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Generic Competencies

4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas

8.3 Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente con los conocimientos y habilidades con los que
cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo.

10.2 Dialoga y aprende de personas con distintos puntos de vista y tradiciones culturales mediante
la ubicación de sus propias circunstancias en un contexto más amplio.

Basic Communication Competencies (Linguistic)

4 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerado la intención y situación

10 Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una
segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto.

11 Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente
con la situación comunicativa.

12 Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas,

producir materiales y transmitir información.

Block 9 “I’m going to a soccer match”
TOPIC A. What are you going?

VOCABULARY Actions and prepositions

A. ACTIONS. Match the words with the pictures.

A) Sit B) Run C) End D) Look for

E) Stand F) Wave G) Start H) Hold

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Meeting a friend
A. Read the conversation. Where is Cindy? Where is Henry?

Cindy: Hi Henry. It´s Cindy. Where are you? I´m sitting in front of the big clock.

Henry: I´m standing under the scoreboard. Do you see me?

Cindy: No, I don´t.

Henry: Well, I´m wearing a white shirt.

Cindy: But Henry, everyone is wearing a white shirt!

A. What about you? Where do you usually meet your friends at big games or other events?



GRAMMAR Present continuous statements
Subject + verb BE + verb “ing” + complement. Spelling
(am, is, are) (optional)
I am (not) sitting in front of the big clock. run running
He / she / it is (not) running.
sit sitting
You / we / they are (not) playing soccer.
*Contractions: I´m, you´re, he´s, she´s, it´s, we´re, they´re. wave waving
**Negative contractions: isn´t, aren´t.

A. Complete the conversation using the present continuous forms of the verbs.

Sam: Hi, Kim. Where are you, guys? I _________________ (look) for you!
Kim: We _________________ (sit) just in front of the snack.
Sam: The game _________________ (start) and I can´t see you.
Kim: Tom _________________ (watch) the game and I _________________
(hold) a big flag.
Sam: Ok. I _________________ (stand) behind the goal. Can you see me?
Kim: Yes! I _________________ (wave).

B. Choose the correct answer.

1. My brothers am watching / is watching / are watching the soccer game.

2. Your father / I / the cats are sleeping.
3. My mom and I am baking / is baking / are baking a cake.
4. The student is running / is runing / are running.
5. We / my family / my friends is playing together.

C. What are they doing? Write on the line sentences using the present continuous
forms of the verbs.

talk on the phone do exercise eat pizza sleep

1. She is
talking_ 2. _____________ 3.______________ 4.____________
on the phone. ___________ ______________ ____________

TOPIC B. Is not a good time

INTERACTIONS We need to talk

A. Read the conversation. What is Rob doing?

Rob: Hello?
Susan: Hi, Rob. It´s Susan. Can you talk right now?
Rob: I´m really sorry. I´m busy right now. I´m making an important report.
Can I call you back?
Susan: Sure. Talk to you later.
Rob: Thanks. Bye.

B. Practice the conversation again with new expressions.

Asking if someone can talk now Explaining that you can´t talk now
Can you talk right now? I´m busy right now.
Do you have a minute? I can´t talk right now.
Is this a good time to talk? This isn´t a good time.

C .Practice the conversation again with the reasons bellow

Clean do my homework play volleyball

do exercise eat pizza sleep
TOPIC C. At this moment

A. Practice the vocabulary.

take piano lessons study French study for an exam take a dance class

learn to drive create a website tutor a student look for a job

B. Which activities are fun? Which are not fun?


A. Practice the conversation.
Kathy: Long time no see, Liza!
Liza: Oh, hello, Kathy.
Kathy: What are you doing these days?
Liza: I´m learning to drive. I´m also creating a website for a
friend. Oh, and I´m taking piano lessons.
Kathy: You sound really busy.
Liza: I am. How about you, Kathy? Are you doing anything
special these days?
Kathy: Yes, I am. I´m studying Italian.
Liza: Really? Why are you studying Italian?
Kathy: Because… Oh, my phone is ringing. Hello? Sorry Liza.
It´s my new friend, Marcello.
Liza: Oh.
Kathy: Ciao, Marcello! Come stai?
GRAMMAR Present continuous questions
Yes / No Questions

Verb Be + subject + verb “ing” + complement? Affirmative Negative

(am, is, are) (optional) answer answer
(+) (-)
Are you studying French? Yes, I am. No, I´m not.
Is he learning to drive? Yes, he is. No, he isn´t.
Are they looking for a job? Yes, they No, they
are. aren´t.

