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The Mediterranean Diet

Safe and healthy weight loss. Includes diets,

recipes, researched comparisons to other diets,
weight charts and vitamin guide.


Mediterranean Diet for Weight loss

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"How I Lost 20 Pounds in 21 days Without Using Pills or Drugs

and Without Going Hungry And... how you can too! "
How would you like a significant reduction in weight, and a boost in health and vitality within only fourteen days And...with a diet that is enjoyable & tasty?

It's no secret, it's been here for hundreds of years if not thousands. This new eBook makes the diet easy and is important for those who are tired of the fads and promises. It
included recipes too. It takes you along a low cost journey while using a diet that has been hundreds and hundreds of years in the making supported by extensive formal researched
proof and verification. Equally important, it controls weight loss safely while reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer (read the evidence & scientific research findings below).
Maintaining a close eye on nutrition throughout the process of losing weight is a priority throughout its pages. Its focus is on avoiding harmful drugs and other unnatural and radical
dieting procedures while gaining achievable results for you, with a full guarantee. As Lily Baker once said - "If you can put weight on, you can take it off!" There are many Free
bonuses and a Free surprise bonus this month for you too!

By, About and For Figure and Health

Minded People

Unlike most Fad diets, here are some essential points about the Mediterranean Diet you should know;

1. This diet won't cause kidney failure (like some)

2. No risk of increasing cholesterol
3. No rebound weight gain
4. It will also decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease
5. Because it tastes so good, it's fun!

When you're busy with other things or preoccupied with family or friends, your weight can sometimes creep up on
you without you noticing. That is, until you realize your clothes don't fit as they once did or at one brief horrifying
moment, you catch a glimpse of a few excess bulges in the mirror. Most of us are going through, have gone
through, or will go through the same unpleasant moment. You are not alone! (1 of 4)01/10/2005 6:57:49 PM

Mediterranean Diet for Weight loss

The secret is to lose weight in a manner that is
good for you, not in such a way that you feel
fatigued or lethargic in the process. After all, the
goal is not just to look better, but also to feel
better and get rid of any lingering negative self-
esteem issues that tag along with most weight
gain. For this reason , this ebook (over 80 pages)
doesn't just tell you how to lose weight, but places a
strong emphasis on losing weight while enjoying
the tasty recipes, keeping an eye on vitamin intake,
nutrition and activity without going through what
many consider to be a boring task of counting
kilojoules or calories etc. Apart from being a taste
sensation, that's one of the many reasons the
Mediterranean Diet is so good!

Here is just 'some' of the supporting

evidence and research -

1. Evidence Research No1

2. Evidence Research No2
3. Evidence Research No3

Here is an ebook extract

Not only will you receive The Mediterranean Diet eBook but we're also going to give you 5 FREE Bonuses to
increase the value of your purchase. Here they are;

FREE BONUS#1- A Mediterranean Recipe Collection compiled by Roy Barker - Here's a great collection of
appetizers, mains, deserts plus more. You have enough information in this 24 page ebook to cater for as many dinner parties as you
like or just one person. The recipes are a mixture from Southern Italy, Greece, Spain, Sicily, and more. This is in addition to the
recipes that are in the The Mediterranean Diet eBook.

FREE BONUS#2- Confidence & Courage Tips by Gabriel Daniels - a special eBook to help you realize your dreams!

FREE BONUS#3 - Action for Female Hair Loss by Mike Hodge - a helpful companion eBook brought to you by
1001Beauty Tips

FREE BONUS#4- Treatments for Incurable Diseases by Grata Young MD - A complete eBook guide to self healing

FREE BONUS#5 - Five Minute Facelift - an excellent, stimulating and helpful eBook brought to you by1001 Beauty Tips

All the above bonuses are free with each purchase.

Now (2 of 4)01/10/2005 6:57:49 PM

Mediterranean Diet for Weight loss

You'll find free relevant recipes to help make this diet even easier. There's nothing worse than a diet guide and
instructions without appropriate recipes! It doesn't just stop there. In its contents you will find other helpul and
supportive links that you can open at any time. You can also look up (in the eBook) any vitamin description
you choose and learn more about it. There are free weight charts that help you set your goals and will
also be able to compare this diet against many other current diets and fads in the marketplace. All this is
available in its contents. This eBook makes you think more about you! It will even discuss those diets you should
think twice about using and why.
Testimonials for some insight

Yes, you will need to apply some discipline but nothing excessive. People who are close to
you can often help. We will go into this more in the book. Equally important is, once you
have put this into play, you can better control your day-to-day outcomes because you will
become familiar with what is required in a short space of time and almost run the diet by
habit. .

In fact, the biggest one-off expense is this book at US37.83. If you think this is too much
then you're not serious! It's an extremely low price I know but it's only for this month. With
all the research, writing, marketing, technical and additional survey costs that go into
compiling such an eBook and the fact that this is going to change your life and health, do
you think it’s expensive?

No, of course not!

You could be reading this eBook within 10 minutes and it’s only a dollar a day over 38
days when you break it down. You may have to save up some money for new clothes but
that’s a great reward for your efforts. This eBook will download in less than 15 seconds if
you are on broadband and a couple of minutes on dial-up. It is in PDF format, but if you
don't have adobe, it is made available to you for FREE when you buy the book.

Realistically, here are your options:

You can leave the website and perhaps scrounge for as much information as you
possibly can, and mostly be none the wiser about how you will get slimmer and stay
healthy from the one source of information. You may even stay the way you are because
you won't make a decision.


You can take this 'temporarily inexpensive' shortcut to all the information you will need
and purchase my eBook. If you buy it and it doesn’t do everything I’ve told you it can, you
can request a full refund.

Some Questions Answered (3 of 4)01/10/2005 6:57:49 PM

Mediterranean Diet for Weight loss

We like to think that most people have integrity and go about

their lives in an honest & forthright manner, so, order the e-
book and give it your own personal “test run”. Take a full forty
Full Guarantee five days. If the eBook does not do what I claim, simply contact
us directly… and I’ll send you a refund. I couldn't be much
fairer than that (especially at this price!).

You can use any major credit card, Paypal or echeck.

Let's reconsider this.

1. You get 'Mediterranean Diet' recipes for FREE included,

2. A FREE vitamin dictionary,
3. A comparative analysis of other diets and some fad diets you would already know,
4. FREE Weight Charts (for Men & for Women),
5. A helpful and concise tips section all included along with the diet.
6. In addition, if you follow the guide and it doesn't do what I claim, you get a full refund.
7. Not just one but FIVE FREE eBook bonuses included in the price
8. They're all immediately downloadable (no waiting for the post)
9. It's not good.....It's excellent value for money, especially with the guarantee and the bonuses!
10. It doesn't make sense to let it go by at this price! (normally priced at $49.00 without the bonuses)

$49.00 $37.83 for this month only

NOTE: We use Click Bank to process all orders. Click Bank utilizes the strongest security and anti-fraud features available on the Internet and never
stores your financial data on their system! Your credit card data is passed directly to the bank and no one but the bank has access to your sensitive
information. They are also approved by the Better Business Bureau!

In pursuit of good health -

All the best,

Roy Barker

Lose Weight Safely Affiliate Program Contact Us Policy

Copyright © 2005 @ (4 of 4)01/10/2005 6:57:49 PM

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