trying to push away. No, he was pushing against Max
and he wanted her to push back.
She had kissed before, obviously. Lucas was the one she considered her first real kiss, but she
couldn't help the knot in her stomach telling her that this was entirely different. As his hand
dropped back to his side she groped blindly until she caught it, bringing it up to rest on her hip.
Steve didn't protest, eventually digging his fingers into the plush fat there, causing Max to open her
mouth ever so slightly in a silent gasp.
Then things started progressing so much faster. Steve's tongue was inside her mouth, just barely,
just enough that she actually wanted more. Lucas- well- he was comparable to a puppy in a lot of
ways, including his kisses.
Soon after that she wasn't sure if Steve was pulling her into his lap or if she was pushing herself up
and over, but neither of them seemed to have a problem with it as they were too lost in the
breathless kiss. She soon felt Steve's hands sliding up her bare back, underneath her jacket and
shirt. His vaguely traced the lining of the back of her bra, eventually becoming bored and traveling
up and down her spine and Steve wished he could see it, because he was sure that her face wasn't
the only place with freckles like that.
She only realized one of Steve's hands had traveled down around her waist once she felt him
unbuttoning her shorts. She pushed herself down hard atop Steve, and when his hand was inside of
her waistband she arched her back slightly, angling herself forward.
She realized how wet she was when Steve's finger slid in with no resistance and she moaned
quietly, biting into her jacket sleeve as she leaned forward to close her eyes. As he added another
finger she let out a noise that sounded more like a whimper, and would've concerned Steve and
made him stop if she wasn't still pulling him closer.
His free hand seemed to roam anywhere that it pleased. Her lower back, the curve of her hip, then
to cup her breast and squeeze it ever so slightly. After a few slow moments where he tried to make
sure he wasn't hurting Max, he slowly angled his fingers inside of her to stimulate her specific
bundle of nerve endings. It worked as she gasped, her face falling forward to hide in the crook of
Steve's neck. He then slipped his hand under the bra that he had recently realized was lace (he
hadn't expected this from Max) and he wondered what color it was. He was distracted by how
much he wanted to see this, increasing the speed of his fingers faster and pressing down against
where he could feel her hardened nipple, squeezing rougher than he had before. It was too much
and Max was too overstimulated, leading to her climaxing with a lewd moan which was muffled
into Steve's neck which was now wet with her tears, saliva, and probably a little bit of snot.
She was too dazed from her first real orgasm to process as Steve retrieved some napkins in little
plastic packages from a compartment in his car, and he was wiping both of them off until they
could survive till the next shower. Her eyes were half-lidded as she watched Steve button her
shorts and she thought, as she watched his hands work gently by her waist, she wouldn't complain
about a round two.

"I hate to be a buzzkill and you do look very content right now but... We still need to get chips."


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