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{'packageid','007173'},{'description','EXPEDI��O CONT�NUA TAF 27
'},{'notice','Este pacote contempla atualiza��es periodicas do TAF vers�o 12.'},
{'contenttype','diferential'}}000050PC0A_STAMP X
Field automatically saved for integration control.000125PC1E_CAEPFR
X Enter the CAEPF
registration number for filling tag "nrInscAdq" in event R-2055 when the
responsible branch is an individual.000248PC1E_CLAFIS X
Enter the corresponding code to the taxpayer tax classification. Validation: it
must be a valid code existing in the Table 08. The codes [21] and [22] can only be
used if the tpInsc is equal to [2]. For the other codes, tpIns must be equal to
[1]. 000032PC1E_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion to the System.000017PC1E_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PC1E_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000076PC1E_DTTRSO X
Date of transformation into profit-making company - Statute no.
11,096/2005.000015PC1E_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PC1E_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000439PC1E_INDCP X
Indication of the rural producer option by the taxation method of the the social
security contribution in the terms of the art. 25, � 13, Law 8.212/1991 and the
art. 25, � 7�, Law 8.870/1994. If the rural producer does not complete this field,
the option will be the commercialization of the production. 1 - On the
commercialization of the production 2 - On the payroll Validation: Do not complete
fi classTrib is different than [07, 21].000183PC1E_NRCPF X
Enter SSN of the Event Transmitter �Digital Certificate�. This field also replaces
the automatic search for the equivalent record in the customer�s SIGAMAT, (SM0)
when Rural Producer.000034PC1G_STAMP X
Field for TSI integration control.000023PC1H_STAMP X
Protheus ERP Stamp Date000050PC1J_STAMP X
Field automatically saved for integration control.000050PC1L_STAMP
X Field automatically
saved for integration control.000050PC1N_STAMP X
Field automatically saved for integration control.000030PC1O_STAMP
X Field for integration
control.000050PC1P_STAMP X
Field automatically saved for integration control.000023PC20_STAMP
X Protheus ERP Stamp
Date000009PC21_STAMP X
ICMS calculation integration control000042PC3J_STAMP X
Control of TSI Protheus x TAF integration.000023PC3Q_STAMP X
Protheus ERP Stamp Date000027PC5M_STAMP X
Stamp Date of Protheus ERP.000037PC8B_DTRANS X
Date of event transmission to eSocial000021PC8B_DTRECP X
Date of event receipt000021PC8B_HRRECP X
Time of event receipt000037PC8B_HTRANS X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000010PC8B_NOMEVE X
Event Name000115PC8K_APLICA X
Application of the causative agent / situation that generates the occupational
illness or the work-related accident000115PC8L_APLICA X
Application of the causative agent / situation that generates the occupational
illness or the work-related accident000553PC8R_CICPRP X
Code of payroll item levy for contributions of the Social Security Specific System
- RPPS/Military system. Valid values: 00 - Not the calculation base of the
contributions owed to the RPPS/military system 11 - Calculation base of
contributions owed to the RPPS/military system 12 - Calculation base of
contributions owed to RPPS/military system - Year-End Bonus 31 - Contribution
discounted of the beneficiary and insured party 32 Contribution discounted of the
beneficiary and insured party - Year-end bonus 91 Suspension of levy due to legal
decision000232PC8R_TEREMU X
Enter if the payroll item compounds the specific compensatory ceiling (art. 37, XI,
of CF/1988). Valid values: S - Yes N - No Validation: Completion request if the
legal nature of the declarant is Public Administration (group
[1]).000017PC91_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PC91_DTRECP X
Date of receipt000017PC91_DTTRAN X
Transmission Date000015PC91_HRRECP X
Time of receipt000017PC91_HRTRAN X
Transmission Time000017PC91_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000596PC91_NRINSC X
Enter the registration number of the previous employer according to the type of
registration indicated in field sucessaoVinc/tpInsc. Validation: Must be a valid
registration number different from the declarant's registration, considering the
particularities applied to the public agency EIN information in S-1000. Se
sucessaoVinc/tpInsc = [1], must have 14 (fourteen) digits and be different from the
base CNPJ of the employer (except if the ideEmpregador/nrInsc has 14 (fourteen)
digits) and of the sites informed through event S-1005. If sucessaoVinc/tpInsc =
[2], must have 11 (eleven) digits.000010PC91_ORIEVE X
Event Name000081PC91_TPGUIA X
Indicative of Type of Form. Valid values: 1- Document of eSocial - DAE
Collection000067PC92_CNPJRE X
EIN responsible for the registration in the RFB works
registration.000110PC99_ALQRAT X
Enter aliquot defined in the legislation in force for the preponderant activity
(CNAE). Valid values: 1, 2, 3.000167PC99_FAP X
Accident Factor of Prevention - FAP. Validation: this must be a number equal to
0.5000 and lower than or equal to 2.000 according to the competent governmental
entity,000010PC9L_NOMEVE X
Event Name000307PC9M_APURIR X
Indicative of Income Tax calculation type. Valid values: 0 - Regular (calculation
on the payroll stated in the eSocial) 1 - Special status of Income Tax calculation
Validation: Information mandatory and exclusive if perApur >= [2021-05] (if
indApuracao = [1]) or if perApur >= [2021] (if indApuracao = [2]).000109PC9N_RELACO
X Field used for
relationship with C90 table, its content is the concatenation of fields
Relationship Id of Multiple Links for different capacities.000010PC9Q_NOMEVE
X Event
Name000313PC9R_APURIR X
Indicative of the type of Income Tax calculation. Valid values: 0 - Regular
(calculation on the payroll stated in the eSocial) 1 - Special status of Income Tax
calculation Validation: Information mandatory and exclusive
if perApur >= [2021-05] (if indApuracao = [1] or if perApur >= [2021] (if
indApuracao = [2]).000055PC9R_IDRELC X
Relationships Id of Multiple Links to allocation table.000565PC9V_CNDING
X Immigrant worker entry
conditions. Valid values: 1 - Refugee 2 - Refugee petitioner 3 - Permanence in
Brazil due to family reunion 4 - Beneficiary of agreement between Mercosul
countries 5 - Dependent on diplomatic and/or consular agent that keeps a
reciprocity agreement for the exercise of paid activities in Brazil 6 - Beneficiary
of a Friendship, Cooperation and Consultation Treaty between the Federative
Republic of Brazil and the Portuguese Republic 7 - Other condition Validation: If
tmpResid = [1], do not enter [2, 5]. If tmpResid = [2], do not enter
[1].000017PC9V_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PC9V_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PC9V_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PC9V_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000369PC9V_MATTSV X
Registration attributed to the worker by the company. Validation: Completion
required if indRetif = [1]. In case of rectification (indRetif = [2]), the
registration must be filled in in case if has been entered in the original event.
The value entered cannot have the expression �eSocial� in the 7 (seven) first
positions. Rule for REGRA_CARACTERE_ESPECIAL validation:000184PC9V_NRPROC
X Number identifying the
labor lawsuit decision, when the start of the TSVE is occurs by legal decision.
Validation: If entered, it must be a valid legal lawsuit with 20 (twenty)
digits.000168PC9V_TPRESI X
Time of residence of immigrant worker. Valid values: 1 - Indefinite duration 2 -
Specific duration Validation: Entry required if (dtAdm or dtExercicio) >= [2021-05-
10].000207PC9Y_SEXDEP X
Gender of dependent party. Valid values: M - Male F - Female Validation: Completion
required and exclusive when a worker is registered in event S2200, active in
dtAlteracao and with {tpRegPrev} = [2] in RET.000189PCAY_AJPARA X
Enter if there were adjustments to the parameter price, according to arts. 22 to 25
and art. 34, ��7� and 10 of the Normative Instruction RFB No. 1312/2012, depending
on the method applied.000189PCAY_AJUPAR X
Enter if there were adjustments to the parameter price, according to arts. 22 to 25
and art. 34, ��7� and 10 of the Normative Instruction RFB No. 1312/2012, depending
on the method applied.000024PCAY_CODFCO X
Code of the quote source000165PCAY_DESCBP X
Description of identical or similar assets, services or rights selected for
parameter price calculation in export operations used and entered in X300.OPER_PAR
field.000276PCAY_DESCME X
Describe the methodology and criteria used for pricing, including differences
between the date when the operation was hired and the date when the price was
established. If the price is fixed based on quotes or indexes related to an average
of days, describe the criteria used.000104PCAY_DESCPA X
Description of identical or similar assets, services or rights selected for
parameter price calculation.000034PCAY_DESFCO X
CAY_IDFCOT field quote description000663PCAY_DTCOTC X
Date of the quote used for parameter price calculation. It can be the transaction
date, according to � 2�-A, art 16 of Normative Instruction RFB No. 1312/2012.
Choose between the following options: T -Transaction Date O - Transaction Date
(art. 34, �17) E - Shipment Date If option "T - Transaction Date" is selected,
enter, in field 18 "X300.DAT_TRANS", the date in which the price was negotiated,
according to art. 34, �16 of Normative Instruction RFB 1312/2012. Option "O -
Transaction Date (art. 34, �17) must be chosen if the taxpayer uses quotes or
indexes related to an average of days, according to art. 34, �17 of the Normative
Instruction RFB 1312/2012.000067PCAY_DTEMBQ X
Shipment Date: enter the shipment date of the negotiated
commodity.000023PCAY_DTENPR X
Predicted Delivery Date000110PCAY_DTNEGC X
Enter the date when the price was negotiated (according to art. 34 �16 of Normative
Instruction RFB 1312/2012)000110PCAY_DTNGC X
Enter the date when the price was negotiated (according to art. 34 �16 of Normative
Instruction RFB 1312/2012)000659PCAY_DTUTIL X
Date of the quote used for parameter price calculation. It can be the transaction
date, according to � 2�-A, art 16 of Normative Instruction RFB No. 1312/2012.
Choose between the following options: T -Transaction Date O - Transaction Date
(art. 34, �17) E - Shipment Date If option "T - Transaction Date" is selected,
enter, in field 18 "X300.DAT_TRANS", the date in which the price was negotiated,
according to art. 34, �16 of Normative Instruction RFB 1312/2012. Option "O -
Transaction Date (art. 34, �17) must be chosen if the taxpayer uses quotes or
indexes related to an average of days, according to art. 34, �17 of Normative
Instruction RFB 1312/2012.000459PCAY_IDFCOT X
Identify the source of the quote used for parameter price calculation entered in
X300.VL_PAR (indicate commodity and futures exchange used among the ones listed in
Annex II of Normative Instruction RFB No. 1312/2012; or the industry research
institution among the ones listed in Annex III of the same Normative Instruction;
or the use of prices defined by agencies or regulators according to art. 36
subparagraph II of Normative Instruction RFB No. 1312/2012)000147PCAY_IDPAEN
X Identification of parts
involved in export operations used and entered in X300.OPER_PAR field (enter name,
legal entity and identification number).000147PCAY_IDPARE X
Identification of parts involved in export operations used and entered in
X300.OPER_PAR field (enter name, legal entity and identification
number).000038PCAY_NUMDEC X
Unique Export Declaration (DUE) Number000435PCAY_QTDAJU X
Adjusted quantity: enter the amount of assets or inputs of the same nature exported
to linked people and subject to transfer price adjustments in the calendar year.
Namely, the amount of assets or inputs for which the need for transfer price
adjustment was verified after applying one of the methods provided in regulation
for parameter price calculation, and its comparison to the price performed.
Mandatory only when TIP_EXP = Assets000125PCAY_TIPPAR X
Enter asset, service or right type used for parameter price evaluation among the
following options: I - Identical S - Similar000125PCAY_TPBEM X
Enter asset, service or right type used for parameter price evaluation among the
following options: I - Identical S - Similar000156PCAY_TPOPER X
Enter what operation types were selected for parameter price examination between
the following options (art. 30 of Normative Instruction RFB No.
1312/2012):000275PCAY_VLRCOT X
Daily average value of the asset's quote or right exported (art. 34 of the
Normative Instruction RFB No. 1312/2002) used in parameter price calculation
without the addition of potential adjustments made, in Reals, and in the same
measurement unit used in the price performed.000086PCFK_CNPJIN X
EIN of Site with Exemption / Discount / Discount by Reinvestment Enter Site's full
NCM Code Description000026PCFK_INDCON X
Exemption/Discount Grantor000072PCFK_NCMINC X
Product NCN code subject to Exemption/Discount/Discount by
Value of Net Revenue Related to Exemption / Discount / Discount by
Reinvestment.000053PCFK_VLINCE X
Value of Exemption/Discount/Discount by Reinvestment.000250PCFV_AJUPAR
X Parameter Price
Adjustments: Parameter price adjustments: Enter if there were adjustments to the
parameter price as determined in arts.9�; 10; 11, �1�; 15, �7; e 16, �9� of the
Normative Instruction RFB No. 1312/2012, depending on the method
applied.000011PCFV_CODCOT X
Quote Code.000148PCFV_CODINV X
Enter inventory code for imported product or input. If a product or input has more
than one code, enter the most relevant one in quantitative terms.000168PCFV_CRIDET
X Describe the
methodology and criteria used for pricing, including differences between the date
when the operation was hired and the date when the price was
established.000029PCFV_DESCOT X
CFV_IDFOCO field description.000029PCFV_DESINV X
CFV_CODINV field description.000286PCFV_DESPAR X
Description of identical or similar assets, services or rights selected for
parameter price calculation and identification of the parts involved in the
operations used for evaluating parameter price. Enter data such as name, legal
entity, identification number and country of residence.000055PCFV_DTDUIM
X Enter the record date
of the negotiated commodity DUIMP000024PCFV_DTENPR X
Predicted Delivery Date.000114PCFV_DTTRAN X
Enter the date when the price was negotiated (according to art. 16 �15 of Normative
Instruction RFB No. 1312/2012)000551PCFV_DTUTIL X
Date of the quote used for parameter price calculation. It can be the transaction
date, according to � 2�-A, art 16 of Normative Instruction RFB No. 1312/2012. If
option "T - Transaction Date" is selected, enter, in field 18 "X300.DAT_TRANS", the
date in which the price was negotiated, according to art. 34, �16 of Normative
Instruction RFB 1312/2012. Option "O - Transaction Date (art. 34, �17) must be
chosen if the taxpayer uses quotes or indexes related to an average of days,
according to art. 34, �17 of Normative Instruction RFB No.