WH- Questions

WH- word + Verb Be + subject + verb “ing” + complement? Answer

(am, is, are) (optional)
What are you studying this I´m studying
semester? French.
Where is he taking piano He is going to
lessons? the music
What are they doing these days? They are
studying for an

A. Complete the questions with the present continuous forms of the verbs.

1. ____Are___ you __learning__ (learn) to drive?

2. What languages __________ they __________ (study)?
3. What __________ your classmates __________ (learn) in this class?
4. __________ your brother __________ (play) baseball these days?
5. What classes __________ you __________ (take)?
6. __________ she __________ (tutor) a student?

TOPIC D. That’s interesting!

A. Read the text.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Who is taking part in the program “Let’s save nature”?


2. What is happening to animals and plants?

3. Who is causing damage to nature?


4. What is “Edinburgh Castle School” doing to help nature?


5. What are you doing to help animals and plants?


Block 10 “We had a great time!”

TOPIC A. The last day
VOCABULARY Weekend activities
Practice the vocabulary.

stay out late watch a movie play soccer listen to music

play in a band stay home shop for new clothes visit relatives

LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Sandra´s weekend

A. Read the information, and number the pictures from 1 to 3

3. I stayed out late on Friday 2. On Saturday night, I stayed 1. On Sunday morning, my

night. My best friend and I home. I watched another sister Sara called me. We
watched a drama movie. We movie, but this time I talked for hours. I uploaded
cried a lot, but we loved it. laughed a lot. some photos too.

GRAMMAR Simple past regular

verbs 1

Affirmative Information Spelling

Subject + Verb + -ed Complement stay stayed

I cried. love loved

You stayed out late. cry cried

She called me.
We listened to music. play played
They stayed home.
shop shopped

Negative Information

Subject + did not / Verb Complement

didn´t (optional)
I didn´t laugh.
You didn´t stay home.
She didn´t listen to music.
We didn´t watch a movie.
They didn´t stay out late.

A. Write sentences about the things Laura did and didn´t do last weekend
Things to do
1. Laura didn´t upload photos.
X upload photos ✓ call Pete 2. ____________________________
X play tennis ✓ stay out late 3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
✓ listen to music X watch a movie 5. ____________________________
6. ____________________________

B. Now, write 3 things you did or didn´t do last night.

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________

Showing that you´re listening Expressing surprise B.
Uh- huh. What?
Oh, yeah? You´re kidding!
Oh? Really?
You´re kidding!
INTERACTIONS Expressing surprise

A. Read the conversation.

Sally: I checked our phone bill this morning.
Tom: Uh-huh.
Sally: It´s usually $50 a month, but this month it´s $500.
Tom: What? That´s not right.
Sally: I know. I didn´t pay for it. I called the phone company, and they fixed it.
Tom: Oh, that´s good.

B. Practice the conversation with the new expressions.

TOPIC C. What a week!

VOCAB ULARY Things to do

Practice the vocabulary.

see friends do laundry make dinner sleep


see a play do the dishes get a haircut have a party
Leslie: Hi Patrick. Did you see Anna last night?
Practice the conversation. Patrick: Yes, I did. But the day didn´t go so well.
Leslie: Really? What happened?
Patrick: Well, yesterday morning I got a haircut, but I
really didn´t like it.
Leslie: Oh, yeah?
Patrick: Then, I did my laundry, but my favorite white
shirt turned pink.
Leslie: You´re kidding! Did you make dinner for
Patrick: Well, I slept for a while, so I didn´t go grocery
Leslie: Oh. Did you eat anything?
Patrick: Yeah, we did. Anna brought a pizza for us.
Leslie: Really?

GRAMMAR Simple past irregular verbs; yes / no questions

Affirmative information Negative information

I ate a pizza. I didn´t eat a hamburger.
He drove my car. He didn´t take the bus.
They went to a party. They didn´t sleep.

