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Refers to an action that is happening now, at the moment.


1. In most of the verbs add “ING”

Play – playing Study – studying Go – going

2. Verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant and it is stressed, double the last consonant and add “ING”

Sit – sitting swim – swimming shop – shopping

3. Verbs ending in “E” drop and add “ING”.

Dance – dancing Write – writing

4. Verbs ending in “IE” change into “Y” and add “ING”. 5. If the last consonant is w, x, or y, don’t double the consonant.
Just add –ing.
Die – Dying Lie - Lying draw – drawing snow - snowing

1. Add “ING” to these verbs.

Study = Studying
Cut = Cutting
Tie = Tying
Give = Giving
Jump = Jumping
Begin = Beginning
Cook= Cooking
Play= Playing
Listen = Listening
Run = Running
Enjoy = Enjoying
Do= Doing

Subject + verb to be + verb(ing) + complement.

I am watching Tv.

you / we / they are watching Tv.

Note: We usually use the present
He / she / it is watching Tv. continuous with expressions like:
Example: at the moment, now or right

➢ I am speaking English now.

➢ Carla is reading a book right now.
➢ My cats are playing in the garden at the moment.

Subject + verb to be + not + verb(ing) + comp.

To make negative sentences in present continuous put the verb be in negative

I am not (I’m not) listening

you / we / they are not (aren’t) listening
he / she / it is not (isn’t) listening.


I’m not listening to music right now

Cecilia isn’t writing a book at the moment.
My friends aren’t playing basketball now.

verb to be+ subject + verb(ing) + complement ?

• To make questions in present continuous put the verb be before the subject of the sentence.

Am I working?

Are you / we / they working?

Is he / she / it working?

➢ Are you reading an English book? ➢ Is Miguel working now?

Yes, I am. Yes, he is
No, I’m not No, he isn’t


When is their son speaking English? Who is speaking English now?

Their son is speaking English now. Their son is speaking English now.

What are Alexia and Carmen reading right now? Who are reading a book right now?

Alexia and Carmen are reading a book right now. Alexia and Carmen are reading a book right now.

Where are your dogs playing at the moment? What are playing in the garden at the moment?

My dogs are playing in the garden at the moment My dogs are playing in the garden at the moment.
I. Complete the following sentence.
is stopping
1. Who _________________ (stop) you?
is beginning
2. The fog __________________ (begin) to lift.
3. ______it raining
___________________ (rain) now?
are listening (listen) to pop music.
4. Omar and I_______________
isn’t writing (not write) a difficult letter.
5. My friend_______________
am sitting
6. I _______________ (sit) in the chair.
is offering
7. Google __________________ (offer) 411 service.
aren’t eating
8. Renzo and you_______________ (not eat) dinner.
is opening
9. Her brother_______________ (open) the window.
is referring
10. I can't imagine what she _____________ (refer) to.
Stative verbs describe a state rather than an action. They
aren't usually used in the present continuous form.

Stative / dynamic verbs can be

used in either way, depending
on the context or meaning.

I. Choose the correct option:
4. A: ___________ now?
1. She ____ to the new boy in her class at the moment.

B: He is studying at a university.
What is John doing
is speaking
What does John do
has spoken What has John done
spoke What was John doing

2. She usually listens to pop but she __ to jazz these days. 5. I ______ you ______ this great weather as I am.

is listening am hoping / are enjoying

listens hope / are enjoying

hope / enjoy
has listened
am hoping / enjoy
doesn't listen

6. A: Why ___ your sister ___?

3. Choose the correct sentence.
B: Because she has lost her toy.

You are so pretty. I am envying you. was / crying

I am prefering reading to watching TV has / cried
You are knowing what I mean. does / cry
My little brother is always disturbing me. is/crying
7. Choose the incorrect sentence.
10. What happened! Why _______ you ______?
She is weighing her baby again.
Her baby weighs 4 kilos. are / cried

Does she seem happy? were / cried

I am meaning you are right. are / crying
did / cried
8. Be careful! That water ___________.
boils 11. Listen! Somebody ______________ the door.
boil is knocking
is boiling
don't boil
is knocks
9. Hurry up! The school bus ______ for you.
12. Please be quiet! My baby ___________.
is waiting
was waiting is slept

waited slept
is sleeping
13. Why are you ___________ this fish?
17. They ___ to their teacher. They are chatting.
are listening
aren't listening
14. My mother is busy at the moment. She ______________ her favorite programme.
didn't listen
is watching
18. Some men are waiting outside for you ________.
has watched
two hours ago
15. I think your phone is ___________.
an hour
19. Why _______ you waiting here?
did you
are you
do you
16. Some students ____ their work in the classroom now.
were doing
was you