1312/2012.000309PCFV_IDFOCO X
Description of the source used for searching parameter price entered in VL_PAR
(indicate commodity and futures exchange used among the ones listed in Annex II of
Normative Instruction RFB No. 1312/2012, or the industry research institution among
the ones listed in Annex III of the same Normative Instruction)000019PCFV_IDITEM
Identification of the Parts Involved: Identification of parts involved in export
operations used and entered in X320.OPER_PAR field (enter name, legal entity and
identification number).000042PCFV_NUMDEC X
Unique Import Declaration (DUIMP) Number. 000149PCFV_OPAPPA X
Enter what operation types were selected for parameter price examination between
the following options (art. 8, sole paragraph, of NI No.
1312/2012):000360PCFV_QTDAJU X
Enter the amount of assets or inputs of the same nature imported from linked people
and subject to transfer price adjustments. Namely, the amount of assets or inputs
for which the need for transfer price adjustment was verified after applying one of
the methods provided in regulation for parameter price calculation, and its
comparison to the price performed.000071PCFV_TPPAR X
Enter asset, service or right type used for parameter price
evaluation.000140PCFV_UTILPR X
Use for Input or Imported Product: Description of the imported product or input
use: enter the destination of the imported product or input.000140PCFV_UTINPR
X Use for Input or
Imported Product: Description of the imported product or input use: enter the
destination of the imported product or input.000256PCFV_VLRCOT X
Daily average value of the imported right or asset's quote (art. 16 of the NI RFB
No. 1312/2002) used in parameter price calculation without the addition of
potential adjustments made, in Reals, and in the same measurement unit used in the
price performed.000037PCM0_DTRANS X
Date of event transmission to eSocial000021PCM0_DTRECP X
Date of event receipt000021PCM0_HRRECP X
Time of event receipt000037PCM0_HTRANS X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000010PCM0_NOMEVE X
Event Name000071PCM0_TAFKEY X
Tafkey recorded from integration of other systems integrating with
Type of work-related accident. Valid values: 1 - Typical 2 - Illness 3 -
Journey000064PCM6_CNPJME X
EIN of the entity in which the work will exert elective mandate.000037PCM6_DTRANS
X Date of event
transmission to eSocial000021PCM6_DTRECP X
Date of event receipt000021PCM6_HRRECP X
Time of event receipt000037PCM6_HTRANS X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000045PCM6_PERFIM X
End date of the vacation acquisition period.000047PCM6_PERINI X
Start date of the vacation acquisition period.000058PCM6_REMCAR
X Enter whether the
server chose the elective position wage.000037PCM8_DTRANS X
Date of event transmission to eSocial000021PCM8_DTRECP X
Date of event receipt000037PCM8_DTTRAN X
Date of event transmission to eSocial000021PCM8_HRRECP X
Time of event receipt000037PCM8_HRTRAN X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000037PCM8_HTRANS X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000232PCM9_CODAG X
Enter the code of the harmful agent to which the worker is exposed. Enter numbers
and dots. If there is exposure, enter the code [09.01.001] (Absence of harmful
agent or activities estimated in the Annex IV of the Decree
3.48/1999).000134PCM9_DSETOR X
Description of the administrative place in the organizational structure of the
company, where the worker exerts their work activities.000453PCM9_DTINI
X Enter the date the
worker started their activities in the conditions described or the start date of
the obligatoriness of this event for the employer in the eSocial, the most recent
date. It must be a valid date, equal to or later than the admission of the related
work relationship. It can neither be earlier than the start date of the
obligatoriness of this event for the employer in the eSocial nor be later than 30
(thirty) days of the current date.000037PCM9_DTRANS X
Date of event transmission to eSocial000021PCM9_DTRECP X
Date of event receipt000092PCM9_DVAL X
PPE description. Validation: Completion is required and
exclusive if docAval is not entered.000021PCM9_HRRECP X
Time of event receipt000037PCM9_HTRANS X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000115PCM9_LAMB X
Enter the type of site of the work environment. Valid values: 1 - Site of the own
employer 2 - Site of third party000013PCM9_NEVE X
Type of event000056PCM9_NRINSC X
Number of registration where the environment is located.000121PCM9_TPINSC
X Enter the code
corresponding to the type of registration according to table 05. Valid values: 1 -
Enter the harmful agent code to which the worker is exposed. Enter numbers and
dots. If there is no exposure, enter code [09.01.001].000027PCMA_DAGNOC
X Hazardous Agent
Description000029PCMA_DSAG X
Description of harmful agent.000077PCMA_DVAGNO X
Description of Hazardous Agent in accordance with table 24 of e-Social
layout000066PCMB_DSAG X
Hazardous Agt. Desc. - File for relationship with CMA parent table000053PCMB_DVAL
X Approval Certificate -
AC or PPE evaluation document.000089PCMB_EPIDSC X
PPE Description. Validation: Completion required and exclusive if docAval is not
entered.000033PCMD_DTAVPR X
Date of prior notice attribution.000037PCMD_DTRANS X
Date of event transmission to eSocial000021PCMD_DTRECP X
Date of event receipt000021PCMD_HRRECP X
Time of event receipt000037PCMD_HTRANS X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000133PCMD_NRINSC X
Enter the registration number of the successor employer according to the type of
registration indicated in field sucessaoVinc/tpInsc.000026PCMD_TPGUIA
X Indicative of Type of
Date of event transmission to eSocial000021PCMF_DTRECP X
Date of event receipt000193PCMF_DTRET X
Enter the date of the effective return to work. Validation: It must be a valid
date, after the date of termination of the worker. It cannot be later than 30
(thirty) days from the current date.000021PCMF_HRRECP X
Time of event receipt000037PCMF_HTRANS X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000031PCMJ_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion to the System000037PCMJ_DTRANS X
Date of event transmission to eSocial000021PCMJ_DTRECP X
Date of event receipt000021PCMJ_HRRECP X
Time of event receipt000037PCMJ_HTRANS X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000130PCMJ_TPEVEN X
Enter event type. You can only delete the events listed below: a) Non periodic (S-
2190 to S-2420); b) Periodic (S-1200 to S-1280).000049PCMK_APURIR
X Indicative of the type
of Income Tax calculation.000017PCMR_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PCMR_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PCMR_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PCMR_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000031PCUO_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion in the System000017PCUO_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PCUO_DTRECP X
Date of receipt000017PCUO_DTTRAN X
Transmission Date000293PCUO_EX1250 X
Indicate rural production purchases calculation deletion (events S-1250) from
calculation period: S - Yes. Validation: Do not inform if {perApur} >= [2021-05] or
if {indApuracao} = [2]. Mandatory if the field has been entered in previous closing
of the same calculation period. Valid value: S.000015PCUO_HRRECP
X Time of
receipt000017PCUO_HRTRAN X
Transmission Time000017PCUO_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000112PCUO_NVALID X
Indication of non-validation of the closing rules, so that large taxpayers can
reduce the event processing time.000150PCUO_TDCTFW X
Immediate transmission request from DCTFWeb. Valid values: S - Yes Validation:
Entering mandatory if classTrib in S-1000 = [04] or indGuia is
entered.000026PCUO_TPGUIA X
Indicative of Type of Form000145PCUP_ABOPER X
Enter whether the server receives permanence bonus. Valid values: S - Yes N - No
Validation: Required and exclusive completion if tpRegPrev = [2]000206PCUP_ACCARG
X Enter whether the
position, job or public function can be accumulated. Valid values: S - Yes N - No
Validation: Entry required if cadIni = [N] and if taxpayer legal nature is equal to
1XX-X, 201-1 or 203-8.000206PCUP_CBOCAR X
Enter CBO - Brazilian Classification of Occupations of position. Validation:
Information required and exclusive if nmCargo is filled out. If entered, it must be
a valid 6 (six) character code from CBO table000205PCUP_CBOFUN X
Enter CBO related to position of trust/commissioned position. Validation:
Information required and exclusive if nmFuncao is filled out. If entered, it must
be a valid 6 (six) character code from CBO table.000156PCUP_CODTRE
X Enter code of training,
qualification, simulated exercise or other note, in accordance with Table 28.
Validation: It must be a valid code found in Table 28.000145PCUP_CUP_TE
X Enter whether the
server receives permanence bonus. Valid values: S - Yes N - No Validation: Required
and exclusive completion if tpRegPrev = [2]000035PCUP_DCBOCG X
Enter the Position CBO description.000038PCUP_DCBOFC X
Enter the CBO description of the Role.000571PCUP_DCESSA X
From the start of session/exercise in other body. Validation: Follow these rules:
a) It must be equal to or after the date of admission/exercise of worker; b) If
cadIni = [S], it must be before the start of compulsoriness of non-periodic events
for the public entity and the legal nature of taxpayer must be Public
Administration (group [1]); c) If cadIni = [N], it must be before the date of
transfer or change of employee CPF (sucessaoVinc/dtTransf or dtAltCPF) and equal to
or after [5/10/21]. Do not enter it if tpAdmissao = [1] or if tpProv is other than
[5, 8, 10].000135PCUP_DSCJOR X
Description of contracted workweek, containing the
days of the week and their respective contracted schedules (entry, exit and
breaks).000029PCUP_DSCSAL X
Enter the salary description.000020PCUP_DSCTRE X
Training description000563PCUP_DTABON X
Enter start date of permanence bonus. Validation: Completion required if
indAbonoPerm = [S] and cadIni = [N]. Do not fill it out if indAbonoPerm = [N]. If
filled out, follow these rules: a) It must be equal to or after the date of
admission/exercise of employee; b) If cadIni = [S], it must be before the start of
compulsoriness of non-periodic events for the public entity; c) If cadIni = [N], it
must be equal to or before the date of transfer or change of employee CPF
(sucessaoVinc/dtTransf or dtAltCPF). Do not fill it out if tpProv is other than [5,
8, 10].000070PCUP_DTEXER X
This field indicates the inflow date in the fiscal year by the
server.000528PCUP_DTINCA X
Start date of employee in position. Validation: Do not fill it out if tpRegTrab =
[1] or if CBOCargo is not entered. If filled out, follow these rules: a) It must be
equal to or after the date of admission/exercise of employee; b) If cadIni = [S],
it must be before the start of compulsoriness of non-periodic events for the public
entity; c) If cadIni = [N], it must be equal to or before the date of transfer or
change of employee CPF (sucessaoVinc/dtTransf or dtAltCPF). Do not fill it out if
tpProv is other than [5, 8, 10].000017PCUP_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PCUP_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PCUP_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000090PCUP_HRSNOT X
Enter whether the workweek has night shift (full or partial). Valid values: Y - Yes
Transmission Time000181PCUP_NMCARG X
Enter position name. Validation: This entry is required, except when it regards an
employee indicated to a commissioned position (in event S-2200, tpRegTrab = [2] and
tpProv = [2]).000180PCUP_NMFUNC X
Enter name of position of trust/commissioned position. Validation: Entry required
if it regards an employee indicated for a commissioned position (tpRegTrab = [2]
and pProv = [2]).000183PCUP_NRPROC X
Number identifying the labor lawsuit when the admission if by legal decision.
Validation: Do not enter indAdmissao = [1,2]. If completed, it must be a valid
legal suit with 20 digits.000200PCUP_TERGPS X
Enter whether the servant is subject to the ceiling of the RGPS by the
complementary pension institution. Valid values: S - Yes N - No Validation:
Required and exclusive completion if tpRegPrev = [2].000528PCUP__DTINC
X Start date of employee
in position. Validation: Do not fill it out if tpRegTrab = [1] or if CBOCargo is
not entered. If filled out, follow these rules: a) It must be equal to or after the
date of admission/exercise of employee; b) If cadIni = [S], it must be before the
start of compulsoriness of non-periodic events for the public entity; c) If cadIni
= [N], it must be equal to or before the date of transfer or change of employee CPF
(sucessaoVinc/dtTransf or dtAltCPF). Do not fill it out if tpProv is other than [5,
8, 10].000066PCUU_CATME X
Enter the code corresponding to the source category of the server.000066PCUU_CATOME
X Enter the code
corresponding to the source category of the server.000207PCUU_CBOCAR
X Enter CBO - Brazilian
Classification of Occupations of position. Validation: Information required and
exclusive if nmCargo is filled out. If entered, it must be a valid 6 (six)
character code from CBO table.000205PCUU_CBOFUN X
Enter CBO related to position of trust/commissioned position. Validation:
Information required and exclusive if nmFuncao is filled out. If entered, it must
be a valid 6 (six) character code from CBO table.000042PCUU_CNPJOM
X Enter the EIN of the
source public agency.000030PCUU_DCATOM X
Source category of the server.000189PCUU_DSCSAL X
Description of the salary per task or variable and how this is calculated. Example:
Commissions paid with a 10% on sales. Validation: Completion required if undSalFixo
is equal to [6, 7].000067PCUU_DTEXOM X
Enter the effective date of the server in the source public
agency.000017PCUU_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PCUU_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PCUU_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PCUU_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000175PCUU_INDREM X
Enter whether the server chose the elective position wage. Valid values: S - Yes N
- No Validation: information required and exclusive if CBOCargo = [(111120, 111250,
111255].000045PCUU_MATANT X
Enter the previous registration of the worker000065PCUU_MATOME X
Enter the server registration number in the source public agency.000053PCUU_MATRIC
X Registration attributed
to the worker by the company.000089PCUU_NMCARG X
Enter position name. Validation: Completion required if codCateg is different from
[410].000144PCUU_NMFUNC X
Enter the name of the position of trust in commission. Validation: Completion
required if codCateg = [410] and there is not inmCargo information000680PCUU_NRINSC
X Enter the registration
number of the origin employer of the union organizer according to the type of
registration indicated in field infoDirigenteSindical/tpInsc. Validation:
Completion required and exclusive if infoDirigenteSindical/tpInsc is entered. If
entered, it must be a valid registration number different than the declarant
registration considering the particularities applied to the EIN information of
public entity in S-1000. If infoDirigenteSindical/tpInsc = [1] must have 14
(fourteen) characters and different than the EIN base of the employer and of the
sites informed through event S-1005. If nfoDirigenteSindical/tpInsc = [2], it must
have 11 (eleven) characters.000183PCUU_NRPROC X
Number identifying the labor lawsuit when the admission if by legal decision.
