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Chapter III


This chapter will discuss the methodology and procedures that will be employed

in this study. It consists of the research design, research locale of the study, subject

participants of the study, data gathering procedure, research instruments, data analysis

and statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

The study will attempt to use the mixed-methods design which is a Quantitative-

Qualitative research design. Mixed methods research is formally defined as the class of

research where the researcher mixes or combines quantitative and qualitative research

techniques, methods, approaches, concepts or language into a single study. Mixed

methods research also is an attempt to legitimate the use of multiple approaches in

answering research questions, rather than restricting or constraining researchers’ choices.

It is an expansive and creative form of research, not a limiting form of research.

Mixed methods Research design involves collecting both types of data at roughly

the same time; assessing information using parallel constructs for both types of data;

separately analyzing both types of data; and comparing results through procedures such

as a side-by-side comparison in a discussion, transforming the qualitative data set into

quantitative scores, or jointly displaying both forms of data.

The research data will be collected by survey questionnaires. Survey

questionnaires include Likert type and Open-ended questionnaire that will be distributed

to senior high school students in MSU Marawi City enrolled on the school year 2021-
2022. The data will be collected and will be followed up with interviews to provide an

additional detailed information of the respondents and at the same time a verification for

their answers in the survey questions. Interviews will be able to help the researcher to get

to know more about the perceptions and challenges of the students on the use of online

learning and be able to know the effectivity of educational video clips in learning

biological concepts through online distance learning. The qualitative method to be

carried out on this exploratory study will offers a chance to collect rich descriptive data

since respondents will free to express their ideas based on the role of educational video

clips in learning biological concepts through online distance learning among senior high

school students in MSU Marawi City.

Locale and Setting of the Study

This study will be conducted in Senior High School students in MSU, Marawi

City. The school is situated in PUC, 1st Street MSU Marawi City between College of

Education and Graduate School Buildings. The senior high school department of MSU

was established around 2014 headed now by Director Junaina M. Dimalna, MAELT.

Hence, the research setting of the study will be in the Senior High School from

Grade 11 and Grade 12 Students enrolled in SY 2021-2022 in MSU Marawi City. In

cognizant of the ethical and confidentiality of the data, the name of the students which

will participate in this study will not be mentioned.

Figure 2: Map of Senior High School, MSU Marawi City
Subject Participants of the Study

The subject participants of this study will be two grade levels of respondents.

These include the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students that will be from senior high school in

MSU, Marawi City.

Each grade level will be consisted of 75 students total of 150, with an age range

of 15-21 years old, gender will not be in the same ratio and the nationality will be varied

from Christians, Mranaws and other ethnic groups. Purposive sampling will be used for

the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering procedure in this study will involve three stages: the pre-

intervention stage, intervention stage and post-intervention stage that are considered

important in gathering the findings of this study. Each stage will be conducted and

observed systematically.

Research Instrument

The following research instruments will be used in the study to collect data and

gather first-hand information from the respondents.

1. Survey Questionnaires:

The questionnaires will be consisted of two parts. Part I will elicit Profile

Information of the Students that include, age, sex, grade level, family income,

mother’s occupation and father’s occupation. The part II will be the Two-Tired
Questionnaire, consist of Likert-type questionnaire and open-ended


a. Likert type Questionnaire:

This instrument will be 11 item questions that will be used to

obtain the perceptions of the students on the use of online distance

learning and another 21 item questions to measure the level of motivation

of the students on the use of Educational Video Clips in learning

biological concepts through online distance learning and 6 item questions

on the efficacy of online delivery learning. These instruments will be

adapted and modified from other researchers to ensure reliability.

b. Open-ended Questionnaire:

This semi-structured instrument will be 10 item questions to gather

data about the role of educational video clips in learning biological

concepts through online distance learning among senior high school

students in MSU Marawi City. The prompt item statements of the

instruments will be selected and adapted and it will be modified. The

instrument will then be validated by research adviser and some science

experts. Their comments and suggestions will be incorporated into the

final item statements of the questionnaire.

2. Interview Guide

This research instrument will be done during the free time of the students and only

selected number of respondents will be interviewed for this study to further evaluate their

ideas and clarify certain vague answers in doing the open-ended questions. They will be
asked too to further elicit more ideas on their level of motivations with regards to role of

educational video clips that will be exposed on them. The interviews will be conducted

by the researcher and will be documented with a video camera to ensure the reliability of

the information’s gathered.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools will be used to analyzed the gathered data.

1. Mean – it is a value that helps summarize an entire set of numbers. It is used in

examining large collections of numbers to be able to present a number that

provides a summary of the data. Such numbers are often called descriptive

statistics (Microsoft dictionary 2009 as cited by Dadayan 2017).

2. Standard Deviation (SD) – it is a measure of the dispersion of a set of data from

its mean. It is calculated as the square root of variance by determining the

variation between each data point relative to the mean. If the data points are

further from the mean, there is higher deviation within the data set (Investopedia,

LLC 2017).

3. T-test – it is an analysis of two populations’ means through the use of statistical

examination. It is when two samples is commonly used with small sample sizes,

testing the difference between the samples when the variances of two normal

distributions are not known (Investopedia, LLC 2017). In this study, it will be

used to determine whether to reject or accept the hypothesis.

4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution. A percentage frequency distribution is

a presentation of data that specifies the percentage of observations that exist for

each data point or grouping of data points. In this study, it will be used to describe
the respondents’ profile distribution in relation to profile of the respondents in

terms of sex, age, grade level, family income, mothers’ occupation, and fathers’

occupation for the students.

5. Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation (r xy). Is a measure of linear

correlation of two variables which are either ratio or interval. In this study, it will

be used to determine the extent of correlation between the independent variable

and dependent variables.

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