Yes / No Question Answer

Did you see Anna last night? Yes, I did. / No, I didn´t.
Did she buy dinner? Yes, she did. / No, she didn´t.
Did they eat dinner? Yes, they did. / No, they didn´t.

irregular verbs
Present Past Present Past Present Past
buy bought eat Ate have had
do did fall fell make made
drink drank get got meet met
drive drove go went see saw

A. Complete the conversation with the simple past tense forms of the verbs.

A: Hey, Brandon. __Did__ you __do___ (do) today´s essay?

B: No, I __didn´t__. I ________________ (not / have) time.
A: Really? Why not?
B: I ________ (see) some friends yesterday. We ________ (eat) lunch, and
then we ________ (go) to the mall.
A: Oh, yeah? _____ you ________ (buy) any clothes?
B: I ____________ (not / buy) anything! So, _____ you _____ (do) your essay?
A: Yes, I did. And no, you can´ see it!

B. Put the words in order to make questions.

1. out / last / you / late / did / stay / night _______________________

2. movie / he / yesterday / a / did / watch _______________________
3. do / the / she / dishes / did _______________________
4. a / see / on / your friends / play / did / Friday _______________________
5. haircut / your boyfriend / get / did / a _______________________

TOPIC D. What´s new?


A. Read the text.

B. Decide if the statements are true or false according to the text.

1. Laura finished her homework before she met Michael. _____

2. Axel started watching TV before eight o´clock. _____
3. Laura and her cousin met Michael when they got to the park. _____
4. Axel didn´t finish his homework when Mark phoned him. _____
5. Axel was on his blog last night and Laura was in the park at the same
time. _____

Block 11 “Different Trips”

TOPIC A. How was it?
Practice the vocabulary.

Exciting / fun / great all right / OK / so-so awful / terrible

Boring / Interesting
Noisy / Quiet


A. Read the information, four people talk about recent trips. Number the pictures from 1 to 4

1. We went on a school trip last week. We went to a

theater and saw an exciting play. The actors were
great. -Olivia

2. We just had a three-day weekend. I went away with
my family. It was a fun trip, but our hotel wasn’t very nice.
In fact, it was terrible. -Ichiro

3. I was at my brother’s apartment last weekend. He

doesn’t have a TV or a computer. It was quiet and kind
of boring. -Brian

4. My friend and I went on a day trip last week. We

took a local bus to an old town. The bus was awful
and noisy, but the trip was interesting. Look what I
bought! -Eleanor

GRAMMAR Past of be

Where were you last weekend? Was your trip interesting?
I was at my brother’s apartment Yes, it was No, it wasn’t
How was your weekend? Were the people nice?
It was quiet and kind of boring Yes, they were No, they weren’t

I / he / she / it you/ we / they
was were Wasn’t = was not Weren’t = were not

A. Complete the guest comment card with was, were, wasn’t, or weren’t:

My wife, son, and I were guests at your hotel last

week. Unfortunately, we _______ happy with our

room. The room ___________ clean, and the beds

_________ awful. And the room __________ near

the street. The noise _________ terrible in the early

morning. But the people at the hotel

_______________ great, so that ________ good!

C. Read the answers. Write the questions.

1. How was your weekend? __________ It was great.

2. ______________________________ Yes, my weekend was interesting
3. ______________________________ I was on a trip
4. ______________________________ No, I wasn’t at the theater on Friday
5. ______________________________ Yes, I was at home on Sunday afternoon
6. ______________________________ My parents were in Tahiti

TOPIC B. That’s awesome!

INTERACTIONS Reacting to news
A. Read the next conversation

Meg: Did you have a good weekend?

Joe: Yes! I won a trip in a contest, so I went
away last weekend
Meg: Really? That’s great!
Joe: And how was your weekend?
Meg: It wasn’t so good. I lost my wallet.
Tom: Oh, no! What happened?

B. Practice the conversation with the new expressions.

Reacting to good news Reacting to bad news

That’s great! Oh, no!
That’s excellent That’s too bad
That’s awesome! That’s terrible
C. Which things are good news? Which are bad news? Write your reaction for the next

I missed my flight
Got a promotion I lost my wallet

TOPIC C. It’s a very exciting place!