Validation: Do not enter indAdmissao = [1,2]. If completed, it must be a valid
legal suit with 20 digits.000352PCUU_REGPRE X
Type of social security system (or System of Social Protection of Military). Valid
Values: 1 - General System of Social Security - RGPS 2 - Special System of Social
Security - RPPS or System of Social Protection of Military 3 - Social Security
System abroad. If infoDirigenteSindical/categOrig is related to �Employer�, it
cannot be filled in with [1].000327PCUU_REGTRA X
Type of labor system. Valid values: 1 - CLT - Consolidation of the Labor Laws and
specific labor laws 2 - Statutory/specific legislations (temporary civil servant,
military, political agent etc.) Validation:The completion is required and exclusive
if infoDirigenteSindical/categOrig corresponds to �Employer� or �Public
Agent�.000272PCUU_TPINSC X
Enter code corresponding to the type of registration, according to table 05. Valid
values: 1 - EIN 2 - SSN Validation: The completion is required and exclusive if
infoDirigenteSindical/categOrig corresponds to �Employee�, �Public Agent�,
�Separated�, or is equal to [721].000257PCUU_TPRPRE X
Type of social security system (or System of Social Protection of Military). Valid
Values: 1 - General System of Social
Security - RGPS 2 - Special System of Social Security - RPPS or System of Social
Protection of Military 3 - Social Security System abroad000195PCUU_TPRTRA
X Type of labor system.
Valid values: 1 - CLT - Consolidation of the Labor Laws and specific labor laws 2 -
Statutory/specific legislations (temporary civil servant, military, political agent
etc.)000065PLE9_ISLDAT X
Save the tax current balance index, which can be credit or debit.000092PLE9_ISLDIN
X If the account nature
is 5-Inclusion/Deletion, enter if starting balance is Credit or
Debit.000161PLEA_CNDFUN X
The operation conditions of the PPE were observed over time, as specified
technically by the national manufacturer or importer, and adjusted to field
conditions?000016PLEA_CODAG X
Harmful Agent ID000065PLEA_DSAG X
Hazardous Agt Desc. - file for relationship with CMA parent table000086PLEA_EFIEPI
X Are the PPE efficient
in neutralizing risk to the worker? Valid values: Y - Yes N - No000081PLEA_HIGIEN
X Sanitation is observed
according to national manufacturer or importer's guidance?000242PLEA_MEDPRT
X The implementation of
collective protective measures of administrative or organizational character was
attempted, and PPE was chosen because of technical inviability, insufficiency or
temporariness, or in complementary or emergency character?000162PLEA_PERTRC
X The change periodicity
defined by national manufacturer or importer and/or environmental programs is
observed and proved by receipt or signed by user at the time?000059PLEA_PRZVLD
X CA expiration date was
observed when the PPE was purchased?000151PLEA_USOINI X
PPE was used continuously over time according to the technical specification of the
national manufacturer or importer and adjusted to field conditions?
Indicate if the tax document has exemption of social security
contribution000046PLEM_STAMP X
Custom stamp for ERP x TAF integration control000165PT05_APURIR X
Indicative of Income Tax calculation type. Valid values: 0 - Regular (calculation
on the payroll stated in the eSocial) 1 - Special status of Income Tax
calculation000111PT05_SQTDRB X
This field indicates the quantity of the reference for calculation (in hours,
quotas, months, percentage etc.).000253PT0F_CATAV X
Enter worker�s category code. Enter only in the TSVE without any registration
information in the S-2300 event. Validation: information required and exclusive in
case registration is completed. If entered, it must be a valid code existing in
Table 01. 000207PT0F_CBOCAR X
Enter CBO - Brazilian Classification of Occupations of position. Validation:
Information required and exclusive if nmCargo is filled out. If entered, it must be
a valid 6 (six) character code from CBO table.000205PT0F_CBOFUN X
Enter CBO related to position of trust/commissioned position. Validation:
Information required and exclusive if nmFuncao is filled out. If entered, it must
be a valid 6 (six) character code from CBO table.000189PT0F_DSCSAL
X Description of the
salary per task or variable and how this is calculated. Example: Commissions paid
with a 10% on sales. Validation: Completion required if {undSalFixo} is equal to
[6, 7].000017PT0F_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT0F_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PT0F_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT0F_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000179PT0F_INDREM X
Indicate if the server chose the compensation of the position. Valid values: S -
Yes N - No Validation: information required and exclusive if CBOCargo = [(111120,
111250, 111255].000282PT0F_MATTSV X
Registration number attributed to the worker by the company. Validation: it must
corresponds to the registration number entered by the employer in the event S-2300
of the respective contract. Do not fill in, if TSVE does not contain registration
number information in event S-2300. 000154PT0F_NLGEES X
Public area name. If there is no number to enter, enter �S/N�. Validation:
completion required and exclusive if the field cnpjInstEnsino is not
completed.000101PT0F_NMCARG X
Enter position name. Validation: Completion required if Category code in RET is
different from [410].000153PT0F_NMFUNC X
Enter the name of the position of trust. Validation: Completion required if
category code in RET is equal to [410] and there is not inmCargo
information.000368PT0F_REGPRE X
Type of social security system (or System of Social Protection of Military). Valid
Values: 1 - General System of Social Security - RGPS 2 - Special System of Social
Security - RPPS or System of Social Protection of Military 3 - Social Security
System abroad. If infoDirigenteSindical/categOrig is related to S-2300 event is
�Employer�, it cannot be filled in with [2].000368PT0F_TPREGP X
Type of social security system (or System of Social Protection of Military). Valid
Values: 1 - General System of Social Security - RGPS 2 - Special System of Social
Security - RPPS or System of Social Protection of Military 3 - Social Security
System abroad. If infoDirigenteSindical/categOrig is related to S-2300 event is
�Employer�, it cannot be filled in with [2].000257PT0F_TPRPRE X
Type of social security system (or System of Social Protection of Military). Valid
Values: 1 - General System of Social Security - RGPS 2 - Special System of Social
Security - RPPS or System of Social Protection of Military 3 - Social Security
System abroad000134PT0Q_DSETOR X
Description of the administrative place in the organizational structure of the
company, where the worker exerts their work activities.000114PT0Q_LAMB
X Enter the type of site
of the work environment. Valid values: 1 - Site of the own employer 2 - Site of
third party000447PT0Q_NRINSC X
Number of registration where the environment is located. Validation: it must be a
valid identifier, compatible with the content of the field infoAmb/tpInsc is a) If
localAmb = [1] must be valid and existing in the Table of Sites (S-1005), b) If
localAmb = [2], it must be different than the sites entered in the Table S-1005, if
infoAmb/tpInsc - [1] and the employer is legal entity, the EIN root entered must be
different than the EIN in S-1000.000119PT0Q_TPINSC X
Enter the code corresponding to the type of registration according to table 05.
Valid values: 1 - EIN 3 - CAEPF 4 - CNO000017PT1M_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT1M_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PT1M_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT1M_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000080PT1M_TPGUIA X
Indicative of Type of Form Valid values: 1- Document of eSocial - DAE
Collection000031PT1S_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion in the System000017PT1S_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT1S_DTRECP X
Date of receipt000017PT1S_DTTRAN X
Transmission Date000015PT1S_HRRECP X
Time of receipt000017PT1S_HRTRAN X
Transmission Time000017PT1S_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000026PT1S_TPGUIA X
Indicative of Type of Form000565PT1U_CNDING X
Immigrant worker entry conditions. Valid values: 1 - Refugee 2 - Refugee petitioner
3 - Permanence in Brazil due to family reunion 4 - Beneficiary of agreement between
Mercosul countries 5 - Dependent on diplomatic and/or consular agent that keeps a
reciprocity agreement for the exercise of paid activities in Brazil 6 - Beneficiary
of a Friendship, Cooperation and Consultation Treaty between the Federative
Republic of Brazil and the Portuguese Republic 7 - Other condition Validation: If
tmpResid = [1], do not enter [2, 5]. If tmpResid = [2], do not enter
[1].000124PT1U_DTALT X
Enter information editing date. Validation: It cannot be more than 180 (one hundred
and eighty) days after the current date.000017PT1U_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT1U_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PT1U_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT1U_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000267PT1U_INFCOT X
Enter whether worker is part of the qualified people with disability or
rehabilitated beneficiaries. Valid values: S - Yes N - No Validation: Completion
required and exclusive when a worker is registered in event S-2200 with tpRegTrab =
[1] and active in dtAlteracao.000324PT1U_RCCOR X
Indicate the worker's race and color in this field, according to the options below:
1 - White; 2 - Black; 3 - Brown (brown or declared as a mulatto, cabocla, cafuza,
mameluca or mixed race of black people with a person of another color or race); 4 -
Yellow (Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc.); 5 - Indigenous; 6 - Not
informed.000168PT1U_TPRESI X
Time of residence of immigrant worker. Valid values: 1 - Indefinite duration 2 -
Specific duration Validation: Entry required if (dtAdm or dtExercicio) >= [2021-05-
10].000081PT1V_ABOPER X
Enter whether the servant receives permanence bonus. Valid values: S - Yes N -
Enter whether the public position, job or role is cumulative. Valid values: Y - Yes
N - No000076PT1V_CBOCAR X
Enter Brazilian Classification of Occupations - CBO related to the
position.000053PT1V_CBOFUN X
Enter the CBO of the position of trust in commission.000156PT1V_CODTRE
X Enter code of training,
qualification, simulated exercise or other note, in accordance with Table 28.
Validation: It must be a valid code found in Table 28.000058PT1V_DCBOCG
X It indicates the
description of the employee's occupation.000038PT1V_DCBOFC X
Enter the CBO description of the Role.000135PT1V_DSCJOR X
Description of contracted workweek, containing the days of the week and their
respective contracted schedules (entry, exit and breaks).000032PT1V_DSCSAL
X Enter description of
the salary.000040PT1V_DSCTRE X
Enter the description of the training to000017PT1V_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT1V_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PT1V_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000090PT1V_HRSNOT X
Enter whether the workweek has night shift (full or partial). Valid values: Y - Yes
N - No000017PT1V_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000020PT1V_NMCARG X
Enter position name.000054PT1V_NMFUNC X
Enter the name of the position of trust in commission.000134PT1V_TERGPS
X Enter whether the
servant is subject to the ceiling of the RGPS by the complementary pension
institution. Valid values: S - Yes N - No000068PT29_INTATR X
The transmission of this ECF is in the term predicted in the summon?
000059PT29_ITMCAO X
Was there a tax summon by RFB for the delivery of this ECF?000017PT2A_DTRANS
X Transmission
Date000015PT2A_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PT2A_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT2A_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000026PT2A_TPGUIA X
Indicative of Type of Form000107PT2G_CODCAT X
This field indicates the identification code of the Worker�s Category according to
the Worker�s Categories.000016PT2G_CPFBEN X
Beneficiary SSN.000020PT2G_DCODCA X
Enter Category Code.000038PT2G_DTPAG X
This field indicates the payment date.000059PT2G_INDDEV X
Identifier attributed by the company for payment statement.000076PT2G_PERREF
X This field indicates
the period to which the compensation complement refers.000101PT2G_TPPAG
X Enter payment type
according to these options: 1 - S-1200 2 - S-2299 3 - S-2399 4 - S-1202 5 - S-
1207000090PT2I_INDDEV X
Identifier attributed by the paying source for the statement of values owed to the
worker.000028PT2I_PERREF X
Information reference order.000030PT2I_TPPAG X
Enter origin event of payment.000089PT2P_CLATRI X
Enter the code corresponding to the taxpayer's tax classification, according to
Table 08.000089PT2P_DESCLA X
Enter the code corresponding to the taxpayer's tax classification, according to
Table 08.000096PT2V_PERCON X
Percentage of contribution reduction as stated in Statute no. 12,546/2011. Source
event: S-1280.000164PT2V_PERCTR X
Field to contemplate the transformation of the legal nature of the company into a
business enterprise in an economic corporation under the terms of Law
11.096/2005.000067PT2X_CNPJRE X
EIN responsible for the registration in the RFB works
registration.000029PT3A_CODCAT X
Enter worker's category code.000044PT3A_CODCBO X
Information on registration and Digital CTPS000039PT3A_DCATEG X
Enter description of worker's category.000058PT3A_DCODCB X
It indicates the description of the employee's occupation.000122PT3A_DTADMI
X Fill out the admission
date of worker (or start date, in case of Worker Without Employment
Relationship/Statutary - TSVE).000017PT3A_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT3A_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000026PT3A_DTTERM X
It indicates the end date.000015PT3A_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT3A_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000042PT3A_MATRIC X
It indicates the registration description.000098PT3A_NATATV X
It indicates the employment relationship: 1 = Urban Work 2 = Rural Work Only for
freelance workers000102PT3A_NRINES X
Enter the registration number of the taxpayer according to the type of registration
indicated in field000170PT3A_TPCONT X
It indicates the type of work contract according to options below: 1 - Indefinite
duration 2 - Specific duration 3 - Specific duration, linked to the occurrence of a
fact000201PT3A_UNSLFX X
Enter the payment unit of the fixed part of compensation, as follows: 1 = By Hour.
