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Fire risk assessment

This template is only suitable for some low-risk evironments and is designed to be used
alongside the fire risk assessment checklist available on
Occupancy type(s):

Date of assessment:

Brief description of the premises:

Assessed by:

Other(s) involved:
A site plan is available:
Yes No

Signed off by:

Existing arrangements
The following measures have been taken to contain/slow the
spread of fire, with relation to:
Date for next assessment (if one is not required beforehand): The construction of the building(s):

The premises
Name and address:

Furnishings and decoration:


High risk activities and processes:


Number of storeys:

Allianz Insurance plc. Registered in England number 84638. Registered office: 57 Ladymead, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1DB,
United Kingdom. Allianz Insurance plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial Services Register number 121849.
Allianz accepts no liability for actions taken as a consequence of the contents of this document.
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Fire risk assessment
Other/general activities and processes: At any one time, the amount of these people likely to be in
the building is:

Detail what you have considered in relation to the likely

reaction (or lack of reaction) of people who might be asleep,
are impaired by drink or drugs, or for some other reason
Escape routes: might behave in an unexpected or unpredictable manner:

Since the last assessment, the following have been The agreed point(s) of assemble is/are:
addressed to improve and maintain fire and smoke

Someone who has the right knowledge and experience, and

who is equipped with adequate information, has assessed
the present arrangements for escape from a fire, wherever it
may occur.
They have confirmed that they are acceptable:
Detail and prioritise additional measures that are necessary
Yes No
to improve containment of fire and smoke:

People in the building

Detail the types of people who are likely to be in the building
If the building is shared:
and consider how their knowledge of the building, health/
All of the people that share the premises with us have
fitness or special needs or vulnerabilities may affect their
been provided with details of any fire hazards that have
ability to make a safe escape. Outline what is in place to help
been identified and which may affect them; and we have
(For example: Customers in wheelchairs need a clearly
Appropriately coordinated fire safety arrangements and
marked step-free exit route.)
Yes N/A

Since the last assessment, the following have been

addressed to improve and maintain coordination of fire
A safe escape is possible because: safety measures:

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Fire risk assessment
Detail and prioritise measures that are necessary to improve To manage fire safety, the following arrangements are in
and maintain coordination of fire safety measures: place:

Alarms To improve and/or maintain the management of fire safety,

When there are people in the building, these measures will we are:
ensure any fire will be detected and an alarm will be raised:

Sources of fuel
When there isn't anyone in the building, these measures
Considering what's inside and outdoors, and including stock,
will ensure a fire will be detected and an alarm will be raised:
raw materials, work in progress, waste, packaging, cleaning
and maintenance materials, dusts and powders, liquids,
gases, aerosol cans, etc., the following items have been
identified as potential fuel sources of fire:
Item details:

To improve and/or maintain arrangements for fire detection

and alarms we are:
This item is a potential fuel source when:
In use

In storage

As waste

Control and safety Existing controls:

For the purposes of controlling and/or fighting a fire, the
following arrangements are in place:

Risk level:
High Medium Low
To improve and/or maintain arrangements for controlling
and fighting fires, we are: Further action required:

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Fire risk assessment
Revised risk level: Existing controls:
High Medium Low

Sources of ignition
The following items/processes/hazards have been identified
as potential sources of ignition for a fire:
(For example: Electrical installations; Electrical equipment;
Battery chargers; Static electricity; Heating; Cooking areas;
Risk level:
Cigarette smoking; Manufacturing processes; Welding;
High Medium Low
Chemicals; Naked flames; Lighting.)
Item/process/hazard details: Further action required:

Existing controls:

Revised risk level:

High Medium Low

Action plan
Risk level:
Further action:
High Medium Low

Further action required:

Date completed:

Revised risk level:

High Medium Low
Responsible person:
Sources of oxygen
The following hazards have been identified as potential
sources of oxygen: Sign off:
Openings not required for ventilation

Ventilation systems (not essential to the function of the Appendix


Storage and use of oxidising materials

Storage and use of oxygen cylinders


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