VOCAB ULARY Vacation activities

Practice the vocabulary.

buy souvenirs go sightseeing go to a festival go to the beach

relax shop take a tour take pictures

CONVERSATION Back from vacation

Practice the conversation.
Darla: How was your vacation, Kelly?
Kelly: Oh, it was exciting. We had a great time.
Darla: Where did you go?
Kelly: I went to Veracruz, Mexico
Darla: That’s great. Who did you travel with?
Kelly: My sister
Darla: When did you get back?
Kelly: Last night. I got home at midnight
Darla: Really? That’s late! So, what did you do there?
Kelly: Well, we went to a festival called Carnaval. We
also shopped in local markets and took lots of pictures.
Look, I bought you souvenir.
Darla: Thanks! I love it!
GRAMMAR Simple past WH- questions
Where did you go on vacation? What did you do there?
I went to Veracruz, Mexico We went to a festival and shopped
When did you get back? Why did you go to Veracruz?
Last night Because the festival is famous
Who did you travel with? How did you get to Veracruz?
My sister By plane

A. Match the questions and the answers

1. Where did you go on vacation? _____

a. We got back last week
2. Who did you go with? _____
b. We took the bus and the train
3. When did you get back’ _____
c. We relaxed and took pictures
4. What did you do on vacation? _____
d. Because I have friends there
5. Why did you go to Vietnam? _____ e. I went with my brother
6. How did you travel in Vietnam? _____ f. I went to Vietnam

B. What a vacation! Answer the questions.

• Where did you go on your last vacation?

• Who did you go with?
• When did you go?
• What did you do there?
• How did you do travel? ____________________
• Did you buy anything? _________________

TOPIC D. Vacation Posts
A. Look at the pictures. What do you think each person did on his or her vacation?

Search Go

Terracota Warriors
I arrived in China two weeks ago, but my trip is
almost over! I’m with a group from the university.
We stayed with families in Beijing for a week. We
studied Mandarin every day, and I practiced a lot
with my host family. Then my group took a trip to
Xi’an. We saw the terracotta status and learned
about Chinese history. I’m tired, but I loved every
minute of my trip.

Sanibel Island, Florida

I just spent a week at a yoga retreat in Florida.
Every day, I did yoga, went for a long walks on
the beach, collected seashells, and ate great
Hee-Jin vegetarian food. I also learned how to play tennis.
I feel fantastic! Now, I’m going to visit friends in
Miami for a few days. Click on my photo album to
see more pictures.

Greetings from Chile

Chile is amazing! I just returned from a trip to the
Chris Torres del Paine National Park. We took a plane to
a boat to a bus to get to the park. I was with four
other friends. We camped outside and hiked
around the park for 10 days. I saw glaciers and
lots of wildlife, including some pink flamingos. No
I’m back in Santiago for a week.

B. Answer these questions

1. Which person had a fitness vacation? ______________

2. Who learned a lot on vacation? _______________
3. Who had a vacation that was full of adventure? _____________
4. Which vacation sounds the most interesting to you? Why? __________________

Block 12 “Celebrating”
TOPIC A. I’m going to graduate”
VOCABULARY Months and dates
Practice the vocabulary.


B. Read the next. What are the dated of special days? Underline.

I’m going to graduate from high school My boyfriend, Kenta, and I are going
My thirtieth birthday is on August
on June 8th. I’m going to start college in to get married on October 16th.
21st. I’m going to go skydiving for
September. We’re going to have a big wedding
the first time. I can’t wait
-Michael -Mari
GRAMMAR be going to; yes/ no questions

Affirmative information Negative information

I’m going to graduate on June 8th I’m not going to start college in July.
She’s going to work until five He’s not going to play basketball
They’re going to have a big wedding We’re not going to travel tomorrow

Yes / No Question Answer

Are you going to start collage? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Tonight - Tomorrow
Is Walter going to go skydiving? -On Friday - This
Yes, / No, he -isn’t
he is Next week
Are they going to have a big wedding? Yes, they are / No, they aren’t
A. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of be going to.

A: Are__ you going to graduate__ (graduate) from

collage this year?

B: Yeah, on May 30th. My parents

____________________ (have) a big party for me.

A: Great! _______ the party _____________ ( be) at

their house?