2 = By Day. 3= By Week. 4 = By Fortnight. 5 = By Month. 6 = By Task. 7 = Non-
applicable - salary exclusively variable.000107PT3A_VLSLFX X
In this field, enter the fixed salary value of the worker, corresponding to the
fixed part of compensation.000017PT3B_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT3B_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PT3B_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT3B_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000017PT3P_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT3P_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PT3P_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT3P_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000010PT3P_ORIEVE X
Indicative of Type of Form000110PT3T_DTNASC X
Enter date of birth. Validation: It must be after or equal to 1/1/1890 and before
or equal to the current date000174PT3T_SEXDEP X
Gender of dependent party. Valid values: M - Male F - Female Validation: Completion
required if tpRegPrev = [2] and cadIni = [N]. Do not enter if tpRegPrev is other
than [2].000017PT3V_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT3V_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PT3V_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT3V_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000164PT3V_T11096 X
Field to contemplate the transformation of the legal nature of the company into a
business enterprise in an economic corporation under the terms of Law
11.096/2005.000072PT3V_TPGUIA X
Indicative of Type of Form. Valid forms: 1 - eSocial Collection - DAE
Enter code attributed by the employer for tax allocation.000026PT3X_DCODLO
X Tax Allocation
Description000017PT3Z_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT3Z_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PT3Z_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT3Z_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000016PT5M_ALIQ X
Tax rate amount.000018PT5P_PROCID X
Processes' Run ID.000164PT5S_APURIR X
Indicative of Income Tax calculation type. Valid values: 0 - Regular (calculation
on the payroll stated in the eSocial) 1 - Special status of Income Tax
calculation000096PT5S_SQTDRB X
Enter the quantity of the reference for calculation (in hours, quotas, months,
percentage etc.).000031PT5T_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion to the System000037PT5T_DTRANS X
Date of event transmission to eSocial000021PT5T_DTRECP X
Date of event receipt000021PT5T_HRRECP X
Time of event receipt000037PT5T_HTRANS X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000159PT61_ORGSUC X
Indicate whether compensation is related to funds from salary nature or not owed by
the successor agency to public servant dismissed in the predecessor
agency.000086PT62_BENEFI X
This field must represent the Identification of the Worker beneficiary of the
payment.000031PT62_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion in the System000017PT62_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT62_DTRECP X
Date of receipt000017PT62_DTTRAN X
Transmission Date000015PT62_HRRECP X
Time of receipt000017PT62_HRTRAN X
Transmission Time000017PT62_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000015PT62_IDBEN X
Beneficiary ID.000047PT62_NOME X
This field must represent the beneficiary name.000017PT62_NOMEB
X Beneficiary
name.000010PT62_NOMEVE X
Event Name000015PT63_IDBEN X
Beneficiary ID.000011PT6D_NOMEVE X
Event Name.000049PT6E_APURIR X
Indicative of the type of Income Tax calculation.000159PT6H_ORGSUC
X Indicate whether
compensation is related to funds from salary nature or not owed by the successor
agency to public servant dismissed in the predecessor agency.000159PT6I_ORGSU
X Indicate whether
compensation is related to funds from salary nature or not owed by the successor
agency to public servant dismissed in the predecessor agency.000159PT6I_ORGSUC
X Indicate whether
compensation is related to funds from salary nature or not owed by the successor
agency to public servant dismissed in the predecessor agency.000011PT6J_NOMEVE
X Event
Name.000159PT6J_ORGSUC X
Indicate whether compensation is related to funds from salary nature or not owed by
the successor agency to public servant dismissed in the predecessor
agency.000049PT6K_APURIR X
Indicative of the type of Income Tax calculation.000159PT6K_ORGSUC
Indicate whether compensation is related to funds from salary nature or
not owed by the successor agency to public servant dismissed in the predecessor
agency.000155PT6O_APUIR X
Indicative of the type of Income Tax calculation. Valid values: 0=Regular
(calculation on the payroll stated in eSocial) 1 - Special Income Tax
calculation000312PT6O_DEMPAG X
Identifier attributed by the public agency for the statement of values owed to the
beneficiary. The public entity can fill in this field using a default identifier
for all beneficiaries. However, if more than one statement is related to the same
competency, different identifiers must be used for each statement.000100PT6O_FATRUB
X Enter payroll item
factor, percentage etc. when necessary. Validation: Must be higher than 0
(zero).000015PT6O_IDBEN X
Beneficiary ID.000056PT6O_NRINSC X
Enter the registration number of the public agency unit.000337PT6O_QTDRUB
X Enter the reference
quantity for calculation (in hours, quotas, months etc.). Entering mandatory when
payroll item is related to absences or Paid Weekly Rest (PWR) on absences (in this
case, enter the number of days). Validation: Must be higher than 0 (zero).
Information mandatory if codRubr has natRubr in S-1010 equal to [9207,
9211].000090PT6O_TABRUB X
Enter the identifier from the Payroll Items Table for the payroll item defined in
codRubr.000054PT6O_TPINSC X
Enter the code corresponding to the registration type.000226PT70_VLSECA
X Calculated Amount of
payment owed by rural producer to Senar. C�lculo: a) Para {indAquis} = [1, 2, 4,
5]: {vlrAquis} x 0,2%; b) For {indAquis} = [3, 6]: Zero. NOTE: In the period from
04/2020 to 06/2020, the rate must be 0.1%.000031PT72_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion to the System000018PT72_DTRANS X
Transmission Date.000016PT72_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt.000015PT72_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT72_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000037PT87_DTRANS X
Date of event transmission to eSocial000021PT87_DTRECP X
Date of event receipt000021PT87_HRRECP X
Time of event receipt000037PT87_HTRANS X
Time of event transmission to eSocial000017PT92_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PT92_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PT92_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PT92_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000084PT92_NRPROC X
Number identifying the labor lawsuit, when the end of the TSVE is by legal
decision.000026PT92_TPGUIA X
Indicative of Type of Form000027PT9C_STAMP X
Stamp Date of Protheus ERP.000023PT9Q_STAMP X
Protheus ERP Stamp Date000070PV0B_AQUIRU X
Enter if there is acquisition of rural production from natural
person.000070PV0E_IDDCTF X
Bookkeeping identification number sent to DCTFWeb for linking the
two.000039PV20_CODLOT X
Field referring to the tax bracket code000258PV20_INDINC X
FGTS levy indicator. Valid values: 1- Normal (FGTS levy) 9=FGTS levy suspended due
to court decision Validation: If tpValor is different from [19], must match the
value entered in the indIncid field of the event S-5003. If tpValor = [19], it must
return [1].000042PV20_NRINSC X
Field referring to the registration number000349PV20_VRFGTS X
Historical FGTS value to be deposited in the account linked to the worker.
Validation: Must be higher than 0 (zero). If tpValor is different from [19], must
match the sum of the values entered in the dpsFGTS field of the event S-5003,
grouped by tpValor. If tpValor = [19], must match the sum of the values entered in
baseFGTS and apply the 8% rate.000040PV21_CODLOT X
Field referring to the tax bracket code.000043PV21_NRINSC X
Field referring to the registration number.000240PV21_TPCONV X
Type of instrument or situation causing the compensation related to previous
calculation periods. Valid values: E - Conversion from medical leave to accident at
work H - monthly FGTS payment prior to compulsory beginning of periodic
events000040PV22_CODLOT X
Field referring to the tax bracket code.000181PV22_INDINE X
FGTS levy indicator. Valid values: 1- Normal (FGTS levy) 9=FGTS levy suspended due
to court decision Validation: Must match value entered in the indIncidE field of
the source event.000043PV22_NRINSC X
Field referring to the registration number.000240PV22_TPCONV X
Type of instrument or situation causing the compensation related to previous
calculation periods. Valid values: E - Conversion from medical leave to accident at
work H - monthly FGTS payment prior to compulsory beginning of periodic
events000217PV22_VRFGTE X
Historical FGTS value to be deposited in the account linked to the worker.
Validation: Must be higher than 0 (zero). Must match the sum of values entered in
the dpsFGTSE field of the source event, grouped by tpValorE.000276PV24_TPCONV
X Type of instrument or
situation causing the compensation related to previous calculation: E - Conversion
from medical leave to accident at work; H - monthly FGTS payment prior to
compulsory beginning of periodic events. Source event: S-1200, or S-2299. Valid
Values: E, H. 29000020PV2A_OK X
Field for selection.000014PV2H_LOCERR X
Error location000013PV2N_FILIAL X
System Branch000012PV2N_LAYOUT X
TOTVS layout000052PV2P_CLATRI X
Taxpayer's tax classification according to Table 08.000052PV2P_DESCLA
X Taxpayer's tax
classification according to Table 08.000082PV2P_INDAPU X
Indicates calculation period. Valid values: 1 - Monthly 2=Yearly (Christmas
Bonus)000150PV2P_PERAPU X
Enter information reference month/year (YYYY-MM format) if indApuracao is equal to
[1], or only the year (YYYY format) if indApuracao is equal to
[2].000023PV2Q_DTPLOT X
Tax bracket description000509PV2Q_NRINES X
Enter registration number (EIN, SSN, CNO) to which the tax bracket belongs,
according to table 10. Source event: S-1020. Validation: a) If codLotacao source is
infoPerApur from S-1200, infoPerApur from S-2299 or dmDev from S-2399, return the
current registration number in perApur; b) If codLotacao source is idePeriodo from
S-1200, return the current registration number in this event's perRef; c) If
codLotacao source is idePeriodo from S-2299, return the current registration number
in this event's perRef.000519PV2Q_TPINES X
Enter code corresponding to the type of registration, according to table 05. Valid
values: 1 - EIN 2 - SSN 4 - CNO Source Event: S-1020. Validation: a) If codLotacao
source is infoPerApur from S-1200, infoPerApur from S-2299 or dmDev from S-2399,
return the current registration type in perApur; b) If codLotacao source is
idePeriodo from S-1200, return the current registration type in this event's
perRef; c) If codLotacao source is idePeriodo from S-2299, return the current
registration type in this event's perRef.000465PV2Q_TPLOT X
Enter code corresponding to the type of tax bracket, according to table 10. Source
event: S-1020. Validation: a) If codLotacao source is infoPerApur from S-1200,
infoPerApur from S-2299 or dmDev from S-2399, return the current bracket type in
perApur; b) If codLotacao source is idePeriodo from S-1200, return the current
bracket type in this event's perRef; c) If codLotacao source is idePeriodo from S-
2299, return the current bracket type in this event's perRef.000175PV2R_CATORI
X Enter code
corresponding to the source category of the union leader or transferred worker.
Source: S-2300, fields infoDirigenteSindical/categOrig or infoTrabCedido/categOrig.
Source category description000182PV2R_DTDESL X
Enter the termination date (last day worked). Validation: Must match the
termination date existing in RET. Do not return if there is a re-onboarding date
later than the termination. 000062PV2R_DTTERM X
End date. Validation: Must match the end date existing in RET.000076PV2R_IDCMDD
X TSVE end reason code.
Validation: Must match the end reason existing in RET.000043PV2R_PROCJU
X Enter the number of the
registered lawsuit.000204PV2R_REMSUC X
Indicate whether compensation is related to funds from salary nature or not owed by
the successor company to employees dismissed in the predecessor company. Valid
values: S=Yes; N=No Source event: S-1200.000155PV2R_SUCDTA X
Enter worker�s admission date. In case of employee transfer, enter start date of
work relationship in the first employer (start date of work
relationship).000132PV2R_SUCINS X
Enter the registration number of the previous employer according to the type of
registration indicated in field sucessaoVinc/tpInsc.000054PV2R_SUCMAT
X Worker�s registration
number in the previous employer.000106PV2R_SUCTPV X
Enter code corresponding to the type of registration, according to table 05. Valid
values: 1 - EIN 2 - SSN000244PV2R_TPREG X
Type of labor system. Valid values: 1 - CLT - Consolidation of the Labor Laws and
specific labor laws 2 - Statutory/specific legislations (temporary civil servant,
military, political agent etc.). Validation: must match the labor regime in
Indicates FGTS levy. Valid values: 1=Normal (FGTS levy);9=FGTS levy suspended due
to court decision Validation: if codIncFGTS in S-1010 is equal to [11, 12, 21], [1]
must return. If codIncFGTS in S-1010 is equal to [91, 92, 93], [9] must
return.000368PV2S_VLDPS X
Historical FGTS value to be deposited in the account linked to the worker.
Validation: Must be higher than 0 (zero) and entered only if indIncidE = [1]. Must
match the multiplication of remFGTSE by the rate below: a) If tpValorE = [13, 14,
24, 25, 26], rate is 8%; b) If tpValorE = [17, 18, 30, 31, 32], rate is 2%; c) If
tpValorE = [43, 44, 48, 49, 50], rate is 3.2%.000434PV2S_VLFGTS X
FGTS salary (calculation base value) as defined in fields tpValorE and indIncidE.
Validation: Must be higher than 0 (zero). Must match the sum of values entered in
field {vrRubr} in S-1200 and S-2299 ({infoPerAnt} group when {tpAcConv} = [E]) and
add the values of payroll items in which tpRubr in S-1010 is equal to [1, 3] and
subtract the values of the payroll items in which tpRubr in S-1010 is equal to [2,
4], observing table 23.000240PV2T_TPCONV X
Type of instrument or situation causing the compensation related to previous
calculation periods. Valid values: E - Conversion from medical leave to accident at
work H - monthly FGTS payment prior to compulsory beginning of periodic
events000245PV2U_INDINC X
Indicates FGTS levy. Valid values: 1=Normal (FGTS levy);9=FGTS levy suspended due
to court decision Validation: if codIncFGTS in S-1010 is equal to [11, 12, 21], [1]
must return. If codIncFGTS in S-1010 is equal to [91, 92, 93], [9] must
return.000245PV2U_INDINE X
Indicates FGTS levy. Valid values: 1=Normal (FGTS levy);9=FGTS levy suspended due
to court decision Validation: if codIncFGTS in S-1010 is equal to [11, 12, 21], [1]
must return. If codIncFGTS in S-1010 is equal to [91, 92, 93], [9] must
return.000240PV2U_TPCONV X
Type of instrument or situation causing the compensation related to previous
calculation periods. Valid values: E - Conversion from medical leave to accident at
work H - monthly FGTS payment prior to compulsory beginning of periodic
events000368PV2U_VLDPS X
Historical FGTS value to be deposited in the account linked to the worker.
Validation: Must be higher than 0 (zero) and entered only if indIncidE = [1]. Must
match the multiplication of remFGTSE by the rate below: a) If tpValorE = [13, 14,
24, 25, 26], rate is 8%; b) If tpValorE = [17, 18, 30, 31, 32], rate is 2%; c) If
tpValorE = [43, 44, 48, 49, 50], rate is 3.2%.000434PV2U_VLFGTS X
FGTS salary (calculation base value) as defined in fields tpValorE and indIncidE.
