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Bending Stresses in Shells - Topics

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Introduction (3) Stress Resultants (4-8) Force, Moment, & Displacement Relations (9-16) Compound Stresses (17) Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells (18-28) Bending of an Infinite Cylinder (29-42) Uniform Load on Cylinder (43-47)

Page 3

Membrane theory:
Cannot always provide solutions compatible with the actual conditions of deformation. Fails to predict the state of stress at boundaries & other areas of shells.

Bending theory:
Provides a complete solution to shell behavior. Considers membrane forces, shear forces, and moments acting on the shell structure. Is mathematically intricate. Will limit consideration to the most significant practical case involving rotationally symmetric loading.

Shell Stress Resultants

Page 4

Consider the shell infinitesimal element:

Shell Stress Resultants

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Due to curvature, the arc lengths of an element located a distance z from the midsurface are not dsx and dsy:
ds x (rx - z ) z = 1 - ds x r rx x & ds y (ry - z ) 1 - z ds y = r ry y

Shell Stress Resultants

Page 6

Now the resultant normal force per unit length on the yz-plane is: t
1 - z ds y dz N x ds y = s x r t y 2 2

1 - z dz Nx = s x r t y 2

t 2

N x = s x (1 - k y z )dz
t 2

t 2

Shell Stress Resultants

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The complete set of stress resultants is:

Nx s x (1 - zk y ) N s (1 - zk ) x y t y N xy 2 t xy (1 - zk y ) = dz N yx - t t yx (1 - zk x ) Qx 2 t xz (1 - zk y ) Qy t yz (1 - zk x )

M x t s x (1 - zk y ) M 2 s (1 - zk ) y y x = zdz M xy t t xy (1 - zk y ) M yx 2 t yx (1 - zk x )

Shell Stress Resultants

Page 8

Since rx is typically not equal to ry:


& Nyx are not generally equal. Mxy & Myx are not generally equal.

thin shells t << rx & ry. Therefore z/rx & z/ry may be neglected. And then: Nxy=Nyx & Mxy = Myx.

And therefore, the stress resultants are thus described by the same expressions that apply to thin plates.

Force, Moment & Displacement Relations

Page 9

Hooke s Law:

= 0.

E e x +ne y 2 1 -n E sy = e y +ne x 2 1 -n t xy = Gg xy sx =

] ]

Force, Moment & Displacement Relations

Page 10

Consider the deformations of the midsurface:

Force, Moment & Displacement Relations

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Definitions and assumptions:


mn and m n are straight lines (shell assumption). x0 = midsurface unit deformation rx = radius of curvature after deformation dsx = length of midsurface fiber

The unit elongation of a fiber is then

ex = Dl f lf where z l f = ds x 1 - r x z Dl f = dsx (1 + e x 0 )1 - - l f r ' x

Force, Moment & Displacement Relations

Page 12



z z ds x (1 + e x 0 )1 - - ds x 1 - r ' r x x ex = z 1 - ds x rx 1 + e x0 - e x0 ex = z z z - -1+ rx ' rx ' rx z 1rx

e x0 z e x0 1 1 ex = + z z rx ' rx ' rx 11- rx rx

Force, Moment & Displacement Relations

Page 13


t << rx z / rx 0. x0 << 1 and has no influence on curvature.

1 1 e x = e x 0 - z - = e x 0 - zc x r ' r x x


c = change of curvature of midsurface.

Force, Moment & Displacement Relations

Page 14

And the strains are now:

e x = e x 0 - zc x e y = e y 0 - zc y g xy = g xy 0 - 2 zc xy

of midsurface = cxy.

Force, Moment & Displacement Relations

Page 15

Stress-strain relationship becomes:

E e x 0 +ne y 0 - z (c x +nc y ) 2 1 -n E sy = e y 0 + ne x 0 - z (c y +nc x ) 2 1 -n t xy = G (g xy 0 - 2 zc xy ) sx =

Force, Moment & Displacement Relations

Page 16

And introduced into resultant expressions:

Et (e x0 +ne y 0 ) Nx = 2 1 -n Et (e y 0 +ne x 0 ) Ny = 2 1 -n M x = - D(c x +nc y ) M y = - D(c y +nc x ) Et 3 D= 12 1 -n 2 N xy = N yx = 2(1 + n ) g xy 0 Et

M xy = M yx = - D(1 -n )c xy

Flexural rigidity of shell (and plate)

Compound Stresses in a Shell

Page 17

Comparing previous sets of relationships (relate stresses to forces and moments):

N x 12 M x z sx = + t t3 N y 12M y z sy = + t t3 N xy 12M xy z t xy = + t t3

terms are membrane, second terms are bending. Stresses are linear through thickness.

