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Parichay Analytics

User Manual v1.0

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 What is Parichay Analytics? ......................................................................................................... 3
2 User Dashboard ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Accessibility .................................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Dashboard Insights ................................................................................................................................ 3
3.1 Frequent Login Activity ................................................................................................................ 3
3.2 Most Visited Device...................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Suspicious Device ......................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Incomplete Login .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.5 Visited Services ............................................................................................................................ 6
3.6 Login Failure Count ...................................................................................................................... 7
3.7 User Session Activity .................................................................................................................... 9
3.8 Device Activity ........................................................................................................................... 11
Annexure A ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Annexure B ................................................................................................................................................. 14

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Analytics is the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics. It is used for the discovery,
interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Parichay analytics provides a
platform to audit account activities of Parichay and Parichay integrated services in real-time.
Analytics favours graphical representation of data to communicate session activities, account
activities, authentication as well as authorization activities.
With this information, the user, service admin and Parichay admin can audit activities, thus
reducing potential hacks. For services, it helps towards effective decision making to improve their
service quality.

All users who log in through Parichay.

The sole purpose of this dashboard is to help end-users to audit their Login Activities such as
average time slot of the user to login Parichay, a count of failed login attempts if any and devices
from which the user has exceeded failed login attempts; Device Activities such as the browser and
IP used to log in/logout Parichay or other integrated services, whether user remembered the
browser and at what time the browser is remembered; Session Activities such as services accessed
during a session and browser used to login or logout in that session; Account Activities such as
most visited services by the user, user device and location mostly used to access Parichay.

It displays the average time slot and the most used location of the user to login Parichay.

Fig 3.1

Time slot: It defines the two hour window in which the user has logged in frequently.
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Average Login Time: The average user login time is calculated from frequently login time slot.
Location: The location is based on GeoIP from which the user has mostly login.


It displays the user device mostly used to access Parichay. The device is being identified by IP
address and User Agent (Browser and Operating System).

Fig 3.2


It displays device from which the user has exceeded the maximum (3) login failure attempts.
(For details, refer Annexure A). The device is being identified by IP address and User Agent
(Browser and Operating System).

Fig 3.3

Click ‘More’, for list of suspicious devices with details.

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Fig 3.3.1


It displays the count of the event when user credentials get authenticated by the application
but still the login process remains incomplete due to MFA failure.
For instance, if the user credentials get authenticated but user has not received OTP, then it will
refer as an incomplete login event.

Fig 3.4

Click ‘More’, for the list of Session details.

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Fig 3.4.1


It displays Parichay integrated services accessed by the user. Top 15 services are shown as per
their usage percentage.

Fig 3.5

Click ‘More’, for the list of all the accessed services with their usage percentage.

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Fig 3.5.1


It displays the count and types of login failures while the user trying to access Parichay or
Integrated services. Data is presented as per daily, weekly and monthly timestamp. (For details of
Failure Trends, kindly refer ‘Annexure B’).

Fig 3.6

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For more specific details with respect to the failed login such as browser, date and time, click the
type of failure on the pie chart.

On click, it displays a table with detailed information.

Fig 3.6.1

o Date – Date and time of failed login activity

o IP - IP address of the device used
o Browser - Browser used
o Service Name - The service user tried to access
o Session Id – Parichay Session Id
o User Name – Name of the User

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A session is the user identity on Parichay/Service valid for a particular time. This section gives an
insight into 90 days of session activities such as login and logout user performed on Parichay
or other integrated services in a particular session.

Fig 3.7

For details of services accessed in a particular session, click on ‘Details’ option corresponding to
each session.

Fig 3.7.1
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o Date Time - Date & Time of the service accessed
o IP - IP address of the device used
o OS (Browser) - Operating system and Browser used
o Status - Current Status i.e. Logged In or Logged Out
o Logout Time – User logged out date & time. Null, in case of active session
o Service Name - Service accessed
o User Name – Name of the User

And click ‘More’ on User Session Activity table for add-on Session details.

Fig 3.7.2

o Date Time - Date & Time of the session activity

o IP - IP address of the device used
o Browser - Browser used
o Service - Service accessed
o Activity - Type of activity performed i.e. Login or Logout
o User Name – Name of the User
o Multi-factor - While login, which multi-factor method user used for authentication
o Logout Time – User logged out date & time. Null, in case of active session

For the ease, user has an option to ‘Search’ on the basis of IP, Service Name, Activity, User Id
and Date. User can select any date between 90 days and any other search filters to get the
corresponding data.

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The device is being identified by IP address, User-Agent (Browser and Operating System).
Parichay also set some identifier such as Browser ID to uniquely identify the device. So, this
section gives an insight into device details along with activity details performed such as login
or logout to Parichay or other integrated services.

Fig 3.8

Click ‘More’, for additional details.

Fig 3.8.1
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IP - IP address of the device used
OS (Browser) - Operating System & browser used
Activity Time – Date & Time of the login or logout activity
Remembered - Whether the user remembered the browser at the time of login or not
Remembered At – NA for device not remembered and if remembered, the date & time at which
the user remembered the browser
Logged In - Current status of the login activity

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Login Failure Attempts

Events Category Types of Events

MFA Failure
o Login Auth Tap Failure Count
o Login Auth Token Exceed Count
o Login Auth Token Failure Count
Failure Attempts o Login Backup Code Failure Count
Password Failure
o Password Attempt Exceed Count
o Password Failure Count
OTP Failure
o OTP Attempt Exceed Count
o OTP Failure Count
Technical Failure
o Browser Id Invalid Count
o IP Invalid Count
o CSRF Invalid Count

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Success and Failure Events of Users

Events Category Types of Events

Login Success
o Login Count with OTP
o Login Count without OTP
Successful Events o Login Auth Tap Success Count
o Login Auth Token Success Count
o Login Backup Code Success Count

MFA Failure
o Login Auth Tap Failure Count
o Login Auth Token Exceed Count
o Login Auth Token Failure Count
Unsuccessful Events o Login Backup Code Failure Count
Password Failure
o Password Attempt Exceed Count
o Password Failure Count
OTP Failure
o OTP Attempt Exceed Count
o OTP Failure Count
Technical Failure
o Browser Id Invalid Count
o IP Invalid Count
o CSRF Invalid Count

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