Validation: Must be higher than 0 (zero). Must match the sum of values entered in
field {vrRubr} in S-1200 and S-2299 ({infoPerAnt} group when {tpAcConv} = [E]) and
add the values of payroll items in which tpRubr in S-1010 is equal to [1, 3] and
subtract the values of the payroll items in which tpRubr in S-1010 is equal to [2,
4], observing table 23.000240PV2X_TPCONV X
Type of instrument or situation causing the compensation related to previous
calculation periods. Valid values: E - Conversion from medical leave to accident at
work H - monthly FGTS payment prior to compulsory beginning of periodic
events000240PV2Y_TPCONV X
Type of instrument or situation causing the compensation related to previous
calculation periods. Valid values: E - Conversion from medical leave to accident at
work H - monthly FGTS payment prior to compulsory beginning of periodic
events000084PV2Z_INDAPU X
Calculation period indicator. Valid values: 1 - Monthly 2 - Yearly (Christmas
bonus)000031PV3B_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion to the System000017PV3B_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PV3B_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PV3B_HRECEP X
Time of Receipt000017PV3B_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000031PV3C_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion to the System000017PV3C_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PV3C_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000015PV3C_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PV3C_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000059PV3N_MOTDES X
Enter the code of the Reason for Dismissal of event S-2299.000024PV49_DATA
X Date of message
receipt.000024PV49_FILIAL X
Branch of saved message.000011PV49_ID
Message ID.000033PV49_LIDA X
Message Status. Read or not read.000034PV49_TEXTO X
Body of message displayed to user.000014PV49_TITULO X
Message title.000037PV49_USER X
User who owns the registered message.000115PV5J_PERREF X
Enter the period to which the remuneration refers. Origin: {perRef} of {infoPerAnt}
of S-1200/S-2299 and {perApur}.000067PV5K_TPPREF X
Type of value influencing the calculation of the contribution
owed.000019PV5M_DESCRI X
Layout description.000013PV5M_FILIAL X
System Branch000024PV5M_LAYOUT X
TOTVS integration layout000009PV5M_MARKED X
Selected?000032PV5M_PERIOD X
Layout period: Monthly or Daily.000019PV5N_DTREQ X
Date of requirement000032PV5N_FILIAL X
Branch that received the request000015PV5N_HRREQ X
Time of request000024PV5N_ID X
Record single identifier000026PV5N_METODO X
Method used in the request000031PV5N_PARAMS X
Parameters sent in the request.000037PV5O_DSCLAY X
From\To Comparison Layout Description000021PV5O_EVNTDE X
From Event to compare000019PV5O_EVNTPA X
To Event to compare000013PV5O_FILIAL X
System Branch000031PV5O_ID X
Record Identifier - Layout Code000008PV5O_VALIDA X
Validity000071PV5P_CHVNEG X
Business Key showing the relationship of the From Table to the To
Table000013PV5P_FILIAL X
System Branch000031PV5P_ID X
Record Identifier - Layout Code000021PV5P_ITEM X
Comparison table item000021PV5P_TABDE X
From Comparison Table000019PV5P_TABPAR X
To Comparison Table000025PV5Q_CAMPOS X
From\To Comparison Fields000013PV5Q_FILIAL X
System Branch000031PV5Q_ID X
Record Identifier - Layout Code000030PV5Q_ITEM X
From\To Comparison Fields Item000029PV5Q_ITEMTB X
From\To Comparison Table Item000016PV5R_ALIAS X
ERP table alias.000023PV5R_CODERR X
Integration error code.000011PV5R_CODFIL X
Branch Code000010PV5R_DATA X
Error Date000031PV5R_ERPKEY X
Store Record Key in source ERP.000020PV5R_FILIAL X
Default branch code.000014PV5R_GRPERP X
Company group.000010PV5R_HORA X
Error Time000026PV5R_MSGERR X
Integration error message.000093PV5R_ORDER X
Taf table index used to search whether the key (V5R_REGKEY) has been successfully
integrated.000015PV5R_REGKEY X
ERP record key.000028PV5R_STAMP X
Control of addition/editing.000027PV5R_URL X
URL of error documentation.000021PV5S_ATIVO X
Active Record Version000014PV5S_CODPAR X
Employee Code.000021PV5S_DESPAR X
Employee description.000025PV5S_DESTAB X
Establishment Description000021PV5S_DPARTI X
Employee description.000050PV5S_EVENTO X
Record Identifier: I=Addition;A=Editing;E=Deletion000014PV5S_FILIAL
X System
Branch.000018PV5S_ID X
Record Identifier.000018PV5S_IDESTA X
Establishment code000024PV5S_IDPAR X
Employee identification.000023PV5S_IDPART X
Employee Identification000115PV5S_INDCP X
Enter rural producer option regarding social security payment taxation method,
whether on production or on payroll.000024PV5S_NOMEVE X
Name of EFD-REINF event.000074PV5S_NRINSC X
Registration number of acquiring site, in accordance with field
Registration number of producer in EIN or SSN, in accordance with the information
provided in field V5S_TPINSP000025PV5S_PERAPU X
Record Calculation Period000033PV5S_PROCID X
To control transmission of events000027PV5S_PROTPN X
Number of previous Protocol000040PV5S_PROTUL X
Last protocol received from Transmission000171PV5S_RT1250 X
Enter �Yes� if rural producer regarding social security payment taxation method is
on payroll. In case this is on production trading, this field, do not enter this
field.000013PV5S_STATUS X
Record Status000116PV5S_TPINSC X
Registration type of site that acquires production: 1 - EIN; 3 - CAEPF - Natural
Person Economic Activity Register.000045PV5S_TPINSP X
Producer registration type: 1 - EIN; 2 - SSN.000023PV5S_VERANT X
Record Previous Version000017PV5S_VERSAO X
Record Version ID000006PV5S_XMLID X
Indicate the code of the branch related to the register.000131PV5T_ID
X In this field, enter
the record identification code. This code is internally controlled by the system
incrementally and per branch.000902PV5T_IDAQUI
X Acquisition
Indicative: 1 Acquisition of production from natural person rural producer or
special insured party in general; 2 Acquisition of production from natural person
rural producer or special insured party in general by entity that executes the
Foods Acquisition Program PAA; 3 Acquisition of production from legal entity rural
producer by entity that executes PAA; 4 Acquisition of production from natural
person rural producer or special insured party in general Production Exempt (Law
13.606/2018); 5 Acquisition of production from natural person rural producer or
special insured party in general by entity that executes PAA Production Exempt (Law
13.606/2018); 6 Acquisition of production of legal entity rural producer by entity
that executes PAA Production Exempt (Law 13.606/2018); 7 Acquisition of production
of natural person rural producer or special insured party for export
purposes.000054PV5T_VBRTPR X
Enter the gross value of rural production acquisition.000155PV5T_VCPPR
X Enter the social
security payment deducted by the buyer of production from natural person rural
producer sub-rogation. If no value is withheld, enter zero.000135PV5T_VERSAO
X Field for system
internal use. It identifies the version of the record. It has the Date + Time of
activity (Addition/Editing/Deletion).000245PV5T_VRATPR X
Payment value meant for financing benefits granted due to the extent of labor
disability resulting from labor-related environmental risks, incurring on the
acquisition of rural production from rural producer. If no value is withheld, enter
zero.000165PV5T_VSENPR X
Payment Value meant for Senar, incurring on the acquisition of rural production
from rural natural person/special insured party. If no value is withheld, enter
zero.000221PV5U_CODSUS X
This field indicates the Suspension Indicative code, attributed by the taxpayer.
This field must be used if, in the same process, there is more than one tax subject
to dispute and the decisions are different for each one.000056PV5U_FILIAL
X In this field, enter
code of branch related to register.000102PV5U_ID X
In this field, enter the record identification code. This code is internally
controlled by the system.000902PV5U_IDAQUI X
Acquisition Indicative: 1 Acquisition of production from natural person rural
producer or special insured party in general; 2 Acquisition of production from
natural person rural producer or special insured party in general by entity that
executes the Foods Acquisition Program PAA; 3 Acquisition of production from legal
entity rural producer by entity that executes PAA; 4 Acquisition of production from
natural person rural producer or special insured party in general Production Exempt
(Law 13.606/2018); 5 Acquisition of production from natural person rural producer
or special insured party in general by entity that executes PAA Production Exempt
(Law 13.606/2018); 6 Acquisition of production of legal entity rural producer by
entity that executes PAA Production Exempt (Law 13.606/2018); 7 Acquisition of
production of natural person rural producer or special insured party for export
purposes.000028PV5U_IDPROC X
It indicates the process ID.000040PV5U_IDSUSP X
Auxiliary ID field for standard inquiry.000068PV5U_NUMPRO X
This field indicates the number of the legal/administrative
process.000095PV5U_VCPSUS X
Social Security Contribution value that was not withheld by the taxpayer due to
legal decision.000078PV5U_VERSAO X
Field for system internal use. It indicates the record version
identification.000148PV5U_VRASUS X
GILRAT contribution value incurring on rural production acquisition by the rural
producer, whose withholding was not executed due to legal
decision.000179PV5U_VSESUS X
Contribution Value meant for Senar, incurring on the acquisition of rural
production from rural natural person/special insured party, which was not withheld
due to legal decision.000023PV5V_CHVNF X
Tax document single key000024PV5V_DTEMIS X
Tax document inflow date000056PV5V_FILIAL X
In this field, enter code of branch related to register.000102PV5V_ID
X In this field, enter
the record identification code. This code is internally controlled by the
system.000902PV5V_IDAQUI X
Acquisition Indicative: 1 Acquisition of production from natural person rural
producer or special insured party in general; 2 Acquisition of production from
natural person rural producer or special insured party in general by entity that
executes the Foods Acquisition Program PAA; 3 Acquisition of production from legal
entity rural producer by entity that executes PAA; 4 Acquisition of production from
natural person rural producer or special insured party in general Production Exempt
(Law 13.606/2018); 5 Acquisition of production from natural person rural producer
or special insured party in general by entity that executes PAA Production Exempt
(Law 13.606/2018); 6 Acquisition of production of legal entity rural producer by
entity that executes PAA Production Exempt (Law 13.606/2018); 7 Acquisition of
production of natural person rural producer or special insured party for export
purposes.000019PV5V_IDFAT X
Invoice identifier.000019PV5V_NUMDOC X
Tax Document Number000015PV5V_NUMFAT X
Invoice Number.000022PV5V_SERIE X
Invoice serial number.000024PV5V_VBRTPR X
Tax document gross value000044PV5V_VCPPR X
Social Security Contribution of tax document000053PV5V_VCPSUS X
INSS value that was not withheld due to legal process000080PV5V_VERSAO
X Campo de uso interno do
sistema. It indicates the record version identification.000055PV5V_VRASUS
X GILRAT value that was
not withheld due to legal process000028PV5V_VRATPR X
GILRAT value of tax document000027PV5V_VSENPR X
SENAR value of tax document000054PV5V_VSESUS X
SENAR value that was not withheld due to legal process000062PV5X_CODIGO
X Enter the Code of the
eSocial File Types as determined by law.000081PV5X_DESCRI X
Enter the Description of the Code of the eSocial File Types as determined by
law.000018PV5X_FILIAL X
Enter Branch Code.000116PV5X_ID X
Enter the record identification code. This code is internally controlled by the
system incrementally and per branch.000090PV5X_VALIDA X
Enter the validity date of the eSocial File type. Blank date identifies code in
force now.000062PV5Y_CODIGO X
Enter the Code of the eSocial File Types as determined by law.000081PV5Y_DESCRI
X Enter the Description
of the Code of the eSocial File Types as determined by law.000022PV5Y_FILIAL
X Enter the branch
code.000116PV5Y_ID X
Enter the record identification code. This code is internally controlled by the
system incrementally and per branch.000090PV5Y_VALIDA
X Enter the validity
date of the eSocial File type. Blank date identifies code in force
now.000062PV5Z_CODIGO X
Enter the Code of the eSocial File Types as determined by law.000081PV5Z_DESCRI
X Enter the Description
of the Code of the eSocial File Types as determined by law.000022PV5Z_FILIAL
X Enter the branch
code.000116PV5Z_ID X
Enter the record identification code. This code is internally controlled by the
system incrementally and per branch.000090PV5Z_VALIDA X
Enter the validity date of the eSocial File type. Blank date identifies code in
force now.000910PV6B_CRAQUI X
Revenue Code related to the social contribution to the Social Security on the
acquisition of the production, calculated in the cases in which {indOpcCP} was not
entered, according to the rules established in the legislation in force, observing
this: 165601 - {indAquis} = [1] and {tpInsc} = [1]; aliquot = 1,2%; 165602 -
{indAquis} = [1] and {tpInsc} = [2]; aliquot = 1,2%; 165603 - {indAquis} = [2];
aliquot = 1,2%; 165604 - {indAquis} = [3]; aliquot = 1,7%; 164603 - {indAquis} =
[1] and {tpInsc} = [1]; aliquot = 0,1%; 164604 - {indAquis} = [1] and {tpInsc} =
[2]; aliquot = 0,1%; 164607 - {indAquis} = [2]; aliquot = 0,1%; 164608 - {indAquis}
= [3]; aliquot = 0,1%; 121306 - {tpInscAdq} = [1] and {indAquis} = [ 1, 2, 4, 5,
7]; aliquot = 0,2%; 121307 - {tpInscAdq} = [3] and {indAquis} = [ 1, 4]; aliquot =
0,2%. Valid values: 165601, 165602, 165603, 165604, 164603, 164604, 164607, 164608,
121306, 121307.000014PV6B_FILIAL X
System Branch.000018PV6B_ID X
Record Identifier.000014PV6B_VERSAO X
Record version000098PV6B_VLRCRA X
Social security contribution value corresponding to the Code of the Revenue entered
Social security contribution value corresponding to the Code of the Revenue entered
in V6B_CRAQUI. Origin: R-2055.000012PV6C_CODREC X
Revenue Code000056PV6C_FILIAL X
In this field, enter code of branch related to register.000131PV6C_ID
X In this field, enter
the record identification code. This code is internally controlled by the system
incrementally and per branch.000090PV6C_NRREC X
This field indicates the receipt number of the file originating this taxpayer
return file.000133PV6C_VERSAO X
Field for system internal use. It indicates the record version identification. It
has Date + Action Time (Addition/Edition/Deletion).000115PV6C_VLSUSP
X Social security
contribution value with suspended enforceability corresponding to the Revenue Code.
