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21:16 O&O Deh le all READ-ONLY - This is an older file format. CHAPTER -18 ELECTORAL POLITICS Exerc |. Choote the correct anewor. 4. What isa consttueney? ta (A)A sot norms and guidelines tobe followed by pltical pares, (8) volers in a geographical area who elect epresentaive othe lgilve odes. (©) Constuton under which all artes and candidates contest election. (0) An area marked for development 2. What are general electons? cd (A) The elections which are ned fr Loksath al over Insiaor fea state legate assem (8) The elecons which are hel only for one constituency. {C) The elctons hla fil the vacancy caused by death or resignation of a member. {0) The elacton when are het states, 12. The election which is held ony for ane consttuency to il the vacancy caused by death ot resignation of member's known 28 aa) (A) Mierm election (8) 8yelecton (©) General ection (0) Stato ection 4. Imo how many constituencies, te county is cvded ino during Lok Sabha election? C1 ats 585 (500 590 15. How many seats ae reserved forthe SCs and STs the Lok Sabha? (J 49,73, (@)50, 80 (©) 84,47 (©)49,50 6 Whats electoral Rol? oa {8 The lst efthose who are eligible to cast veto {8) The list ofthose who are not eigbe to vote (©) The iso detaute candidates (0) The sof elected cancidatos 7. What ithe minimum age requed to contest for Lok Sabha electors? [| wie 25 or 20 8 Whats code of conser? ci (A) A set of norms and guidelines tobe flowed by politcal partes. {@)Goncitons in which a partes cones clock (6) Insuctions issued by he Prime Minis. (0) Insiuctons isued bythe Preset. 98. Whatis eva? 4 (A) loci voting Machine (8) Elected voting membor (©) Elton vting machine (0) Elec voting machine 10. Arrange the ftowng in corect sequence ta {A) counting of votes (®) election campaign {C) Nomination of candidates (©) voters st W234 (6)94.21 (CAS. 2.4.31 11. Who is responsible for fae and fair eactions in Inia? ta (8) Prime Minister (6) Present (©) Counc ot Winters (0) Electon Commissioner "2, Who appoints the Chiat Etcton Commissioner fica? ta (A) The president of nda (6) The Prine Minister of ia ©) The counel of Ministre (©) The Governor 13. Which ofthe given statements sno crect about the Election Commission? | (A) The Chief Election Commissioners apport by the President of nda, (6) He cannot be removed by ne President of naa {(©)ltis answerable tothe Pariament {0)lt isan independent body. 14, What porcontage ofthe total seas in rural and urban local bodes i reserved for women candidates? td (a)25% 33% (10% 30% Ml oO < 21:16 Hl © mm + Deh al 8 al READ-ONLY - This is an older file format. (9) te Ue ecion ommsiner 8 apponnee oy We rreMURN OF {@)He cannot be removed bythe President of Inia {©)ltts answerable tothe Parliament {0)lt isan independent body. 14, What pocontage ofthe total seat in rural an urban local bodes I reserved for women candidates? td (a)25% 33% 10% 30% 18. Which of he fotowing statements not true regarding Inia's General Electon? (A) The ung partes routinely ese election cd {@) Sting elected representative rarely loses an election. (©) Candstes who are known to have spent a Jot of money on buying volus and (0) Baring very fow depute sloctons, the electoral outcomes are usualy accepted 2s poope's verdict by the defeated party 18. Maich Group-A and Group-B and select the comet answer fom the codes given below the Hats La T_T [e. [ev A machina whieh is used to record voles [[ 1 | «| Constianey | |The county is eivged ine dferentareas [| |. [incumbent | foretecton, ._| The current holder of a poltical office. —|{___} |. | Election commissioner | W)a-s Depa. dt lea b-pcnds Ospbacits Oarbscaca 17, "Save Democracy’ Slogan was gven by whlch ofthe folowing poliical pany