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Submitted to : Islamic Relief Pakistan

Prepared by: Nusrat Shaheen (Agricultural officer jamrud Dist:Khyber)

Report of Kitchen Gardening

Kitchen Gardening

Kitchen gardening means the gardening of those vegetables which we use in our kitchen. Kitchen gardening
also mean to make a garden inside your home and look after it. Use your own resources to produce vegetables.

 To produce vegetables free from any types of pesticides/insecticides
 To reduce the pressure on home budget.
 To have fresh vegetables every time.

(2) Classification of vegetables

(A) According to season

1. Summer Vegetables
Tomato, Chilli, Cucumber, Ladyfinger, Bitter guard, Bottle guard, Turmeric, Ginger.
Sowing time: Feb/March Continue upto Sep/Oct
2. Winter Vegetables
Cauliflower,Cabbage,Pea, Potato,Onion, Turnip, Spanich, Garlic, Carrot, Raddish.
Sowing time: Sep/Oct Continue to Feb/March
(B) According to method of cultivation
1. From Seed
a) Summer Vegetables
Lady finger, bitter guard, Torri, Bottle guard.
b) Winter Vegetables
Raddish, Turnip, Carrot, Spinach, Pea
2. From Nursery
a) Summer Vegetables
Tomato, Chilli, Brinjal
b) Winter Vegetables
Broccoli,Cabbage, Cauliflower, Onion.
3. From the part of plant
a) Summer Vegetables
Turmeric and Mint
b) Winter Vegetables
Garlic, Ginger and Potato

Report of Kitchen Gardening

(3) Methods of Cultivation

A) Vegetables cultivated on plain surface

Spinach, Matti, Corriander, Garlic, Mint, Onion and Lady finger.
B) Vegetables cultivated on Wedges
Chilli, Tomato, Carrot, Raddish, Turnip, Salid, Cabbage, Cauliflower.
C) Vegetables cultivated near bar/support
Cucumber, Pea, Bitter guard, Torri, Bottle guard, Tinda

(4). Uses of Fertilizer

1. Nitrogen
For height and Weight of Plants
2. Phosphorous
Strenghten the roots
3. Pottassium
Strenghten the fruit and seed

Use of compost fertilizer

Make 3 or 4 feet deep and wide hole in a soil/land near to your home and then put all your kitchen and trees
waste in it and after that put animals waste on top. Leave it for about 2 to 3 months. After that you can use it as

(5) Watering

 In summer water your plant after 4 to 6 days in evening or morning.

 In winter water your plant after a week.

(6) Removal of Weeds

For weed removal use gode but 2 to 3 days before watering

(7) Management of pest

 Keep the garden clean.
 Use regular gode
 Vegetables must be planted according to their growing time.
 There must be enough space for air and sun light.
 The plant to plant distance must be according to calendar
 Repeat the variety on same land

Report of Kitchen Gardening

Pest control methods agriculture
1. Using wood ash
This method is very effective and in this method wood ash is sprinkled over the plants in morning time.
Plant eating pest such as snails, Caterpillars and slugs come out at night with a flashlight and look under
leaves and destroy the leaves of the plants. To get rid of pest placed small pieces of potato near the plant
then these night eating pest will come near to potato so in this way you can protect your vegetables.
3. Garlic repellent sprays
Using garlic repellent spray you can get rid of pest. To make The garlic repellent spray following
materials will be required.
Garlic: 1 cup
Red chilli: 1 cup
Neem oil: 1 cup
Soap: ½ cup
Brend all these indgrent with one litter water In blender. Mix this solution with 7 to 10 liter water spray
on infected area.
4. Using red chilli Powder
You can get rid of pest by sprinkling red chilli powder with equal amount of ash on vegetables
5. Using soda
In 1 liter water add 1 spoon soda and sprayed on your plant to repel pests.

Equipment Used for Gardering:

Report of Kitchen Gardening

Chart of Kitchen Garding in Pakistan:

Report of Kitchen Gardening

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