Origin: R-5001.000145PV6C_VRAQUI X
Value of social security contribution corresponding to the Revenue Code calculated
according to the law in force in the period.. Origin: R-5001.000082PV6D_DIA
X Day of the monthly
actually worked by the employer with intermittent work contract000014PV6D_FILIAL
X Systems
Branch000119PV6D_ID X
Indicate the record identification code. This code is internally controlled by the
system incrementally and per branch.000133PV6D_VERSAO X
Field for system internal use. It indicates the record version identification. It
has Date + Action Time (Addition/Edition/Deletion).000143PV6E_CODAG
X Enter the harmful agent
code to which the worker is exposed. Enter numbers and dots. If there is no
exposure, enter code [09.01.001]. 000029PV6E_DSAG X
Description of harmful agent.000031PV6E_FILIAL X
Branch description in Protheus.000155PV6F_DTADM X
Enter worker�s admission date. In case of employee transfer, enter start date of
work relationship in the first employer (start date of work
relationship).000014PV6F_FILIAL X
System Branch.000013PV6F_ID X
V6F table Id.000054PV6F_MATANT X
Worker�s registration number in the previous employer.000132PV6F_NRINSC
X Enter the registration
number of the previous employer according to the type of registration indicated in
field sucessaoVinc/tpInsc.000076PV6F_TPINSC X
Enter code corresponding to the type of registration, according to table
05.000039PV6F_VERSAO X
Version of the record in the V6F table.000081PV6G_DIA X
Day of the month actually worked by the employee with intermittent work
contract.000014PV6G_FILIAL X
System Branch.000010PV6G_ID X
Record Id.000024PV6G_VERSAO X
Version of table tecord.000045PV6H_CBO X
Brazilian Classification of Occupations - CBO000014PV6H_FILIAL X
System Branch.000010PV6H_ID X
Record Id.000016PV6H_NATV X
Activity nature.000148PV6H_QTDIA X
Information exclusively provided by the special insured person in case of
contracting the individual taxpayer, indicating the number of days
worked.000014PV6H_VERSAO X
Record Version000036PV6I_CODCAT X
Worker category code as in table 01.000101PV6I_DSC X
Description of the instrument or status originating the payment of funds related to
previous periods.000128PV6I_DTCON X
Signature date of the contract, collective agreement, normative sentence or
conversion of health leave in work-related accident.000057PV6I_ESTABE
X Identifier for site or
construction work and tax bracket.000028PV6I_FILIAL X
Record branch in the system.000023PV6I_ID X
Record Id in the table.000048PV6I_LOTACA X
Code attributed by the employer for tax bracket.000143PV6I_MATRIC
X Registration attributed
to the worker by the company or, in case of public servant, registration in the HR
Administration System of the agency.000040PV6I_PERREF X
Period to which the remuneration refers.000157PV6I_REMUN X
Indicate whether compensation is related to funds from salary nature or not owed by
the successor company to employees dismissed in the predecessor
company.000097PV6I_TPCON X
Type of instrument or situation causing the compensation related to previous
calculation periods.000028PV6I_VERSAO X
Record version in the table.000107PV6J_CODCAT X
This field indicates the
identification code of the Worker�s Category according to the Worker�s
Categories.000020PV6J_DCODCA X
Enter Category Code.000038PV6J_DTPAG X
This field indicates the payment date.000045PV6J_FILIAL X
Enter code of branch related to registration.000131PV6J_ID X
In this field, enter the record identification code. This code is internally
controlled by the system incrementally and per branch.000059PV6J_INDDEV
X Identifier attributed
by the company for payment statement.000076PV6J_PERREF X
This field indicates the period to which the compensation complement
refers.000041PV6J_SEQUEN X
This field indicates the record sequence.000101PV6J_TPPAG X
Enter payment type according to these options: 1 - S-1200 2 - S-2299 3 - S-2399 4 -
S-1202 5 - S-1207000131PV6J_VERSAO X
System internal usage field. It indicates the record version identification. It has
Date + Action Time (Addition/Editing/Deletion).000163PV6K_DIA
X Day of the month
actually worked by the employee with intermittent work contract. Validation: Must
be a number between 1 and 31, according to the current calendar.000027PV6K_FILIAL
X Record branch in the
system000009PV6K_ID X
Record Id000014PV6K_VERSAO X
Record version000013PV6L_CODCAT X
Category Code000016PV6L_CODLOT X
Tax Bracket Code000135PV6L_CODRUB X
Enter code attributed by the employer that identifies the payroll item in the
person's payroll. Source event: S-1200, S-2299 or S-2399.000024PV6L_DCODRU
X Payroll Item
Description000006PV6L_FILIAL X
Branch000002PV6L_ID X
Enter the identifier from the Payroll Items Table for the payroll item defined in
codRubr. Source event: S-1200, S-2299, or S-2399.000015PV6L_IDTPVL
X FGTS Value
Type000009PV6L_INDINC X
FGTS levy000019PV6L_MATRIC X
Worker registration000019PV6L_NRINSC X
Registration Number000021PV6L_NUMPRO X
Enter process number.000017PV6L_TPINSC X
Registration Type000017PV6L_VERSAO X
Record Version ID000192PV6L_VLTOT X
Payroll item total value. Source event: S-1200, S-2299, or S-2399. Validation: Must
match the sum of values entered in the {vrRubr} field of the source events for the
respective payroll item. 000019PV6M_DTPGTO X
Enter payment date.000006PV6M_FILIAL X
Branch000018PV6M_ID X
Record identifier.000146PV6M_INDDEV X
Identifier attributed by the paying source for the statement of values owed to the
worker as defined in S-1200, S-1202, S-1207, S-2299, or S-2399.000102PV6M_PERREF
X Declared reference date
in {perApur} field of the compensation event to which the payment is
referred.000021PV6M_TPPGTO X
Payment source event.000018PV6M_VERSAO X
Record version Id.000122PV6M_VLRLIQ X
Net value received by worker and comprised of the wages and discounts, including
IRRF discounts and alimony (if existing).000029PV6N_FILIAL X
Field referring to the BRANCH000032PV6N_ID X
Field referring to the record ID000043PV6N_NRINSC X
Field referring to the registration number.000041PV6N_TPINSC X
Field referring to the registration type.000037PV6N_VERSAO X
Field referring to the record version000087PV6O_CODLOT X
Enter code attributed by the employer for tax bracket. Source event: S-1270, or S-
5003.000047PV6O_ESTNRI X
Field referring to the site registration number000032PV6O_ESTTP
X Field referring to the
site type000029PV6O_FILIAL X
Field referring to the branch000032PV6O_ID X
Field referring to the record ID000133PV6O_NRINSC X
Enter registration number (EIN, SSN, CNO) to which the tax bracket belongs as
indicated in table 10. Source event: S-1020, or S-5003.000147PV6O_TPINSC
X Enter code
corresponding to the type of registration, according to table 05. Valid values: 1 -
EIN 2 - SSN 4 - CNO Source Event: S-1020, or S-5003.000107PV6O_TPLOT
X Enter code
corresponding to the type of tax bracket according to table 10. Source event: S-
1020, or S-5003.000030PV6O_VERSAO X
Field referring to the version000013PV6P_CODCAT X
Category Code000016PV6P_CODLOT X
Tax Bracket Code000136PV6P_CODRUB X
Enter code attributed by the employer that identifies the payroll item in the
person's payroll. Source event: S-1200, S-2299, or S-2399.000024PV6P_DCODRU
X Payroll Item
Description000006PV6P_FILIAL X
Branch000002PV6P_ID X
Enter the identifier from the Payroll Items Table for the payroll item defined in
codRubr. Source event: S-1200, S-2299, or S-2399.000015PV6P_IDTPVL
X FGTS Value
Type000009PV6P_INDINC X
FGTS levy000019PV6P_MATRIC X
Worker registration000019PV6P_NRINSC X
Registration Number000014PV6P_NUMPRO X
Process Number000018PV6P_PERREF X
Calculation Period000240PV6P_TPCONV X
Type of instrument or situation causing the compensation related to previous
calculation periods. Valid values: E - Conversion from medical leave to accident at
work H - monthly FGTS payment prior to compulsory beginning of periodic
events000017PV6P_TPINSC X
Registration Type000017PV6P_VERSAO X
Record Version ID000191PV6P_VLTOT
X Payroll item total
value. Source event: S-1200, S-2299, or S-2399. Validation: Must match the sum of
values entered in the {vrRubr} field of the source events for the respective
payroll item.000013PV6Q_CODCAT X
Category Code000016PV6Q_CODLOT X
Tax Bracket Code000010PV6Q_CODRUB X
Payr.It.Cd000006PV6Q_FILIAL X
Branch000002PV6Q_ID X
PayrItTab.ID000010PV6Q_IDTPVL X
Registration000010PV6Q_NRINSC X
Regist.Num000082PV6Q_NRPROC X
Lawsuits with decision in favor, deciding against FGTS levy. Source event: S-
1010.000007PV6Q_TPINSC X
Reg. Tp000010PV6Q_VERSAO X
Version ID000072PV6R_DOAJUS X
This field must be entered only if the "Adjustment Type" selected is
99.000027PV6R_DTPAJU X
Adjustment type description000013PV6R_FILIAL X
Enter branch.000056PV6R_FNTAJU X
Describe the source that justifies the price adjustment.000010PV6R_ID
X Record
Adjustment type self-contained table id.000039PV6R_NUMITE X
Item number for export adjustment type.000049PV6R_TPAJUS X
Select, in search, the adjustment type performed.000022PV6R_VLRAJU
X Enter Adjustment
Type.000083PV6S_DOAJUS X
Enter the description of other adjustments when the Adjustment Type selected is
99.000044PV6S_DTPAJU X
Description of the adjustment type selected.000013PV6S_FILIAL X
Enter branch.000078PV6S_FNTAJU X
Describe the source that justifies the adjustment made on the parameter
price.000010PV6S_ID X
Record Id.000040PV6S_IDTPAJ X
Adjustment type self-contained table id.000040PV6S_NUMITE X
Item number for import price adjustment.000047PV6S_TPAJUS X
Select, in search, the desired adjustment type.000022PV6S_VLRAJU
X Enter adjustment
type.000024PV6T_CODTPA X
RP adjustment type code.000034PV6T_DESCTA X
Price adjustment type description.000028PV6T_FILIAL X
Enter the registered branch.000010PV6T_ID X
Record ID.000046PV6T_REGECF X
RP record. X305 for Export or X325 for Import.000018PV6U_CODFCO X
Quote Source Code.000038PV6U_DESCRI X
Description of the quote type selected000019PV6U_DTFIN X
Field use end date.000021PV6U_DTINI X
Field use start date.000025PV6U_FILIAL X
Logged branch description000018PV6U_ID X
Record identifier.000015PV6U_REGECF X
RP Record Code.000312PV6V_DEMPAG X
Identifier attributed by the public agency for the statement of values owed to the
beneficiary. The public entity can fill in this field using a default identifier
for all beneficiaries. However, if more than one statement is related to the same
competency, different identifiers must be used for each statement.000006PV6V_FILIAL
X Branch000017PV6V_ID
X Record
Identifier000015PV6V_IDBEN X
Beneficiary ID.000029PV6V_INDAPU X
Calculation period indicator.000055PV6V_NRINSC X
Enter the registration number of the public agency unit000068PV6V_PERAPU
X Enter the reference
month/year (format YYYY-MM) for the information.000098PV6V_TPINSC
X Enter code
corresponding to the type of registration, according to table 05. Valid values: 1 -
Record Version ID000312PV6W_DEMPAG X
Identifier attributed by the public agency for the statement of values owed to the
beneficiary. The public entity can fill in this field using a default identifier
for all beneficiaries. However, if more than one statement is related to the same
competency, different identifiers must be used for each statement.000006PV6W_FILIAL
X Branch000002PV6W_ID
X Beneficiary
Calculation period indicator000067PV6W_PERAPU X
Enter the reference month/year (format YYYY-MM) for the
information000206PV6W_PERREF X
Enter period to which the pension or revenue complement refers to in format YYYY-
MM. Validation: Must be equal to or previous to the calculation period entered in
perApur. Must be entered in format YYYY-MM.000007PV6W_VERSAO X
Version000312PV6X_DEMPAG X
Identifier attributed by the public agency for the statement of values owed to the
beneficiary. The public entity can fill in this field using a default identifier
for all beneficiaries. However, if more than one statement is related to the same
competency, different identifiers must be used for each statement.000007PV6X_FILIAL
X Branch.000002PV6X_ID
X Beneficiary
Calculation period indicator.000055PV6X_NRINSC X
Enter the registration number of the public agency unit000067PV6X_PERAPU
X Enter the reference
month/year (format YYYY-MM) for the information000089PV6X_PERREF
X Enter the period to
which the revenue or pension complement refers to, in format YYYY-
Enter code corresponding to the type of registration, according to table 05. Valid
values: 1 - EIN000007PV6X_VERSAO X
Indicative of the type of Income Tax calculation. Valid values: 0 - Regular
(calculation on the payroll stated in eSocial) 1- Special Income Tax
calculation000095PV6Y_CODRUB X
Enter code attributed by the employer that identifies the payroll item in the
person's payroll.000024PV6Y_DCODRU X
Payroll Item Description000312PV6Y_DEMPAG X
Identifier attributed by the public agency for the statement of values owed to the
beneficiary. The public entity can fill in this field using a default identifier
for all beneficiaries. However, if more than one statement is related to the same
competency, different identifiers must be used for each statement.000106PV6Y_FATRUB
X Enter factor,
percentage etc. of the payroll item, if necessary. Validation: Must be higher than
0 (zero).000006PV6Y_FILIAL X
Branch000002PV6Y_ID X
Beneficiary ID.000029PV6Y_INDAPU X
Calculation period indicator.000056PV6Y_NRINSC X
Enter the registration number of the public agency unit.000068PV6Y_PERAPU
X Enter the reference
month/year (format YYYY-MM) for the information.000089PV6Y_PERREF
X Enter the period to
which the revenue or pension complement refers to, in format YYYY-
Enter the reference quantity for calculation (in hours, quotas, months etc.)
Mandatory when it refers to a payroll item related to absences or Paid Weekly Rest
(PWR) on absences. In this case, enter the number of days.
