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Direction: Kindly put a check mark or fill out the space provided before that corresponds
to your answer. Please answer the entire question for the completion of the study.
Part I. Respondents’ profile

Name (Optional): ___________________________

Gender: ___________________________
Grade Level: _______________________________

Annual family income:

5,000-10,000 ( ) 31,000-35,000 ( )
11,000-15,000 ( ) 36,000-40,000 ( )
16,000-20,000 ( ) 41,000-45,000 ( )
21,000-25,000 ( ) 50,000 and above ( )
26,000-30,000 ( )

Mother’s Occupation: ___________________

Father’s Occupation: ____________________

PART II. Direction: Please check your response that indicates how strongly you agree
or disagree with each statement below.

The study will make use of an electronically published questionnaire by Harefa S

and Sihombing GLA (2022). Students’ perception of online learning amidst the Covid-19
pandemic: A study of junior, senior high school and college students in a remote area,
and the study of Cabansag , V. , Cabansag, P. & Soriano, R. . (2020) entitled Students’
Motivation toward Online Learning: Basis for Policy Making. The ASTR Research
Journal, 4(1).

Disagree (1) Neutral (2)
Agree (3) Strongly agree (4)

A. Students’ perception in online learning 1 2 3 4

Learning Process
1. Can communicate smoothly with the teacher/lecturer
during online learning
2. Can ask directly to the teacher/lecturer when I don’t
understand the subject matter during online learning.
3. Always get a good response from the teacher/lecturer
during online learning.
4. Enjoy doing assignments given by the teacher/lecturer on
online learning.
5. Feel comfortable because the teacher/lecturer always
understands the obstacles experienced when learning online (for
example network barriers and data packets).
6. Active in following class discussion forums created by the
teacher/lecturer during online learning.
7. I prefer my online classes as they are very structured with set
due dates similar to face-to-face courses
8. Online classes help me comprehend the course materials
compared to Classroom learning.
9. Online environment makes it easier for me to communicate
with my instructor than classroom environment.
10. I am more comfortable responding to questions by email
than orally
11. My technical skills (email/internet apps) has increased since
attending online classes
Role of Teacher 1 2 3 4
12. Clear directions
13. Undertake review of the teaching and learning process
14. Use video and audio lessons to aid the learning of the
15. Develop an support learning communities
16. Use discussion forums effectively
Perceived Usefulness of Video Clips 1 2 3 4
1. Using videos in lessons provides flexibility in interaction
2. Videos facilitate reflection, analysis, and critical thinking
3. The videos are useful during the lesson and meet my leaning
4. With the videos, I gain more knowledge
5. I can learn better with videos
6. The use of videos in the course material gives me more
control and flexibility in the study
7. Videos in courses or study save me time
8. Using videos in lessons or studying material meets my
9. Using videos in lessons or studying material improves my
performance as a student
10. The use of videos in lessons or the study of material is useful
in the learning process
11. Using videos in lessons or studying material increases my
B. Level of Learning Motivation in relation to: 1 2 3 4
Learning Process
1. Freedom of discussion and learning during the online
2. Giving feedback and correction immediately.
3. Expression and resolution of learning problems are easy.
4. Effective use of Form of Discussion Platform.
5. Providing contemporary, original, and practical examples.
Role of Teachers 1 2 3 4
6. Online learning conducted collaboratively by the two
instructors with two different roles.
7. Facilitation of learning by means of the instructors’
collaborative working.
8. One of the instructors continuously counsel the students’
9. Effective online teaching and learning management by the
Participation and Attention 1 2 3 4
10. Participation being open and encouraged.
11. Use of different signs such as - to reinforce communication
in the learning environment.
12. Simultaneous expression of ideas by everyone.
13. Well planned and supported participation in lessons.
14. Use of clues in a way that encourages participation.
15. Technical and Infrastructure
16. Freedom of access to lesson from everywhere.
17. Written and oral communication in the virtual class.
18. Participation can be easiest in the Form of Discussion Plat-
19. Easy involvement in classroom activities by means of inter-
Time Management 1 2 3 4
20. Well time management in the lesson.
21. Effective time use for the virtual classroom
C. Online Delivery Learning 1 2 3 4
1. Likes online learning rather than face-to-face learning.
2. The interaction of online teaching and learning is better than
face-to-face learning.
3. Online learning facilities always support, both in terms of
equipment (for example mobile/laptop) or network.
4. In a course with both traditional and DL methodologies, I
learn better through the ODL portion.
5. Students have the facility to ask questions clearly during
online lectures.
6. Online classes have increased my technological literacy.

(1) How do you perceive online distance learning?

(2) How did the educational video clips help you understand biological concepts during

online distance learning?

(3) Do video clips help you to be motivated when learning biological concepts?

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