B: No, it ____________________________ (not / be) at

the house. They _____________________ (have) it at
the restaurant.

A: _______ you ________________________ (get) a

job right away?

B: No, I’m not. First, I __________________ ( travel).

Then I _________________ (look) for a job.

TOPIC B. Sounds Good


A. Read the next conversation

B. Read the expressions below

Declining an invitation Accepting an invitation

I’m sorry. I can’t Sure. I’d love to
I’m afraid I can’t Sounds good
I’m really sorry, but I can’t Yeah. That sounds great

TOPIC C. Having a party!

VOCAB ULARY Party checklist

Match the things on the checklist and the pictures.


1. Bake a cake

2. Buy a gift

3. Choose the music

4. Decorate the room

5. Make a guest list

6. Plan the menu

7. Prepare the food

8. Send invitations

CONVERSATION . Organizing a Party

Practice the conversation.
Andy: We have a lot of things to do for Erick’s birthday party. Look,
I made a checklist
Harry: Good idea. Who’s going to help us?
Andy: Rosario. She’s going to send the invitations
Harry: How is she going to send them?
Andy: By email
Harry: Good. That’s easy. What are we going to buy for Erick?
Andy: Let’s get him a sweater
Harry: Great. Who’s going to bake the cake?
Andy: I’, going to bake it?
Harry: Um, do you think that’s a good idea?
Andy: Hey, I can bake!
Harry: Ok

GRAMMAR Wh-questions with be going to; object pronouns

What are we going to buy Erick? Let’s get him a sweater

Who’s going to bake the cake? Andrea’s going to bake it
How is she going to send the invitations? She’s going to send them by email

SUBJECT I you he she it we they

OBJECT me you him her it us them

A. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of be going to.

A: What time are_ you going to go (go) to Eric’s birthday party?

B: I_________________ ( go) to the party at 6:45.
A: How ________ you _______________ (get) there?
B: My friend Jason ____________ (drive). Do you want a ride?
A: Um, sure, thanks! What ________ you ______________ (do) after the party?
B: Jason and I ____________ (go) out. I think we __________________ (see) a movie

B. Rewrite the sentences. Use object pronouns.

1. He’s not going to invite Andy. _________________________________________

2. Let’s call Bill and Ami again. __________________________________________
3. I’m going to see Eric tomorrow. ________________________________________
4. He’s going to help Debbie and me. _____________________________________
5. We’re going to buy the presents tomorrow. _______________________________
6. Call Rosario at 5:00. _________________________________________________

TOPIC D. Vacation Posts
C. Look at the pictures. What do you think each person did on his or her vacation?

Look at the photos. What do you think is happening in each


2. On the third Monday of October. Jamaicans celebrate 1. On August 15 of the lunar calendar, Koreans
National Heroes ‘Day. They honor seven men and celebrate Chusok, also known as Korean
women who were important to Jamaican’s history. Thanksgiving. It’s a day when people give thanks for
D. These arethese
Answer speeches, music, sports, and dancing. They
questions the harvest. Korean families honor their ancestors by
also give awards to “local heroes” for helping their going to their graves to take them rice and fruit and
communities. clean the gravesites.
5. Which person had a fitness vacation? ______________
6. Who learned a lot on vacation? _______________
7. Who had a vacation that was full of adventure? _____________
8. Which vacation sounds the most interesting to you? Why? __________________

4. An interesting custom in Thailand is Loy 3. Finland has a unique but modern custom. It stared
Krathong. A krathong is a bowl made from the because some people felt angry when their cell
bark and leaves of bananas trees. It’s decorated phones didn’t work well. They wanted to express
with a lit candle, three lit joss sticks, and flowers. their frustration in a humorous way. So every
After the rainy season, on the evening of the full summer, there is a cell-phone-throwing contest.
moon in November, Thai people float krathongs People throw their cell phones as far as possible.
on the river to pay respect to the river goddess The winner receives a prize, such as gold medal.

A. Answer these questions

1. When is National Heroes’ Day in Jamaica? __________________
2. Why do Koreans celebrate Chusok? ___________________
3. What do Thais do for Loy Krathong? _____________
4. Why do Finns go to the cell-phone-throwing contest? ______________


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