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Binar Academy — Every business run by a company must monitor the performance of its business
accurately. To help measure this performance, the presence of business intelligence is one solution
that can help.

Maybe Binarian is still unfamiliar with the term business intelligence itself. Therefore, this time Binar
will provide a complete explanation about business intelligence. Check it out below!

Understanding Business Intelligence (BI)

Before digging deeper, let's unify our understanding of 'what is business intelligence'.

The term business intelligence itself can refer to a profession and also refers to an activity carried
out by a company. However, in this explanation, Binar will explain more deeply about business
intelligence as a profession.

Business intelligence is a role in the company that is responsible for finding methods of analyzing
information related to the company's business.

A business intelligence relies heavily on data to be able to perform analysis and then convert it into a
new opportunity or breakthrough to develop the company's business.

This huge responsibility makes business intelligence have an important position in a company.

In practice, business intelligence is often equated with a business analyst. Both are equally important
but have fundamental differences. Business analysts only have a task to the extent of analyzing data,
while business intelligence is required to present the results of the analysis.

Is Business Intelligence (BI) Important for Companies?

As mentioned in the previous point, business intelligence is an important position in the company.
This conclusion is not without reason. There are several things that make the presence of BI very
important in the company. Here are the details:

Companies must know how their performance and achievements are within a certain period of time.
In this case BI helps companies to focus on the main vision.
Problems that occur in the company's business must be identified early so that they do not enlarge
and tend to be easier to handle. This is the task of business intelligence, which is to provide an
explanation of the company's performance problems.

Companies have data, but it cannot be used to its full potential without the presence of Business

Skills a Business Intelligence Must Have

The position of business intelligence in the company is so important, it's no wonder that the salaries
offered are generally higher. Does this make you interested in pursuing a business intelligence

If you are really interested in this one profession, there are several skills that must be possessed. You
must have the hard and soft skills below before becoming a business intelligence.‍

1. Microsoft Excel

Excel is an application from Microsoft which is intended for data processing. Besides being able to
process data, this application also provides options for presenting or visualizing data easily.

MS Excel can also be categorized as one of the most basic applications that can be used to process
data. That's why you should master Excel before becoming business intelligence. If you have
mastered Excel, learning other tools will be easier.

2. SQL

Work as a business intelligence has a very close relationship with data. You need to know that to
process data, not only Excel can be used. At a higher level, you need SQL to process the data.

SQL itself is short for Structured Query Language. With SQL, you can perform various data
manipulations from creating, reading, editing, and deleting it. These manipulations are more
commonly called CRUD.

3. Analysis

One of the important soft skills that a business intelligence must have is analytical skills. Besides
being closely related to data, this one profession cannot be separated from analysis.

Someone with good analytical skills tends to think more critically. This is very much needed by a
business intelligence to be able to analyze company data properly. Responsibilities that must be
fulfilled can be completed more quickly.
4. Communication Ability

The last skill that should not be missed by a business intelligence is communication. As you already
know, a business intelligence is not only tasked with analyzing data. They are also required to be
able to communicate the results of their analysis with other related parties.

Therefore, communication skills are very important to have. You must be able to convey the results
of the analysis so that it can be well understood by interested parties.

Business Intelligence Workflow

Discussing business intelligence is still incomplete if you don't know the system or workflow.
Apparently, the work that must be done by business intelligence is quite a lot.

The business intelligence workflow is divided into 3 main steps, namely ETL, data warehouse, and BI
results. Check out the explanation again, Binarian~

1. ETL

The earliest process is extract, transform, load (ETL) which aims to get data. You cannot get the data
directly, but there are several stages that must be passed, namely:

Data validation (data validation) is getting data that is really needed and valid.

Data cleaning is carried out to uniform data so that there is no duplicate data or data redundancy.
For example, the writing of Jogjakarta, Jogja, and Yogyakarta is uniformed into Yogyakarta.

Data transformation is the process of modifying existing data. For example adding a new column,
changing the data type if needed, or combining one data with another.

Data aggregation is carried out if necessary. An example is using the count, average, or sum

Data loading is the process of transferring data into storage or data warehouse.

2. Data Warehouse

The data warehouse is a place to store all the databases that have been obtained from the first
stage. Here, business intelligence divides the data warehouse into several data marts as needed.

3. Processing BI Results

The last work process is to use the data generated from the previous process for various purposes.
Some examples include:
More in-depth analysis

Mining more data to get certain patterns. This pattern will later be used to make predictions.

Data visualization, for example in the form of graphs.

Give warning to the company.

The current tight business competition requires companies to continuously monitor to develop their
business. That is the reason why Business Intelligence is a very important position in a company.

Hone the Business Intelligence Skills Needed Through Binar Bootcamp

How are you, Binary? Are you interested in learning more about the business intelligence
profession? Or are you in a data-intensive job and want to be more skilled in that field?

Now Binar Academy has a choice of Business Intelligence bootcamps that can help you hone your
hard skills in the BI field. To find out more, you can first access the material for free through the
Binar Academy application which you can download below. Have a good study!

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