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Instruction: Kindly put a checkmark or fill out the space provided before that corresponds
to your answer. Please answer the entire question for the completion of the study.
Part I. Respondents’ profile

Name (Optional): ___________________________

Position: ___________________________

Age: Sex
25 below ( ) 43 – 48 ( ) Male ( ) Female ( )
25 - 30 ( ) 49-54 ( )
31 - 36 ( ) 55 above ( )
37 - 42 ( )

Educational Attainment
Bachelors ( ) Masters ( )
Doctorate ( ) Post-doctorate ( )

No. of Years Experience: _________________

No. of Training Attended on IP: ________________

Are you on a ( ) Study Leave ( ) Maternity Leave

PART II- Direction: Please check your response that indicates how strongly you agree
or disagree with each statement below.
Stron Mode Mode Stron
gly rately rately gly
disagr disagr agree agree
ee (4) eed ((3) (1)

1. In copyright protection, works are protected by the sole fact of

their creation, irrespective of the mode of form of expression,
as well as their content, quality and purpose.
2. Copyrights are automatic when an author makes something
creative and tangible.
3. Copyrights give authors the right to protect their work.
4. Copyright protects the creator/author of an original work.
5. Students and teachers can use copyrighted materials for
educational purposes with limits and restrictions.
6. In using online sources or other forms of information, always
give credit to the creator.
7. Giving credits to the original source protects student, teacher
and even researchers from copyright infringement.
8. The protection of the public interest is ensured through the
concept of the ‘fair use’ of protected materials.
9. “Fair Use” allows you to used copyrighted works without
permission or payment, but only on certain situation.
10. When you refer to a book chapter or a research paper, make
sure to provide appropriate credit and avoid plagiarism by
using effective paraphrasing, summarizing, or quoting the
required content.
11. Copyright also covers images, figures, data, etc.
12. These protections allow you as a creator and an inventor to be
recognized and financially benefit from your creations.
13. Copyright protects the expression of an idea when it is
materialized in various forms, such as a book, a CD, or a
computer file.
14. Every new invention, such as the printing press, radio, and
television, has affected both the form and the application of
copyright rules.
15. Teachers at non-profit educational institutions are permitted to
reproduce copy- righted works for the purpose of teaching, as
long as such reproduction does not infringe on the interests of
the author.

PART III- Direction: Please check your response that indicates how strongly you agree
or disagree with each statement below.
Stro Mod Mod Stro
ngly erate erate ngly
disa ly ly agre
gree disa agre e (1)
(4) gree e
d (3) (2)

1. I implement IP policy in making my

instructional materials.
2. I can apply the concept of fair use when I
utilize a copyrighted work from the internet.
3. I participated in trainings/conferences
pertaining to IPR.
4. I can use copyrighted materials for
educational purposes with limits and
5. I use proper paraphrasing, summarizing, and
quoting of contents to avoid plagiarism.
6. I do not cut and paste information obtained
from the Internet in my instructional
PART III- Direction: Please check your response that indicates how strongly you agree
or disagree with each statement below.
Protecting IP is important so no one can claim
to be the creator of a piece of art or
Stro Mod Mod Stro
ngly erate erate ngly
disa ly ly agre
gree disa agre e (1)
(4) gree e
d (3) (2)

1. I use citation/reference when adopting other

2. I check copyright policies before collecting
course materials from internet.
3. I check copyright policies when adopting any
original manuals or books reference.
4. I take permission from the author before
translating his/her original writing.
5. I follow copyright before copying slides from
6. I follow copyright policies before copying
computer codes from internet.
7. I take permission from author/publisher
before photocopying textbook.
8. I check copyright policies before
downloading any image from internet.
9. Protecting IP is important so no one can
claim to be the creator of a piece of art or the
inventor of something when in reality this is
not the case.
10. Protecting IP is important because it
contributes to improving and guaranteeing
the quality of products and services.
11. If there was no longer any IP protection,
there would be economic chaos.
12. It is important that inventors, creators, and
performing artists can protect their rights and
be paid for their work.
13. Companies that create a lot of IP (that hold
patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights,
trade secrets) contribute significantly more
than the others to the creation of jobs/growth.
the inventor of something when in reality this is
not the case.
Protecting IP is important so no one can claim
to be the creator of a piece of art or
the inventor of something when in reality this is
not the case.
Protecting IP is important so no one can claim
to be the creator of a piece of art or
the inventor of something when in reality this is
not the case.

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