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

Page 18

Pipes, tanks, boilers are examples. Due to symmetry:


have N , M , Nx, Mx, Qx (5 unknowns). N & M do not vary with . Displacement v vanishes only have u & w. Only 3 of 6 equilibrium equations remain to be satisfied.

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

Page 19

Stress resultants on an element of axisymmetrically loaded circular cylindrical shell:

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

Page 20

Write equilibrium expressions:

dN x Fx = 0 : dx dx adq + px dxadq = 0 dQx Fz = 0 : dx dx adq + Nq dx dq + pr dxadq = 0 dM x My = 0: dx adq - Qx adq dx = 0 dx

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

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dN x + px = 0 dx dQx 1 + N q + pr = 0 dx a dM x - Qx = 0 dx


that there are 5 unknowns and only 3 equations. Need more equations .

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

Page 22

n Recall

the midsurface displacements:

that v = 0 from symmetry:

du ex = dx (a - w)dq - adq = - w eq = adq a Et Et du w Nx = (e x +ne q ) = -n 2 2 1 -n 1 -n dx a du 1 -n 2 w First governing = N x +n displacement condition dx Et a

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

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Et Et w du (e q +ne x ) = - 2 -n Nq = 2 1 -n 1 -n a dx dw d 2 w = 2 =0 (Nothing varies with q ) dy dy d 2w M x = - D 2 & M q = nM x dx


to 3rd equilibrium equation:

dM x - Qx = 0 dx dQx d 2 M x = dx dx 2

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

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expressions into 2nd equilibrium equation:

dQx 1 + Nq + p r = 0 dy a d 2 M x 1 Et w du + -n + pr = 0 2 2 dx a 1 -n a dx d2 d 2 w 1 Et w 1 -n 2 w - D 2 + 2 a 1 -n 2 a -n Et N x + n a + pr = 0 dx dx d 4w 1 w - D 4 + - Et +nN x + pr = 0 dx a a

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

Page 25


d 4 w Et n D 4 + 2 w - N x - pr = 0 dx a a d 4 w Et n pr + 2 wNx = 4 dx a D aD D d 4w n p + 4b 4 w Nx = r dx 4 aD D Et 3 1 -n 2 4 b = 2 = 4a D a 2t 2

Second governing displacement condition

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

Page 26


there is no axial load (Nx = 0), the two displacement equations simplify further:
du w =n dx a d 4w pr 4 + 4b w = 4 dx D

n Find

u from direct integration of first equation. n Find w from the second equation (ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients).

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

Page 27


to differential equation:

wh = c1em1 x + c2e m2 x + c3e m3 x + c4 e m4 x where m1 , m2 , m3 , m4 are roots of m4 + 4b 4 = 0


+ 2b

2 2

- 4m 2 b 2 = 0

m 2 + 2 b 2 = 2mb m = b (1 i ) wp = f (x )

wh = e - bx (c1eibx + c2e -ibx ) + e bx (c3eibx + c4e -ibx )

Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Cylindrical Shells

Page 28


f(x) represents the particular solution wp. The results of membrane theory can always be considered as the particular solution of the equations of bending. Can rewrite expression for w in a different form:
w = e - bx (C1 cos bx + C2 sin bx ) + e bx (C3 cos b x + C4 sin bx ) + f (x )

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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of infinite cylinder (very long compared with diameter). Load P is uniformly distributed along a circular section.

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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there is no pressure distributed over surface of the shell: pr = 0. Also Nx = f(x) =0.

w = e - bx (C1 cos b x + C2 sin b x ) + e bx (C3 cos bx + C4 sin b x )


x approaches infinity, the deflection & all derivatives with respect to x must vanish:
C3 = C4 = 0 w = e - bx (C1 cos bx + C2 sin bx )

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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first displacement condition with Nx = 0:

du w =n dx a

Et du w Nx = -n = 0 2 1 -n dx a

into expression for N from Hooke s Law:

Et w du Et w 2 w Nq = -n -n = 2 2 1 -n a dx 1 -n a a Etw Nq = a

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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n Half

expressions for moment and shear, and observing that due to loading:
of load is carried by each side. n The slope is zero at x = 0 due to symmetry.

d 2w d 2w M x = - D 2 & M q = - Dn dx dx 2 dM x d 3w P Qx = = -D 3 = dx dx 2 dw =0 dx

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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first derivative of w to evaluate boundary condition:

dw = - be - bx (C1 cos b x + C2 sin bx ) dx + e - bx (- bC1 sin b x + bC2 cos bx ) dw = - be - bx (C1 [sin bx + cos b x ] + C2 [sin bx - cos bx ]) dx dw C1 = C2 x =0 = 0 dx

