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3 concepts 1 e-IDEA
What do we mean when we talk about concepts and ideas in the architectural discourse? Leebeus Woods recently wrote a post called What is architecture? where he pointed: The usual answer is: a concept. Architecture is the built realization of a particular concept, or idea. This idea can be about construction, or the way people will use a building, or how the building fits into a physical, or a social, landscape. But wait. Every building has such concepts, even warehouses, convenience stores, garagesthey are embedded in its typology, so much so that we dont even need to discuss them [...] That architecture is something else. So, then, what is it? According to Woods, concepts and ideas are in the architects worksketches, drawings, modelsfrom the beginning. Based on these reflections, here on the 3Concepts_1eIDEA architecture activity, we want to explore the limits of the idea behind the concept and the concept behind the idea through the drawings and sketches that the participants can create to respond to our challenge. Where do ideas come from? The metaphor that can respond to this question can be an utopic project,a small-scale proposal, a big-scale urban design, a sketch that can contain an innovative solution for climate change. It can be whatever your imagination is able to draw. If we simply think on how we can use the potential that lies in our capacity to dream, we can enjoy participating in the challenge, where there are no limits... just 3 concepts to choose and start working 3 CONCEPTS = 1 eIDEA TO SHARE, an ARCHITECTURE ACTIVITY powered by HP in collaboration with Autodesk.


an ARCHITECTURE ACTIVITY powered by HP in collaboration with Autodesk

idea [n.] | Something, such as a thought or conception, that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity. A concept is a cognitive unit of meaningan abstract idea or a mental symbol sometimes defined as a unit of knowledge

Message for participants: We know that a project is the expression of an idea, and these ideas are based on concepts. HP, with collaboration from Autodesk, wants to introduce to the world the architect or student with the best architectural ideas through this Architectural Challenge On-line, using the most easy-to-share HP ePrint & Share solution. 1.THE CHALLENGE HP has invited its experts: Matias del Campo, EMBT, Michael Rojkind, Agent Design-Alberto Villarreal, and Marcelo Spina-PATTERNS to participate in the new ARCHITECTURE ACTIVITY powered by HP. All of them are Autodesk users. Each of the architects have chosen one of their projects and identified 3 concepts that can define it. The participants must select 3 of these conceptstaking no more than one from each architectand develop a new architectural design proposal based on these 3 selected concepts and present it on a DIN A4 panel. Half of this panel should have an Autodeskgenerated drawing or image, the other half is free. Then they must share their design proposal via HP ePrint & Share directly with our experts! The social media team has a Tumblr blog where all the files sent by ePrint & Share will be uploaded and will use social networks like Facebook and Twitter to disseminate information and generate debate and dialogue based on the ideas received. -HP and Autodesk social media channels will re-publish content from the games channels. This first selection of work shared through the social networks will be sent to the panel of architects and will be documented in a one-day session of architects impressions about the submitted projects and election process. The selection criteria are under the architects discretion. The only requirement is to identify one of its concepts proposed for the design and to make a comment clarifying why they found it a good idea. Each architect will select one participant. Also, 1 HP and 1 Autodesk representative will vote for a final participant. Of these 6 pre-selected participants, the architects will vote on the best proposal. The winner will win a prize consisting of a publication that will include the selected proposals plus additional work by the winner, edited by dpr-barcelona and distributed worldwide by Actar-D, where the winner will be able to spread their ideas and work on architecture. Additionally: - An exhibition in Vallery gallery in Barcelona. - A trip to the exhibitions Premiere in Barcelona - An HP Designjet T790 ePrinter. - A Full entrance to Autodesk University.

2. CONTEST TIMETABLE June 13th - Call for submissions between June 13th and July 22nd, participants would use HP ePrint & Share to send their projects, game guidelines would be published online. July 22nd - Submissions deadline July 22nd - to first week of August Documentation of process September 6th - Announcement of most popular projects, selected by the Architects September 29th - Award winning announcement + Publication launch + Exhibit in Vallery Gallery November Autodesk University 3.SOCIAL MEDIA The social media team is working on the Tumblr blog that will serve as the archive for all papers sent via HP ePrint & Share and use social networks like Facebook and Twitter to disseminate information and generate debate and dialogue based on the ideas received. You can join us on: Twitter......................................................!/3concepts_1idea Facebook.................................................3Concepts 1e-IDEA Tumblr..................................................... HP and Autodesk Social media channels will republish this activity on their own channels. 4. OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME: FIND THE BEST IDEA idea [n.] | Something, such as a thought or conception, that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity. concept | A concept is a cognitive unit of meaningan abstract idea or a mental symbol sometimes defined as a unit of knowledge According to this, the main task of the game is to work on the hidden idea behind the concept and the hidden concept behind the idea. 5. GAME STRUCTURE The working Process for the participants its very easy! Just follow the next steps: Step 1 | Print the A4 Display with your Printer Step 2 | The game participants choose a concept of each architect Expert&Mentor on 3 main issues: 1. Method (i.e. Change, Collage, processing, parametric, generative) 2. Matter (i.e. Material, texture, coloration etc) 3. Mode (i.e. Transparency, opalescent, Nature Based, intensive, massive) Step 3 | Draw your idea using an Autodesk Generated solution, and write about it on twitter mode: max.140 CharactersStep 4 | Download HP ePrint&Share from : Step 5 | Scan the A4 Display with 300 dpi.

