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WINTER TRAINING REPORT ON “FACILITIES AT URAN PLANT & STUDY OF OFFSHORE GAS RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR (K-2501 A/B)” At ONGC, URAN PLANT (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.) ET es el cal OnGCe By ANISH JANGALE 3" Year-B.Tech (Mechanical) Mukesh Patel School Of Technology Management And Engineering, NMIMS, SHIRPUR OSNums rs UNIVERSITY Scanned with CamScanner CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report entitled “Facilities at URAN PLANT & Study of Offshore Gas Reciprocating Compressor (K-2501 AJB)’ is a bonafide work carried out by Mast. Anish D Jangale student of 3° yr, B. Tech (Mech), Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management And Engineering, NMIMS, SHIRPUR He has prepared the project under my guidance with sincerity in C2-C3 Mechanical Maintenance department of Uran Plant, ONGC, URAN To the best of my knowledge, Mast. Anish D Jangale is sincere and hardworking. | wish him success in his life. Aj haw okt a DGM (Mech) C2-C3, Mech. Maintenance Dept. Uran Plant, ONGC, URAN. Scanned with CamScanner Pret) ST Pee ee | Acknowledgments: | wish to sincerely acknowledge my thanks to Sh. B Halder, DGM(E&T), IC Training, ONGC, Uran Plant for having acceded to my request for undergoing winter training and for helping me in finding an excellent mentor, and providing me very good facilities to learn about the Industry. | sincerely thank my mentor Mr. Gautam Sardar, DGM (Mech) for sparing his valuable time, knowledge & experience and for guiding me in the project work. | would like to thank Mr. Ashish Katiyar, EE(Mech.), Mr. R. Bokilal, (Mech.), Mr. Mohammed Fareed, (Mech.) and all others who guided me through my training for their support and for sharing their knowledge & experience. | also thank all the staff and officers at ONGC Uran Plant for the warmth and kindness shown on me during my stay at ONGC Uran Plant. | sincerely thank ONGC for giving me access to the state of the art facilities at ONGC, URAN PLANT which helped me to learn and gain knowledge on this real time project work. Scanned with CamScanner TABLE CONTENTS Sr. Topics Page No. No. a ONGC at a Glance ei i) Various Facilities at ONGC Uran Plant § 3. | Study Of Compressors 14 4. Offshore Gas Reciprocating Compressor Vt 5. | Conclusion and References at Scanned with CamScanner Fe eT POR RT APTN PEMUPCRTL ACMA MMHE AT PRETL AL Rey W PTH MHD CTI. INTRODUCTION Oil and Natural Gas is a public sector petroleum company involved in widescale exploitation of oil as well as natural gas from the Indianmainland as well as from Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. ONGC is one among the Indian Government's Navarathna Companies which involves the most profit making nine public sector companies and hence is one of the most profit making companies in India. In August 1956, the Oil and Natural Gas commission was formed. Raised from mere directorate status to commission, it had enhanced powers. In 1959, these powers were further enhanced by converting the commission into a statutory body by an act of Indian Parliament. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) (incorporated on June 23, 1993) is an Indian Public Sector Petroleum Company. It is a fortune global 500 companies ranked 336th,and contributes 51% of India’s crude oil production and 67% of India’s natural gas production in India, It was set up as a commission on August 14, 1956. Indian government holds 74.14 % equity stake in this company. ONGCis one of Asia's largest and most active companies involved in exploration and production of oil It is involved in exploring for and exploiting hydrocarbons in 26 sedimentary basins of India. It produces 30% of India's crude oil requirement. It owns and operates more than 11,000 kilometers of pipelines in India. In 2010, it was ranked 18th in the Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company Rankings and is ranked 443st in the2012.Fortune Global 500 ist. It is the largest company in terms of market cap in India Scanned with CamScanner (Hofer Wile) SUING) WESTERNIOFFSHORE uy or any mene em <3 ut tt PE LEGEND @ ovrELD @ caseicio Scanned with CamScanner Layout Of Uran Plant: URAN ASSET Bes ae | OFFSHORE | | LPG TOSTORAGE © coNoENsaTE FRACTIONATING —. are NAPHTHATO STORAGE ‘RUDE OILTO STORAGE PRODUCED WATER TO »PETP MINAS Scanned with CamScanner Various Facilities At Uran Complex 1) Gas Sweetening Unit:- ‘Sweetening of a gas refers to the removal of hydrogen sulphide from the gas. The gas sweetening plant focuses on the removal of Acid gases, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and carbon dioxide (C02) from the feed gas. The feed gas consists of slug catcher Gas, CFU offshore gas and SU offshore gas. The process employed for the separation of the gases is Sulfinol R-D process. For the sweetening of the sour gas, there are two identical trains. Each of the trains are designed for a mixed sour gas feed