is doing
are doing
Hi! My name is Janet Curious. I live on the top of an apartment building in a small town. I’m a very curious woman and I always want to
learn what other people are doing. As you see, now I’m watching people in my neighborhood through my binoculars. West Street is busy
today. Tina and Victoria are going into a clothes shop and Mr. Thompson is buying some biscuits and a newspaper from the kiosk on the
corner. The baker is sitting out and drinking tea because there are no customers in his shop now. The florist is preparing a nice bouquet
of roses for a handsome man. I think the man is late for a meeting as he is looking at his watch and seems worried. There are a lot of
people in the butcher’s. The shop owner is cutting meat and his assistant is talking to an old woman at the moment. Oh my god! There’s
a traffic accident in front of the post office. Two men are looking at their cars and talking to each other. Charlotte and her husband are
waiting for a bus at the bus stop. I suppose they are going to the shopping mall now as they always do on Saturdays. Let me have a look
at the park on Pole Street. Oh, it’s so crowded with children as usual. Kathryn is skipping rope and Grace is playing with her doll. Walter
and Harold are feeding a few street dogs as they love animals so much. Little Alfie is crying and pointing to a balloon seller. Her mother
is reading a newspaper. Pamela is playing on the monkey bars while her brother is swinging. Terry, Laura and Sharon are sliding and
laughing. George isn’t riding his bicycle because he has a flat tire. Shirley is playing volleyball with a group of children, but she isn’t good
at it. Three cats are following Joe because he is eating a big sandwich. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are resting on a bench and getting some
fresh air. Some teens are sitting under the big pine tree. Virginia is playing the guitar and they are singing happily. Dennis is running and
trying to fly his kite while his friend, James is jumping up and down with joy. It’s so nice to watch people here on my balcony, but I must
go now.
What is Janet doing?

She is playing volleyball

She is buying some biscuits She is watching people in her neighborhood.
She is looking at their cars

What is following Joe?

Birds Cats
Dogs pigs

Where is the traffic accident?

In the park
In front of the post office
On the balcony
On a bench

What is Little Alfie’s mother doing?

Pointing to a balloon
Reading a newspaper
watching people
Who is preparing a nice bouquet of roses? The florist is preparing a nice bouquet of roses.

Who is cutting meat? The butcher is cutting meat.

Who is playing volleyball? Shirley is playing volleyball.

Who is pointing to a balloon seller ? Little Alfie is crying and pointing to a balloon seller.

Who is playing the guitar? Virginia is playing the guitar.

Who is buying a newspaper? Mr. Thompson is buying a newspaper from the kiosk.

Who is looking at the cars? Two men are looking at their cars.

Who is drinking tea? The baker is sitting out and drinking tea.

Who is going to the shopping mall? Charlotte and her husband are going to the shopping mall now.

Who is playing on the monkey bars? Pamela is playing on the monkey bars.
Who is laughing? Terry, Laura and Sharon are sliding and laughing.

Who is swinging? Pamela’s brother is swinging.

Who is skipping rope? Kathryn is skipping rope.

Who is sitting under the big pine tree? Some teens are sitting under the big pine tree.

Who is singing? Some teens are singing happily

Who is jumping up and down? James is jumping up and down with joy.

Who is talking to an old woman? The butcher’s assistant is talking to an old woman at the moment.
I. Complete the following sentence.
Is resting
1. Anna ___________(rest) right now.
am talking
2. I _____________ (talk) on the phone at this moment.

Is cooking
3. Bella ___________(cook) dinner now.
are helping
4. They _________________(help) the teacher right now.
isn’t running
5. He ____________________( not run) very fast!
isn’t watching
6. Carla________________ television now.(not watch)

am not learning
7. I______________ the Past Simple Tense right now. (not learn)
are going
8. People in Europe___________ to the beaches these days. (go)
is shining
10. The Sun _______________right now. (shine)
are working
11. Some women_______________ as taxi drivers these days. (work)
II. Fill in the gap with the present simple or the present progressive.
1. Mr. Cooper always ___________a pound of sugar. (buy)
is closing
2. The shop assistant ____________the door now. (close)
3. Kevin and Alan never _________away glass bottles. (throw)
is carrying
4. Look! Freddy _________ two baskets. (carry)
is looking
5. Now Mrs. Caveman __________out of the window. (look)
6. Mrs. Bingham __________shopping every Saturday. (go)
am counting
7. I _____________the money at the moment. (count)
8. Mr. Root always ___________a box of eggs before buying them. (open)
Is taking
9. she __________ a shower now. (take)
is talking
10. Listen! The manager __________to a customer. (talk)
Read the information in the green box. Then complete the sentences with do or make.

1. You ____________ the dishes.*

2. You ____________ the housework. Word partnerships with make and do.

3. You ____________ breakfast.
• Use do for “work” you do again and again:
Do (the) laundry, do the grocery shopping.
(but: make the bed)
4. You ____________ a snack. • Use make for things you create or prepare:
Make money, make dinner, make an
5. you ____________ your homework.

6. You ____________ plans with friends.

*means the same as “wash the dishes”

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