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SY. 2021-2022

Instructions: Carefully read all the instructions. Analyze the questions very well and
intellectually, appraise what is being asked, and answer them comprehensively but

1. One of the functions of human resource management is to look for the best and
qualified applicants that will be part of the company. Provide and discuss the 3
stage of employment cycle. (40 points)


This is the 3 stages of employment cycle

 Pre-hiring stage – Two crucial HRM procedures are included in this stage: task
analysis and human resource planning (HRP). Other HRM techniques are built
upon these concepts. Planning for human resources aids managers in
determining how many and what kind of personnel are necessary to carry out
their overall strategy successfully and on schedule. In order to prevent labor
stagnation or oversupply, this is done to ensure that the qualifications of
prospective workers match those of the position.
 Hiring stage – This phase includes hiring and practices for selection. It focuses
on the rules and procedures that businesses employ to fill positions that become
vacant as a result of resignation, retirement, job desertion, promotion, or transfer.
The purpose of recruitment is to identify and attract job applicants who are
qualified for the position.
 Post-hiring stage – Implementing HRM strategies that will raise and maintain
employee job performance level is the goal of this stage. This covers employee
safety and health, remuneration and benefits, performance evaluation and
management, and separation. Both training and development are learning
processes intended to increase employees' capacities. Employees have the
chance to learn new things and develop skills and abilities that will improve the
work they are already doing.

2. Workplace ethics are statements or rules that determine right or wrong conduct
in the workplace. It is at the core of every professional; hence, HR practitioners
need to express strong belief of integrity in order to build a work environment
characterized by confidence and credibility. As a future manager, how will you
ensure that your employees will develop and practice the workplace ethics in
your company? (30 points)


While achieving business objectives and cultivating positive working relationships

are crucial, managers must also pay close attention to employees’ ethical behavior.
Although unethical behavior in the workplace has been since the dawn of time, your
firm does not have to support it. Every business ought to have a code of ethics that
outlines its principles, obligations, and expectations for behavior. It ought to serve as
a moral compass that directs workers in handling moral conundrums. By acting
ethically, you can make sure that your company upholds its reputation for upholding
professional standards and values.

3. Human resource management plays a very vital role in the company or an

organization. Having a good and effective HRM can help the company to achieve
its goals. The role of HRM in the company is not limited only in hiring the best
and qualified applicant to be part in the company but also, they must provide
protection of all their employees. As a future manager, in what way you can you
avoid the employee discrimination in your company? (30 points)

Briefly said, you can prevent discrimination by teaching and training every member
of your staff about what is and isn’t discrimination. Develop the skills of those in
positions of authority, such as managers and supervisors, to deal with workplace
prejudice. Discreetly and cautiously handle any complaints of discrimination.

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