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On 19th July 2022, a B737-800 operated by Air Jahaaj on a positioning flight as ARJ559 from
Moncastpon to Densau was forced to attempt a diversion to Perlshaw, when en route cruise at
FL240 the first of the engines shut down due to fuel exhaustion. An emergency was declared, and
descent begun but as they neared Perlshaw, the right engine failed, too, leaving them with no option
but to land on a lake, resulting in minor inboard injuries and substantial aircraft damage.

According to the Air Accident Investigation Board's investigation, the captain in command had
1,480 hours of type time and 3,900 total flying hours when he joined the operator as a direct entry
captain in 2018. The trainee captain had joined the operator as a First Officer 14 months prior to
the disaster and had logged roughly 1,300 flying hours, of which all but 300 were on type. His
ongoing "line indoctrination training" before completing to become a captain included the accident
flight. It was discovered that the captain mistakenly thought the trainee captain was the Pilot-in-
Command, who was to occupy the left- hand seat while being supervised by the captain and acting
as pilot flying.

Further examination by the Board discovered that the captain had not been provided with the full
records of the trainee captain's previous line indoctrination. Additionally, it was found that the
flight engineers had failed to order adequate fuel, and that the trainee captain incorrectly declared
"sufficient/balanced" for the fuel quality check after the engine started without first examining the
fuel quantity indicators.

Shortly after the takeoff, the trainee captain carried out the Cruise Checklist based on the pre-flight
calculation and without looking that the fuel quantity indicators. Thereafter, no check of the fuel
quantity indicators was performed by either pilot.

About 15nm east-northeast of Perlshaw, the selected alternative, the left fuel pressure warning
light illuminated, showing low fuel, and was almost immediately followed by the engine surging.

Mayday was declared to ATC and an emergency descent begun.

Eleven minutes later, the right engine failed, and it was clear that it would not be possible to make
the runway. The crew had ditched (water landing) the plane in the nearby Rellage Lake.
During the emergency evacuation, it was found that the cabin crew was prioritizing the First and
Business Classes over the Economy Classes. This caused a huge commotion among the
passengers, which led to a panic state. Few passengers sustained minor injuries as a result.


Assuming the Role of HR Manager of Air Jahaaj, what measures, and steps will you implement
to address the negligence.

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