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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third derivative to evaluate other boundary condition:

w = C1e - bx (cos bx + sin bx ) dw = -2 be - bx [C1 sin bx ] dx d 2w = 2 b 2e - bx [C1 sin bx ] - 2 b 2e - bx [C1 cos bx ] dx 2 d 2w = 2 b 2e - bxC1 [sin bx - cos bx ] dx 2

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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third derivative to evaluate other boundary condition (continued):

d 3w = -2b 3e - bx C1 [sin bx - cos bx ] + 2b 3e - bx C1 [cos bx + sin bx ] dx 3 d 3w = 4b 3e - bx C1 cos b x dx 3 d 3w P P P 3 = 4 b C1 = C1 = 3 = C2 3 x =0 dx 2D 2D 8b D

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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now write the final expressions for the displacement w and membrane and bending terms:
P P - bx w= e (sin b x + cos bx ) = f1 (bx ) 3 3 8b D 8b D Et EtP Nq = - w = f1 (bx ) 3 a 8ab D d 2w P - bx P M x = -D 2 = e (cos bx - sin bx ) = f 3 (bx ) dx 4b 4b d 2 w nP M q = - Dn 2 = f 3 (bx ) dx 4b

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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now write the final expressions for the displacement w and membrane and bending terms (continued): d 3w P P Qx = - D 3 = - e - bx cos bx = - f 4 (bx ) dx 2 2
n Recalling

that b is a function of geometry and material properties, can evaluate functions f1(bx), f3(bx), etc. as a function of x. Et 3 1 -n 2 4 b = 2 = 4a D a 2t 2

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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displacement at x=0: P Et 4 = 3 b = 2 8b D 4a D


Pa 2 b = 2 Et


moments at x=0: P Pn M x ,max = M q ,max = 4b 4b axial stress:

t 12M x ,max z 3P = = 3 2 t 2 bt 2


s x ,max x = 0, z =

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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circumferential stress:

t Nq 12M q ,max z s q ,max x = 0, z = = + 2 t t3 EtP 3 Pn Et 4 s q ,max = + b = 2 3 2 8ab Dt 2b t 4a D s q ,max aPb 3Pn Pb a 3n =+ = - + 2 2 2 2t 2 bt 2 t b t

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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1 ' f1 2b

f1 (bx ) = e - bx (cos bx + sin bx ) f 2 (bx ) = e - bx sin bx = -

f 3 (bx ) = e -bx (cos bx - sin bx ) =

1 ' 1 f 2 = - 2 f1' b 2b 1 ' 1 1 ''' - bx '' f 4 (bx ) = e cos bx = f3 = - 2 f2 = f 3 1 2b 2b 4b


functions are typically supplied in tables, shown on next slide.

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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is observed that the f-functions all decrease with increasing bx. Thus, in most engineering applications, the effect of the concentrated loads may be neglected at locations: p x> b

bending is of a local character.

shell of length L = 2p/b loaded at mid-length will experience maximum deflection and bending moment nearly identical with those associated with a long shell.

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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cylinder of radius a. Uniform load p over L of its length. Find w at arbitrary point O within length L.

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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displacement Dw at point O owing to portion of load Px = pdx:

pdx Dw = 3 f1 (bx ) 8b D Thus, displacement at O produced by entire load:


p p f1 (bx )dx + 3 f1 (bx )dx 8b 3 D 8b D 0 0

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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f1 (bx ) = e - bx (sin b x + cos bx ) 1 - bx e sin bxdx = 2b 2 e (- b sin bx - b cos bx ) 1 - bx =e (sin bx + cos b x ) 2b 1 - bx - bx e cos bxdx = 2b e (sin bx - cos bx ) 1 - bx f1 (bx )dx = - b e cos bx
- bx

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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into expression for w:

p 1 - bb 1 p 1 - bc 1 w = 3 - e cos bb + + 3 - e cos b c + 8b D b b 8b D b b p w= 2 - e - bb cos bb - e - bc cos b c 8b 4 D

] ]

Et pa 2 b4 = 2 w= 2 - e - bb cos bb - e - bc cos bc 4a D 2 Et pa 2 w= [2 - f 4 (bb ) - f 4 (bc )] 2 Et

A Typical Case of the Axisymmetrically Loaded Cylindrical Shell

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deflection occurs when b = c:

wmax pa 2 = [1- f 4 (bb )] Et


b & c are large:

f 4 (bb ) 0 wmax pa 2 = Et

Homework Problem 19
Page 48

A long steel pipe of 0.75 m in diameter and 10 mm thickness is subjected to loads P uniformly distributed along two circular sections 0.05 m apart. Assume n = 0.3.

For the mid-length between the loads, obtain the radial contraction.

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