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Preparation of DHVSU Mexico Campus for the limited face-to-face classes

DHVSU commits itself to provide the utmost and quality services to its stakeholder without
sacrificing their wellness and safety. The DHVSU Mexico Campus (DMC) always comply
to all the necessary protocols and procedures of the University and always ensure to
convey these pivotal information to its stakeholders.

The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on Emerging Diseases announced last, February 27
that the Covid-19 alert level status of Pampanga will be downgraded to Level 1 starting,
March 1, 2022. The Alert level remained up to date. The government has allowed colleges
and universities in areas under Alert Level 1 to hold face-to-face classes with 100% of the
classrooms’ capacity. This is based on the guidelines approved by the IATF.

There are two major requirements to hold/conduct face-to-face classe, to wit: (1) Approval
of the Local Government Unit and (2) Department of Interior and Local Government
(DILG) Safety Seal.

Even before the downgrading of the Covid-19 alert level status of Pampanga the
university is planning to conduct a limited face-to-face classes. The UOSHO Director, Ms.
Rhiziel P. Manalese, wrote a letter last January 27, 2022 to the University President, Dr.
Enqirue G. Baking. As per the communication, the UOSHO Director asked permission to
allow some university personnel to visit different municipalities such as Lubao, Candaba,
Porac, Mexico, Sto Tomas, and Apalit Pampanga to have an exploratory meeting with the
Municipality Mayors to discuss the requirements needed to conduct limited face-to-face
classes. Dr. Vicky P. Vital, DMC Director, together with Dir. Rhoderick Favorito, Ms. Mary
Chantelle Carlos, Engr. Reydolph P. Palma, Mr. Rolan Randolf Garcia, and Engr. Inla
Diana Salonga had an exploratory meeting with the Municipality Mayor of Mexico,
Pampanga, Hon. Teddy C. Tumang, last Janaury 31, 2022.
With the initiative of Dr. Vicky Vital, DMC Director, a Genderized Joint Exploratory Meeting
with the DMC Parents-Teachers Officers (DMC-PTO), Student Organization Officers, and
DMC NASA was conducted. The purpose of the abovementioned meeting is to convey
pivotal information and other important matters regarding the conduct of limited face-to-
face classes.

Genderized Joint Exploratory Meeting with the DMC Parents-Teachers Officers

February 4, 2022
Genderized Joint Exploratory Meeting with the Student Organization Officers

February 7, 2022

Joint Exploratory Meeting with DMC NASA

March 11, 2022

A safety seal is one of the pre-requisites to conduct a limited face-to-face classes. This
safety seal is acquired from the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG). In
line with this, the University Ocupational Safety and Health Office (UOSHO), conducted
a virtual meeting with the Campus Directors about the safety seal acquisition and protocol

To acquire the safety seal, applicants should comply to each item of the The DILG safety
seal certification self-assessment form.

Availability of temperature or thermal scanner (e.g. thermo gun) to assess employees,

clients, and visitors.
Availability of health declaration and contact tracing forms and QR codes for employees
and clients.

Availability of isolation area for identified symptomatic individuals.

BHERTs and other COVID-19 Emergency hotlines are displayed in conspicuous area.
Availability of hand washing stations with soap, sanitizers, and hand drying equipment or
supplies for employees and Clients/visitors in strategic locations in the establishment.

Installed physical barriers in enclosed areas and signages and foot traffics in strategic
locations in the campus (blocking off chairs, markers, stickers on the floor for spacing).
Availability of storage facility for proper collection, treatment, and disposal of used
facemasks and other infectious wastes.
Conducts regular cleaning and disinfection in the establishment in compliance to the
Cleaning and Disinfection of Environmental Surfaces in the Context of COVID-19 by the
World Health Organization.

With the initiative of DMC Campus Director, Dr. Vicky P. Vital and the collaborative efforts
of DMC’s personnel each item of the The DILG safety seal certification self-assessment
form were accomplished. After securing and attaining all the necessary documents and
requirements for the acquisiton of the safety seal the DMC Occupational Safety and
Health Unit submitted the compiled output to the DILG – Local Government Unit (LGU)
of Mexico/Safety Seal Committee.
Submission of Safety Seal Supporting Documents to the DILG – LGU Mexico/Safety
Seal Committee

March 4, 2022

The purpose of this undertaking is to verify if all the requirements were attained by the
applicant of the safety seal. If all requirements were attained then the DILG – LGU
Mexico/Safety Seal Committee shall schedule an inspection.
Inspection of DILG – LGU Mexico/Safety Seal Committee in DHVSU Mexico Campus

March 8, 2022

During the inspection the Safety Seal Committee of LGU Mexico, headed by Engr. Jesus
S. Punzalana, thoroughly checked and validated if each item of the DILG safety seal
certification self-assessment form were attained and exisitng in the campus. They also
asked the Campus Director, Dr. Vicky P Vital and other DMC personnel regarding the
preparation and readiness of the campus once the limited face-to-face classes will be
After more than an hour of verification and validation the committee awarded the safety
seal to DHVSU Mexico Campus. Dr. Vicky P. Vital received the safety seals and led the
posting of safety seal stickers in the vicinity of the campus.
Prepared by:


Focal Person, DMC OSH Unit


Assistant Focal Person, DMC OSH Unit

Focal Person, DMC DRRM Unit



Campus Director

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