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Discuss whether there is any specific rule for managing a class of learners
aged between 4 years to 5 years. Give reasons for your answer or qualify
with examples


Classroom management refers to the ways in which student

behaviour, movement and interaction during a lesson are organized and
controlled by the teacher.

How should a teacher maintain Discipline

 Teacher should maintain order and keep the group on task

moving ahead, and then not to punish those students who
are misbehaving.

 The teacher always precede when misbehaviours are likely to

occur and involve oneself early to prevent them.

Few Class Rules

 We should discuss Classroom rules with the students and
consequences of misbehavior.

 We can Post room rules and consequences of misbehavior.

How students can be seated

 We teachers have different preferences for seating arrangements

each group is seated round small tables is often one choice. They
cane be seated U shaped.

 In some cases, the desks are fixed to the ground, but we teacher can
change the seatings accordingly.

 Teachers can try and maximize eye contact and we should make
sure students are seated at a comfortable distance from each other.
Teacher and students attention
 We teachers should not speak when children aren't listening
and ready. We can always Wait.
 Teacher can Establish a signal for getting the group's attention

1. Can turn off the lights

2. clap a pattern with hands.

3.Say “Freeze!” and everyone halts right where they are, like a
statue. Then say “Melt!” when teacher is ready for them to move

 Teacher can Practice maths basics in the beginning, even

when children are doing well, so that they get the idea of how
to respond to a signals given by the teacher.Then a teacher
can praise them.

Example: “ one ,two ,three

eyes on me”

 Teacher should establish good listening habits for story time.

Sometimes we read and listen, and sometimes we read and
discuss, but we always listen.

Teacher giving instruction

 Teacher Can use puppets to help with classroom management.
Puppets can whisper in the teacher's ear, and we teachers can
write messages to the class.

 Compliment leadership in students. "Oh, I like the way sunil is

ready!" will cause everyone to turn to look at the ready student
and to get ready also.

 Teacher should use the same standards for everyone.Teacher

should not show partiality to any student. Teacher should
think all are same and maintain the standard
Applying pair and group work in class
 Teacher can motivate the students to use “pair work and group
 In such cases learners can help each other while working on different
types of tasks such as writing dialogues, interviews, drawing pictures
and making comments about them, play roles, etc…

Setting Time Limits

 Teacher should set time to each activity when planning for a lesson
so that teacher would know if she or he be able to finish the
objectives or not.

 Teacher should tell the students about the time assigned for each
activity when teacher give them a task to do in class.

Tasks for the student who finishes soon

 This happens when students finish an assignment while other
students are still working on it. That’s why a teacher need to
include an “early finisher” activity with every assignment.

 We teacher always need to think in advance for possible

activities, related to the current topic, writing, silent reading,
and educational games

 We teachers have to make sure whether students can easily see
the board
 Clear lesson objectives for students. We can write them on the
board or get the kids to know them at the beginning.

 A map on the board can help to show the kids where teachers are
going with the lesson.

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