Chapter 3 Edited 7-26-22

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Chapter III


This chapter will discuss the methodology and procedures that will be employed

in this study. It consists of the research design, research locale of the study, subject

participants of the study, data gathering procedure, research instruments, data analysis,

and statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

The study will attempt to use the descriptive research design. To accurately

characterize phenomena, circumstances, or populations, descriptive research designs seek

to collect information. Instead of addressing the why of the research problem, it focuses

more on providing answers to the what, when, where, and how concerns.

The descriptive research approach may be used to track changes in variables over

time, enabling the discovery and analysis of patterns. Descriptive research may be used to

compare various factors and the responses of various demographics to various variables.

Additionally, it may be utilized to identify the various traits of the participants. This

might include qualities, views, behaviors, and other attributes. Since descriptive research

entails thoroughly analyzing each variable before reaching conclusions, it may be an

effective method for determining whether an existent situation is valid.

To further enhance the findings, the triangulation method (Denzin, 2012) will also

be used to assess the veracity of the data by bringing together data from various sources.

Interviews and observations were used to triangulate the findings in this study.
Locale and Setting of the Study

This study will be conducted on Senior High School students in MSU, Marawi

City. The school is situated in PUC, 1st Street MSU Marawi City between the College of

Education and Graduate School Buildings. The senior high school department of MSU

was established around 2014 headed now by Director Junaina M. Dimalna, MAELT.

Hence, the research setting of the study will be in the Senior High School for

Grade 11 and Grade 12 Students enrolled in SY 2021-2022 in MSU Marawi City. In

cognizant of the ethical and confidentiality of the data, the name of the students who will

participate in this study will not be mentioned.

Figure 2: Map of Senior High School, MSU Marawi City
Subject Participants of the Study

The subject participants of this study will be Grade 11 and Grade 12 students

from Mindanao State University-. Senior High School. There are _______ classes. The

respondents will be randomly selected using Slovin’s Formula.

Using Slovin’s formula, it was calculated that each grade level will be consist of -

_______ students with a total of ______ with an age range of 15-21 years old, gender

will not be in the same ratio and the nationality will be varied from Christians, Mranaws,

and other ethnic groups. Purposive sampling will be used for the respondents.

Table 1. Distribution Table of Participant

Year Level
Total Enrollees Sample Population Total
1. Grade 11
2. Grade 12

For the triangulation, an interview will be cascaded to four (4) grade 11 students

and four (4) grade 12 students. Since there will be eight (8) respondents in the interview,

they will be gathered in one place with adherence to the health protocols set by the local

IATF. They will be asked the following questions: (1) How do you perceive online

distance learning? (2) How did the educational video clips help you understand biological

concepts during online distance learning? (3) Do video clips help you to be motivated

when learning biological concepts?

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering procedure in this study will involve three stages: the pre-

intervention stage, intervention stage, and post-intervention stage which are considered

important in gathering the findings of this study. Each stage will be conducted and

observed systematically.

Research Instrument

The following research instruments will be used in the study to collect data and

gather first-hand information from the respondents.

1. Survey Questionnaire:

The questionnaire will be consists of two parts. Part I will elicit Profile

Information of the Students that include, age, sex, grade level, family income, mother’s

occupation, and father’s occupation. Part II will be the Two-Tier Questionnaire, in which

the first item is a fact-based question and the second item is a reasoning-based question

2. Interview

This research instrument will be done during the free time of the students. Only a

selected number of respondents will be interviewed. They will be asked questions to

further elicit ideas on their level of motivation about the role of educational video clips to

be used during their online classes. The interviews will be conducted by the researcher

and will be documented with a video camera to ensure the reliability of the information


3. Observation Checklist
This research study will be making use of the observation checklist. This

observation checklist is intended for use as a non-evaluative instrument, to be used as a

supplement to guide observation of instruction where teachers are video clips in teachings

online biological concepts.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools will be used to analyze the gathered data.

1. Mean – it is a value that helps summarize an entire set of numbers. It is used in

examining large collections of numbers to be able to present a number that

provides a summary of the data. Such numbers are often called descriptive

statistics (Microsoft dictionary 2009 as cited by Dadayan 2017).

2. Standard Deviation (SD) – is a measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its

mean. It is calculated as the square root of variance by determining the variation

between each data point relative to the mean. If the data points are further from

the mean, there is a higher deviation within the data set (Investopedia, LLC 2017).

3. t-test –is an analysis of two populations’ means through the use of statistical

examination. It is when two samples are commonly used with small sample sizes,

testing the difference between the samples when the variances of two normal

distributions are not known (Investopedia, LLC 2017). This study will be used to

determine whether to reject or accept the hypothesis.

4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution. A percentage frequency distribution is

a presentation of data that specifies the percentage of observations that exist for

each data point or grouping of data points. In this study, it will be used to describe

the respondents’ profile distribution about the profile of the respondents in terms
of sex, age, grade level, family income, mothers’ occupation, and fathers’

occupation for the students.

5. Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation (r xy). Is a measure of the

linear correlation of two variables which are either ratio or intervThisthis study, it

will be used to determine the extent of correlation between the independent

variable and dependent variables.

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