in 1977. Lok ‘Saba lection? | Cy 1A) Congress party (®) Janta party (©) Telugu Desam Party (©) Lot tont 18. When government officers workin elation duty, they work under the conta a ca (A) The Government (©) Evcton Commission (©) The Patiament (0) Te Jusicary 18. Which ofthe flowing statements is agains the principe of lemocraic lection? C1 (A) Parties and candidates shouldbe free o cntsst election, {6) Election must beheld at regular itervals, {) Election shouldbe conduct in feo and fair manner. {(0) The right o vote is given to he electod persons ony 20, Which ofthe folowing statements is against the democrat process of elections? a) (Patios and candles shouldbe fre to contos elections {8) Elections mustbe held requis immediatly after te term is over. {©) Te ight to vole shouldbe given tothe selected people only (0) Election shouldbe conducted ina tree afar manner. 21, Tumout ures mean a) (A) The numberof peop in voters is (8) The numberof cansidates. {C) Percentage of aie voters who actualy ast thar votes {0) The rumbor of winning eanciates 22, Reserved consiuoncis (A) Reserved for seni alizen, {@)Reservad for rulng pay, {@) Reserved for SC, ST and OBCs and women. (0) Reserved forthe opposition plc parties 23, Which othe folowing i not allowed during election campaign? ca (A) Giving money to voters (6) Using TV. channels (6) Door te door eawassing (©) Contacting voters on phone 24, _ Who amongst the folowing ld he movement cated Nyaya Yuan” and formed anew pary ‘ale Lok Dal? tt (A) Chowchary Charan Singh (6) Chowshary Dev Lal {€) Om Prakesh Chautala (0) Mulayam Singh Ml Oo < 21:16 Hl © mm + DE al 8 atl READ-ONLY - This is an older file format. 2, Who amongst he following ld the movement cated ‘Nyaya Yudh” and formed a new party ales Lok Dat? td (8) Chowdhary Charan Singh () Chowdhary Dov Lal (©) Om Prakash Chautala (0) Mulayam Singh EXERCISE 2: ‘Matching Based Mca: Match Group “A with Group ~ B and select the correct anewer using the codes given below the columns, © tl Group-A Group-8 ‘Communist Partyof ida (Marist) { |p. Untad Progressive Aliance Bharatiya Janata Paty [1 § National DemacrateAliance © Congrass Paty [of Stato Pary 1 Trnamoal congress ToT 8 ef Front Maprcacnds @esbacpcr Orabsrende Oardpcscg 2 ca Group A Grou ‘2. Nationalist Congiess Party (NCP) {|} p1885 b Communist Paryofinga (CP) |} g 1980) © Bheratya Janata Pary (BJP) [|] 1025 4. Indian National Congress NC) {|} S199 Wapcacnss @eabreser Warbacsde Oesbreace 3 ta Group ~A Group -B a. Unar Pragesh Lor p NCP b. West Benga! [1 a esp © kerala [oe cra ©. Maharastra Los cer Wagcresap @endecsce Cas baer cp Dap raones 4 ta Group ~A Group -B & Bi Janta Dal [1B Orisa b. RashiryaJeniaDal = [|] gar Pradesh © Samajwadi Party [1 6 Punjao 4. ShromaniAkaliDal =|} Bhar apcacn és @agrrcser Oerbacros Osposoqae 5 td ‘Group -A a Reserved Constituency [1p b. Nominatonef Candidates {|g © ElecionCampagn sf], Sands Paling of votes T 1s 2wooks pared Waqrnosor Wapbscneg Warbpcsda Wardqcpes ‘Statement Based NCQ: 6 Considr the folowing statement: td 4) Poitical partes are not necessary to run goverment ») Parties are often rocked by scandals involving top par ¢) Parties should aim ely fr ther regional benefits 4) Paris shape uc opinion, ‘Which fhe statement gvan above are correct? Ml oO < 21:16 Hl © mm + eT al 8 al READ-ONLY ~ This is an older file format. ... v ‘Statement Based NCQ: 6 Consider the folowing statment: ta 2) Political partes are not necessary to run governments Parties are often rocked by scandals invohing top par leaders ©) Parties should ai ony for ther reqional banefts 4) Parties shape pulc opinion. Which of he statoment gven above are correct?” (ya). (0). and) (@) (a)and() (Ce) ana (a) (©) (a)and(e) 7. Consider te folowing statement: 4 