of 5 MMNCM/ day and hence a total capacity of 1OMMNCM/ day. The two trains are operating with a third train used as a standby. Usually only 50% of the designed capacity is used. 2)ETHANE PROPANE RECOVERY UNIT: Ethane and Propane recovery are among the phase-lIl process in the ONGC Uran Plant, Uran, and Bombay.C2-C3 Recovery Unit (EPRU) is supplied with two food streams from the LPG-1 & Il Units.T hese are the high pressure Second Stage Vapour (SSV) and low pressure feed from the Light Ends Fractionators (LEF). These streams are partially cooled to condense them. There refrigeration is provided by passing the high pressure feed streams through an expander and by a propane refrigeration system. The partially condensed feed streams are fed to the Demethaniser to separate the methane vapours from C2-C3 liquid. The overhead gas from the demethaniser is fed to a second expander to Provide cooling to the reflux condenser. The lean gas is.then warmed to ambient Scanned with CamScanner oe VPevsF_v_vwKvFVUEVVHHEHEYHYBDEHHYEEHO temperature by the lean gas Compressors. Refrigeration gas is provided to LPG | & Il as an Inter-stage product. The C2-C3 is pumped to Area 16 for storage as pressurized liquid. 3)Condensate Fractionating Unit(CFU):- ‘The CFU has been designed and constructed for the stripping pf acid components, H2S andC02, from the condensate mainly supplied from slug catcher (Phase Il and Phase Il!) and IHI& HP compressors; in addition, the condensate is intermittently supplied from K.O. drum installed in Gas Swestening Unit (GSU). CFU is composed of the following sections: - Feed condensate treatment section. - Condensate stripping section. - Off gas compressor section - Flare section. 4) LPG Plant(l&ll):~ ‘Sweetened gas from GSU flows to knock out drum where any liquid present is separated out, and then the gas is pre-cooled to 2500C. The pre-cooled gas is sent to knockout drum where Liquefied hydrocarbon and water are separated out. The gas then flows to the molecular sieve drier where the moisture is reduced to less than 4 ppm level. The dried gas is cooled to -220 degreeC in the first stage chiller, condensed liquid is separated out. Vapor is further cooled to -370 degreeC and condensed liquid is again separated out. Remaining non-condensate gas called SSV is sent toC2-C3 plant. Cooling of gas is actleved by Scanned with CamScanner exchanging heat against extemal refrigeration. External refrigeration 's supplied in three stages at-70°C,-270°C & -400°C. The SSV (second stage vapor) after separation of liquid condensale are delivered as feed stock to C2-C3 recovery unit, alternatively the SSV can be delivered to consumer trunk line if C2-C3 unit is under shut down.A propane column is provided in LPG-I to recover liquid propane from LPG streams. Propane isused as refrigerant for LPG-I & II, C2 C3 plant to maintain desired operating temperatures. Propane column will be in service intermittently as per requirement to make up refrigerant losses. Scanned with CamScanner CO-GENERATION Introduction:- Cogeneration means simultaneous generation of both electricity and thermal energy.Cogeneration is one of the most effective energy conservation techniques.LPG/CSU plant requires power and steam,to meet this requirement cogeneration plant was setup.Hence this plant is highly efficient and reliable and generate both power and steam at very low cost.In industries like fertiizers,petrochemical,refineries,sugar,etc there is requirement of both power and steam. Princip Air from air filter enters the axial compressor. Air filter is used to remove the dust particles in air,so only clean air enters the compressor. A 17 stage compressor is used in this plant.|t is the only power consuming component in the plant.Casing blades are used in compressor to direct the air from one stage of compressor to another stage.This compressed air then goes to combustion chamber.|n actual 10 combustion chambers are used surrounding the turbine.Combustion chambers consist of spark plug and fuel nozzles.Spark plug is used at the start of the process to provide initial ignition inside the chamber.Fuel nozzle is used for uniform addition of fuel inside the chamber. These hot gases from combustion chamber goes to the turbine.With the help of nozzles fitted in front of each blade, these hot gases are directed towards the blades of the turbine,hence blades start rotating.In Uran Co-Gen plant 2 stage turbine is used.As the blades of turbine rotates,the shaft also rotates. This shaft when extended is also made to rotate in alternator, hence generating Scanned with CamScanner electricity. The heat rejected by the turbine is supplied to HRSG(Heat Recovery Steam Generator).A diesel engine is also used in this plant. This diesel engine is used for initial starting of the process.After the shaft reaches the required the amount of rpm,engine shuts down itself. Layout:- Exhaust Gases: Condensate from Process HRSG Steam to Process Fu “ Combustor Generator ‘Air Compressor