Validation: Must be higher than 0 (zero). Information mandatory if codRubr has
natRubr in S-1010 equal to [9207, 9211].000090PV6Y_TABRUB X
Enter the identifier from the Payroll Items Table for the payroll item defined in
codRubr.000054PV6Y_TPINSC X
Enter the code corresponding to the registration type.000007PV6Y_VERSAO
Version000066PV6Y_VRRUBR X
Payroll item total value. Validation: Must be higher than 0 (zero)000021PV6Z_APURAC
X Calculation
Criterion000062PV6Z_CODEVE X
Enter the Code of the eSocial File Types as determined by law.000020PV6Z_DESCPR
X Deadline
Description000035PV6Z_DIAATE X
Deadline Day Calculation Definition000081PV6Z_DSCEVE X
Enter the Description of the Code of the eSocial File Types as determined by
law.000056PV6Z_FILIAL X
In this field, enter code of Branch related to register.000138PV6Z_ID
X In this field, enter
the single identification of the record. This code is internally attributed in the
source code of the self-contained.000037PV6Z_MESATE X
Deadline Month Calculation Definition000137PV6Z_VALIDA X
In this field, enter the validity date of Rule Mapping for Event Submission
Deadline. Blank date identifies the code currently in effect.000142PV70_CMPREF
X Reference Field of
Event Deadline Item. Along with the Event reference Table, it indicates the base
date to set the Event submission Deadline.000149PV70_CRTAPU X
Description of Calculation Criteria for filtering and selecting which Calculation
Rule and Deadlines of event to apply to the Record being evaluated.000408PV70_DIA
X Reference Day to
Calculate the Deadline for Event Submission. It can be a specific day of the Month
or an indication of how many days to add to obtain the Deadline for Event
submission. In Calculation Modes 1 and 2, the days define a specific day of the
Month. In Calculation Mode 6, the day defines the quantity of days to add to the
date of reference. In other Calculation Modes, the field Day is not
used.000093PV70_DSCPRZ X
Description of Event Deadline Rule Mapping, in accordance with MOS (eSocial
Guidance Manual).000013PV70_FILIAL X
System Branch000153PV70_FILTRO X
To filter and select the Event to which the Deadline Calculation Rules and Criteria
are applied. Use SQL syntax to list desired filters for Rule Mapping.000036PV70_ID
X Single Identifier of
Event ID (V6Z).000074PV70_ITEM X
Single Identifier of Mapping Rule (V70) of Event to which it refers
(V6Z).000470PV70_MDCPRZ X
Enter how to calculate the Deadline, in compliance with the variations found in MOS
(eSocial Guidance Manual) for each deadline required. Ex.: Calculation Mode 6 (Sum
of Days), it indicates that the quantity in field V70_DIA must be added to the
reference date of the Event to obtain the Deadline for Event submission. Options
X Specific Month for
Calculation of Deadline for Event submission (if any). Used only in Calculation
Mode 2, which requires entering a specific month along with the Day entered to
continue calculating the Deadline.000233PV70_STATUS X
Rule Mapping Activity Status If active, this will be used by the Event Panel search
engine. Regardless of it being entered, in the update of self-contained, the entire
mapping content will be updated, except for this Activity Status.000139PV70_TABREF
X Reference Table to
calculate the Event Deadline Item. This field represents the Table through which
the data filtering and selection begin.000013PV71_FILIAL X
System Branch000036PV71_ID X
Single Identifier of Event ID (V6Z).000138PV71_ITEM X
In this field, enter the single identification of the record. This code is
internally attributed in the source code of the self-contained.000074PV71_ITEMTB
X Single Identifier of
Mapping Rule (V70) of Event to which it refers (V6Z).000140PV71_JOIN
X SQL statement
responsible for joining with the Reference Table of Event Deadline Mapping, to add
data from other tables to the Rule Mapping.000021PV71_STATUS X
Rule Activity Status.000023PV71_TBJOIN X
Join Reference Table. .000025PV72_ATIVO X
Active record? 1=Yes;2=No000220PV72_CNPJCE X
Fill out with EIN of grantor/target employer/public body. Validation: Must be an
EIN other than the EIN of employer/public body and different from the sites entered
through event S-1005. Validation rule: REGRA_VALIDA_CNP000008PV72_CPFV
X Empl
Name.000023PV72_DINSIS X
Systemic addition date.000266PV72_DTINIC X
Start date of grant/activity in other body. Validation: a) Must not be after
current date; b) There must be no grant/activity event in other body (or leave of
absent event by leave of absence reason code [14]) dated before the dtIniCessao
without having been closed.000018PV72_DTRANS X
Transmission Date.000012PV72_DTRECP X
Receipt Date000203PV72_DTTERM X
Fill out with end date of grant/activity in other body. Validation: Comply with the
following rules: a) Be equal or after the start date of grant/activity in other
body; b) Not be after the current date.000080PV72_EVENTO X
Event Identification
X Employee
ID.000012PV72_HRRECP X
Receipt Time000017PV72_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000018PV72_ID X
Record Identifier.000041PV72_INIKEY X
Start TTAFKEY to be used in ending event.000139PV72_LOGOPE X
Operation Log 1=Integr.Add; 2=ManualAdd; 3=Integr.Add+Integr.Edit;
4=Integr.Add+ManualEdit; 5=ManualAdd+Integr.Edit;
6=ManualAdd+ManualEdit000012PV72_MATV X
Registration000025PV72_PROTPN X
Penultimate transm. prot.000023PV72_PROTUL X
Last transmission prot.000173PV72_RESPRE X
Enter whether declarant employer/public body will continue entering compensations
(S-1200/S-1202) of worker granted/in activity in another body. Valid values:
Y - Yes N - No000134PV72_STATUS X
Record status 0=Valid Rec.;1=Invalid Rec.;2=Transmitted Rec.;3=Rec. Transmitted w/
inconsistence;4=Valid transmitted rec.;9=Processing000049PV72_TAFKEY
X TAFKEY of record sent
by ERP at integration time.000023PV72_VERANT X
Record previous version000018PV72_VERSAO X
Record version ID.000020PV72_XMLID X
Transmission XML ID.000098PV73_ATIVO X
Field of internal use of system. In this field, enter whether the record is active:
1 = Yes 2 = No000014PV73_BAIRRO X
Enter District000021PV73_CEP X
Enter the Postal Code000009PV73_CODMUN X
City Code000021PV73_CODPOS X
Enter the Postal Code000019PV73_COMLOG X
Address complement.000022PV73_CPFBEN X
Enter beneficiary SSN.000021PV73_DCODMU X
City Code Description000022PV73_DINSIS X
Systemic Addition Date000015PV73_DISTRI X
District Abroad000019PV73_DLOG X
Address Description000019PV73_DPAISR X
Country Description000020PV73_DSCLOG X
Address Description.000041PV73_DTALTE X
Fill it out with the record editing date.000041PV73_DTINCF X
Enter the date of disability recognition.000190PV73_DTINIC X
Fill it out with the start date of beneficiary register. Enter start date of non-
periodic event requirement for public entity in eSocial, if beneficiary has a
register previous to this date.000035PV73_DTNASC X
Fill it out with the date of birth.000024PV73_DTPLOG X
Address type description000017PV73_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000012PV73_DTRECP X
Receipt Date000022PV73_DTTRAN X
Employee transfer date000017PV73_DUF X
State Description000030PV73_ESTCIV X
Marital status of beneficiary.000114PV73_EVENTO X
Field for system internal use. In this field, enter event identification. Options:
I=Addition A=Editing E=Deletion000017PV73_FILIAL X
Branch of record.000012PV73_HRRECP X
Receipt Time000017PV73_HTRANS X
Transmission time000023PV73_ID X
Record Id in the table.000185PV73_INCFIS X
Enter whether beneficiary has a disabling illness that exempt them from social
security payments, fully or partially, recognized administratively or legally, in
compliance with the law.000320PV73_LOGOPE X
Operation log that indicates whether the record was added/edited via Job
(integration) or via browser (manually). 1- Integration Addition 2- Manual Addition
3- Integration Addition + Integration Editing 4- Integration Addition + Manual
Editing 5- Manual Addition + Integration Editing 6- Manual Addition + Manual
Editing000018PV73_LOGRAD X
Address Complement000017PV73_NMCIDE X
City Abroad Name.000023PV73_NOMEB X
Enter beneficiary name.000066PV73_NOMEVE X
In this field, enter the of e-Social event to which record refers.000014PV73_NRLOGR
X Address
Number000014PV73_NUMLOG X
Address Number000018PV73_PAISRE X
Enter country code000104PV73_PROTPN X
Field of internal use of system. In this field, enter the receipt of penultimate
transmission of record.000097PV73_PROTUL X
Field of internal use of system. In this field, enter the receipt of last
transmission of record.000190PV73_RACA X
Fill it out with the start date of beneficiary register. Enter start date of non-
periodic event requirement for public entity in eSocial, if beneficiary has a
register previous to this date.000022PV73_SEXO X
Gender of beneficiary.000016PV73_STASEC X
Secondary Status000272PV73_STATUS X
Field of internal use of system. In this field, enter record status: (Empty) = New
Record 0 = Valid Record (integration) 1 = Invalid Record (integration) 2 = Record
Transmitted 3 = Record Transmitted with Inconsistency(ies) 4 = Valid Record
Transmitted 9 = Being Processed000029PV73_TAFKEY X
TAFKEY identification number.000013PV73_TPLOG X
Address type.000019PV73_UF X
Enter State acronym000188PV73_VERANT X
Field of internal use of system. In this field, enter the identification of
previous version of record. In case of editing/deletion, this field inherits the
version of the previous record.000024PV73_VERSAO X
Record version in table.000109PV73_VNOME X
Virtual field that receives the most current name update when there is a S-2405 and
displayed in the browser.000030PV73_XMLID X
Exclusive XML transmission ID.000197PV74_CPFDEP X
SSN registration number. Validation: It must be a valid SSN, considering the
following: a) its completion is required if depIRRF = [S]; b) There cannot be more
than one dependent with the same SSN.000124PV74_DEPIRF X
Enter whether purpose of beneficiary dependent is deduction from taxable revenue by
Income Tax. Valid values: Y - Yes N - No000124PV74_DEPIRR X
Enter whether purpose of beneficiary dependent is deduction from taxable revenue by
Income Tax. Valid values: Y - Yes N - No000110PV74_DTNASC X
Fill out date of birth. Validation: It must be after or equal to 1/1/1890 and
before or equal to current date.000026PV74_DTPDE X
Dependent Type Description000006PV74_FILIAL X
Branch000011PV74_ID X
Employee ID000017PV74_IDDEP X
Record Identifier000105PV74_INCFIS X
Enter whether dependent has a disabling illness, in compliance with the law. Valid
values: Y - Yes N - No000014PV74_NMDEP X
Dependent Name000010PV74_NOMEVE
X Event
Name000050PV74_SEXDEP X
Dependent gender. Valid values: M - Male F- Female000017PV74_TPDEP
X Dependent Type
Record Version ID000086PV75_ATIVO X
Field for system internal use. This represents if the record is active: 1 = Yes 2 =
No000015PV75_BENEF X
Beneficiary Id.000147PV75_CADINI X
Indicate if the benefit start date is earlier than the mandatory non-periodic
events for the public entity in eSocial. Valid values: Y - Yes N -
No000230PV75_CNPJDS X
Enter the EIN of the public agency responsible for the servant/military
registration. Information mandatory if cadIni = [N], provided there is registration
information and that the EIN is different from the reporting agency's
Enter the EIN of the previous public agency. Validation: Must be a valid EIN
different from the reporter's registration considering the particularities applied
to the public agency EIN information in S1000. If sucessaoVinc/tpInsc = [1], must
have 14 (fourteen) digits and be different from the base EIN of the reporting
public agency (except if the ideEmpregador/nrInsc has 14 (fourteen) digits) and of
the sites entered using event S-1005.000041PV75_CPFANT X
Fill in the beneficiary's old SSN number.000014PV75_CPFBEN X
Employee�s SSN000121PV75_CPFINS X
Enter the SSN of the pension for death institutor. Validation: It must be a valid
SSN different from the beneficiary SSN.000023PV75_DBENEF X
Beneficiary description000147PV75_DESC X
Description of the instrument or status originating the payment of the benefit.
Validation: Entering mandatory if tpBeneficio = [0909, 1001,
1009].000095PV75_DINSIS X
Date of Systemic Inclusion used in the history, monitor for the extemporaneous
case, and audit.000108PV75_DMTSUS X
Benefit termination reason. Validation: It must be a valid code existing in Table
26, except codes [09, 10].000046PV75_DMTTER X
Description of the benefit Termination Reason.000045PV75_DMTVTE X
Description of the benefit termination reason000016PV75_DTACPF X
SSN change date.000370PV75_DTINBE X
Benefit start date. Validation: It must observe the following: a) If cadIni = [S],
it must be earlier than the start date of mandatory non-periodic events for the
public entity in eSocial; b) If cadIni = [N], it must be equal to or later than the
start date of mandatory non-periodic events for the public entity in eSocial and
equal to or earlier than the current date.000056PV75_DTINST X
Date of death of the institutor of the pension for death000035PV75_DTPBEN
X Description of the type
of Benefit.000144PV75_DTPUBL X
Enter the date of publication of the benefit granting, only when the granting act
is retroactive. Validation: Must be later than dtIniBeneficio.000044PV75_DTRABA
X This field must
represent the employee name.000012PV75_DTRECP X
Receipt Date000329PV75_DTTERM X
Date of benefit termination. Validation: The following rules must be observed: a)
It must be equal or later than the benefit start date; b) If cadIni = [S], it must
be earlier than the start date of the obligation of non-periodic events for the
public entity in eSocial; c) If indSitBenef = [2], it must be earlier than
dtTransf.000026PV75_DTTRAN X
Date of employee transfer.000327PV75_DTTRBE X
Enter the date of benefit transfer to the reporting public agency. Validation: The
following rules must be observed: a) It must be later than the benefit start date;
b) It must be equal or later than the start date of mandatory non-periodic events
for the public entity in eSocial and equal to or earlier than the current
date.000147PV75_EVENTO X
Field for system internal use. This field must represent the event identification.