Step 6 | Share your Idea through ePrint&Share with your favourite Architects Experts&Mentors:

Its as if were in the same place and it really makes a revolution in the way architects work. Distance is not distance anymore. Benedetta Tagliabue, Principal, EMBT, Spain.

Step 7 | Comment on your ideas, spread the word on Facebook and Twitter, and stay tuned for the games results. 6. TERMS a)Registration The competition is opened to students and professionals. There is no age limit; the projects may be carried out individually No fee or other payment will be required of those entering the competition. (HP ePrint&Share is a free software.) By submitting a design in the competition, the participant agrees to all the terms of the Challenge Participants can submitt as many ideas as they want to. b) Language The proposals must be drafted in English. c)Restrictions The following will not be eligible to take part in the competition: - Any individual or organization related to the promoting organization, such as members of the advisory committee or sponsored researchers, and anyone professionally associated with the promoter; - Members of the Competition Jury and organizing Staff, or any person to whom a member of the jury acts as director, supervisor or adviser; - Any person directly or indirectly involved in the summary of the Competition. d) Winners and results The jury will be composed of the 5 expert architects/designers + 1 Autodesk representative + 1 HP representative. After a filter, this jury will decide on one winner. The most popular proposal on Facebook will be awarded with the Peoples Favorite Award. From these 2 winners: Results will be announced on September 6th 201 1 The jurys selection is final and is not debatable. In case of tie, an external Architect-Expert&Mentor to be determined will decide who wins. e) Intellectual property rights As the project is supported by a publication and exhibition, every participant must accept to share their work under the following license and keep the rights of their intellectual production: CC [creative commons] CC BY-NC-ND By submitting a design to the competition, you accept the terms of CC License agreement (

However, by participating in the competition, all participants authorise 3 CONCEPTS = 1 eIDEA TO SHARE, HP and Autodesk to publish and exhibit all the designs at exhibitions and events and/or to use them in any publications communications or promotions that 3 CONCEPTS = 1 eIDEA TO SHARE, HP and Autodesk may deem suitable and/or necessary. In any cases, each time the creation is used, they must refer to the competition they originate from. 7. AWARDS Participants All the submissions reveived will be part of the publication and displayed in exhibitions related to the 3 Concepts 1 eIDEA activity. Selected The two finalists (the architects choice and the peoples choice) will have more exposure in the publication and a selected space in the exhibition, where they can show not only their design for the game, but some other works they have produced in recent years. Winner The winner will win a prize consisting of a publication that will include the selected proposals plus additional work by the winner, edited by dpr-Barcelona and distributed worldwide by Actar-D, where the winner will be able to spread their ideas and work on architecture. Gains on sales will be part of the competition award and will be for the winner. Additionally: - An HP Designjet T790 ePrinter for the architects choice +1 full entrance to Autodesk University, November 201 1. - 1 full entrance to Autodesk University for the peoples choice. - An exhibition curated by Vallery Gallery in Barcelona that will include the selected proposals, work of the Jury, plus additional work of the winner. In this exhibition, the winner will be able to spread their ideas and work on architecture.

ePrint & Share

ePrint & Share

HP Designjet T790 ePrinter

8. About 3 CONCEPTS = 1 eIDEA TO SHARE 3 CONCEPTS = 1 eIDEA TO SHARE is an ARCHITECTURE ACTIVITY created and maintained by PABLO TELLEZ [] with the collaboration of Ethel Baraona [dpr-barcelona] and the Vallery Gallery. 3 CONCEPTS = 1 eIDEA TO SHARE has partnered with Hewlett-Packard and the collaboration of Autodesk as an exclusive sponsor for this challenge. If you have any ideas,questions or feedback PLEASE let us know by sending an email to .

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