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Additional ESMF Data Collect

Productive Safety Net Programme

Form 1: Basic Data South wollo zon
Region: Amhara Year: 2014
Subprojects Screened

stno. Type of Subproject No.

No. % of Total

1 Soil & Water Conservation 42 42 100

2 Forestry, Agro-For, Forage 42 42 100
3 Water Construction 0 0
4 SSI Construction 0 0
5 SSI Rehabilitation
6 Community Roads Constr. 0 0
7 Community Roads Rehab.
8 Social Infrastructure Constr. 0 0
9 Nutrition-based PW 0 0
Total 84 84 100
dditional ESMF Data Collection Forms for
uctive Safety Net Programme Project (PSNP-5)
Kutaber Woreda

Subprojects of Environmental Requiring Mitigating Measures Mit. Measures Implemented


No. % of those screened No. % of those Screened No.

42 100 42 100 42
42 100 42 100 42

84 100 84 100 84
Mit. Measures Implemented

% of those requiring
Mit. Ms.

Form 2: Aggregated Data
Region: Amhara Year: 2014EC
Subprojects involving Voluntary or Involuntary Asset Loss
Total No. No.voluntary % of Total No. Involuntary % of Total

0 0

Region:Amhara Year: 2014EC

Health Posts Subprojects encountering
Cultural Heritage

Total No. % with Medical Waste Those using Medical waste No.
No. % of those with
Medical Waste
0 0 0
Zone south wollo kutaber woreda

SSI Construction or Rehabilitation

Total No. SSI Using Agro- SSI Using Integrated Pest
Chemicals Management
No. % of Total No. % of those using agro-

Subprojects encountering
Cultural Heritage

% of Total
Form 3: Subproject-Level Data
Region: _______Amhara____________________ Zone:--------south woll kutaber
Sub-projects Involving Asset Loss

st/no Type of Subproject Name Wereda Kebele Watershed

Form 4: Dams
Region: ___________________________ zone:------------------ Year: 2014
Subprojects with Dams of Height 10 meters or more
Type of Subproject Name Wereda Kebele Watershed

Form 5: Small Scale Irrigation
Region: ___________________________ Zone:--------------- Year: _2014_______________
Subprojects Involving Small-Scale Irrigationbenefiting 50 or More Farmers
Name Wereda Kebele Watershed Irrigated Area
Year: 2014EC

If Private Land If Community Land

VAL Form Compensa VAL Form Compensatio

Total Area Lost (Ha) No. of HHs Total Area Lost (Ha)
Completed? tion given Completed? n given

Height (meters) Description

of Dam
: _2014_______________

No. of Farmers
Involuntary voluntary
asset loss Asset loss
Form 4: Dams
Region: ___________________________ zone:------------------
Subprojects with Dams of Height 10 meters or more
St/No. Type of Subproject Name Wereda Kebele
Year: 2014 E.C

Watershed Height (meters) Description of Dam

Form 5: Small Scale Irrigation
Region: ____Amhra _______________________ Zone:--------south wollo
Subprojects Involving Small-Scale Irrigationbenefiting 50 or More Farmers
Name Wereda Kebele Watershed

kutaber woreda Year: 2014 E.C

Irrigated Area (Ha) No. of Farmers

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