It must be filled in with: I = Addition A = Edition E = Deletion000014PV75_FILIAL
X Record
branch.000012PV75_HRRECP X
Receipt Time000017PV75_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000017PV75_ID X
Record Identifier000129PV75_INDJUD X
Enter if the benefit was granted by court ruling. Valid values: Y - Yes N - No
Validation: Entering is mandatory if cadIni = [N].000339PV75_LOGOPE
X Operation log that
indicates whether the record was added/changed via Job (integration) or via browse
(manual). 1- Included by Integration 2- Included Manually 3- Included by
Integration + Edited by Integration 4- Included by Integration + Edited Manually 5-
Included Manually + Edited by Integration 6- Included Manually + Edited
Manually000364PV75_MATRIC X
Registration number of the servant/military in the Human Resources Management
System of the agency whose relationship gave rise to the benefit. In the case of
pension for death, enter the registration number of the pension instituter.
Validation: Information mandatory if cadIni = [N] and tpBeneficio belongs to the
groups [01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 11] of Table 25.000107PV75_MTSUSP
X Benefit termination
reason. Validation: It must be a valid code existing in Table 26, except codes [09,
10]000108PV75_MTTERM X
Benefit termination reason. Validation: It must be a valid code existing in Table
26, except codes [09, 10].000085PV75_MTVTER X
Benefit termination reason. Validation: It must be a valid code existing in Table
26.000013PV75_NOMETR X
Worker's Name000084PV75_NOMEVE X
This field must represent the name of the e-Social event to which the record
refers.000034PV75_NRANTB X
Enter the previous benefit number.000045PV75_NRBANT X
Benefit number in the previous public entity.000015PV75_NRBENF X
Benefit number.000005PV75_OBSCPF X
Note.000005PV75_OBSVIN X
Note.000109PV75_PROTPN X
Field for system internal use. This must represent the receipt of the penultimate
transmission of the record.000102PV75_PROTUL X
Field for system internal use. This must represent the receipt of the last
transmission of the record.000181PV75_SITBEN X
Enter the benefit status in the reporting agency. Valid values: 1 - Benefit granted
by the reporting agency 2 - Benefit transferred from another agency 3 - Change of
beneficiary SSN000070PV75_STASEC X
Secondary status used in the history, monitor for extemporaneous
X Field for system
internal use. This must represent the record status: (Empty) = New record 0 = Valid
record (integration) 1 = Invalid record (integration) 2 = Transmitted record 3 =
Transmitted record with inconsistency(ies) 4 = Valid transmitted record 9 = In
Processing000029PV75_TAFKEY X
TAFKEY identification number.000139PV75_TPBENE X
Benefit type. Validation: It must be a valid code existing in Table 25. If cadIni =
[N], codes of group [08] are not allowed in this table.000067PV75_TPPENS
X Type of pension for
death. Valid values: 1 - Lifelong 2 - Temporary000133PV75_TPPLAN
X Type of mass
segregation plan. Valid values: 0 - No mass segregation 1 - Accumulation fund 2 -
Distribution fund 3 - Kept by Treasury000087PV75_TRABAL X
This field must represent the identification of the worker to which the benefit
refers.000192PV75_VERANT X
Field for system internal use. This represents the identification of the previous
version of the record. This field will inherit the version of the previous record
when it is an edit/deletion.000017PV75_VERSAO X
Record version Id000030PV75_XMLID X
Single Id of XML transmission.000086PV76_ATIVO X
Field for system internal use. This represents if the record is active: 1 = Yes 2 =
No000015PV76_BENEF X
Beneficiary Id.000026PV76_CPFBEN X
Enter the beneficiary SSN.000052PV76_DALTBE X
Date of change of information related to the benefit000023PV76_DBENEF
X Beneficiary
description000100PV76_DESC X
Description of the instrument or status originating the payment of funds related to
previous periods000095PV76_DINSIS X
Date of Systemic Inclusion used in the history, monitor for the extemporaneous
case, and audit.000032PV76_DSCSUS X
Enter the Suspension description000042PV76_DTPBEN X
Enter the description of the benefit type.000044PV76_DTRABA X
This field must represent the employee name.000012PV76_DTRECP X
Receipt Date000026PV76_DTTRAN X
Date of employee transfer.000147PV76_EVENTO X
Field for system internal use. This field must represent the event identification.
It must be filled in with: I = Addition A = Edition E = Deletion000042PV76_FILIAL
X This field must
represent the branch code.000012PV76_HRRECP X
Receipt Time000017PV76_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000119PV76_ID X
Indicate the record identification code. This code is internally controlled by the
system incrementally and per branch.000035PV76_INDSUS X
Code that indicates the suspension.000339PV76_LOGOPE X
Operation log that indicates whether the record was added/changed via Job
(integration) or via browse (manual). 1- Included by Integration 2- Included
Manually 3- Included by Integration + Edited by Integration 4- Included by
Integration + Edited Manually 5- Included Manually + Edited by Integration 6-
Included Manually + Edited Manually000142PV76_MATRIC X
Registration number of the servant/military in the Human Resources Management
System of the agency whose relationship gave rise to the benefit000030PV76_MTSUSP
X Reason for benefit
suspension.000084PV76_NOMEVE X
This field must represent the name of the e-Social event to which the record
refers.000014PV76_NRBENF X
Benefit number000102PV76_NRINSC X
This field must represent the company registration number according to the selected
registration type.000109PV76_PROTPN X
Field for system internal use. This must represent the receipt of the penultimate
transmission of the record.000102PV76_PROTUL X
Field for system internal use. This must represent the receipt of the last
transmission of the record.000074PV76_STASEC X
Secondary status used in the history, monitor for the extemporaneous
case.000271PV76_STATUS X
Field for system internal use. This must represent the record status: (Empty) = New
record 0 = Valid record (integration) 1 = Invalid record (integration) 2 =
Transmitted record 3 = Transmitted record with inconsistency(ies) 4 = Valid
transmitted record 9 = In Processing000029PV76_TAFKEY X
TAFKEY identification number.000026PV76_TPBENE X
Enter the Type of benefit.000056PV76_TPINSC X
This field must represent the company registration type.000067PV76_TPPENS
X Type of pension for
death. Valid values: 1 - Lifelong 2 - Temporary000152PV76_TPPLAN
X This field must
represent the type of mass segregation plan: 0 - No mass segregation; 1 -
Accumulation fund; 2 - Distribution fund; 3 - Kept by Treasury000086PV76_TRABAL
X This field must
represent the identification of the worker to whom the payroll
refers.000192PV76_VERANT X
Field for system internal use. This represents the identification of the previous
version of the record. This field will inherit the version of the previous record
when it is an edit/deletion.000133PV76_VERSAO X
Field for system internal use. It indicates the record version identification. It
has Date + Action Time (Addition/Edition/Deletion).000030PV76_XMLID
X Single Id of XML
transmission.000014PV77_ATIVO X
Active record.000015PV77_BENEF X
Beneficiary Id.000026PV77_CPFBEN X
Enter the beneficiary SSN.000003PV77_CPFV X
Beneficiary Description.000014PV77_DFUNC X
Employee Desc.000031PV77_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion to the System000185PV77_DTEF X
Start date of the financial effects of benefit reactivation. Validation: It must be
equal to or earlier than the benefit effective reactivation date and later than its
termination date.000012PV77_DTRABA X
Worker Name.000017PV77_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000158PV77_DTREAT X
Enter the benefit's effective reactivation date. Validation: It must be later than
the benefit termination date and equal to or earlier than the current
X Date of
Receipt000076PV77_EVENTO X
Type of Event. I=Addition; A=Edit; E=Deletion; R=Rectification;
F=Completion000006PV77_FILIAL X
Branch000012PV77_FUNC X
Employee Id.000015PV77_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000017PV77_HTRANS X
Transmission Time000010PV77_ID X
Record Id.000021PV77_LOGOPE X
Record operation log.000013PV77_MATRIC X
Registration.000010PV77_NOMEVE X
Event Name000015PV77_NRBENF X
Benefit number.000146PV77_NRINSC X
Enter the registration number of the taxpayer according to the type of registration
indicated in field ideEmpregador/tpInsc and entered in S-1000.000025PV77_PROTPN
X Prot. penultimate
transm.000024PV77_PROTUL X
Prot. last transmission.000074PV77_STASEC X
Secondary status used in the history, monitor for the extemporaneous
case.000013PV77_STATUS X
Record status000013PV77_TAFKEY X
TAFkey Value.000098PV77_TPINSC X
Enter code corresponding to the type of registration, according to table 05. Valid
values: 1 - EIN000010PV77_TRABAL X
Worker Id.000024PV77_VERANT X
Previous record version.000018PV77_VERSAO X
Record Version Id.000020PV77_XMLID X
Transmission XML Id.000014PV78_ATIVO X
Active Record?000015PV78_BENEF X
Beneficiary Id.000489PV78_CNPJO X
Enter the EIN of the succeeding public agency. Validation: Mandatory and exclusive
if mtvTermino = [09]. Must be a valid EIN different from the reporter's
registration considering the particularities applied to the public agency EIN
information in S-1000. If sucessaoVinc/tpInsc = [1], must have 14 (fourteen) digits
and be different from the base EIN of the reporting public agency (except if the
ideEmpregador/nrInsc has 14 (fourteen) digits) and of the sites entered using event
S-1005.000016PV78_CPFBEN X
Beneficiary SSN.000003PV78_CPFV X
Beneficiary description000021PV78_DFUNC X
Employee description.000032PV78_DINSIS X
Date of Inclusion to the system.000038PV78_DMTVTE X
Description of the Termination reason.000013PV78_DTRABA X
Worker's Name000017PV78_DTRANS X
Transmission Date000015PV78_DTRECP X
Date of Receipt000208PV78_DTTERM X
Date of benefit termination. Validation: Must be equal to or earlier than the
current date In the case of a reactivated benefit, it must also be a date equal to
or later than the dtEfetReativ of event S-2418.000017PV78_DTTRAN
X Transmission
Date000023PV78_EVENTO X
Identification of Event000006PV78_FILIAL X
Branch000012PV78_FUNC X
Employee Id.000015PV78_HRRECP X
Time of Receipt000018PV78_HTRANS X
Transmission time.000010PV78_ID X
Record Id.000153PV78_LOGOPE X
Operation Log. 1=Incl.Integr; 2=Incl.Manually; 3=Incl.Integr+Ed.Integr;
4=Incl.Integr+Ed.Manually; 5=Incl.Manually+Ed.Integr;
6=Incl.Manually+Ed.Manually000364PV78_MATRIC X
Registration number of the servant/military in the Human Resources Management
System of the agency whose relationship gave rise to the benefit. In the case of
pension for death, enter the registration number of the pension instituter.
Validation: Information mandatory if cadIni = [N] and tpBeneficio belongs to the
groups [01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 11] of Table 25.000085PV78_MTVTER
X Benefit termination
reason. Validation: It must be a valid code existing in Table 26.000153PV78_NEWCPF
X Enter the new
beneficiary SSN. Validation: Mandatory and exclusive if mtvTermino = [10]. Must be
a valid SSN different from the previous beneficiary SSN.000011PV78_NOMEVE
X Event
Name.000015PV78_NRBENF X
Benefit number.000025PV78_PROTPN X
Prot. penultimate transm.000024PV78_PROTUL X
Prot. Last Transmission.000074PV78_STASEC X
Secondary status used in the history, monitor for the extemporaneous
case.000022PV78_STATUS X
Current record status.000013PV78_TAFKEY X
Tafkey value.000086PV78_TRABAL X
This field must represent the identification of the worker to whom the payroll
refers.000023PV78_VERANT X
Record Previous Version000018PV78_VERSAO X
Record Version Id.000006PV78_XMLID X
Reference rate - RAT after adjustment by FAP.000050PV79_ALIRAT X
Reference rate RAT defined in current legislation.000086PV79_FAP
X Reference Accident
Prevention Factor - FAP defined by the competent government
agency.000013PV79_FILIAL X
System Branch000017PV79_ID X
Record Identifier000019PV79_NRINSE X
Registration Number000017PV79_TPINSE X
Registration Type000014PV79_VERSAO X
ID Ver. Record000036PV80_ALIAS X
Alias for cutoff date control in TSI000020PV80_FILIAL X
Default Branch Code.000025PV80_STAMP X
Addition/Editing Control.000025PV81_ATIVO X
Record active? 1=Yes;2=No000010PV81_CODMUN X
City code.000017PV81_DCODMU X
City Description.000018PV81_DUF X
State description.000018PV81_FILIAL X
Enter branch code.000018PV81_ID X
Record identifier.000030PV81_PERC X
City Apportionment Percentage.000011PV81_UF X
State code.000015PV81_VERSAO X
Record Version.000168PV87_CODTRE X
Enter the code of the training, certification, simulated exercise, or other
annotation, according to Table 28. Validation: It must be a valid code existing in
Table 28.000028PV87_CPF X
Enter the SSN of the worker.000051PV87_DSCTRE X
Enter the description of the training/certification000056PV87_FILIAL
X In this field, enter
code of branch related to register.000119PV87_ID X
Indicate the record identification code. This code is internally controlled by the
system incrementally and per branch.000020PV87_NOMEVE X
Enter the Event Name000133PV87_VERSAO X
Field for system internal use. It indicates the record version identification. It
has Date + Action Time (Addition/Edition/Deletion).000168PV88_CODTRE
X Enter the code of the
training, certification, simulated exercise, or other annotation, according to
Table 28. Validation: It must be a valid code existing in Table
28.000056PV88_FILIAL X
In this field, enter code of branch related to register.000119PV88_ID
X Indicate the record
identification code. This code is internally controlled by the system incrementally
and per branch.000168PV91_CODTRE X
Enter the code of the training, certification, simulated exercise, or other
annotation, according to Table 28. Validation: It must be a valid code existing in
Table 28.000051PV91_DSCTRE X
Enter the description of the training/certification000056PV91_FILIAL
X In this field, enter
code of branch related to register.000119PV91_ID X
Indicate the record identification code. This code is internally controlled by the
system incrementally and per branch.000133PV91_VERSAO X
Field for system internal use. It indicates the record version identification. It
has Date + Action Time (Addition/Edition/Deletion).000022ST1U_RCCOR
X Select a valid option.

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