Turbine Scanned with CamScanner Power generated by the turbine is around 20MW.In ONGC Uran Plant there are total 3 whole system,hence power generated is around SOMW.Two turbines generates 20MW and one generates around 10MW. But sometimes one of the gas turbine may not be operational as mechanical failure may occur, fuel gas line may leak, seizure of the compressor of the turbine etc. The Co-generation plant is always connected to the power grid MSEB in the case of failure of one of the turbines. Thus undisturbed power supply continues. ‘Scanned with CamScanner Study Of Compressors:- A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume.Compressors are similar to pumps;- both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can transport the fluid through 2 pipe.As gases are comprassible,the compressor also reduces the volume of a gas.liquids are relatively incompressible;while some can be compressed,the main action of a pump is to pressurize and transport liquids ‘Types Of Compressors:- [Eompressortypes] | | ive Displacem Dynamic Po: 1 aH Reaprocaina] [__Rotay _] [Ceninnugar Tar [Gaseacting) | [Boutte-zcing I | Lobe ‘Screw. Vane (eaprcam] Liquid Ring] Centrifugal Comoressot Centrifugal compressors, sometimes termed radial compressors,are a sub-class of dynamic axisymmetric work-absorbing turbo machinery. The idealized compressive dynamic turbo-machine achieves a pressure rise by adding kinetic energy to a continuous flow of fluid through the rotor or impeller.This kinetic energy is then converted to an increase in potential energy by slowing the flow through a diffuser. Scanned with CamScanner Axial Flow Compressor: Axial flow compressor is a compressor that can continuously pressurize gases.It is a rotating,airfoil-based compressor in which the gas or working fluid principally flows parallel to the axis of rotation,or axially.The fluid energy increases as it flows through the compressor due to the action of the rotor blades which exert a torque on the fluid. SAIS) ee ne connor Compressor: Areciprocating compressor or piton compressor is a positive-displacement type that uses piston driven by a crankshaft to deliver gases at high pressure.The intake gas enters the suction manifold, then flows into the compression cylinder where it gets compressed by a piston driven in a reciprocating motion via a crankshaft, and is then discharged. Applications include oil refineries ,gas pipelines,chemical plants, natural gas processing plants and refrigeration plants. One specialty application is the blowing of plastic bottles made of PET. Scanned with CamScanner omen BEREAN Rotary Compressor. Arotary-screw compressor is a type of gas compressor that uses a rotary-type positive-displacement mechanism. They are commonly used to replace piston compressor where large volumes of high-pressure air are needed, either for large industrial applications or to operate high-power air tools such as jackhammers. The gas compression process of a rotary screw is a continuous sweeping motion, so there is very little pulsation or surging of flow, as occurs with piston compressors. ‘hat seal Tining goats sete z e Cotg jackets Ast Kien an MSc roterbeartys ‘Scanned with CamScanner OFFSHORE Gas Reciprocating Compressor (K-2501 A/B):- Introductiot Offshore gas is the drilling and extraction of natural gas from below the floor of oceans.Most offshore production takes place in what is reffered to as the continental shelf or underwater land mass that surrounds the continents. Off gas usually contains a mixture of methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene and butane. Areciprocating compressor or piston compressor is a Positive displacement compressor that uses pistons driven by a Crank shaft to deliver gases at high pressure. This compressor is manufactured by Ingersoll-Rand. It is a 1985 based model. This compressor is equipped with various equipment such as flywheel, A.C. motors, Lubrication sysytem, Intercoolers and Aftercoolers, Bearings, Water tanks, etc. Equipment Descriptio: 1) Crankshaft :- It is a single piece forging designed to avoid torsional critical within the designed operating speed range. Oil passages are drilled in the crankshaft from the main bearing. 2)Fiywheel:- Flywheel is installed on a compressor to reduce current Pulsation, change the natural frequency of rotating parts and to provide a method of gaining a mechanical advantage for barring of the compressor. Scanned with CamScanner Main Bearings:- Main bearings are steel backed two piece aluminium construction. The two fine and drilled to receive bearing and shim alignment dowels halves are ground at the split li to ensure proper orientation at assembly. The compressor connecting rod establishes 2 3).Compressor_ Connecting Rod:~ mechanical link between the crankshaft and crosshead. 4) Crosshead:- It is designed to be used a junction where the piston rod and connecting rod are in directly coupled and to provide a point at which vertical adjustments are undertaken fo ensure that correct piston rod runout and crosshead to guide clearence is achieved. 