4) There were six national recognized partes in the county in 2008. Bu Janata Dale State Party of Orion, ) Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 1908 asthe leader of National Democratic Akane, <4) Communist Paty of cia (CP) was founded in 1984 ‘Wich oF he statement gven above ae correc?” ()(9), 0) ana e) (©) (2) ana) (©)(0) ana (6) ©) @)and(o) 8. Considar tne folowing statements cd 2) People elect the representaive of tar choles in an election. ' Elections enalo peopa to judge tho performance of the government. «) People can indeste which poles they peter. 4) Elections enable people to evauste the performance of udciay Which ofthe statement given above ae correct? (A), bana te) (@) (3) ans) (©)(b) and (e) (©) (a)and(c) 8. Consider the folowing statoment: ta 4) Election campaign takes place or three week's period ') An agent of each candidate is allowed to itinsde the paling boots, ‘Which ofthe tatament gven above are correct? A) (a)oniy (8) (0) only (6) both () and (a) (©) meter (a) noe fo) 10. Consider the following statorents: 8) The Congress Party ld by Inia Gandhi ga ection of 1971 'b) The Let Frontused the slogan of Land tothe Tile’ n Kerala Assembly elecons iso ‘Wich oF he siatement given above ae correct? (A) (a)oniy (8) (0) ony (©) Both () nd (a) (0) Netter) nor) the slogan of Garb Hat 11. How many seats are needed o be won by a politcal party in Loksabha to be recognized asa atonal Paty ? ta wwe @s or on 12, How many seats are needed tobe won by a poliical party tobe recogrized as a stale party ra Legislative Assombly? td we os os or 18, Every payin the country has to veister with he ta (8) Planning commission (@) Trade caremsion {(©)Logal commission (0) Elacton commission 1a, Which ofthese i State Party? 4 WIN (e) TH oBsP (oyase 455, Which of hese le @ National Party? 4 (a) Musi League (8) CommunietPany of iia (©) Bl Janata Dal (©) Samajwadi Party ‘Assertion Reason Based MCO: 16. Assertion: n he Lok Sabha 8s seas ate reserved for he Schedules Castes and 47 forthe Screduled Tabes, Reason: This numbers in proportion to ther share inthe total population of he county, Ml oO < 21:17 HI © am + DE al 8 atl READ-ONLY - This is an older file format. int977 ‘Which of he statement given above are corect? (A) (a) ony (6) (0) only (©) Both () an a) (©) Netter () nor () 11. How many seats are needed o be wan by a poitea partyin Lokeabna to be recognized as anatonal Paty ? ta ws os or on 12. Mow many seats are naaded tobe won bya polical party tobe recogizad a a state party ra Logisiative Asso? td we @3 os or 18. Every pary nthe country has torgistor with the an) (8) Planing commission (6) Trade corsmision {) Legal commission (0) Elecion commision 14, Which ofthese i Site Paty? an) WIN (e) Thc (Be (08s 18. Which ofthese fe National Party? ta (A) Musi League (®) Communist Party of iia (©) Bj Janaia Dat (0) Samajuaci Party ‘Assertion Reason Based MCQ: "6. Assertion In he Lok Sabha 84 sass ate reserved forthe Schedules Castes and 47 forte Seneduios Tres, ‘Roason: Tis number i in properion to their sharon ho total population ofthe county. ta (A) Bath A and R re indhidunly tue and Rs the correct exslanation ofA {@) Both A and Rae insite an R's not he correct explanation ofA. {@) Ais tue but Ris false, (0) Aistalsebut Ris tue 17. Raserton: In onder fo Be @ canddate the minimum age is 25 years we iti onty 18 yoars fr boing a voter Reason: Every person whose name ison the voles Estcan goto the nearby Polling both to ast hee vtes. ty (A) Bath A and Rare indvgualy ue and Fs te corect extention oF (8) Both A and Roe indus tue and R's not the conect explanation ofA (©) Ais tuo but Rs fais. (0) Aisfasebt Ris tue KEY . eB 2 4 A 8 8 8B 7 8B & A 8 C w C mp 2 A 1 © mB 8 *. A 7 8 % 8 B Dd mw C am 6 @ © B A mw B EXERCISE —2: 1 8B 2 29 8 A 4 D 5 6 © 7 A 8 A 8 B mM A m0 RB A Dl Bl 6 oA 7 8 Ml Oo < 21:28 we + CAE lel READ-ONLY - This is an older file format. (0) Disappearance of forests 15, In SouthEast Ala siting ogcutre ie known 8 toa Wychtemene (8) avy (led ©)mipa 10. The ond forest community bolongs to which ofthe flowing toa (a) chnattsgarh (®) Jnarinand (©) Jamnna and Kashonie (©) Gust 17. Forests consisting of which typeof rees were poferedby the Forest department? col (8) Forests having tres wnich provided fue, fodcer and leaves. {@) Forests having cot wood {€) Forests having trees sulle fr bulding ships and raliays. {O)nove ofthese 18. Which of he fotlowing term isnot associated with siting agriculture in Ina? tod ()Penda (e)Bewar (G)Knandad ——(O)Lading 19, Wooden parks lid across railway racks 1 holdthess racks na pesiton are called to (Aybeams ———(@) sleepers (6) rail fasteners (0) none of these 20. Which fhe following was the most essential forthe cslonil ade and movement of, 0088? tod W)Rosdways —(B)Raways ——(C) Arwaye———(O) water ways 21. Thecrmina bes act was passed in __year (ayes ever oreo (0)1006 22, in England, oak forests were used for to (A) balding ships (@) capentyy (©) butcing ratway tacks (©) consiuctng nouses 23, Thesystam of bandongcensten implas tor (A) fored vilages oct toes a pa ho pow forest aus {@) exempting vilgers rom rats if they worked collectively to provide ee labour and butaloes for uting and ransporig tinber. (©) exempting vitagers to collect wood rom reserved foes. {O) arresting vilogors who were found stealing ier ram forests. 24, Which one ofthe folowing categories of forests is considered asthe best onthe basis of ‘thelr tty? ro (A) Reserved forests (©) Protoctd forests (©) Vilage forests (©) Community forests 25, The lmperial Forest instie was setup at an) Lucknow (@) Jamshedpur (C) Dehradun (0) Chennai 26. Inwhicn year dé the Basar ebelion take place? to 1910 (@) 1909 ©1911 1912 27. Wy cd the government decide o ban siting culvaion? to (8) 70 oro tees fr railway tiber {8) Whan a forest was burt, hee was he danger ef dstoying valuable bor {)Dificutes forthe goverment o calculate tes {0)All the above reasons 28, Colonial rors considered forests ax unproductive because too (A) the forest wera nat for hablation (6) forest nad wid grown tees only {forest cid nt yet evenve to enhance income of the sate {0)forests wee tl of wid animals, 28, Wich of he folowing trees were promoted fr building ships or always? [| (Firs & Pines (8) Bushes & Creepers (©) Teak Sal (©) Stisham & Acaca 90, Wherois Bastar ocated? to (A) Chnattsgarh (©) Andra Prades (©)Orssa (©) Madhya Pradesh Ml oO < 21:29 we + ATE lel READ-ONLY - This is an older file format. 2 tor Group —& Group -8 a Samas {| p.Swiden agrcuture bo kumi [|g Scare groove & Teak |] F_People who baie each vilago ven by the-earn & Bastar |] 8. Spaces of tras (Alea. b-s.o9. 1 B)er aon dp (Cea boos ce ()e3,b-1,0-p.-q 2% ror Group -& Group -8 2. Agtcuturalevowton [1p China b. Westwarc: movement [|]. Greatplains of USA Opium war [oe England 4 Dust Bou [1s Agranan expansion of USA Waarpender @andsepag anreqep Oarreneg ‘Statement based MCO: 34. Consider te folowing statements to (A) The Portuguese had inreduced apm into China inthe early 16° century {) The Chinese were sware ofthe bac eect of opum {©) Emperor of China encouraged the pretucton of opium. {0} China reduced opium forthe consumption of reh peop ‘Wen of these statement (e) ware comect? (aandd—(B)bande (Cand —(Dallof these 35. Consir the folowing statment to {The Kalangs of Java ware 2 community of sles forest cutters. {8) Kolongs were shiting eutivators {€) Their population was very lage (0) In 1770, the Kalangs rested by attacking a Dutch frat Joa. ‘Which ofthese