6) Compressor Gylinder:- Cylinder are designed and constructed to confine process gas so that the gas may be moved from one point to another at pre-determined pressure.Made of cast iron, forged steel or steel. 7) Intercoolers and Aftercoolers:- Intercoolers (heat exchangers) are Installed between the stages of a compressor to remove the heat of Compression. Removal of heat reduces the amount of horsepower required to operate the compressor. Aftercoolers are used to remove the heat of compression after the final discharge before the gas enters the process. 8) Safety Valves:-Safety valves rupture discs are protection against excessive pressure must be placed in the discharge line of each cylinder. Safety valves should be large enough to relive the entire capacity of cylinder which they protect at a pressure not exceeding the MAVIP of the cylinder on piping Scanned with CamScanner 9) Oil Stainer:- An oil stainer is located in the bottom of the frame oil sump on the inlet end of the frame oil pump suction line. The purpose of stainer is to protect the oil pump from large particles 10)Oil Filter:- The standard oil system is furnished with a single simple filter of 5 micrometer capability. 11)Motor:-An A.C. Motor is used, Two bearing synchronous and induction type motors are connected to the compressor crankshaft through a flexible drive coupling, The motor side coupling half mounts on the rotor shaft, which is supported by bearing at each end of the motor frame. The compressor side coupling half mounts on the crankshaft or when a flywheel is furnished, the coupling half is flange mounted against the wheel face. Principle: The gas enters the compressors through suction and enters the sliding piston chamber, Where the gas gets compressed due to which density of gas increases hence increasing the velocity of the gas. From sliding piston chamber the gas after compression goes to the discharge, from where the gas is sent for more processing to other part of plants. A.C. motor is used in this system to rotate the flywheel due to which the piston starts reciprocating inside the chamber and hence compressing the gas. Water tank is also used in the system as the piston gets heated up which compression stroke and cooling is required so that the piston do not get damaged working under very high temperature condition. Scanned with CamScanner Water tank is used because water cooling is used to decrease the temperature of the piston. Lube oil pump is used for lubrication of piston,coupling and cylinder bores so that chances of mechanical failure decreases or decrease the chances of part failure or breakage. Cylinder Lubrication System: Lubrication of compressor cylinder bores and piston rod packing is provided by a mechanically or motor drain lubricator, ‘Two types of lubrication is provided:~ 1) Pump to point type 2) Block type With either method,a check valve is installed at the cylinder connection of each oil line to prevent compressed gas from passing back through the lubrication system. A device is installed in the lubricator reservoir to automatically fill the reservoir. For pressure less than 1000psi a natural gas engine oil (NGEO) having a viscosity of SAE 40 grade is used. At pressure greater than 1,200psi a higher viscosity oil is required an typically special cylinder oil is used. Scanned with CamScanner Cylinder Cooling System: Cooling depends upon the types of compressor and the operating conditions There are two types of cooling compressor: 1) Air Cooling 2) Water Cooling In OFFSHORE Gas Reciprocating Compressor we use water cooling. For this system a water tank is installed in the system. This water tank act as a reservoir to provide water for cooling purposes. Cooling is required to remove the heat developed due to compression and frictional forces acting. If proper cooling is not provided the piston might get damaged due to high temperature developed during compression and the frictional forces acting, Hence cooling is very important. The inlet water temperature should be around 40°C to 50°C.The temperature of water should not be to low which might form condensation on the cylinder walls and hence damaging the whole processes. Scanned with CamScanner Layout OF Reciprocating Gas Compressor:- Scanned with CamScanner After this training | conclude that | can certainly @ Describe the parts of the COGEN Plant @ Describe the parts of the Reciprocating Gas Compressor Working of the COGEN Plant Working of the Reciprocating Gas Compressor In particular to ONGC, Uran has given me hands on experience of the work required to start the compressor.As ONGC is an exploration and production company | was able to see all the the plants required for processing or crude oil and Natural Gas in various facilities located inside the plant . Scanned with CamScanner REFERENCES:- 1. 2. 3. Scanned with CamScanner

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