statement (s) are comect? Waandd —(B)oandc_ = (Cacendd —D)allarecorect Following questions consist of two slatamonis, one labelled asthe ‘Assrtin’ and tho ether 2s "Reason. You are te exarinetheee ta satamants caefuly and select the anwar to hese ems sing the code given beow. 26. _ Assertion: In the peril frat Ressarch inte was st up in Deadun in 1808 10 teach about scent oreatry. Reason: Ono type of a was planted in straight rows and a natura forests wore cut down, (A) Bob: A and Rare individually rue and Ris the correct explanation of (8) Bob: A and Rare individually rue but Ris not the corect explanation ofA. (O)Ais tu but Ris false (0) Ais faloabut Ris tue, 437. Assertion: The Chinese emperor sent in Ze-Xuto canton as aspecal commissioner 10 Sop the opium rade, ‘Reason: The Chinese were aware ofthe consequences of pum addiction. (4) 0b A and are individually rue and Ris the correct expanaton of A {8)B00 A and R are indhidually rue but Ris nat the comec explanation ofA (©)Ais tue but is false, (0) Ais olsebutRis tue, ANSWER KEY: 1 8 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C 6s ob 7 © 8 A @ A 9 8 "A 2 8 1 Bo Mw BB % A 7 cc ® bD 9 8 @ oD a 8 2 A m2 8 2% A 2B C % A 2 0 2% Cc 09 CGC wM A Mm o> 6m co 6m ll ClO BRO Ak Ml Oo < 21:28 we Gd CATE le al READ-ONLY - This is an older file format. CHAPTER-10 FOREST SOCIETY AND COLONIALISM |. Choose the corset answer: 1. Who was the enna! power in Indonesia? to aaritsn (6) Dutch (©)French (0) Portuguese 2. Which place now famous asa rice-roducing island indonesia? = TY (ova (@)Sumra—(C)Bomeo (0) Kalimantan 3. Where the Dutch start forest management in Indonesia? to (A) ova ()Sumara——(C) Bal ()None ofthe shove. 4. Whowas lange’ of Java? to ()Dynacty of rulers. {@) Skid forest auters and siting eutvators. {6)A community of monoylendors, {O) none of the above 5 The Katanga resisted he Duteh in too 4) 1700 (@) 1750 (1770 ©) 1800 6. According tothe forest las enact by tne Dutch in Java, to (A) vilagers access o forest was resid (8) wood could te ext oni for spacing purposes tke making river boats or constructing houses {) vilagers were punished for gazing cate {O)all te above 7. What dd Surontko Samin question about? tor {A The foreign potcy ofthe Outen (8) Siate ownership of he forest (C)The export pokey ofthe Dutch _(O) none ofthese 8 __What was the plcy flowed bythe British nina towards forests ding the Fist and the Secon Word Wars? tod (A) The forest department cut ro0s freely o meet Srish war needs. (8) Cuting of ees was sity prohibited fr everyone nclutng the Brlsh {(C) More and more trees were panied a ge employment to indians {0)None ofthe above 8. Whats tho goal of governments across Asia and Aca since he 19808? [|] 18) Conservation of forest. {@) Gobecton of timber. {(©) Setting peope in forest areas. {) Destroying 01 forests and growing new ones. 410. Who wrote th book Tha Forest of Ina inthe year 18237 toa (A)David Spurr (B)EP. Stebing (C) Vere Elvin (O) John Nileton ‘1, Which of ne fowing isnot associated win Sweden agricuture? to (A)koracha (8) Jhum (C) Bowar (©) Ponda 12. Indian Forest Service was set up inthe year: tor (a) 1865 (@) 1054 (0) 1054 ©) 1084 18. Which of the following was not bal community? too ()karacha (8) Jhum (C)Korava §——_(O) Yerukula 18. The sytom of scent orestry stands for Loo (8) System whereby the loca farms were alowed to clive erparariy win antation (6) System of etng old ress and plant new ones {€) Divsion of forest ino tee ealepoies (0) Disappearance of fests 15. In SouthEast Asia shiting agicutreis known as toa ‘)ehitomene (8) avy (lading ©) mipa 10. The Gend forest community belongs to which ofthe following too is) crmattsgarn (6) Jharinent Ml Oo <

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